Very Dissapointed to see Nerf
justaplayer wrote:Toxicadam wrote:Dude, I've been here since day one begging devs not to nerf anyone. You can check my post history. I would rather have a roster full of monsters than a bunch of **** puppies. Or as I have said a few times, I don't want "a drawer full of butter knives."
I want more characters like Thor, Wolvy, OBW, (pre-nerfed) Rags, Doom, Modern Storm, Grey Widow, etc. Characters that can f**k you up if you ignore them. These are heros/villains and their abilities SHOULD be powerful and scary.
But at the same time, I'm not going to 'pre-whine' about changes because I know that change is inevitable in this game. You can only react to what is done and hope they act accordingly.
It is sad that you cannot tell the difference between a legitimate complaint directed at the developers and people whining that the game is too hard. Think on it a little you will get it eventually.
Also just to point out a bit more of your logic. According to you you have tons of posts "begging" the devs not to nerf anyone. Just a tad hypocritical don't you think?0 -
Not tons. Just a few and always in response to actions that have occurred.
I was just informing you that we are on the same side of the issue, but the way you choose to express yourself is silly.0 -
Blue Shoes wrote:justaplayer wrote:Blue Shoes wrote:justaplayer wrote:Lol how do I troll my own post?
I'm not saying that's what you did. It was more of a reaction to calling Toxicadam a troll when he isn't. I think you just threw the term around to dismiss his argument.
Huh??? Really not following this one. How am I trolling because I made my own topic? I wanted to voice a legitimate complaint to the developers. They never answered the feedback when I sent one before reporting a bug so I figured I would do both this time. Hardly trolling.
And yes, you can create you own topic to troll a forum. it happens all the time. As long as you pull people in to get them angry, it doesn't matter how you do it. Think about it a while. You'll get it.
I didn't respond to it because it wasn't worth responding to. They are taking away from the strength of the character how they do it is irrelevant. I invested time and money into something and they are taking away from that. Sorry game devs do this stuff far to often to appease the whiniest of gamers. These characters are not unbeatable I beat them all the time I only just started using thor this week and he still is not my preferred chars. I win all the time and don't use either of them. Storm Modern is far worse than those two and I beat teams with her also. Never once have I whined "It is too hard please make it easier or I will call my mom" . Ok see if I were serious that would be one the quotation that would be trolling lol.
Honestly when you invest points to develop your chars you are investing in the stats that they have currently if you cannot rely on that it make the game much less desirable to play. When will it stop they just introduced new characters that people have heavily invested in are they next? Sure won't be spending any more cash if this goes through.0 -
Toxicadam wrote:Not tons. Just a few and always in response to actions that have occurred.
I was just informing you that we are on the same side of the issue, but the way you choose to express yourself is silly.
Lol you chastised me for voicing a complaint which was legitimate now you want to turn it on me and that we are one the same side and that you were supporting me? Are you on meds?0 -
I didn't chastise you. I said you need to relax and wait to see what happens first. Then form an opinion on why it's bad and why it's unfair to you as a paying customer.
That's all. It wasn't a troll or anything like that. Just a helpful piece of advice to a guy pissing in the wind and getting his face all wet.0 -
Toxicadam wrote:I didn't chastise you. I said you need to relax and wait to see what happens first. Then form an opinion on why it's bad and why it's unfair to you as a paying customer.
That's all. It wasn't a troll or anything like that. Just a helpful piece of advice to a guy pissing in the wind and getting his face all wet.Maybe wait until you see what they do before you complain ... ?
Sorry but to me it seemed like that was chastising. You kind of just did it again when you told me to relax and wait and see what happens. All a bit rich from someone who has voiced the same complaints. I made it clear I was annoyed about the announcement making comments like that aren't helpful nor productive. My complaint was legitimate. Fix real problems before catering to the whining crowd. Trying to find opponents is horrible. Clicking through them one at a time is painful and for starting characters the game is very hard. Not because the characters are too tough but because you have to cycle through so many of them one at a time with no filtering(at least not in the front end for us).
