Simulator rewards - slap in the face?!?

Salgy Posts: 254 Mover and Shaker
edited March 2015 in MPQ General Discussion
I am sure this has come up before, but a quick search didn't yield me any results...

I hit the sim periodically throughout the season, and never really paid much attention to the rewards... So as I was trying to hit the sim to improve my season rank, I hit the 1400 point reward tier & mpq generously gave me a blue 1* iron man cover... It got me thinking & I looked at the rest of the rewards given out in the simulator... All 1*'s up to 1400... I finally joined versus late in my mpq life, already in the 2-3 transition, so I don't have the answers here, but are any players who would benifit from a 1* reward able to hit 1400?!? I know, it's a free 100 ISO, but with the 2* drop rate so high right now, I think they should limit 1* rewards for the prologue & standard tokens (debatable)...

Anyone else think the simulator rewards are grossly out of line?!?


  • simonsez
    simonsez Posts: 4,663 Chairperson of the Boards
    Salgy wrote:
    Anyone else think the simulator rewards are grossly out of line?!?
    Of course, but after so many seasons of them, we've been beaten into submission.
  • Azoic
    Azoic Posts: 269 Mover and Shaker
    They are absolutely garbage. Most people say that someone with a straight 94 roster can't top 1000 points in sim. So having the only 2* and 3* covers at 1600+ is absurd. I really wanted SQG, but 2300? Lol! You basically have to have max Thor/Xforce for it.
  • rednailz
    rednailz Posts: 559
    I would say sim rewards are probably the biggest slap in the face as far as rewards go. Unless you have your maxed Thorine with a Hood or Loki if you prefer you aren't getting the 2 3* covers.

    I'd expect transition players would get around 1,100? And for their efforts they just get 2* and 1*, which they pull all day every day from rewards anyway. I only play sim for kicks on occasion and to help allaince season ranking. I haven't been able to stay in top 50 for season for some time and am not interested in putting time and effort into sim for nominal amount of iso for **** covers or one more heoric (moonstone) token from season placement.
  • nonnel
    nonnel Posts: 128 Tile Toppler
    Azoic wrote:
    They are absolutely garbage. Most people say that someone with a straight 94 roster can't top 1000 points in sim. So having the only 2* and 3* covers at 1600+ is absurd. I really wanted SQG, but 2300? Lol! You basically have to have max Thor/Xforce for it.

    Not true... A loaded TGT/XF team would have helped a ton. However, I did it running Patch/Hood/3* rotation.
  • JamieMadrox
    JamieMadrox Posts: 1,798 Chairperson of the Boards
    nonnel wrote:
    Azoic wrote:
    They are absolutely garbage. Most people say that someone with a straight 94 roster can't top 1000 points in sim. So having the only 2* and 3* covers at 1600+ is absurd. I really wanted SQG, but 2300? Lol! You basically have to have max Thor/Xforce for it.

    Not true... A loaded TGT/XF team would have helped a ton. However, I did it running Patch/Hood/3* rotation.
    Patch/Hood/Lazy Daken.
  • JVReal
    JVReal Posts: 1,884 Chairperson of the Boards
    In Simulator, I seldom get past 1000. I'm a transitioner playing with mostly 2* roster, my 3* are only effective when boosted.

