I like to thank D3 for ripping me off from getting a 10 pac



  • fmftint wrote:
    Its his own fault, he is just looking for someone else to blame. In another thread he mentioned he refuses to level his 2*s past 80 because he doesn't see the value in bringing them to 94

    I guess the value is scoring higher in PVP. I too find it disheartening to see people with such a negative focus on the game. I understand that the OP has his frustrations. Maybe the timing of the event didn't work out well for some people, but it likely helped some others. There are things you can do improve your situation. If hitting 300 with this format is a problem, perhaps it's time to rethink your strategy. This is a puzzle game that does reward people for their decisions. Here's some unsolicited advice:

    *What slice are you joining? I usually choose one that's convenient for the ending time. Some teammates stick to particular slices because they find them to be more/less competitive. Experiment. Maybe you'll find one that's a better fit.
    *When do you join a slice? Starting early tends to lead to more developed leader boards. This also allows time for your team to heal up for more runs. Or join, and don't play until others have built up points. Joining late can lead to higher place finishes, but is not reliable if you have to spend a lot of health packs and time to heal your team.
    *Are you skipping opponents? If you find a particular person difficult to deal with, find an opponent without him. There was much more team composition diversity this PVP, so it's likely you will find a team you will have an easier time facing.
    *What's your team composition? Want to face a team because they have juicy points for the taking? Maybe you need to attack with a different team than your normal. There are lots of characters, and some work better together and against certain opponents.
    *Strategy? Don't let the AI get off those devastating attacks. 19 AP is a lot of matches. If that's your worry, OBW can steal them slowly with Espionage and in bulk with Aggressive Recon. Denying AP can also be done without stealing. Sometimes it's better to let the AI have a match 4 in a worthless color. Perhaps there aspects of the match 3 puzzle that you can improve upon. Sometimes taking a slower look at the board can lead to a not so obvious cascade. Once you start to recognize what to look for, the play will be smoother. Sometimes I focused on collecting a particular color, but if I slow down I might find a better match that chain into that color. There's lots of ways to play, so there's likely room to find a better way to play.
    *Are you playing sim to your fullest potential? Since your goal only seems to be hitting 4000, match per match sim is easier than a regular PVP event. The big difference is having to have a third team member. I didn't start sim until a couple of days ago, so there are lots of 2* teams already playing to get their 10-pack. That means lots of juicy points available. That includes facing teams with 1 cover 4* and under covered 3*.
    *Are you a member of a supportive alliance? Bouncing ideas off another player when you're struggling with a particular combo can be very valuable.

    If you are unwilling to change as the game changes, becomes more robust, and offers different challenges for players, then perhaps a different game is better suited to you. If you are unwilling to put the time and effort to develop into a player and team worthy of 4k points, then you get no sympathy. There are plenty of 2* teams that are able to achieve the 4k mark, so I know that it's doable for those that can figure out the puzzle.
  • Lidolas
    Lidolas Posts: 500
    Mobile social games are in a state of perpetual beta testing. There will always be changes. Some of the changes are best in mid-season for the devs to get applicable data.

    If you can't get 4000 points in a season, you don't deserve a 10-pack. That isn't meant to sound harsh. It is what the reward structure says. Players need to adapt and change as the game changes. It's obvious you like the game and want to be competitive. You should try doing something different. Change tactics and strategies. Try different time slices. Try shielding at the end. Try working with alliance members. Try tanking in sim.

    Good luck, man. I know you can do it.
  • orbitalint
    orbitalint Posts: 511 Critical Contributor
    slidecage wrote:
    Are you just never shielding? Because I see 2* rosters with 500+ scores all the time when I'm climbing.

    And I'm up to about 1400 in Sim, and still seeing 2* opponents worth 25+ there too.

    have not started sim yet, i will this week (usually wait till the last week so im not attacked 100% of the time)

    again im saying its bull they pull this is the middle of the season. They want to know how its going to work do it at the start of the next season. If the plan is so GREAT why didnt they run it for the entire next season and get feed back but nope. And just wait till the make the rest of the changes they are planning then we will see who is so called happy now start to ****.
    Slide, my one bit of advice might be to start sim as soon as you can in a season and hit up a few 30 point matches every few days. The points don't matter until the end but it'll give you a good gauge of if you're going to have a shot at the 10 pack instead of having to rely on a healthpack intensive grind at the end when all the 4* teams are trying to climb with you or pushing super hard in the last 3-4 PVP events.