Anyhow I apologize if you honestly weren't trying to be a troll I am in a lot of pain today so maybe I am being harsh.0 -
That's cool. You have a right to be miffed (in general) because they haven't really done a great job of communicating (in-game) and on these forums. So you probably had a lot of frustrations building up over the weeks and months.
Hopefully that changes.0 -
justaplayer wrote:I didn't respond to it because it wasn't worth responding to. They are taking away from the strength of the character how they do it is irrelevant. I invested time and money into something and they are taking away from that. Sorry game devs do this stuff far to often to appease the whiniest of gamers. These characters are not unbeatable I beat them all the time I only just started using thor this week and he still is not my preferred chars. I win all the time and don't use either of them. Storm Modern is far worse than those two and I beat teams with her also. Never once have I whined "It is too hard please make it easier or I will call my mom" . Ok see if I were serious that would be one the quotation that would be trolling lol.
Honestly when you invest points to develop your chars you are investing in the stats that they have currently if you cannot rely on that it make the game much less desirable to play. When will it stop they just introduced new characters that people have heavily invested in are they next? Sure won't be spending any more cash if this goes through.
First, the second paragraph is great. Yes, it does suck to have characters that you put time and money into reduced to unuseful relics of their former selves. I had a fully leveled C. Storm and Rag. I know how it is. You are also doing the most effective thing by voting with your wallet. The problem with the rest of it is that you are complaining about something that hasn't happened yet. Yes, you should be apprehensive about the changes coming. It's understandable to mistrust the devs right now. But how can you complain about a future change if you don't know what the change is?
Second, your first sentence isn't true. If it wasn't worth responding to, you would have ignored it. Instead you attacked it, throwing out a term meant to blindly invalidate a contrary opinion. You could have responded with your concerns over the devs accepting money and then changing the game. You could have responded with the acknowledgement that while you don't know what changes are coming, the atmosphere of mistrust based off past nerfs have lead you to refusing to invest more money until the game is stable. You didn't do that though. You attack and dismissed, strating an argument rather than inciting a dialogue.
edit: A bit late on the post.0 -
Blue Shoes wrote:justaplayer wrote:I didn't respond to it because it wasn't worth responding to. They are taking away from the strength of the character how they do it is irrelevant. I invested time and money into something and they are taking away from that. Sorry game devs do this stuff far to often to appease the whiniest of gamers. These characters are not unbeatable I beat them all the time I only just started using thor this week and he still is not my preferred chars. I win all the time and don't use either of them. Storm Modern is far worse than those two and I beat teams with her also. Never once have I whined "It is too hard please make it easier or I will call my mom" . Ok see if I were serious that would be one the quotation that would be trolling lol.
Honestly when you invest points to develop your chars you are investing in the stats that they have currently if you cannot rely on that it make the game much less desirable to play. When will it stop they just introduced new characters that people have heavily invested in are they next? Sure won't be spending any more cash if this goes through.
First, the second paragraph is great. Yes, it does suck to have characters that you put time and money into reduced to unuseful relics of their former selves. I had a fully leveled C. Storm and Rag. I know how it is. You are also doing the most effective thing by voting with your wallet. The problem with the rest of it is that you are complaining about something that hasn't happened yet. Yes, you should be apprehensive about the changes coming. It's understandable to mistrust the devs right now. But how can you complain about a future change if you don't know what the change is?
Second, your first sentence isn't true. If it wasn't worth responding to, you would have ignored it. Instead you attacked it, throwing out a term meant to blindly invalidate a contrary opinion. You could have responded with your concerns over the devs accepting money and then changing the game. You could have responded with the acknowledgement that while you don't know what changes are coming, the atmosphere of mistrust based off past nerfs have lead you to refusing to invest more money until the game is stable. You didn't do that though. You attack and dismissed, strating an argument rather than inciting a dialogue.
edit: A bit late on the post.
These are your opinions and I have to right to mine. I don't feel it is premature I feel it it too late once the change has been made and I have been screwed out of ISO, time and money. I can complain because I am a paying customer and I don't owe you anything. If you don't like it or agree with it that is fine and I respect your right to that but you have no right to tell me how, when or why to complain about something. It really isn't your concern to be blunt about it. Why intervene? I know this is a forum but it was a post directed to the company it wasn't a request for player opinions lol. I only made it because they don't respond to feedback at least not to me so far. I have made a bug report and I have requested they do something with search as well as give them praise.
