Elektra a forced 4*



  • SnowcaTT wrote:
    The real super-powerful (Scarlett Witch, Jean Grey, Charles X, Thanos, Silver Surfer) - where are they, future 5*'s?

    Nah, I think they will go and sit with the, oh so powerfull, IW.
  • Polares
    Polares Posts: 2,643 Chairperson of the Boards
    Okin107 wrote:
    SnowcaTT wrote:
    The real super-powerful (Scarlett Witch, Jean Grey, Charles X, Thanos, Silver Surfer) - where are they, future 5*'s?

    Nah, I think they will go and sit with the, oh so powerfull, IW.

    But IW is really powerfull in comics. Most writers don't realise that, but she is the most powerfull of the Fantastic 4 without doubt. It is another completely different thing the implementation in this game icon_razz.gif

    Elektra is a 4* because devs want more money for their Chrismas presents or to have better numbers for 2014
  • Wolarsen
    Wolarsen Posts: 326 Mover and Shaker
    On legendary characters:I would like to see top tier covers reserved for absolutely iconic characters (as Silver Surfer, Thanos, Phoenix, Prof.Xavier, Dr.Strange, the Thing). Fury (as "director of shield", I try to forget the son thing) and Wolverine make perfect legendaries imo; I would leave InvisibleW out; Thoress is a marketing decision (heck, she is a 2014 character!), valid but quite flavourless. DDinosaur is a wink/joke, it would have fit better in 3* land. I think Elektra would fit into 3* too.

    On Elektra herself:BUT! regarding Elektra's importance in Marvel universe, her introduction belongs to arguably the peak of the Daredevil comics, the Miller (and later Mazzuchelli) work. "Elektra assassin" miniseries was a reference in the 80s. The character is nicely built and has/had an unique profile. Heck, she is a ninja master!

    She hasnt appeared more often in comics because Miller had asked for it; she reappeared like a decade after, on decision of a petty editor, much to Miller's upset.

    I would no doubt put it into the game before Rocket&Groot, Gamora, Ragnarok and Blade. But then Guardians has been a box hit and Rocket is cute, so...
  • wymtime
    wymtime Posts: 3,757 Chairperson of the Boards
    I look at it this way. The Dev's want to release 2 new characters a month, but it is killing the 2-3* transition. They also have a group of players who have maxed out a lot of 3* characters and 4* characters who are now dominating the game (at least PVP) and feel like they have reached the end game. The 3* characters are not OP so the higher end players don't feel encourage to keep grinding and spend money on the game.
    Solution- create a transition to 4* characters so you can make it easier to give out more 3*. If the Dev's make more 4* characters and get up to around 10 4* characters there is a new progression to be made from 3*-4*. This also allows D3 to give out more 3* covers. It might be eliminate 2* from recruite tokens, it might be top 150 for individual events, it might be top 50 get 2 covers. By creating a deeper 4* class it creates a new end game for higher end players, and can let 3* drop more frequently so 2* players can transition to 3*.
    The problem that will occure if this is the case is if they continue to make 4* so difficult to get, #1 in PVP/PVE and top 100 alliance reward for season, those who pay for the covers will keep FTP players and either locked out of 4* territory or make that transition take years.
    As a 3* player I am fine with more 4* and extending the end game, as long as they adjust some cost for roster slots, as well as an possible increase in ISO.
  • GrimSkald
    GrimSkald Posts: 2,529 Chairperson of the Boards
    Nellobee wrote:
    Mawtful wrote:
    Elektra's certainly a prominent character - she's got her own movie, which is more than Nick Fury, She-Thor or Devil Dino.

    O RLY?

    Granted, not a theatrical release, and certainly not worth watching, but there was a Nick Fury movie.

    I caught parts of this on late night cable. You bastard! I managed to blot this from my memory until you reminded me....
  • JVReal
    JVReal Posts: 1,884 Chairperson of the Boards
    Mawtful wrote:
    @Nellobee, fine, "Nick Fury Jnr." icon_razz.gif

    @Puce Moose, from memory it's "while the movie is playing, drink"
    My memory serves as it's an after you've been drinking, you have a brain fart and say 'hey lets watch that movie where Hasselhoff plays Fury movie' and you enjoy it...
  • Omega Red
    Omega Red Posts: 366 Mover and Shaker
    I am surprised to see so many guys saying Elektra is a B-list, C-list type of character and therefore she does not belong to 4* land.

    She is more like a mythic character -Bucky, Phoenix, Mar-vell, maybe Adam Warlock as well- than simply a well-known character with fifty years of publication history or an established popularity. She is the star of one of the greatest runs in the history of Marvel Comics. For that alone she deserves to be a 4*.

    I am not familiar with ther latest appearances. The most recent stuff I read was Bendis and Austen's comic from 2000 and the illustrated novel with Wolverine by Greg Rucka. Maybe she has been poorly used in most recent years and that is why so many guys here think she is not worthy.
  • Nellobee
    Nellobee Posts: 457 Mover and Shaker
    JVReal wrote:
    Mawtful wrote:
    @Nellobee, fine, "Nick Fury Jnr." icon_razz.gif

    @Puce Moose, from memory it's "while the movie is playing, drink"
    My memory serves as it's an after you've been drinking, you have a brain fart and say 'hey lets watch that movie where Hasselhoff plays Fury movie' and you enjoy it...

    There is a typo in your post. You spelled "enjoy" when you clearly meant "loathe" or "pass out and therefore do not see".
    Easy mistake to make, the keys are like right next to each other.
  • Omega Red wrote:
    I am surprised to see so many guys saying Elektra is a B-list, C-list type of character and therefore she does not belong to 4* land.

