Deadpool Daily Quests - Round Eight - Mar 25 to Mar 29



  • thanos8587
    thanos8587 Posts: 653
    raisinbman wrote:
    Never thought I'd say this...but with DDQ I have too many covers and not enough ISO. Seriously.

    absolutely. i now need 750,000+ iso. but its so much nicer needing iso than scratching to get covers. i can use ddq to plot my character builds and know that in the next 100ish day cycle i can cover cap certain guys and plan accordingly. i dont even want to think about mpq without deadpool daily.
  • How is the pattern determined? I understand the saving of the tokens now and I'd like to try to plan on when I'd want to use them. How does one figure out when a character and it's color cover are going to be available?
  • dswan3rd
    dswan3rd Posts: 205 Tile Toppler
    Kcman13 wrote:
    How is the pattern determined? I understand the saving of the tokens now and I'd like to try to plan on when I'd want to use them. How does one figure out when a character and it's color cover are going to be available?

    There are posts in the forums that keep track of what characters are featured, but I *think* the most straightforward way in game would be to click the question mark on the redemption page for any tacos that you have - five characters should be highlighted in red - those are the characters (any cover color) you can potentially get from those tokens. As for the quest itself, right now we're on the "second color" for each featured character. The pattern suggests we'll eventually get the third and then I'm not sure what happens.
  • Philly79
    Philly79 Posts: 422 Mover and Shaker
    cynder9792 wrote:
    love the write-ups to make the story, great work. Also, thanks for posting the pattern so we can all determine what/ when to expect for new covers.

    In response to the other posts regarding hoarding covers, I have 83 atm and have been collecting for the last week(gauntlet, lightning rounds, pvp events, etc..). Not sure what I will get but I am hoping it will be like Christmas! Here is the breakdown of what I have:
    - 62 standard
    - 1 heroic (350 pts. away from from the heroic 10-pack and still need to start the Krack pvp event and plenty to do in the simulator so that will be 11)
    - 2 from the Gauntlet
    - 1 from Fatal Attraction
    - 5 from DDQ
    - 1 from Hotshot
    - 3 from Dark Avengers: Heroic
    - 7 from last week's DDQ
    - 1 from Mind Games

    I will update this post when I cash them in after the season.

    Edited to reflect current token count.

    Current update:
    92 total tokens but the only changes are the 300 point gold from krakadoom, two standard from lethal intent placement, and the heroic 10-pack, so technically I have 101 tokens.

    Edit: token count update
  • dswan3rd wrote:
    Kcman13 wrote:
    How is the pattern determined? I understand the saving of the tokens now and I'd like to try to plan on when I'd want to use them. How does one figure out when a character and it's color cover are going to be available?

    There are posts in the forums that keep track of what characters are featured, but I *think* the most straightforward way in game would be to click the question mark on the redemption page for any tacos that you have - five characters should be highlighted in red - those are the characters (any cover color) you can potentially get from those tokens. As for the quest itself, right now we're on the "second color" for each featured character. The pattern suggests we'll eventually get the third and then I'm not sure what happens.

    I've understood that much already but I saw a post earlier in this thread that listed multiple rounds of characters down to their specific cover color. They were predicting the future rounds and they have been right so far. That's what I'm curious to know so that I can know if I want to save my taco tokens for a future round
  • cletus1985
    cletus1985 Posts: 276 Mover and Shaker
    Kcman13 wrote:
    dswan3rd wrote:
    Kcman13 wrote:
    How is the pattern determined? I understand the saving of the tokens now and I'd like to try to plan on when I'd want to use them. How does one figure out when a character and it's color cover are going to be available?

    There are posts in the forums that keep track of what characters are featured, but I *think* the most straightforward way in game would be to click the question mark on the redemption page for any tacos that you have - five characters should be highlighted in red - those are the characters (any cover color) you can potentially get from those tokens. As for the quest itself, right now we're on the "second color" for each featured character. The pattern suggests we'll eventually get the third and then I'm not sure what happens.

    I've understood that much already but I saw a post earlier in this thread that listed multiple rounds of characters down to their specific cover color. They were predicting the future rounds and they have been right so far. That's what I'm curious to know so that I can know if I want to save my taco tokens for a future round

    They're just going in order, so if you breakdown the order of the 1st cycle you have the order of characters and the 2nd cycle is everyone's second color. The only change that should come in this 2nd cycle is adding Ragnarok, Iron Fist, and possibly Kamala Khan. When they'll be introduced and what cover they'll produce is anyone's guess, so it could change things a little.
  • Updated #4. Sorry about the delay there. Feeling horrendous.