Farming for tokens

edited December 2014 in MPQ General Discussion
So the 12 hour subs made me realize this PVE is not about placement or progression awards. Maybe it is just for this end time test, but the next few days are about farming tokens.

5 nodes per sub, 2 subs per 12 hours, thats potentially 90 standards from start to finish
Should be pretty easy to earn one event token per sub and hopefully one alliance event token per sub and throw in the two progression tokens for another 50 potential event tokens.

So grab a shovel and your lucky dice, its farming time.


  • HP farming too. Top 50 is pretty simple if you have Gamora, and 100 hp every 12 hours is very nice.
  • simonsez
    simonsez Posts: 4,663 Chairperson of the Boards
    Cshack27 wrote:
    100 hp every 12 hours is very nice.
    Exactly. Can't understand why people freaked when they saw 12 hr subs. This is a good thing for so many reasons. HP, ISO, scaling, boredom...
  • simonsez wrote:
    Cshack27 wrote:
    100 hp every 12 hours is very nice.
    Exactly. Can't understand why people freaked when they saw 12 hr subs. This is a good thing for so many reasons. HP, ISO, scaling, boredom...

    It's not as bad over the weekend, but Monday I'm probably going to miss an entire set of subs because they're only 12 hours long. Combine that with being pushed into a bracket before joining and there are several subs I'll be luck to be top 500 in.
  • FierceKiwi
    FierceKiwi Posts: 505 Critical Contributor
    simonsez wrote:
    Cshack27 wrote:
    100 hp every 12 hours is very nice.
    Exactly. Can't understand why people freaked when they saw 12 hr subs. This is a good thing for so many reasons. HP, ISO, scaling, boredom...

    Scaling is almost always pretty irrelevant in this event...and with 24 hr subs it's easier to compete for all 1700HP in the subs.
  • Ryz-aus
    Ryz-aus Posts: 386
    FierceKiwi wrote:
    simonsez wrote:
    Cshack27 wrote:
    100 hp every 12 hours is very nice.
    Exactly. Can't understand why people freaked when they saw 12 hr subs. This is a good thing for so many reasons. HP, ISO, scaling, boredom...

    Scaling is almost always pretty irrelevant in this event...and with 24 hr subs it's easier to compete for all 1700HP in the subs.

    If the subs were 24 hrs, there would only be 1/2 as much hp to compete for - it's not like they would start giving out 200 hp for top ten if the subs were twice as long. Shorter subs = more subs = more sub rewards available.

    I think the complaints about 12 hr subs are certainly valid for anyone going for placement in the main and for future pves where the main reward is a new character, but if you already have a covered captain marvel who cares about placement in the main?
  • Ryz-aus wrote:
    FierceKiwi wrote:
    simonsez wrote:
    Cshack27 wrote:
    100 hp every 12 hours is very nice.
    Exactly. Can't understand why people freaked when they saw 12 hr subs. This is a good thing for so many reasons. HP, ISO, scaling, boredom...

    Scaling is almost always pretty irrelevant in this event...and with 24 hr subs it's easier to compete for all 1700HP in the subs.

    If the subs were 24 hrs, there would only be 1/2 as much hp to compete for - it's not like they would start giving out 200 hp for top ten if the subs were twice as long. Shorter subs = more subs = more sub rewards available.

    I think the complaints about 12 hr subs are certainly valid for anyone going for placement in the main and for future pves where the main reward is a new character, but if you already have a covered captain marvel who cares about placement in the main?

    If the subs were 24 hours, the event would be twice as long, and the HP would be the same. Because the subs are so short, I'm missing half of each of them, and have only been able to get hp twice now. Other runs I've gotten it every sub. This is costing me hp, not getting me more.
  • FierceKiwi
    FierceKiwi Posts: 505 Critical Contributor
    Ryz-aus wrote:
    FierceKiwi wrote:
    simonsez wrote:
    Cshack27 wrote:
    100 hp every 12 hours is very nice.
    Exactly. Can't understand why people freaked when they saw 12 hr subs. This is a good thing for so many reasons. HP, ISO, scaling, boredom...

    Scaling is almost always pretty irrelevant in this event...and with 24 hr subs it's easier to compete for all 1700HP in the subs.

    If the subs were 24 hrs, there would only be 1/2 as much hp to compete for - it's not like they would start giving out 200 hp for top ten if the subs were twice as long. Shorter subs = more subs = more sub rewards available.

    I think the complaints about 12 hr subs are certainly valid for anyone going for placement in the main and for future pves where the main reward is a new character, but if you already have a covered captain marvel who cares about placement in the main?

    It's not more subs though it's just the same number faster...there's 17 subs this time around there were 17 subs last time around it just ran for 9.5 days.