As far as his post was concerned I already explained my reaction to it above and we have resolved it so at this point it is a dead horse.0 -
I totally think you have a right to your opinions and to express them. I just thought they weren't expressed or supported well because they seemed reactionary to me. In the end, I think they were clear and logical. I didn't mean to attack you or your rights. That is something I take very seriously because I think that is the most rage-inducing feeling. I'm sorry if I had that effect. I'll stay out of your topic.0
Blue Shoes wrote:I totally think you have a right to your opinions and to express them. I just thought they weren't expressed or supported well because they seemed reactionary to me. In the end, I think they were clear and logical. I didn't mean to attack you or your rights. That is something I take very seriously because I think that is the most rage-inducing feeling. I'm sorry if I had that effect. I'll stay out of your topic.
Thank you for understanding my point of view I appreciate it. If this wasn't a complaint thread directed at the dev's I wouldn't mind so much as it is a forum. As I stated above today hasn't been a good day so maybe I could have phrased things better but it really was meant for the developers in the hopes they may look at things differently. One can always hope. They have made a great game but I feel they should reconsider how they approach character changes.0 -
To get back on topic, I also don't particularly like the "idea" of nerfing, as they are hero/villain characters and are inherently strong if they conform with their comic roots. That being said, I can't say that I don't also agree that some teams are overused. I use Thor because of his damage output and I use Spidey because he stuns and heals. People use Wolverine because he makes less that stellar covers better by upping their damage output. Take away their abilities, and I will just find the next best combo and max them out instead. This nerfing won't cause diversity in our teams, because we want to win. To win, you need to assemble the best teams possible. Once the nerf happens, the optimal team changes and everyone will only see the new optimal covers thereafter. Then they will get nerfed/changed... Lather, rinse and repeat.0
ToxicIntent wrote:To get back on topic, I also don't particularly like the "idea" of nerfing, as they are hero/villain characters and are inherently strong if they conform with their comic roots. That being said, I can't say that I don't also agree that some teams are overused. I use Thor because of his damage output and I use Spidey because he stuns and heals. People use Wolverine because he makes less that stellar covers better by upping their damage output. Take away their abilities, and I will just find the next best combo and max them out instead. This nerfing won't cause diversity in our teams, because we want to win. To win, you need to assemble the best teams possible. Once the nerf happens, the optimal team changes and everyone will only see the new optimal covers thereafter. Then they will get nerfed/changed... Lather, rinse and repeat.
I agree they are supposed to be strong and to win we choose the best team that can win. We shouldn't have a stable of Super Wimps.
I didn't know they had nerfed Storm Classic until today but I already knew she is worthless I don't level her at all for that reason. There are numerous others that are worthless as well Ragnarok is another. Then of course Bullseye, Daken, That Russian chick etc etc. The characters should all be strong in there own way and playable. I was surprised to see them nerfing these two I don't think either of them are really super strong. I have played a long time without them completely and managed to do very well in pvp. People should quit crying to the dev's to get things nerfed and figure out a strategy that works. I was getting owned when I started playing. When I got frustrated at my performance I posted and asked for tips which players were generous enough to help with. I took their advice combined it with my own preferences and kept at it. It was tough but I didn't need to boohoo to the dev's to make it easier and screw all the players that have worked hard. I spent a bit of cash too on the way probably more than I should have in hindsight but I don't really think what I spent helped a ton. The ISO I got over the holidays was still not worth the few levels I got out of it.0 -
Fwiw, I think Wolverine and Thor need a modest downgrade, but I fear it will be far more heavy-handed, as it was with Ragnarok. Truth be told, the game had turned into power spam more than PQ.
I can't find the post, but some time back, when there were complaints about a different change (Loki maybe?) they said that they heard what we were saying, that we'd rather see buffs than nerfs. We've seen comparatively little genuine buffing to characters. I'd like to see more of that.0 -
Misguided wrote:Fwiw, I think Wolverine and Thor need a modest downgrade, but I fear it will be far more heavy-handed, as it was with Ragnarok. Truth be told, the game had turned into power spam more than PQ.
