is periodic double iso events enough?



  • babinro
    babinro Posts: 771 Critical Contributor
    It's hard to be unbiased about this from a player perspective.
    Until I'm able to comfortably max level 100% of the characters on my roster than of course it's not enough...right?

    I'm happy to see the rewards increased and I'm more motivated than usual to play that event.

    If this bonus became the norm I'd be happy but I'd also get accustomed to the change and then everything would feel 'normal' again.
    If this bonus was a periodic thing like once a week than it would greatly devalue the other events and hurt general motivation.

    I guess that's all there is to it....not overly insightful but that's the truth.
    Note: I've never been crazy about 'double xp' weekends in games and other such temp boosts so it's not something I'd like to see here.
  • onimus wrote:
    scottee wrote:
    I still don't understand this "iso shortage". You have a set amount of iso. It hasn't changed in forever. You decide how to spend the iso. It's a strategic decision. Not sure why people expect to be able to immediately level up a character for every new cover they get. One hardcore whale does it by grinding crazy hours and how everyone expects to be able to level up every character they have covers for?
    Let me put it this way:

    I have a 3/5/3 Nick Fury.

    And I don't even want to level him.

    The iso required to make him useful is not worth the power level he brings to the table.

    Because ISO is the most valuable thing in this entire game. And if you aren't getting notable value out of each drop of ISO, you're wasting it.

    That's the basis behind the ISO shortage.

    When you feel like you have too many characters that need ISO, and you're gaining ISO so slowly that there is almost no good way to allocate it.

    I just don't even understand this reply to Scotee. With any limited resource, you must prioritize its consumption. If 4* Nick Fury is unusable because you put all your ISO into other characters (I'm guessing a lvl 270 X-Force) that was your priority, obviously. If this is the "ISO shortage" problem, then it's ridiculous. Furthermore, 4* characters are very useful with the amount ISO it takes to max a 3*, particularly since the 4* game is still in its infancy.

    Essentially, you are just asking for your characters to level automatically with each new cover as if ISO didn't exist. It does. It's meant to function this way. So yes, you are intended to have max covered characters that are under leveled, by design.

    I have a dozen or more 3* characters at lvl 125 or so. None maxed. That's my priority and I'm not complaining about it.

    Lastly, you should consider that MPQ is a competitive game, so, I sincerely doubt that increasing ISO across the board will give you the advantage you hope it will.

    I'm sorry that you don't understand it.

    There really isn't a good answer to your post.

    If you feel like the amount of ISO you get for the amount of time you play is appropriate, then I am genuinely happy for you.

    I don't.

    Maybe I'm too pampered in other games I play. Maybe I'm too impatient for this game. I have no idea.

    But there's a certain...hopelessness associated with the rate of accruement of ISO in this game.

    430k ISO for a character that will not really help you that much at all. When you're getting maybe 5000 iso a day, on average.

    What's the point?

    If I level my Nick Fury, is an Xforce/Nick Fury team really THAT much more intimidating than an XForce/hood team?

    I doubt it. It may even be less intimidating, since Hood basically forces them to use Hood as well.

    Now, that may be more of a testament to the balance of the game than the rate of ISO gained. I have not performed the appropriate analytics to determine such a thing.

    When there is no real point to leveling anyone except two characters, Xforce and Thor, maybe it is an effort in futility to ask for more ISO, when it won't help you anyway, unless you're leveling one of those 2 characters.

    But at least when I'm leveling characters I get to feel (however falsely) that I'm progressing in the game.

    And as the rate of ISO stands now, I do not feel like I'm progressing in the game. It's the exact opposite. The rate of ISO makes me feel like it is the sole reason I am NOT progressing in the game. I have a 4 star character ready to level, but the amount of ISO, time and effort required does not balance with the return I get in leveling him.

    I'm glad you are happy with the rate of ISO. I wish I was.

    Agree to disagree.
  • ark123 wrote:
    CoolB76 wrote:
    If you think there is no ISO shortage then you probably dedicate more time to the game then sleep, work, friends and family.

    If you are making 20K ISO in a day on lightning rounds then you probably dedicate more time to the game then sleep, work, friends and family.

