Why change 3* prize to 2* prize on gauntlet? Streamlined



  • Vankysher
    Vankysher Posts: 324 Mover and Shaker
    I wasn't affected by this Gauntlet prize "glitch"...which reminds me of the two Bob's in the movie Office Space having "fixed the glitch" for Milton's paycheck.

    As Thugpatrol mentioned, somebody should be minding the store at the very least a customer service agent.
    We may generically call this a game but the business model they have chosen is a service wrapped around a game.
    They deal in digital goods but if it were actual physical goods, I am betting there would be a much larger outrage.
    If I make a financial transaction and a "glitch" happens which results in them taking more money in the transaction than presented - you bet I want someone available to address the issue and not stumbling into a forum to find out that nobody from that business will address it until Monday.

    It only takes one competitor to offer a similar product/service with better customer service to draw your customers away and it is only the company's fault for not addressing the most obvious.
  • lukewin wrote:
    This issue is far from game breaking or anything that the devs should've used any weekend time on. If some servers go down, or people are unable to play, those are the times when weekend involvement is required, and I do think, they have that in place. My issue was more the way it was addressed, when it was addressed. Like I said, if the customer service response I received had been posted in any of the threads, we wouldn't be where we are today. Even if it showed up in one thread, I'm pretty sure that other forum users would've spread that word to other threads.

    I agree again. Mpq ' s cs dept should in no way reflect in a positive manner for the developers. Just because they created and pay a cs dept to handle these matters, it does not excuse the developers. After all, it's how the developers who do programming, not pr, respond to these matters that we should judge mpq.

    I know it's not a good trip to the local grocery if the cashier thanks me and not the managers or the produce person. Just because that's why they have cashiers, that does not excuse the other people there doing what they're supposed to be doing instead of taking time to thank me. It better not be just a thank you. That doesn't count because I don't feel fully thanked if it's done that way. They need to give me a detailed reason why they're thankful and use the wording I find acceptable or it doesn't count.
  • GuntherBlobel
    GuntherBlobel Posts: 987 Critical Contributor
    (God help me for keeping this thread alive, but just want to echo what Valeyard is saying without the satire)

    I really like that the Producer and the Design Lead of MPQ read and respond to the forum. In most cases, I would much rather get a response from them than from HiFi or Customer Service (no offense). I don't expect platitudes from Will or IceIX, because that isn't their job. I really don't get it, but I guess Lukewin prefers it the other way around.

    (And now I promise to never post on this thread again)
  • lukewin
    lukewin Posts: 1,356 Chairperson of the Boards
    I would prefer good communication from anyone. It just seems that Will is one of the best at doing it. I emailed Customer Service, because that is their job, and I could get an answer from them, that represented the views of D3 on the matter.
  • Thugpatrol wrote:
    Trisul wrote:
    Thugpatrol wrote:
    The second point, how exactly is it ridiculous to think they should be monitoring the game and the forum on the weekend? They are open for business 24/7. They run events on weekends, ones with hotly contested rewards where people play and spend money on their game. Why are they relieved of the responsibility to supervise their product? We're not talking about the entire staff sitting in a room hitting refresh on their browser every two seconds. We're talking about making it someone's job to monitor the state of things on weekends, which clearly they don't really do. This particular issue could have been cleared up with about two phone calls, a post on the forum, and a MOTD spash in-game to avoid much of the confusion. I wouldn't consider asking for that minimal level of oversight crazy.
    Being a software engineer myself, I find this expectation to be completely crazy.
    This isn't about software engineering. This is about managing a business. We're not just talking about code-jockeys here, there are other people employed by both the developer and the publisher, and since the game is running and money is changing hands on weekends someone should be minding the store. This isn't the first time they've had an incident over a weekend, and it's far from the worst incident, but it has happened more than once and they haven't addressed the root of the problem, which has a very simple fix: make it someone's job to keep an eye on things over weekends and make a call if things turn pear-shaped.
    That's what customer support is for. If the issue is big enough, then they call in the devs on the weekend to investigate and fix it. Here it looks like CS thought it a cosmetic change could wait.

    Not to belittle them, but I'm guessing customer support is typical of other customer support in that they don't really care about the game when they're not working, so they probably aren't the type to endlessly browse the forums looking for any sort of complaint just so they can respond.

    Jeez, at this point the streamlined version needs a streamlined version.
  • Why are we even kicking this dead horse still anyways?

    Because live horses kick back and poop. So I hear.

    A chainsaw and a large cork will be all you need.
  • simonsez
    simonsez Posts: 4,663 Chairperson of the Boards
    dearbluey wrote:
    A chainsaw and a large cork will be all you need.
    Does anyone have a large cork we can use on this thread?
  • fight4thedream
    fight4thedream GLOBAL_MODERATORS Posts: 2,001 Chairperson of the Boards
    *locking topic as the streamlined version is on the verge of reaching the same length as the original thread. All relevant arguments regarding the matter have been presented and explored in depth but if anyone believes otherwise please feel free to PM me. Thank you.*
This discussion has been closed.