To sell or not to sell?

edited November 2014 in MPQ General Discussion
I'm trying to decide whether I should sell Sentry or not.

I can see usefulness with him in taking down high level PVE goon teams.

But with the 3 turn countdown, it is impossible to actually get a team kill with world rupture. The enemy will match away way too many of your tiles.

And making WR cost 12 makes it so that you will never ever ever get two WRs off in one battle. With the health cost of sacrifice and WR to the whole team, the bomb now is really an all or nothing move. If it kills them you're lucky. If it doesn't you're done.

Another option would be to eventually re-spec him to 5/3/5, now that world rupture is useless.

So, should I keep him for the big PVE goons and to see if they maybe revert any of this horrendous nerf or should I just suck it up, sell him and move on?
Failed to load the poll.


  • Keep him. He might be Essential at some point. Just respec as you go.
  • Chrono_Tata
    Chrono_Tata Posts: 719 Critical Contributor
    I'm also tempted to sell him for ISO to level X-Force, but I was using him last night in PvP and he's still very much usable, except you'll be winning a lot less matches with him now before you run out of healthpacks. I'd keep him around.
  • I'm also tempted to sell him for ISO to level X-Force, but I was using him last night in PvP and he's still very much usable, except you'll be winning a lot less matches with him now before you run out of healthpacks. I'd keep him around.
    I tried using him to climb in the last PVP, and I've been experimenting with him in lightning rounds and shield simulator.

    During the PVP, I eventually abandoned using him because he was costing too many health packs and I was losing at least half my fights with him. I went back to my old standard of Hulk and Daken and it worked very well. I mixed in Lazy Thor and Xforce as well (My Xforce is only 175 right now, so he's not a full timer yet).

    Overall, these have been my results:

    with full boosts one of two things happens:
    1. The sentry bomb works. I deal over half damage to my Sentry and need at least 1 health pack after the fight.
    2. The tiles are cascades away and I only deal about half damage to the enemy team. I then match damage them to death, because recharging a second WR is not a realistic option.

    without full boosts one of three things happens:
    1. It takes as long as a Lazy Thor win, but I do eventually get my sentry bomb off. I need at least 2 health packs after the fight, unless I switch up my comp.
    2. I get AP screwed and I lose unceremoniously.
    3. I get the green off. I get the yellow off. Then they use surgical strike, xforce, Thunderous Clap or just some random cascade knocks out almost all the tiles and they don't die. My Sentry is now half health or worse and I have no realistic capability of winning.

    He is unusable without full boost (3 green, at least 2 yellow, 3 all AP). It is too risky, too slow and you're a feast on defense. Because Sentry is straight trash on defense now.

    Now, if I maxed his red, he may be passable on defense, but ultimately, his red is not that viable of a strategy in the long run.

    I really want to keep using him because when things fall into place perfectly, like a match 5 on green on the opening board, he can still win really quickly. But he is no longer a long term answer in PVP.
  • OneenO
    OneenO Posts: 75 Match Maker
    Already sold him. I needed the iso and never liked him anyway. Since hes not broken hes worthless IMO.
  • I don't have a usable Sentry yet but I've been using Mawkeye (Speed Shot) with strike tile generators. I think it's good. Sentry can create his own very powerful strike tile for cheap and has a strong skill with lots of cds each dealing damage. I dunno how much slower he is at top play but people suggested to use a Hood with 5 black. I'd think he is still awesome even if a bit slower and maybe not fit for old, very quick shield hops. I'm keeping him although I need the HP.
  • Dayv
    Dayv Posts: 4,449 Chairperson of the Boards
    And yet another poll with no valid answer for some players. Not as biased as some, but you've gotta remember that some players keep *every* character, either because they're collectors or they never want to be caught out on an essential.
  • Couldn't choose any option.

    I'll keep him for LRs and Events where he is featured/needed.

    I never liked him because he was OP, so I'm glad we can play differently now to climb/shield hop.
  • DayvBang wrote:
    And yet another poll with no valid answer for some players. Not as biased as some, but you've gotta remember that some players keep *every* character, either because they're collectors or they never want to be caught out on an essential.

    I, too, would like to see polls unbiased. The options should be:

    1) Keep him for common PvE use
    2) Keep him for common PvP use
    3) Keep him for PvE Essentials
    4) Keep him for his PvE events
    5) Keep him because you collect all characters
    6) Sell him
    Choose up to 5 answers.
  • dearbluey wrote:
    DayvBang wrote:
    And yet another poll with no valid answer for some players. Not as biased as some, but you've gotta remember that some players keep *every* character, either because they're collectors or they never want to be caught out on an essential.