    She is more like a mythic character -Bucky, Phoenix, Mar-vell, maybe Adam Warlock as well- than simply a well-known character with fifty years of publication history or an established popularity. She is the star of one of the greatest runs in the history of Marvel Comics. For that alone she deserves to be a 4*.

    I am not familiar with ther latest appearances. The most recent stuff I read was Bendis and Austen's comic from 2000 and the illustrated novel with Wolverine by Greg Rucka. Maybe she has been poorly used in most recent years and that is why so many guys here think she is not worthy.

    We aren't saying she is unimportant, just not a legendary character. Legendary characters should really be reserved for the icons of the Marvel universe like Fury and Wolverine. I wouldn't really consider Elektra an icon.
  • Omega Red
    Omega Red Posts: 366 Mover and Shaker
    Cmanster wrote:
    Omega Red wrote:
    I am surprised to see so many guys saying Elektra is a B-list, C-list type of character and therefore she does not belong to 4* land.

    She is more like a mythic character -Bucky, Phoenix, Mar-vell, maybe Adam Warlock as well- than simply a well-known character with fifty years of publication history or an established popularity. She is the star of one of the greatest runs in the history of Marvel Comics. For that alone she deserves to be a 4*.

    I am not familiar with ther latest appearances. The most recent stuff I read was Bendis and Austen's comic from 2000 and the illustrated novel with Wolverine by Greg Rucka. Maybe she has been poorly used in most recent years and that is why so many guys here think she is not worthy.

    We aren't saying she is unimportant, just not a legendary character. Legendary characters should really be reserved for the icons of the Marvel universe like Fury and Wolverine. I wouldn't really consider Elektra an icon.

    Sorry, but Nick Fury is not an icon. He is an old estabished character and currently very popular in his current incarnation because of the movies and his role in the modern Marvel Universe but an icon he is not. Devil dinosaur is an old, obscure, fun character, not an icon. Thor is an icon, just not in this current version that was just launched a couple of months ago.

    Elektra is way more iconic or "legendary" as you call them than any of those characters so that argument does not work.

    I love all these characters and I have no issue with any of them being a four star, but they are there for different reasons and that is fine.
  • Omega Red wrote:

    I love all these characters and I have no issue with any of them being a four star, but they are there for different reasons and that is fine.

    Says a guy who joined the forum less than one month ago.

    So we have the answer to our question (but we already knew, didn't we ?) :

    Newcomers love to have plenty of new characters they will never level up.

    After Elektra has been released, it will take 9 million Iso to level all these characters.
  • As a 2 month old player already in 2-3 transition...THIS SUCKS.

    I don't even want a 4* but am grinding my butt off for my alliance to get #1. Why must MPQ shove stupid new chars down our throats when all we want is Lakens, Patch, BP, etc?

    Stop this garbage hamster wheel and let us get to play the game the vets have been enjoying for the past 1+ year. I'm getting no where getting 2-4+ covers on these new chars, and nothing else.

    Devs have all but eliminated 2-3 trans'ers from PVP, now we can't even continue growth from PVE. Does anyone in charge get this!?!?!? Just because I can whale it up, doesn't mean I'm going to spend $100+ to max cover EVERY SINGLE CHAR.
  • Switchman wrote:
    As a 2 month old player already in 2-3 transition...THIS SUCKS.

    I don't even want a 4* but am grinding my butt off for my alliance to get #1. Why must MPQ shove stupid new chars down our throats when all we want is Lakens, Patch, BP, etc?

    Stop this garbage hamster wheel and let us get to play the game the vets have been enjoying for the past 1+ year. I'm getting no where getting 2-4+ covers on these new chars, and nothing else.

    Devs have all but eliminated 2-3 trans'ers from PVP, now we can't even continue growth from PVE. Does anyone in charge get this!?!?!? Just because I can whale it up, doesn't mean I'm going to spend $100+ to max cover EVERY SINGLE CHAR.

    Says a guy who joined the forum less than TWO months ago.

    So we have the answer to our question (but we already knew, didn't we ?) :

    Newcomers stop loving to have plenty of new characters they will never level up after 2 months in the game.

    After Elektra has been released, it will take 9 million Iso to level all these characters.
  • Omega Red
    Omega Red Posts: 366 Mover and Shaker
    arktos1971 wrote:
    Omega Red wrote:

    I love all these characters and I have no issue with any of them being a four star, but they are there for different reasons and that is fine.

    Says a guy who joined the forum less than one month ago.

    So we have the answer to our question (but we already knew, didn't we ?) :

    Newcomers love to have plenty of new characters they will never level up.

    After Elektra has been released, it will take 9 million Iso to level all these characters.

    I have been playing this game since october 2013. I have been lurking this forum since november of same year. Most of the time I played somewhat casually, some other times I played somewhat competitively, some others I stopped playing altogether, whatever. I have a fully covered X-force, an almost fully covered Invisible woman and now I will be working on Thora. Also, I currently play for a top-100 aliance. I might be a newcomer to the forum but a newcomer to the game? No sir.

    Please refrain from judging opinions based solely on forum seniority. It makes you look silly.
  • Omega Red wrote:

    Please refrain from judging opinions based solely on forum seniority. It makes you look silly.

    I was humourizing on the situation lately, not you. Sorry if you felt offended, that was not my intention.

    Let me update :
    Omega Red wrote:

    I love all these characters and I have no issue with any of them being a four star, but they are there for different reasons and that is fine.

    Says a guy who joined the forum less than one month ago and who's been playing for 14 months.

    So we have the answer to our question (but we already knew, didn't we ?) :

    Veterans love to have plenty of new characters they will never level up.

    After Elektra has been released, it will take 9 million Iso to level all these characters.

    That doesn't make any sense : it's normal, it's not meant to have any.