Which 3* Would You Drop?



  • NorthernPolarity
    NorthernPolarity Posts: 3,531 Chairperson of the Boards
    Ben Grimm wrote:
    Ben Grimm wrote:
    I'd actually pick Lazy Storm, since there's nothing she does that either makes her interesting or unique - CMags is better at literally everything she can do. Beast is fairly useless, but he's at least differently useless.

    Mohawk is actually pretty great at generating cascades for a B team: she can be better than cmags in that she has 2 abilities that can cause cascades in different colors.

    Yes, but one of those is in green, which is high demand, and her main damage skill is in black, which is also in high demand. Magneto's main damage skill is in blue, which is almost as bad as purple, and his board clear is red,a middling color, but probably lower demand in general than yellow. Magneto complements most teams much better than Storm does, his red skill is a much better board clear than Storm's yellow (and her green, for that matter), and he has a lot more hit points than she does.

    Yup, I agree, but "better in most teams" isn't exactly the same as "literally everything". And to qualify "most teams", this would refer mainly to XF / LazyThor teams, since *enter phantron mode* - XF is so overpowered that nothing else matters, so we shouldn't consider any other potential team compositions whatsoever *exit Phantron mode*. If you look at the other characters and teams out there (for PvE, PvP is irrelevant and dumb, since everything is just XF / LadyThor / Hood / C. Mags at this point), you'd see that Storm actually fulfills a decent nice since board clear and shake up is always appreciated.
    Lerysh wrote:
    See, Ironman and Ragnarok are way more useful in PvE to me than She-Hulk. So she can swap a few special tiles with blue AP. Meh. Falcon does it a lot better and you don't even have to level him, just have him at 5 blueflag.png

    And for sure do not drop C.Marv. Featured PvE coming up for her plus she's pretty decently rated at a redtile.png generator. It'd be like dropping Hulk because his redflag.png isn't very good.

    She Hulk's main utility is in her red and tankiness, not her blue. Blue is a bonus, but her red is better than thunderclap in the general case. Thunderclap works better in the "feed GSBW green" team composition, but she-hulk's red is better in general I would say, as it's a super solid, mid-high tier red.
  • NorthernPolarity
    NorthernPolarity Posts: 3,531 Chairperson of the Boards
    rednailz wrote:
    rednailz wrote:
    Echoing the "She-Hulk is underrated" sentiment. She's good in PvE.

    I haven't gotten to play with Doc Ock much, but I feel like he's not too shabby in PvE either.

    Ragnarok, Spider-Man, Captain Marvel, Colossus, Iron Man, Storm come to mind. Psylocke is one a lot of people seem to dislike her, but I find her pretty useful with Daken (and I'd be willing to bed she'd be a good partner with Daken/Falcon).

    Daredevil and Loki are possibilities, but I'd hold on them until we see their rework.

    I don't get the colossus hate. He's fun to use, a pretty decent tank, and it's fun to throw 2* storms and path at people...oh man is it fun. He's no pvp powerhouse, but I use him in pve all the time, and enjoy using him. Most members of my alliance seem to share the same fondness. I don't think he belongs on the useless list at all.

    Honestly, he'd be one I'd lump in as 'fringe' with Psylocke. The problem I have with him is pretty much he's a tank and that's all he does. I could see PvEing with him to save Health Packs on nodes that aren't super hard, though. I could even see climbing to 500 or so in PvP with him to save Health Packs too. That being said, we're talking about characters that don't offer as much to the table and are worth cutting. I've seen a few of the bigger hitters talk about doing the low-tier climbing in PvP with Spider-Man too.

    On the fringe for sure I would agree. I would be too nervous to use him in pvp, wouldn't see him as a deterent unless he was maxed out, which I wouldn't spend the iso on. Yeah, he is not much more than a meat shield. That's exactly what I use him for. Pair him with some lower health skill people I can throw (if the match lasts long enough for the black AP needed, which takes a while). I often throw him in with storm and whomever for mid difficulty nodes after my falcon/HT/ldaken roster takes a short rest from clearing out the goon nodes. I just think there was a bit of thoughtfulness into creating him. He's not just another cookie cutter guy, his skills are different, albiet not that incredible. I'd cut doc oc before him any day.

    The thing about high end PvP is that there are exactly six viable characters - XF, and the 5 best compliments to XF: LadyThor, Fury, Hood, and C. Mags. You can consider every single other character in the game (even Mystique, etc) as trash because they're just worse than XF or is worse than C. Mags / LadyThor when paired with XF, Therefore, we should stop talking about characters and how good they are in PvP because 95% of the characters in the game are unplayable in PvP once you have a max roster, so whats the point in even saying that it's trash. Characters should be judged by how good they are in PvE, since there characters can actually be judged by their relative strengths as opposed to "Worse than XF or doesn't pair with XF and is therefore unplayable", in which case Colossus is a pretty solid, middle of the pack character.
  • Ragnarok, Spider-Man, Captain Marvel, Colossus, Iron Man, Storm come to mind. Psylocke is one a lot of people seem to dislike her, but I find her pretty useful with Daken (and I'd be willing to bed she'd be a good partner with Daken/Falcon).

    Daredevil and Loki are possibilities, but I'd hold on them until we see their rework. Doom too.

    Agree on Loki and Daredevil.
    Daredevil case : He could be awesome if his traps triggered,instead of disarmed when "X-Force/Surgical" hit the trap tiles. So he could be XF counter (in my dream, lol).
    Ragnarok/Doom playable to climb up w X-Force before switching to Hood/Cmags :
    > "Thunderclap" to feed "X-Force", "Technopathic Strike" to feed "Surgical Strike".
    > Both playable on PVE as red/black feeder.
    > Mentioning bout rework, when they have good 3rd abilities (and likely, they will), they could be awesome (prolly he2).