I can't find the post, but some time back, when there were complaints about a different change (Loki maybe?) they said that they heard what we were saying, that we'd rather see buffs than nerfs. We've seen comparatively little genuine buffing to characters. I'd like to see more of that.
Every1 says they overdid Ragnarok (they kinda did) but I've said it 20 times and I'll say it again. Rag was made balanced in LR. Instead of judging him vs an event where no one is balanced he was crippled in regular play and fixed in LR. EVERY1 now used rag as a point if reference because of the huge nerf. Most other changes to chars, IE both 4* were very moderate changes. Given these were buffs and rag was a need but my point is I don't think it is fair to use rag as the point of reference.0 -
IMO, Ragnarok had his place. He's a 3 star cover and as such, deserves his place at the head of the table. In other words, he's SUPPOSED to be a hard character to defeat. When everyone is using 2 star covers, it's easy to scream and rant that "Rags is OP! My 2* team can't defeat him in PVP!" Get a maxed out 3 star team and he is easy to defeat. Plenty of people have beat better teams with their better strategies. It would seem that rather than form a strategy to beat him with what you have, players have gone to the devs to say that their ONLY team (3x 2* covers) can't beat a 2x 2* + Rags team and that they normally defeat an opponent 90% of the time when they aren't more powerful. I hate to reiterate, but it's a game, there is strategy to take into account. I mean honestly, if you're on the attack, you can boost, you attack first, and the AI is handicapped... What more do you need to win a match? On a side note, if they had left Rags as he was pre-nerf and only made him a 2* cover, you really think everyone would be singing the same tune to tone him down?0
ToxicIntent wrote:IMO, Ragnarok had his place. He's a 3 star cover and as such, deserves his place at the head of the table. In other words, he's SUPPOSED to be a hard character to defeat. When everyone is using 2 star covers, it's easy to scream and rant that "Rags is OP! My 2* team can't defeat him in PVP!" Get a maxed out 3 star team and he is easy to defeat. Plenty of people have beat better teams with their better strategies. It would seem that rather than form a strategy to beat him with what you have, players have gone to the devs to say that their ONLY team (3x 2* covers) can't beat a 2x 2* + Rags team and that they normally defeat an opponent 90% of the time when they aren't more powerful. I hate to reiterate, but it's a game, there is strategy to take into account. I mean honestly, if you're on the attack, you can boost, you attack first, and the AI is handicapped... What more do you need to win a match? On a side note, if they had left Rags as he was pre-nerf and only made him a 2* cover, you really think everyone would be singing the same tune to tone him down?
I didn't know he had been buffed I have only been playing a couple months at most. I thought he just sucked lol. With what has been done to Storm and Rag that kinda reinforces my point that they should fix the weak characters and opponent matching. Doing that would make things enormously better. The point about strategy is very true this isn't just a puzzle game there is a lot of strategy involved or you are missing the boat.0 -
ToxicIntent wrote:On a side note, if they had left Rags as he was pre-nerf and only made him a 2* cover, you really think everyone would be singing the same tune to tone him down?
Yes. Just like a number of people complained about seeing Thor and Wolverine in every fight. Of course, the funniest part about that is most people didn't realize how strong Wolverine was until December.0 -
Misguided wrote:ToxicIntent wrote:On a side note, if they had left Rags as he was pre-nerf and only made him a 2* cover, you really think everyone would be singing the same tune to tone him down?
Yes. Just like a number of people complained about seeing Thor and Wolverine in every fight. Of course, the funniest part about that is most people didn't realize how strong Wolverine was until December.
I find your statement to be true. My wolvie was lvl 15 until the tourney featuring him. It was even stated by IceIX that he was the key to the tourney. I made him 85 during the tourney then almost immediately following they announce his "modification".0 -
Psykopathic28 wrote:I find your statement to be true. My wolvie was lvl 15 until the tourney featuring him. It was even stated by IceIX that he was the key to the tourney. I made him 85 during the tourney then almost immediately following they announce his "modification".
I remember laughing during that tournament thinking that 80% boosted Wolverine felt nearly as strong as 200% boosted Ragnarok (pre-nerf).0
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