    I wouldn't have the time nor desire to play any other PVP or PVE events if I were dedicating that much time just to lightning rounds.

    If you go to a game's message board to accuse people of playing that game too much, you really need to think it through. Specially if there is no ingame link whatsoever to that message board. People who get here are people who loved the game so much they decided to find the official place to talk to other people about it's specifics. Or they're people who want to say "F your game it sucks" and move on with their lives. Which one are you? Do you go to forums about Border Collies and accuse people of spending too much time with their dogs?

    I "probably" didn't accuse anyone of anything. Feeling guilty for playing too much?

    Border Collies are over rated!
  • NorthernPolarity
    NorthernPolarity Posts: 3,531 Chairperson of the Boards
    onimus wrote:
    But there's a certain...hopelessness associated with the rate of accruement of ISO in this game.

    430k ISO for a character that will not really help you that much at all. When you're getting maybe 5000 iso a day, on average.

    What's the point?

    If I level my Nick Fury, is an Xforce/Nick Fury team really THAT much more intimidating than an XForce/hood team?

    I doubt it. It may even be less intimidating, since Hood basically forces them to use Hood as well.

    Now, that may be more of a testament to the balance of the game than the rate of ISO gained. I have not performed the appropriate analytics to determine such a thing.

    When there is no real point to leveling anyone except two characters, Xforce and Thor, maybe it is an effort in futility to ask for more ISO, when it won't help you anyway, unless you're leveling one of those 2 characters.

    Okay so here you basically said so yourself: the issue you're having with the game isn't with the iso shortage, its with XF / LadyThor obsoleting every single other character in the game, and Hood being better than Fury. This has nothing to do with you not having enough iso to level Fury, since as you said so yourself, whats the point when XF / LadyThor / Hood are just better?
    onimus wrote:
    But at least when I'm leveling characters I get to feel (however falsely) that I'm progressing in the game.

    And as the rate of ISO stands now, I do not feel like I'm progressing in the game. It's the exact opposite. The rate of ISO makes me feel like it is the sole reason I am NOT progressing in the game. I have a 4 star character ready to level, but the amount of ISO, time and effort required does not balance with the return I get in leveling him.

    No, the reason you feel like you are not progressing in this game is because Fury is a bad character compared to XF / LadyThor... It really seems like all of your complaints are directed at the balance of the game as opposed to the "iso shortage".

    I think it helps to define what "progression" is in this game. In terms of having a strong enough team for PvP / PvE, there are only two things that matter:
    1. Obtain XF / LadyThor and level them to 270.
    2. Level all featured characters to a level that they are a good defensive deterrent and / or playable in PvEs that feature them.

    Luckily wasting iso on Fury is neither of these two things, so I don't think Fury is a good example of why there is an iso shortage in this game. Direct your anger at Fury sucking, not at the iso problem, since the rate of iso gained is more than reasonable to do step 2, which is roughly 100k per character and obtainable through normal play.
  • mjh
    mjh Posts: 708 Critical Contributor
    It has nothing to do with leveling up your character instantly. At the current rate it takes months (plural) to get the ISO to max one 3 star.png

    Like Moon Roach said, every 3 star.png takes 172,764 iso8.png to get to 166, a 4 star.png 430,464 to get to 270. Add that to the fact there are still 2 star.png 's I'd like to level (hawkeye, ms. marvel).

    At the 2x iso8.png rate it feels about right in terms of playtime - iso8.png earnings. You can level a character in a reasonable amount of time for a fair amount of game play, that's the bottom line.
  • It has nothing to do with leveling up your character instantly. At the current rate it takes months (plural) to get the ISO to max one 3 star.png

    Nope, it takes far less than this.

    If you play very casually, you can't complain your roster does not evolve in the way you'd like to.
  • onimus wrote:
    But there's a certain...hopelessness associated with the rate of accruement of ISO in this game.

    430k ISO for a character that will not really help you that much at all. When you're getting maybe 5000 iso a day, on average.

    What's the point?

    If I level my Nick Fury, is an Xforce/Nick Fury team really THAT much more intimidating than an XForce/hood team?

    I doubt it. It may even be less intimidating, since Hood basically forces them to use Hood as well.