    The last week is the most active for Sim because of placement implications and you're probably finding the hardest teams who can climb the fastest. I can't speak for everyone but up through 1000-1100 it is pretty easy to hit non-maxed teams at every * level throughout the season.

    You only have to cross the 4k threshold once, you don't have to stay there except for final placement. I usually hit the threshold with a few events to spare because of all the points I've already banked from Sim. I don't know your roster but the non-maxed teams kind of float up together to 1000ish early in a season because no one else is playing that yet.

    Everyone else is focused on a PVE or PVP that Sim is a low priority. So, it's only under-leveled rosters that are there. Best of luck and sorry you didn't make your 10 pack this season. Mine was all 2*'s, so that was fun...
  • MojoWild
    MojoWild Posts: 765 Critical Contributor
    I didn't think you could score less than 300 if you were trying. The first 100 points or so are usually seed teams...
  • 3* Transitioner here (on day 163). It is hard for me to think that you can't get to 4000 points in a season if you only have a 2 star roster. I started with 2 days left (give or take a day) into the anniversary and have reached 4000 every season since (two of which was with Iron Man 35/Thor/Loaner because I thought IM35 was a beast with his blue).

    Even if you reach 300 (which at bare minimum should be the goal) during each event and then actually put in work on the sim, you should get the 10 pack no problem.

    In regards to DPD being the new PVE, I completely disagree. The grind leading to health packs being used, lead to health packs being purchased and thus D3 makes their money. It would be silly for them to stop having both a PVE event and DPD
  • Is this serious? Because if it is....stop playing the game. Now.

    Go out. Enjoy the world. The sun is bright and clouds are pretty. Get a job, fall in love. Get your heart broken. Work some more. Be excited that you're able to afford what you want. Go play some more. Put in some more hard work. Retire, and enjoy the reward from putting in a little bit of effort.

    Or, keep looking for something to blame when life doesn't hand you a winning lottery ticket. I mean, it's kind of a rip off if one doesn't just appear in your paws, right?
  • MojoWild wrote:
    I didn't think you could score less than 300 if you were trying. The first 100 points or so are usually seed teams...

    What he said.

    Buffed Ares should actually make it easier for 2* rosters.
  • DaveR4470
    DaveR4470 Posts: 931 Critical Contributor
    Buffed Ares almost feels like cheating.

  • slidecage
    slidecage Posts: 3,539 Chairperson of the Boards
    Play shield and was able to get up to 900 pts before hitting the 3 star 166 level teams. up to 3600 pts now with 2 events left (hopefully not attacked that bad) have around 200 pts could spare. tempted to start the friday PVE early and see if i could hit 400 pts in the pvp.

    to those who says i dont have the right to blame the company, um they changed the rules how the game runs in the middle of the season. I also love how 3 or 4 seasons ago Everyone starting crying when they shut the season down 2 hours early. I loved how people got on the board demanding 10 packs and the HIGHEST prize on the season> Many admited they had like 3000 pts but was going to score 2000 to 3000 pts in the last 2 hours and Was cheated out of their rewards (ya right like your going to double your score in 2 hours what it took you 22 days to get) and they should be given the 100 HP and the 10 pack when in fact they was not even close to getting those top rewards.

    but whatever. Shocked the people who spend big cash in this game to max out their 4thor and X force are not pissed as well cause their Top 1-2 days of using that team are long over.
  • cletus1985
    cletus1985 Posts: 276 Mover and Shaker
  • NighteyesGrisu
    NighteyesGrisu Posts: 563 Critical Contributor
    slidecage wrote:
    Play shield and was able to get up to 900 pts before hitting the 3 star 166 level teams. up to 3600 pts now with 2 events left (hopefully not attacked that bad) have around 200 pts could spare. tempted to start the friday PVE early and see if i could hit 400 pts in the pvp.

    to those who says i dont have the right to blame the company, um they changed the rules how the game runs in the middle of the season. I also love how 3 or 4 seasons ago Everyone starting crying when they shut the season down 2 hours early. I loved how people got on the board demanding 10 packs and the HIGHEST prize on the season> Many admited they had like 3000 pts but was going to score 2000 to 3000 pts in the last 2 hours and Was cheated out of their rewards (ya right like your going to double your score in 2 hours what it took you 22 days to get) and they should be given the 100 HP and the 10 pack when in fact they was not even close to getting those top rewards.

