On a scale of 1-5, how burnt out are you with recent events?

edited December 2014 in MPQ General Discussion
I'm pretty sure more than a few of us have been yelled at by wives/girlfriends for playing MPQ too much for the past few weeks. We have had an endless string of events bombarded at us. We had 2 back-to-back reruns of the same Groot PVE along with releasing 2 brand new 3-star characters. I'm pretty sure most of you can agree that the 4hor PVE prize brought out the crazy in a lot of us. We also had multiple PVPs with the 2 new character awards (one event which resulted in The1Onewhoknocks recording breaking 3000+ score, at the expense of 4300 hp). All of this occurred near the end of Season 8.

Now we were going to get some good news with the PVE time slices, but unfortunately we got 12-hour subs (2 events every 2 hours). So if you thought 3PM or 6PM was a good end time, you got screwed over because the previous sub ended at 3AM or 6AM. So once again, no sleep for you (or your significant other).

So please take the poll and let D3P know how we feel at the moment (1 being the best, 5 being the worst).
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  • Thor event was terrible. But second rerun of Groot was much better, I think it was shorter? And certainly not as crazy with scaling. This PvE is just cakewalk (due to bug really), but overall it's not as stressful. And I don't see problem with 12h subs. If they were 24h top place would be taken by people with no sleep either way, it's how pve is build right now. Play during day optimally and milk out to 0, big chance of being top2. 'Night' shift starts, clear every node three times over and you can sleep for 8h just fine, still will have 3h for reclear tomorrow and top10 finish. So overall it's not that bad now, though rooting for Gauntlet next before they add last new character.
  • If I wasn't already in a casual alliance, I'd be heading there. As it is, I'm going to start thinking long and hard about what events I participate in coming up. My fiance has already threatened to uninstall the game from my computer if I don't start sleeping more.
  • kensterr
    kensterr Posts: 1,277 Chairperson of the Boards
    On a scale of 1-5, mine is 10. Extremely burnt out!
  • Ignoring the text on the scale, I'd probably be a 4 or 5. It's been frantic.

    PvE's back to back have been the killer, especially with the 2.5 node refresh. Even though I've taken it really, really easy during this PvE the 12 hour nodes have made it feel fairly non-stop.
  • I'm starting to feel better now.

    I'm glad we'll just have one character till the end of the year.

    But I think it's just back to the usual schedule.

    The low scaling PvE is relaxing and we can enjoy the extra Iso. That's what it should be like every end of the season.

    I hope the new game format will be relaxing and not another stressful competitive thing.
  • PvE clears have just become part of my daily routine. The low scaling on Brotherhood has helped stave off burnout.
  • I've quit my alliance today which was my second, more casual than the one before. I didn't play today. I doubt I'll play again. I'll consider returning if they up the 3* drop rates and end the **** called rotation.
  • Accident-eLe
    I think that a lot of people are evaluating this pve badly. Just because you got lucky and scaled into a bracket where you can do three clears doesn't mean that this is an acceptable pace of pve releases. I am in a normal bracket and love pve but I still think going back to a day or 2 between each would be much better. Try clearing your hard nodes with juggs and ares at Normal scaling levels and you will be back to torches and pitchforks.
  • SpaceBearPig
    SpaceBearPig Posts: 83 Match Maker
    The double subs at short time intervals, loads of tokens, hp and iso as well as the really easy clears makes this latest pve the best thing ever. I'm like taking long breaks and still sitting in top 10, so to answer the question: right now 1, before this pve 5.
  • the problem is not with the amount of events, the problem is with the way points are gathered.
    Its just stupid that a clear every 2.5 hours gives more points than 2 clears every 5 hours.
    This means you are forced to mess up your schedule. People have to go to school / work / etc. So only the players that have no job can fully take advantage of these events.
  • GuntherBlobel
    GuntherBlobel Posts: 987 Critical Contributor
    edited December 2014
    I'm not burnt out in the slightest. I didn't play the first round of Rocket and Groot for Ranking awards. I'm also not playing the current PvE (even for Progression). I don't have a single 4* Thor cover and I doubt that I will miss her, because I would never ever spend $25 for even one cover. I'm not going to try hard for 4* characters because they will take me 1 yr or more to max. I have a good foothold on the 3* game and I never think to myself that I want to "quit". I love the game but I would never allow it to feel like work.