    Now, that may be more of a testament to the balance of the game than the rate of ISO gained. I have not performed the appropriate analytics to determine such a thing.

    When there is no real point to leveling anyone except two characters, Xforce and Thor, maybe it is an effort in futility to ask for more ISO, when it won't help you anyway, unless you're leveling one of those 2 characters.

    Okay so here you basically said so yourself: the issue you're having with the game isn't with the iso shortage, its with XF / LadyThor obsoleting every single other character in the game, and Hood being better than Fury. This has nothing to do with you not having enough iso to level Fury, since as you said so yourself, whats the point when XF / LadyThor / Hood are just better?
    onimus wrote:
    But at least when I'm leveling characters I get to feel (however falsely) that I'm progressing in the game.

    And as the rate of ISO stands now, I do not feel like I'm progressing in the game. It's the exact opposite. The rate of ISO makes me feel like it is the sole reason I am NOT progressing in the game. I have a 4 star character ready to level, but the amount of ISO, time and effort required does not balance with the return I get in leveling him.

    No, the reason you feel like you are not progressing in this game is because Fury is a bad character compared to XF / LadyThor... It really seems like all of your complaints are directed at the balance of the game as opposed to the "iso shortage".

    I think it helps to define what "progression" is in this game. In terms of having a strong enough team for PvP / PvE, there are only two things that matter:
    1. Obtain XF / LadyThor and level them to 270.
    2. Level all featured characters to a level that they are a good defensive deterrent and / or playable in PvEs that feature them.

    Luckily wasting iso on Fury is neither of these two things, so I don't think Fury is a good example of why there is an iso shortage in this game. Direct your anger at Fury sucking, not at the iso problem, since the rate of iso gained is more than reasonable to do step 2, which is roughly 100k per character and obtainable through normal play.

    Nick Fury would worth leveling if ISO weren't so scarce.

    But yes, the balance of the game is obviously my biggest issue.
  • fmftint
    fmftint Posts: 3,653 Chairperson of the Boards
    My prediction 2015 all new character PvP well be double iso
  • I believe the ISO shortage argument all comes down to perception and expectation. In other games we have played, we have achieved our set goals in a certain amount of time. So we tend to judge a new game by what we feel is "normal". From experience.

    With casual play (another definition that is based on personal perception)

    Some feel we should have access to max characters in a few days.

    Some feel we should have access to max characters in a few weeks.

    Some say a month is good.

    Some say the game is about allocating resources, so you will never have all characters maxed without a severe infusion of cash.

    My argument is that the game, by the way it is created, has no end. And it is very slow. This is where I think the major problem lies.

    It is my opinion that most people nowadays do not appreciate a slow game. Or a slow anything for that matter. This game is best enjoyed as a slow collection of characters. One level at a time. The sense of accomplishment that comes from gaining the next max character. People who don't like the slow game end up doing one of three things.

    1) Buying their way to the top
    2) Sacrifice their daily lives to get to the top.
    3) Complain that the game does not give them a way to quickly get to the top.

    It sounds harsh as I read what I just wrote, but I will not delete it, because I believe it to be true. I think a good exercise for every player on the forums would be to close their eyes, take a deep breath, forget their complaints for a few seconds, and really look at the game. Think about how the game works. Think about the changes that you would like to see, and honestly evaluate the chances of said change happening.

    D3 doubling ISO in the near future? - Good chance.
    D3 giving out enough ISO for a casual player to max a character within 2 weeks of release? - Not so good.

    Finally, ask yourself. Do I really like this game? Do I really enjoy the mechanics? Do I agree with the design? Do the pros outweigh the cons? Use your answers to help you decide if you should really be playing this game.
  • Dauthi
    Dauthi Posts: 995 Critical Contributor
    I'm still unsure why people think you should be able to get to the top, let alone do it easily.

    This is a Facebook/Phone style game, and similar to MMORPGs, the developers job is to make sure you do not reach an end. If their players do, they will lose them and lose money due to lack of content/goals to obtain. All this game has in terms of progress is collecting/leveling characters, so think about it.

    They are/should tailor this game towards how hardcore someone can play and go from there to ensure that the other 98% will always have goals and content to keep them playing. Their move to 4* creation is due to more and more players hitting max 3* and finding nothing left.