    but whatever. Shocked the people who spend big cash in this game to max out their 4thor and X force are not pissed as well cause their Top 1-2 days of using that team are long over.

    have you considered that:
    a) the 'changed' rules actually benefit guys with a 2* roster (hint, super ares). I get hit a lot more often by 2* teams now than I did before.
    b) d3 never released a list of events that will be in the current season. You might as well get upset since your top 3* guy wasn't featured in any of the PVPs this season when you expected him to be. or they could have done one of the events with locked rosters that would have hurt some other guys (like lone star)
    c) the rules you claim that have been changed exist only in our minds (or can you point me where they're written down). That is different from the early season end since there the supposed end of the season was actually displayed in game...it just was off.
  • I think with anything there will be a transition period. 2* players are probably used to hitting 5880hp Thor/Ares + 3K supports, 3* players a 10K main plus 6800 supports. Hitting a health class up is a pretty big transition.

    This season was probably the hardest for 2* to reach 4000, but it's definitely doable, as long as you're in the right time slices.
  • aesthetocyst
    aesthetocyst Posts: 538 Critical Contributor
    slidecage wrote:
    Are you just never shielding? Because I see 2* rosters with 500+ scores all the time when I'm climbing.

    And I'm up to about 1400 in Sim, and still seeing 2* opponents worth 25+ there too.

    have not started sim yet, i will this week (usually wait till the last week so im not attacked 100% of the time)

    again im saying its bull they pull this is the middle of the season. They want to know how its going to work do it at the start of the next season. If the plan is so GREAT why didnt they run it for the entire next season and get feed back but nope. And just wait till the make the rest of the changes they are planning then we will see who is so called happy now start to ****.

    You got caught counting on an unhatched egg hatching. You thought something that wasn't yours was. I understand you're disappointed, but don't blame others. The entire player base is subject to these changes. You did not "waste" time playing. You really played the whole season just for a 10-pack? Every match you win earns you something, and every bit of ISO or HP should be helping you to build your roster. Are you telling me that your roster today is no better than it was last month???

    As for these changes happening in the middle of season, it's always been that way, and always will be. They follow development's schedule. Think about it, if they did want many players want, and "test" them in offseason, they would have to announce the new conditions for the offseason, many players would simply skip it because it doesn't "count", the developer wouldn't get a "real" test of the change and therefore would have to evaluate and decide based on data and feedback irrelevant to normal gameplay. Then, after the next season, they could roll out an update.

    So, a two-month update process hinged on dubious findings from flawed testing. Is that what you really want?

    As rough as it is, rolling these out in season ensures immediate feedback from real world testing under normal conditions.

    PS--if you're seriously hanging your hopes on the 10pk, you are almost certainly in for some serious disappointment. How many more 2* covers you needing? You can get far more, faster, by wailing on seeds in LRs, and in sim. If you're squalling over being "denied" one measly 10pk, you're being in the mental ward after opening that 10pk. Like your worst Christmas ever, every ... single ... time.
  • slidecage
    slidecage Posts: 3,539 Chairperson of the Boards
    cletus1985 wrote:

    love how you post this on this topic but noone said a Thing about people crying and Bi ing about their 4 thor being nerf. So they got to have the covers for 1 to 4 month get to earn 100.000 iso and tons of hp and then think they have the right to DEMAND all of the cash back, yet noone says a thing about that. They change the 4 thor and give them their money back yet they dont demand all of the rewards they got from using this team for the last 4 months.

    Like i said about the ALLIANCE issue months back and about no allowing people to jump. People go o your just crying over somethhing that only effects you but when it happen to them with PRO X they demand something to be done LOL whatver
  • MojoWild
    MojoWild Posts: 765 Critical Contributor
    slidecage wrote:
    cletus1985 wrote:

    love how you post this on this topic but noone said a Thing about people crying and Bi ing about their 4 thor being nerf. So they got to have the covers for 1 to 4 month get to earn 100.000 iso and tons of hp and then think they have the right to DEMAND all of the cash back, yet noone says a thing about that. They change the 4 thor and give them their money back yet they dont demand all of the rewards they got from using this team for the last 4 months.