    I, too, would like to see polls unbiased. The options should be:

    1) Keep him for common PvE use
    2) Keep him for common PvP use
    3) Keep him for PvE Essentials
    4) Keep him for his PvE events
    5) Keep him because you collect all characters
    6) Sell him
    Choose up to 5 answers.
    People were obviously not a fan of the wording, so I changed the poll to match your options.

    Let's see if Keep fim for common PVP use is still the top answer.

    Because I haven't seen a single Sentry this entire Daken PVP.
  • Aw, you nerfed the poll. I liked the poll as the emotional reactionary type; it just needed additional options for apathy or minor annoyance.
  • I'm also tempted to sell him for ISO to level X-Force, but I was using him last night in PvP and he's still very much usable, except you'll be winning a lot less matches with him now before you run out of healthpacks. I'd keep him around.

    Sentry is still PvP viable. He's just not a god now. Remember the reaction to the C.Mags nerf, everyone thought he was unplayable now and yet he's seen quite frequently after players adjusted to his new role. Sentry can still win for you, still do tons of green and red AoE damage, and still not care about Health packs on defense. He just can't hop 4 fights a shield at 3 moves a fight anymore, which is a good thing.
  • mjh
    mjh Posts: 708 Critical Contributor
    He's still good, just not an auto-win like before.

    Selling him nets you not even 1/3 of the iso8.png let alone if you bought any covers for him. (I bought 2). I got more than my investment out of him hopping to 1300. He will still make his way into PVP and PVE. They don't nerf like they did to icon_ragnarok.png and icon_spiderman.png . I would even argue the icon_magneto.png nerf was good, he is still seen in high scoring pvp teams.
  • If he had been released in the current state people wouldn't hesitate to put him near Lthor tier. So if you'd sell lthor, sell sentry.
  • wymtime
    wymtime Posts: 3,757 Chairperson of the Boards
    In this last PVP I found Xforce with 5 black and 2 green with LThor was better at hopping than Sentry Hood. Both worked but Xforce and Thor require less health packs. if someone is using Cmags Xforce sentry hood team is still very viable. The problem is now he takes a health pack per fight when before you could get 2 matches in before needing one. I think the character who will get the biggest lift from the Sentry Nerf will be Thor. Players who have not built up Xforce can use thor to climb. The reality is with boosts there are a lot of viable teams out ther. My favorite this last PVP was Daken, patch Psylock. With boosts they were really fast and did massive damage.
  • I sold mine.

    1) he was nerfed 4 times in total. (6 if you count the nerfs to his teammates laken and hood, who only got nerfed after they worked so well with Sentry.) MPQ does not buff characters that they overnerf. Hence, he is permanently broken.

    2) Goddess Thor is the future. She demands iso tribute.

    Every time you see a 4*, just remember you still have Sentry paper weight to console you.
  • I sold mine.

    1) he was nerfed 4 times in total. (6 if you count the nerfs to his teammates laken and hood, who only got nerfed after they worked so well with Sentry.) MPQ does not buff characters that they overnerf. Hence, he is permanently broken.

    2) Goddess Thor is the future. She demands iso tribute.

    Every time you see a 4*, just remember you still have Sentry paper weight to console you.

    Yes agreed, people with maxed goddess and xforce should sell him, and nobody else.
  • Eddiemon
    Eddiemon Posts: 1,470 Chairperson of the Boards
    1) he was nerfed 4 times in total. (6 if you count the nerfs to his teammates laken and hood, who only got nerfed after they worked so well with Sentry.) MPQ does not buff characters that they overnerf. Hence, he is permanently broken.

    Hood got nerfed because of Thorina. If you were using Yellow on Hood's ability instead of Sacrifice then you were doing it oh so wrong.
  • Eddiemon
    Eddiemon Posts: 1,470 Chairperson of the Boards
    ark123 wrote:
    Yes agreed, people with maxed goddess and xforce should sell him, and nobody else.

    But only people who don't realise that there is a strong correlation between characters that get nerfed and PvE/PvP essential characters in the following few weeks.
  • NorthernPolarity
    NorthernPolarity Posts: 3,531 Chairperson of the Boards
    inb4 starfall shows up as the seasons end PvP, and everyone starts complaining about how they sold their Sentry and that Demiurge sucks.
  • inb4 starfall shows up as the seasons end PvP, and everyone starts complaining about how they sold their Sentry and that Demiurge sucks.

    Let's be honest. I doubt anyone else had sold theirs. It was really tough for to do it. I typically, refuse to sell anyone for less iso than I out into them. However, as your and other examples point out, players only speak of using him in essential nodes or his featured pvp. Other characters that fit that bill, beast, doc ock, etc. Characters people use in pvp and pve outside of that include lt, lc, hulk, xforce, patch, etc. You see where I am going. Sentry status did not go to l daken or hood status. Sentry is the new spiderman.