    An Alliance just picked me up for my Season score, but I told them to drop me immediately after the Season end. I don't think they'll like it when I skip a couple of PvP events in a row.

    My advice is to scale back until you enjoy playing again. If your Alliance is keeping you from enjoying the game, you can go Alliance free. I have been doing this and avoiding Alliance-heavy brackets and events and for many months now. I'm still enjoying the game after day 370 and $80 in (~$6 a month).
  • OnesOwnGrief
    OnesOwnGrief Posts: 1,387 Chairperson of the Boards
    Haven't grinded PvE seriously in a few months now and only I only dump a few hours into every PvP. Has kept me from burning out and able to enjoy those big gaming releases from the huge fall season.
  • Hulk11
    Hulk11 Posts: 435
    It's very bad cause you take advantage of the new characters. Gamora is being used in both pve and pvp right now. It's tough right now, but I'm gonna see what happens after this round. Someone said one more character will be released sometime this year, as long as it's later, if should be easy after this one. I really don't know what the next event is, but this looks like the last big one for me anyway.
  • Thor event was horrid, seeing the lucrative rewards given out.

    I've only been playing for about a month, so my roster isn't really in a position where I can actually push for top rank in anything so I just try to place high enough to get the new character.

    If this pace keeps up, I might change my tune though. The current release pace is just to bloody quick and each new release makes it more and more difficult for a newer player like myself to actually make good progress (after 2* land of course).
  • MarcusGraves
    MarcusGraves Posts: 495 Mover and Shaker
    I love this brotherhood PvE since its just **** out tokens and because the timers are so short so I feel absolutely no real grind on it. i'm not even competing for the end of event prize, im just doing it for tokens which feels much more relaxing.
  • iLL619
    iLL619 Posts: 170
    More events.. More characters.. This game is crack.. Love it longggg time
  • iLL619
    iLL619 Posts: 170
    I love this brotherhood PvE since its just **** out tokens and because the timers are so short so I feel absolutely no real grind on it. i'm not even competing for the end of event prize, im just doing it for tokens which feels much more relaxing.

    Agreed token and levelin up my covers
  • babinro
    babinro Posts: 771 Critical Contributor
    Voted: 1. I want more events/characters released soon

    Hurray! I'm not alone!

    I'm of the mindset that I'd rather have too much to do than not enough. I'd love it if this game ran LR's 24/7, had no breaks between seasons, and tripled the amount of PvE's and PvP's at once.


    I never want to log in and feel as though I have nothing fun to do. This happens now (on occasion)...most commonly on Mondays, Thursdays, and Saturdays. I'm perfectly fine with simply picking and choosing what content I want to play and omitting the rest.

    You don't have to top 5 everything in this game. You don't need to have every character maxed out in the earliest possible time frames. PvP's and PvE's rotate enough that even when you aren't pushing yourself to the limits...you'll have a good chance at maxing out those new character covers within 6 months.

    If you're burnt out then you only have yourself to blame. Stop putting so much pressure on yourself and just be happy that there's plenty to do when you're ready to have fun.
  • There wasn't a good option for me.

    I want to say 4 or 5, but I am not switching to a casual alliance or quitting.

    I also am not a 3 because I don't shrug and think business as usual.

    I'm just exhausted and want them to slow down.
  • Lystrata
    Lystrata Posts: 322 Mover and Shaker
    Absolutely burnt out. New char PvE - Lady Thor - New char PvE - PvPs at the same time to maintain Season Score - etc. I just gave up with this last PvE. I'm typically top 5 in PvE - this time I've played 4 subs, twice each, and am loitering around 70. Honestly just don't have the care factor for it... not even for the final progression reward.

    Won't be playing during season break, and will be evaluating during that break whether it's worth coming back.

    (And whilst I'm by no means a whale, I do frequently buy smaller amounts of HP. I realise it's likely just a drop in the ocean, but in my experience most businesses don't go out of their way to lose paying customers as much as this one does.)