High Stakes - Jan 27-31 - Season X (2x Iso)



  • icon_eek.gif

    It was like I haven't been playing the same game as the rest of the MPQ world. Since my decision to become a sniper in the land of PVP way back in August, I had literally no idea of the horrors I was avoiding ( purpleflag.png )

    Namely, the infamous "Wall of 166" is long gone. The dead baby-fetus-level construct of flesh erected in its place? The 3-4-4 wall. It goes on your screen like this quite literally;

    {3-star character, the one the event is based on} {4-star character, lv. 200-270} {4-star character, lv. 250-270}

    The only variance in what occurred was, in this instance, the icon_blade.png you were going to face. If you got someone early in the climb, you might have even lucked into someone using the Loaner!

    It was nice to see D3 try something(read: ANYTHING) to help the 2-3 rosters(and, technically the 3-4 rosters) out there reach this (horrifying) new endgame state. But this first test was not a promising indicator of how this new prog. system(is supposed to) work. I do, however, believe in the methodology "once is a fluke/twice is a pattern". So we will reserve final judgement after trying it out one more time, in the X - XI 'off-season'.

    ...ya know, when people are supposed to care "less".

    P.S.: one more tale of horror: lost 2 different matches where I was winning, until the enemy AI decided to whip out the star.pngstar.pngstar.pngstar.pngtutile.png power it was toting into the fight. These are now WAY more common than ever in PVP land. Do NOT ignore that match-up screen!