    There is no incentive to play Simulator. I only play it when I'm between PVP and want to hit the next Season progression and need some points. It also sucks that you lose points by being attacked in a simulator. The simulator is specifically for training... meaning not real fights, you gain points for **** rewards, to get attacked back and lose points is just not logical... does a simulator come after you for revenge? Nope. PVP, ok, you are supposed to be fighting real people so retaliations are expected, though they need to reduce how many points you lose. But to get retaliation from "Simulated" fights in the Simulator and lose season points for it is bad form.
  • Agreed, the rewards are a joke, I topped out at 900 with my L94 roster and if I had pushed, I think I could have broken 1000 for the 25hp, but I wanted to take it easy this weekend.
  • Salgy
    Salgy Posts: 254 Mover and Shaker
    JVReal wrote:
    does a simulator come after you for revenge? Nope. PVP, ok, you are supposed to be fighting real people so retaliations are expected, though they need to reduce how many points you lose. But to get retaliation from "Simulated" fights in the Simulator and lose season points for it is bad form.
    Never thought about it that way... Excellent point
  • Trisul
    Trisul Posts: 887 Critical Contributor
    I'll echo simonsez in that it's been that way forever, and it sucks, and we're all used to it. Ultimately, probably not worth much more than a "whatever" and a shrug. Hopefully they improve it, but I won't lose sleep if they don't.
    JVReal wrote:
    There is no incentive to play Simulator. I only play it when I'm between PVP and want to hit the next Season progression and need some points.
    Statement 2 contradicts statement 1. That's exactly your incentive to play Simulator. Others do it for their alliance season points. It's incentive enough without the rewards.
  • GrimSkald
    GrimSkald Posts: 2,704 Chairperson of the Boards
    First couple of seasons the two 3*s were at 2400 and 2500, so they've come down since.

    "A slap in the face" is kind of a exaggerated way to put it, but I do think the 3*s are not at a reasonable level, it is true. I tried to get there once, and I got to like 1800 or so before I hit the wall of "you can't make points fast enough to keep from losing them." This was before I was fully in the 3* level, but I certainly haven't had any more luck since.
  • JVReal
    JVReal Posts: 1,884 Chairperson of the Boards
    Trisul wrote:
    I'll echo simonsez in that it's been that way forever, and it sucks, and we're all used to it. Ultimately, probably not worth much more than a "whatever" and a shrug. Hopefully they improve it, but I won't lose sleep if they don't.
    JVReal wrote:
    There is no incentive to play Simulator. I only play it when I'm between PVP and want to hit the next Season progression and need some points.
    Statement 2 contradicts statement 1. That's exactly your incentive to play Simulator. Others do it for their alliance season points. It's incentive enough without the rewards.
    It does kind of contradict itself doesn't it... What I meant is that Simulator progression rewards are no incentive to play Simulator for Simulator rewards. I play PVP for the 300 point progression reward of 1 Token. That happens to also give me 300 points for Season, cool, I'm benefiting two-fold. One gives me immediate rewards and the other long term rewards. Simulator gives me no immediate rewards worth anything. There is nothing about Simulator that says play me because I'm fun and rewarding AND I apply to Season points. I look at season points and say "I'm 100 points away from the next progression reward, I can't push any higher in PVP, I guess I'll play some Simulator to get those 100 points and get the Season Progression". Other than that, if I never look at how close I am to the next Season reward, I would never bother to play Simulator.

    It's the Minimum Wage PVP event to make those last few bucks to pay the rent, when your regular paycheck (PVP) fell just short of what you needed to make ends meet. More work for less benefit, but you do it out of necessity instead of want.
  • Trisul
    Trisul Posts: 887 Critical Contributor
    JVReal wrote:
    It does kind of contradict itself doesn't it... What I meant is that Simulator progression rewards are no incentive to play Simulator for Simulator rewards. I play PVP for the 300 point progression reward of 1 Token. That happens to also give me 300 points for Season, cool, I'm benefiting two-fold. One gives me immediate rewards and the other long term rewards. Simulator gives me no immediate rewards worth anything. There is nothing about Simulator that says play me because I'm fun and rewarding AND I apply to Season points. I look at season points and say "I'm 100 points away from the next progression reward, I can't push any higher in PVP, I guess I'll play some Simulator to get those 100 points and get the Season Progression". Other than that, if I never look at how close I am to the next Season reward, I would never bother to play Simulator.

    It's the Minimum Wage PVP event to make those last few bucks to pay the rent, when your regular paycheck (PVP) fell just short of what you needed to make ends meet. More work for less benefit, but you do it out of necessity instead of want.
    Yeah, you are correct in saying simulator rewards are not the incentive to play sim. Which is very lame. Honestly, I hope everyone keeps complaining about this, maybe D3 will throw us a bone and amp up sim rewards at some point.

    Wouldn't call it the proverbial "slap in the face" currently. More of a "we think it'll make playing simulator more interesting and fun".
  • Salgy
    Salgy Posts: 254 Mover and Shaker
    simonsez wrote:
    of course, but after so many seasons of them, we've been beaten into submission.
    Trisul wrote:
    I'll echo simonsez in that it's been that way forever, and it sucks, and we're all used to it.

