Suggestions for today's deadpool

grunth13 Posts: 608 Critical Contributor
edited February 2015 in MPQ General Discussion
I have been doing well with the final node on deadpool's game with ares (max), falcon (level 91 1/4/2), and obw (max). Today, I have been having such trouble with it. I have +3 b/p boosts, +3 critical and the ninja's in wave one went crazy on me. I just can't get to match enough to knock one out because they are popping their red countdown too quickly and I don't have enough blue to keep adding time. I finally did get through first wave and cap takes out obw in one hit (she already took one hit in wave 1). I don't know if anyone else has been having this trouble. If anyone has suggestions, would appreciate it. Thanks.


  • notamutant
    notamutant Posts: 855 Critical Contributor
    This was a really tough one today. Even my Xforce had some trouble. You need healing characters to last in the waves. Try daken and wolverine with captain america. That way you can end a round with a shield, or wolverine claws, and you can heal with two of your characters. It will still be really tough. Falcon might be okay instead of captain america, but he doesn't get rid of the countdown tiles quickly enough.
  • MarvelMan
    MarvelMan Posts: 1,350
    Not knowing what your roster is its tough to offer suggestions, but I love both 2* and 3* Capt America's. They can do damage, but more importantly they can stun. Depending on levels, and what the AI has, OBW can even steal you extra blue each match or just steal it with Recon. And overwriting countdowns is very helpful, better than Falcon since you get to pick.

    One HUGE key for me in those was to make sure I had Peacemaker ready just before I killed the last char of each wave, and kill them with a skill. If you match them to death they get the first turn the next wave, but if you use a skill (or create a crit tile) you get to start. That way you can stun anyone who has enough AP to get a move off.
  • If OBW isn't cutting it on Countdown tiles, there's always Juggs. My boy can clear CD for cheap.
  • MarvelMan
    MarvelMan Posts: 1,350
    Just another note, it takes a LOT of planning but I had 7 shields going (blue & red) when I was running through it and ended the match with what would have been 8. I did it with OBW, lvl 40 Mr Summers (as red pump) and SuperSteve.
  • I find that cStorm is my ace for the final nodes. I usually run her with 2* Cap and Falcon. I hoard up blue and green AP in the goon wave and then when the last wave hits I spam Wind Storm to stun the opponents and Lightning Storm to reload AP. At that point you don't need Caps countdowns or protect tiles anymore, so use those to make match 5s. With a little creativity (and some luck), you can take out wave 4 without them taking a turn.
  • ECOcrush
    ECOcrush Posts: 86 Match Maker
    I think more than healing you need someone that can either eliminate or turn countdown tiles. Those Meteorite Hammer countdown tiles in the 3rd wave are BRUTAL! I made it to the third wave nearly un-scathed and even used a Moonstone team-up to turn one against the enemy but they still destroyed me. There was also an enemy protect tile left over from Luke Cage that I couldn't get rid of.

    I still haven't managed to beat it yet but I got to the 4th wave once in 3 attempts. I'll say one thing about the Deadpool Dailys - they make me use up my boosts like I never have before!
  • grunth13
    grunth13 Posts: 608 Critical Contributor
    Thanks guys for all the help. I ended up using blade (level 96 4/1/4, a wolvie (max) and obw (max) and boosted b/p, g/b and all boosts so that I could place blades green ap stealer and just stole all ap with blade and obw. Still barely beat it with all of the characters at least 1/2 hurt.
  • Arimis_Thorn
    Arimis_Thorn Posts: 541 Critical Contributor
    I knocked this out with Falcon/2* Wolverine and 2* Cap. I also did the b/p boost to start, but I think that was it.

    Best case scenario is getting strike tiles out and buffed early, but both Falcon and Cap's protect tiles in the long game made a hug difference. I saved up Blue for the Hero waves so I could stun lock, and also by then I had loads of beefed up strike tiles which made short work of everyone.
  • It's the attack tiles that are killing me. I was able to beat the previous dp dailies, but I'm having lots of trouble with today's.

    Suggestions? OBW seems likely due to healing and countdowns, but she dies to the attack tiles usually on the second wave (I don't have a tank for her).

    Daken (2*) for regen seems good, but is comboed on wave 4 often, and sometimes earlier.

    Due to the combo death effect, I can't effectively juggle HP to make C. Storm's reaction deadly.

    Thor 2* doesn't have enough go to stay in and call the storm isn't enough to kill on wave4.