    EDIT: What Ben said that'll teach me to not read the last comment before replying.
  • Well if the subs were twice as long and you could hit each one and earn the HP you might earn more but over a twice as long period of time. Faster HP is better HP even if i don't earn every bit available. Missing out on some is not costing me anything. Just not earning me every shred of potential HP. I care less about % of potential when my own personal earning are faster than usual. I call that a good thing.
  • FierceKiwi
    FierceKiwi Posts: 505 Critical Contributor
    If you value speed over consistency...sure 12hrs is great...I'm in no hurry to spend my 1700HP to me it's just going to mean I don't have to whine on the forums for the next couple character releases so consistency way more important.
  • simonsez
    simonsez Posts: 4,663 Chairperson of the Boards
    Ben Grimm wrote:
    If the subs were 24 hours, the event would be twice as long, and the HP would be the same.
    Unless we have 4 days with no HP offered in the next PvP, the HP for the whole 8 days isn't going to be the same.
  • simonsez wrote:
    Ben Grimm wrote:
    If the subs were 24 hours, the event would be twice as long, and the HP would be the same.
    Unless we have 4 days with no HP offered in the next PvP, the HP for the whole 8 days isn't going to be the same.

    But I'd still have less HP than if they ran the single event at normal speed. And we know we're only getting one new character for the remainder of the month; I'd rather have fewer events I"m able to do better in than extra PVEs I'm incapable of competing in because I have a job. After today I"m going to essentially be able to play a little bit on the two evenings and that's it.

    This completely undermines the end time tests, because only about half of the subs actually end at the time I picked. It's essentially meaningless.
  • Yes, these short rounds have been great for farming tokens. That's our only hope of sticking with the game considering the horribly slow rate of 2-->3 transition having a hope of having a fully playable 3star by the time they die.
  • Yes, these short rounds have been great for farming tokens. That's our only hope of sticking with the game considering the horribly slow rate of 2-->3 transition having a hope of having a fully playable 3star by the time they die.
  • I'm getting a ton of tokens from this PVE event (with 4 12 hours sub per 24hours that's 8 tokens per 24hr) , but unfortunately I'm pulling nothing but useless 2* garbage. My best pull is a Blue Black Panther cover,,, yeah pretty useless.
  • Between this PVE and minimal season rewards I've managed to pull:

    Deadpool Red and black

    Cap Marvel Black

    Steve Rogers Red

    Blade Green

    Mohawk Storm Black

    Spidey Yellow

    Doc Ock (dont remember cause I sold him that quick, but I think it was black)

    Mystique Purple

    IM40 Red

    Pretty good IMO, but some of that came from standards from my alliance along with burning a bunch of iso for more standards since I had no one that needed leveling at the time thanks to heavy iso rewards from the nodes.
  • I ended up with about 2/3 of my usual HP because I have to settle for 50 HP a lot of time whereas I used to always get 100 HP every sub even with the scaling because there's enough time for me to catch back up from scheduling conflicts.

    Although this took shorter time it's not necessarily gain if they used the time saved to run another iteration of Heroic Jugg where you're expected to get 100 HP over 4 days. I have lost 100 HP in a single 12 hour cycle compared to my usual, so getting an extra 100 HP later from Heroic Jugg isn't exactly a good deal.
  • I wish this was the event that they used to release new characters most of the time. Top 50 in each sub awards 850 HP and 50HP for progression, 900HP is enough for a roster slot up to #75 or so. There is plenty of ISO in nodes and rewards and lots of tokens, both great for new/transitioning players.

    Like others have mentioned, shorter subs mean we are only getting 50HP instead of the usual 100 or maybe missing top rewards because 12 hr subs and sleep means you only get 2-3 extra passes for nodes. But that also means that the HP is more spread amongst the player base.

    The biggest complaints about all the new characters are that players run out of space and it takes sooo much ISO to level all the characters. This event takes care of both issues, sure it means less in ISO sales, but I'd guess d3 makes most of their money on shields and people buying covers anyway.
  • Pulled a panther yellow, IM40 blue, and a mystique black from tokens this event, only needed the mystique but had worse token weeks
  • Quebbster
    Quebbster Posts: 8,070 Chairperson of the Boards
    I wish this was the event that they used to release new characters most of the time.
    If this event introduced a new character it would be a lot more cutthroat and you'd see a lot more complaints about the format. All it takes is one bad sub pass nad you're falling behind with little chance to catch up.
    It was a good way to test the variable ending times though. If every sub ended at noon/midnight EST that would also increase the volume of complaints.
  • TheViceroy
    TheViceroy Posts: 82 Match Maker
    I don't understand how you guys are able to get top 50 even.

    Due to the Event Time Sharding, I haven't been close to top 50 in any of these sub-brackets. And this coming from someone with a roster of 6+ max 3 stars and used to have no issues getting top 50 in sub-brackets of msot PVE's. Something is different with this one for sure.

    The reason why is it seems I get slotted into a sub-bracket even though I haven't completed the fight that opens it.
    When do start a sub-bracket, I'm ranked like 600. How the hell am I supposed to hit top 50 when I'm in the same sub-bracket as others that have done 3 to 4 full clears and I'm just starting???
    The best I've been able to do is sneak into a top 100 once or twice.

    Agreed this would be even worse (and I'd be more pissed) if it was a new character or a desirable character that is never given out as rewards (like star.pngstar.pngstar.pngicon_magneto.png or 3 star.pngstar.pngstar.pngicon_daken.png).