    Like i said about the ALLIANCE issue months back and about no allowing people to jump. People go o your just crying over somethhing that only effects you but when it happen to them with PRO X they demand something to be done LOL whatver

    Or... You could just take the feedback and suggestions given to you and learn from them. I've noticed that people who aren't whiny about asking for help or ranty in their complaints don't get ridiculed as much.
  • cletus1985
    cletus1985 Posts: 276 Mover and Shaker
    slidecage wrote:
    cletus1985 wrote:

    love how you post this on this topic but noone said a Thing about people crying and Bi ing about their 4 thor being nerf. So they got to have the covers for 1 to 4 month get to earn 100.000 iso and tons of hp and then think they have the right to DEMAND all of the cash back, yet noone says a thing about that. They change the 4 thor and give them their money back yet they dont demand all of the rewards they got from using this team for the last 4 months.

    Like i said about the ALLIANCE issue months back and about no allowing people to jump. People go o your just crying over somethhing that only effects you but when it happen to them with PRO X they demand something to be done LOL whatver

    I could almost read half of this gibberish. You handicap your roster and point fingers at everyone else for why you can't compete, D3 didn't slight you in any way. If you'd simply level your characters up you could hit the 4k progression 10-pack like every other 2* roster does without issue. This is only about you, because unlike the 4hor nerf and alliance jumping, no one is causing you issues except YOURSELF. Either level your characters to compete, stop crying because you can't win with underleveled characters, or go play a game that isn't competitive so you can "win" every time.

    The constant crying is getting old and very reminiscent of an extremely over-privileged child who cries every time they don't get what they want.
  • slidecage
    slidecage Posts: 3,539 Chairperson of the Boards
    You handicap your roster and point fingers at everyone else for why you can't compete

    Yea right i had a team that COULD complete very nicely and they go and pump up people i dont have and you say Its cause i handicap my own roster lol like i said whatever. I really hope they Keep this pumped up people from now on and then lets see how many So called vets start to cry ITS NOT FAIR IT PUT ALL MY CASH INTO 4 STARS AND NOW 3 STARS ARE MORE POWERFUL BOO HOO. My 4 thor and x force no longer gets me top 5 i demand my cash back. and all your little lemmings will be right there behind them.

    Like i said as well i love how 3 season or so ago they ended the season 1 hour early and people demanded Tons of rewards saying I COULD OF SCORE 2000 PTS IN THAT LAST HOUR even though the 21 day score was 3000 or so but like i said whatever.

    But like i said whatever.
  • cletus1985
    cletus1985 Posts: 276 Mover and Shaker
    slidecage wrote:
    You handicap your roster and point fingers at everyone else for why you can't compete

    Yea right i had a team that COULD complete very nicely and they go and pump up people i dont have and you say Its cause i handicap my own roster lol like i said whatever. I really hope they Keep this pumped up people from now on and then lets see how many So called vets start to cry ITS NOT FAIR IT PUT ALL MY CASH INTO 4 STARS AND NOW 3 STARS ARE MORE POWERFUL BOO HOO. My 4 thor and x force no longer gets me top 5 i demand my cash back. and all your little lemmings will be right there behind them.

    Like i said as well i love how 3 season or so ago they ended the season 1 hour early and people demanded Tons of rewards saying I COULD OF SCORE 2000 PTS IN THAT LAST HOUR even though the 21 day score was 3000 or so but like i said whatever.

    But like i said whatever.

    Whatever, the only viable response for someone with no argument. You've posted several times you keep your 2*'s at lvl 80 because you believe it gives you a PvE advantage and you don't want to "waste" your iso because you're going to pump it into your 3*'s you have almost covered. Now you can't pump up people you don't have?

    We've been playing roughly the same amount of time and I've spent under $20 on roster slots, I have maxed out 2*'s and a few 3*'s above lvl 100 (none at 166 or even fully covered), so I have no "lemmings" to follow me. I just followed guides to make the most out of what I have and it's not even an issue to get to the 10-pack (with or without the changes).

    You apparently have the "the world owes me something, because I'm special" attitude and that won't get you far in anything. If you really want to compete, stop trying to outsmart the system and level your 2*s to 94 and enjoy the easier progression. If that doesn't work for you, go play a non-competitive game where you can feel like you "win" every time (getting #1 is really easy in a 1 player game).
  • JamieMadrox
    JamieMadrox Posts: 1,798 Chairperson of the Boards
    The conversation in this topic is getting out of hand and more off topic than on. I'm locking it up before either side goes too far and says something that gets them an official warning. Everything that needs to be said has been said by both sides and we can all move on now.
This discussion has been closed.