    Maybe this is the next thing we need to take to the forum!... Seems a lot of long term complaints have been addressed (albeit it slowly) over the past few weeks... ISO seems to flow a little more freely, 2* covers are dropping at a higher rate & with deadpool dailies, the 2-3 transition will be a little faster...

    Back on topic: I can't really speak to the higher tier rewards... But will assume that they are out of whack as well... As I said in my op, I'm relatively new to versus events... I think it was season 7 or 8 before I would try to get anything above the 300 point token reward... I hit a new personal record last season with 10,000 points, 1400 of those coming from the sim... The op was more based on me hitting 10k while hitting 1400 in the sim and my reward was an iron man cover...
  • JamieMadrox
    JamieMadrox Posts: 1,798 Chairperson of the Boards
    The real rewards from playing sim are the boost to your season score which will (hopefully) get you better rewards. I know in my case sim got me at least two reward tiers higher.
  • MarvelMan
    MarvelMan Posts: 1,350
    The real rewards from playing sim are the boost to your season score which will (hopefully) get you better rewards. I know in my case sim got me at least two reward tiers higher.

    I thought they just gave them to you for being Jamie Madrox.
  • Just don't be a noob like me and go for 2400 the first 2 weeks. I got to 2200 and was left with nothing but 8-10 pt matches. Said screw it, quit shielding, and fell back down to earth.

    Won't be making that mistake again.
  • Think about how a slap in the face feels. Think about the sound - the sharp crack. Think about the sudden harsh sting. Think about the throbbing pain afterward, the bruising. Think about the startlement and shock of the act.

    Now think about how you're comparing a game reward system to a physical assault.

    Yes, the rewards suck. I agree there. But dragging out this overused overexaggeration just makes me tired. Sorry.
  • Arondite
    Arondite Posts: 1,188 Chairperson of the Boards
    Azoic wrote:
    They are absolutely garbage. Most people say that someone with a straight 94 roster can't top 1000 points in sim. So having the only 2* and 3* covers at 1600+ is absurd. I really wanted SQG, but 2300? Lol! You basically have to have max Thor/Xforce for it.

    Naw. 2 Star 94 rosters can hit ~1250 - 1400 or so. As a F2P transitioner, I can get ~2K.
  • Scoregasms
    Scoregasms Posts: 373
    I kinda like how Sim is viewed today (basically a non-priority) since it's an easy/safe place to go try out new characters against non-trivial opponents with little repercussion. This is where I try out new group pairings and confirm attack synergies and whatnot outside of theory crafting. When IF gets covered for me, I can guarantee I'll be trying him out there.

    Oddly enough, I get more PVP "wins" in Sim then I ever do in any competitive PVP event since nobody boosts in Sim. Like most other folks, I twiddle around in Sim throughout a Season, usually trying out new characters and then only use it to buffer my overall season score near the end (also first time I hit over 10K for a Season with about 1700 I think in Sim). I was at around 1300 and saw I was 66th overall and was like "Man, I can score some points in Shield Sim and get up to 50!". 400 points later and I moved up to 64... lol, which is when I gave up on the Season.

    Do folks really want Sim to have great rewards where it also becomes really competitive? It's the only sandbox like environment we have in the game to try out new combos, the rewards are just an ISO bonus to me which is fine for how I view it (testing area and Season Points buffer).

    For something that is completely optional, it's OK to me, even with losing points in Sim. If you're going into it early and pushing really high fast and relying on those points for an overall season score, then you can always shield I guess... but... yeah, that's a lot of shields, haha.
  • The real rewards from playing sim are the boost to your season score which will (hopefully) get you better rewards. I know in my case sim got me at least two reward tiers higher.

    For me the real reward is having somewhere to play and earn a trickle of iso when you are shielded in PVP and waiting on timers to refresh in PVE. Match iso adds up especially if you climb early get beaten down and climb up again. One or two reward tiers on seasons only amounts to anything if you are close to the top already, otherwise its the difference of maybe a few tokens.