    Roster of Everyone over lvl 40 here:

    Stars Character Version Level Yellow Red Blue Purple Green Black Covers Cap Needed Level Max Level Cap ISO to Max ISO Spent ISO to Cap
    ★★★★ Elektra Unkillable 70 1 1 13 12 70 270 0 0 430,464
    ★★★★ Wolverine X-Force 74 1 1 2 13 11 74 270 0 1,113 429,351
    ★★★ Beast Classic 43 1 1 2 13 11 43 166 0 517 172,247
    ★★★ Black Widow Grey Suit 43 1 1 2 13 11 43 166 0 517 172,247
    ★★★ Blade Daywalker 89 2 4 6 13 7 89 166 0 29,550 143,214
    ★★★ Captain America Steve Rogers 55 1 2 1 4 13 9 55 166 0 4,060 168,704
    ★★★ Captain Marvel Modern 53 1 2 3 13 10 53 166 0 3,274 169,490
    ★★★ Daredevil Man Without Fear 66 3 1 4 13 9 66 166 0 9,768 162,996
    ★★★ Deadpool It's Me, Deadpool! 50 2 2 13 11 50 166 0 2,259 170,505
    ★★★ Doctor Doom Classic 63 2 2 4 13 9 63 166 0 7,977 164,787
    ★★★ Falcon Mighty Avengers 45 1 1 1 3 13 10 45 166 0 947 171,817
    ★★★ Gamora Guardians of the Galaxy 53 1 2 3 13 10 53 166 0 3,274 169,490
    ★★★ Hood, The Classic 53 2 1 3 13 10 53 166 0 3,274 169,490
    ★★★ Hulk, The Indestructible 63 2 2 4 13 9 63 166 0 7,977 164,787
    ★★★ Loki Dark Reign 55 1 1 2 4 13 9 55 166 0 4,060 168,704
    ★★★ Luke Cage Hero For Hire 63 2 2 4 13 9 63 166 0 7,977 164,787
    ★★★ Magneto Classic 53 1 2 3 13 10 53 166 0 3,274 169,490
    ★★★ Mystique Raven Darkholme 114 4 3 2 9 13 4 114 166 0 63,059 109,705
    ★★★ Psylocke Classic 63 3 3 13 10 63 166 0 7,977 164,787
    ★★★ Rocket & Groot Most Wanted 98 3 3 2 8 13 5 102 166 5,222 40,181 132,583
    ★★★ Sentry Dark Avengers 63 2 2 4 13 9 63 166 0 7,977 164,787
    ★★★ Storm Mohawk 50 2 2 13 11 50 166 0 2,259 170,505
    ★★★ Wolverine Patch 45 1 1 1 3 13 10 45 166 0 947 171,817
    ★★ Black Widow Original 94 5 3 5 13 13 MAX 94 94 0 69,524 MAX
    ★★ Captain Marvel Ms. Marvel 94 5 3 5 13 13 MAX 94 94 0 69,524 MAX
    ★★ Daken Dark Avengers Wolverine 94 3 5 5 13 13 MAX 94 94 0 69,524 MAX
    ★★ Hawkeye Modern 72 5 3 5 13 13 MAX 94 94 31,887 37,637 31,887
    ★★ Storm Classic 94 5 5 3 13 13 MAX 94 94 0 69,524 MAX
    ★★ Thor Marvel NOW! 94 5 3 5 13 13 MAX 94 94 0 69,524 MAX
  • ive been using hulk and BP together. Hulk could give clearance to the board with thunderous clap and with BP strike tiles out each anger does massive damage. Make sure you end the round with a skill and then throw 1-2 RoTP the the character waves icon_e_smile.gif

    Been working for me (I know their levels are higher and they are vaulted characters, but I'm teaming those two with OBW and been really easy)
  • grunth13
    grunth13 Posts: 608 Critical Contributor
    Koko, my bp is seriously undercovered still. I only have 3 covers for him (2 yellow and 1 black). I am hoping to start buying some of the covers to speed this up when they finally have a sale on hp.
  • Der_Lex
    Der_Lex Posts: 1,035 Chairperson of the Boards
    I used Xforce/lazy Daken/lazy Cap myself, and had possibly the smoothest ride of all the DP survival nodes so far, even though my Cap is seriously underleveled. Xforce and Daken tanked/healed damage for all colors but red and dished out the damage, while Cap used his countdown tile placement to get rid of dangerous goon countdowns or strike/attack tiles and the like.
  • the team that i'm having most success with in regards to the wave battles is mostorm / rags / obw

    mostorms black helps populate the board to stop ninjas,
    mostorms green & obw purple helps with AP generation
    obw blue helps with countdown tiles
    rags red helps fuel mostorms green

    rinse and repeat icon_e_biggrin.gif
  • ynglink
    ynglink Posts: 195
    This one was really tough for me. I tried multiple variations, but resorted to ye old faithful for PvE stuff.

    2* icon_hawkeye.png
    2* icon_storm.png
    2* icon_magneto.png

    Built up for the stun lock and purple during waves 1/3 and ended them with Polarity Shift. Then Stunned-locked during Hero waves. worked very well.
  • Mawtful
    Mawtful Posts: 1,646 Chairperson of the Boards
    I tried today's using only my 2* roster to show some friends it could be done. I tried with OBW a few times but had some poor luck in cascades and my 2* Thor/Cap/Wolverine are all underleveled.

