[POLL] How do you plan to use shields? (double priced)



  • Unknown
    edited January 2014
    pumkin wrote:
    Do they even realize that a 24 hour shield costs 4 dollars if you were to buy the HP yourself? How is that acceptable?

    If there is something that facebook games and some other f2p games have taught us in the last 3-4 years is that there are many with too much time on their hands (sadly I am one those at the moment), or no money issues (sadly I am not one of those) who will spend a lot (time or money) to simply click a mouse button for hours making a silly idea quite profitable. Humanity becomes dumber and dumber. Never forget our contribution to this goal. icon_e_biggrin.gif
  • I thought the original goal of shields was to
    a) allow for people to progress higher i.e. shielding all the time. Result: Maybe too successful
    b) allow people to not have to be online grinding crazy mad during the last hour of a tourney i.e. just shielding at the end. Result: IMO, absolutely perfect.

    I happen to be way more concerned about b) than a) and I think the combination of changes to matchmaking and progression rewards (harder to get to HP rewards) in conjunction with these changes to shielding mean I'm not going to be able to afford shielding. Thus, I'll spend a lot more (unenjoyable) time mad grinding the last couple hours of a tournament to protect my rating. Also, now, anytime I see a tournament that ends while I'm at work...I'm just not going to try.