Attacking someone repeatedly



  • Not all snipers are bad; Harada for example would snipe for hours and donate the points to my alliance. I personally thanked him for his kind gesture and I could feel the gratitude in the air by his blank response.

    HAHAHA More likely those points are "on loan". He will probably "collect" at a later time. Made me chuckle though. icon_e_biggrin.gif
  • Do I swear and rage and freak out when I get sniped massively? Yes, I do. Do I roar in pain and anguish and curse blind Fate and its cruelty towards this ill-fated boy? Possibly, I'd rather not comment on that.
    Do I take it personally? HELL NO.

    It's the nature of the game. It's not like I've never hit unshielded players for a kitten-load of points. This is how this works, like it or not. In my opinion, either the points you ususally get higher up shouldn't be that low, or else there should be a limit on point loss when hit, but until it's changed (and I doubt it will be, not any time soon), this is just the way the game is played.

    Of course I don't hit unshielded alliance mates, except if they say they don't mind (usually when I'd give them a big fat retal). I'll also avoid people I know, or at least wait for a while until I can safely presume them shielded. Since I regularly line my targets up way before I break shield, that's not much of a problem. If, however, a tasty morsel worth 35 or more comes up during a hop, I'll descend like a tile-matching vulture. I'm pretty sure said morsel would do the same to me.
  • Dont worry Epic, apparently I'm a notorious Sniper who loves taking out Several members of this forum on a regular basis. I've had a target painted on my head for a while now. Join Slice 5 and we can rough some people up. I welcome the competition! Gotta get that season score up somehow.