    In the end, I was successful with a team of L94 Ares/Storm + L69 Mags. This time, there was a bit of luck back my way, and I just focused on Purple and Blue. Creating match-5's and fuelling Wind Storm was the core, I would save up for Magneto's Red, which was great for generating a burst of AP. In the 4th wave, I was able to cast Wind Storm two different targets and then Sundered the third. Ater that, I had 4 turns to mop up the last two.

    I had originally planned to take some Strike tile generating team ups (I've got a bunch of Wolverine ones) but I forgot. So it's definitely achievable without any boosts or Team Ups, but they'll definitely make it easier. This team was a little slow to start and a little risky since I don't have any healing; I did take some damage from attack tiles early on, but once I had a chunk of AP, I was able to control the board fairly well.
  • revizion
    revizion Posts: 24 Just Dropped In
    The DPD nodes are all about board control. Blade 3/3/3, max OBW, max 2* Thor
    Start with 3 b/p boosts if you feel unsure, prioritize blue 1st 3 turns, then purple. Once you get your AP steal going, they actually fuel your abilities for you. The above was the screen right before victory. By that time, I had about 7 blade steals going.

    You also need to *make sure* you clear attack tiles before a round ends and DO NOT use abilities on goons. Last wave was 2 CotS, 2 thunderstrikes and it was all she wrote.
  • So far no suggestions for my roster. I guess the only way to beat this 2-3 transition is with stun-locks + insta-kills using Mags and Ares. I got rid of the wrong 2*s for useless 3* covers.

    The closest I got was losing a fully-healed OBW in wave 3 to a SINGLE countdown, zapping the first turn wave 4 with Thor then having XForce kill me in 2 powers.

    Hey D3, if they can drop characters in a single attack, this isn't for 2* play.
  • Yeah, this was a toughie. Believe it or not, I entered the last stage with only Falcon less than 3k health. Xforce and Deadpool both had about 6k and Gorgon had over 8k. Somehow I actually beat them. I had so many protect tiles that I kept buffing with yellow and replacing with purple that they never did more than 1 damage at a time. I couldn't believe it.
  • Seasick Pirate
    Seasick Pirate Posts: 280 Mover and Shaker
    Folks in my alliance were saying they were having a hard time with this one, so I decided to attempt it using only 2* guys to see how I'd do. My first try with OBW/Thor/Cap (all at 94) was a success with OBW being the only casualty. (I also waned to do it without the use of team-ups so sacrificed her to a Surgical Strike when using a TU would have saved her.)

    After my success, an alliance-mate used that team and passed it with their entire team sanding with more health than I ended with. So if anyone else is struggling, may as well try this group. I used Thor 's yellow and green, Cap's red and blue, and OBW's purple.

    Use Thor's abilities only when Cap doesn't have his shield out - don't want to clear by mistake!
    Use Black Widow's purple AFTER throwing Cap's shield - this makes sure you don't miss out on AP by hitting the 30 AP limit!
    Once you have enough AP you can stagger Cap's shelf throws to have AP coming back each turn keeping all enemies stunned!
    Use Cap's shield to control the board - overwrite attack & countdown tiles - PLUS - planning ahead by setting up a cascade when you tile clears is a great way to earn extra AP without taking a turn!
  • Seasick Pirate
    Seasick Pirate Posts: 280 Mover and Shaker
    zyrain wrote:
    So far no suggestions for my roster. I guess the only way to beat this 2-3 transition is with stun-locks + insta-kills using Mags and Ares. I got rid of the wrong 2*s for useless 3* covers.

    I would suggest you continue building your 2* roster before stressing over 3* guys just yet. You should look into building up Thor, getting MN.Mags, Ares, and probably Wolverine and Cap. You've got a good start with your 3* guys (they're just not ready for prime time yet) so don't ditch any.

    Check out the guides for transitioning in the Tips & Guides section. That'll help you out a lot. Remember that it isn't always about having the guys who can punch the hardest; having a diverse roster will help out by giving you tons more options of team compositions.
    zyrain wrote:
    Hey D3, if they can drop characters in a single attack, this isn't for 2* play.

    I haven't really seen what others feel about DDQ yet, but I think it's very effective. Not everyone is meant to complete it. Players are only going to be earning what is useful to them. You need storing enough 1* guys to get the 2* rewards - 2* guys will help get you more 2* guys - the 3* reward is only given to players who are ready to build their 3* guys.

    Don't feel down about not completing it. It's not punishing anyone. In fact it's helping newer players by not handing them covers. Otherwise they would waste iso-8 and a roster slot on a useless cover when they should focus on their 2* roster.