Forever loading....



  • It's allready second thread here and it has been more than 20 hours (at least for me), why are devs not giving answer allready? Does it allways take this long?
  • It's crazy, This needs to rectified ASAP. I only joined the forum today because of this issue, it's been 14 hours + for me, i've dropped from 23 to 110th at the moment in Luke Cage and can't even start The Hunt to try and get Prof X. Sent 3 emails and nothing. Also want to keep my daily reward going as i'm near a year!!! Stupid
  • RyanL24
    RyanL24 Posts: 54
    Mine was working just fine until about a half an hour ago. I feel really bad for you guys who have been unable to play for 20+ hours, and feel dismal about my near future. Life without MPQ? icon_cry.gif
  • orionpeace
    orionpeace Posts: 343 Mover and Shaker
    I am also encountering this issue on Android when I hit the "Fight" button after team selection.
  • I too cannot play a match. I uninstalled/reinstalled and it played the tutorial matches. I then loaded my save and again i cannot play any match.
    Please help! I meed that sentry red and am now probably missing any shot at prof X!
  • I am also having this problem. I've tried turning my phone off and on, deleting and re-downloading the game... Nothing I can think of has worked, however. Sorry I can't offer any advice.
  • same issue here ios, tried turning on and back on and tried redownloading and on and off wifi. Filed a support ticket. Began having this issue after the first shard of Luke cage pvp ended, I was in the second shard. Possibly missed out on a daredevil blue cover, and my alliance might have to kick me in order to get top 100. Might also miss out on todays dpd. Alot of my other alliance members are not having this happen but some are.