Slots and character management needs to change immediately



  • If they did change the price of roster slots a little, they might even want to about doing it as a stealth change, just to avoid unnecessary negative feedback for trying to do something positive.

    I really can't see them giving out roster slots, because that is their first visible barrier to the f2p player. Either the f2p player has to give up covers, sell a character, wait and build up hp, or pony up. They want to convert f2p players to paying players. Indeed many people on this forum have said that they made their first purchases as roster slots.
  • SnowcaTT
    SnowcaTT Posts: 3,486 Chairperson of the Boards
    I'll add my "yes please" as I do every time I see this suggestion. There are many improvements/help that could be made, but if I could choose one it would be HP cap for slots. I am quickly losing the ability to keep up in HP cost for roster spaces. I spent money to originally get enough starting spaces - I can't imagine doing so now if I was just starting out, since so many are needed.

    500 for a cap is a good number. 700 or 750 (the current cost for a slot if you have one of each character) is ridiculous, it's approaching 2/3rds of the cost of a cover to get one more slot!
  • IamTheDanger
    IamTheDanger Posts: 1,093 Chairperson of the Boards
    KevinMark wrote:
    KevinMark wrote:
    This can end very badly if not handled properly. If D3 suddenly capped all roster spots at 500 Hp, then every player that spent more than that in the past would demand an immediate refund.
    No, this is not the same as giving out free alliance slots. Do you demand the difference between the price you paid for your mobile phone and its current price after one year from the retailer? That would be ridiculous. Even if people demanded compensation for something like this, they wouldn't get anything.

    To the OP:
    Too complicated. Just cap the slot price at 500 or lower and the problem is solved. Almost.

    No offense, but you either misunderstood or did not bother to read the entire post. While you are correct that it's not the same, I was saying that there will be people that feel it is. And those people will demand a refund or compensation of some kind. And not getting anything will just make them more upset. Even though they wouldn't be entitled to, or deserve a refund, they will feel differently. Which will only cause problems.

    To use your mobile phone example, no, I don't feel that I deserve a refund, whole or partial, due to price drop a year later. But there are a lot of people in this world that will think they were scammed or cheated. It's just not possible to please everyone. The best the devs can do in this, or any situation, is to weigh their options, and go with best one. So, like I said, this situation needs to be handled carefully.
    I read your entire post (I read you wouldn't think you were entitled to or demand a refund) and I understood it. I just don't think anyone would think they would apply for a refund on something they bought because it was discounted later. Because this happens all the time, with all the products. It's probable that it's cultural difference. I'm almost sure we live in different countries.

    Also, people who have bought more slots than an F2P player who is not in a top 100 alliance (hp rewards) already have several advantages compared to them:

    1. no worrying about roster space. f2p players often need to sell their characters because they don't have the HP to fund the next slot because that new character is essential in next PvE.
    2. possibility of multiple of the same characters with different builds or same builds for climbing without health packs or using the version appropriate for the situation
    3. possibility of building TU buddies

    No one is forcing people to buy more slots than the number of current characters. They are doing it for the advantages I listed above.

    You're probably right about cultural differences. I live in America, which is one of the most screwed up places on Earth. You and I may see it for how it is, but where I'm from, people will complain about everything and anything. There will be those that will not take responsibility for any decisions they made. Even if someone is caught in the act of doing something, they will still swear they are innocent. That someone else is to blame. Part of it could also be that I work in law enforcement and deal with such people every day. I'm told that my view of the world is little jaded and I tend to expect the worst of the humanity.

    But in my defense, the second I stop thinking that way and let my guard down, some wife beater I arrested a year ago gets out of jail, finds out where I live and trys to burn my house down. All because he thinks that, as the arresting officer, it's my fault. That his decisions had nothing to do with it. Unfortunately, he is not alone. Where I come from, there are a lot of people that will always refuse to take responsibility for any decisions they make. They will always feel the world owes them something.

    And to revisit your mobile phone example once again, you and I see at as fair if the price drops. That's how the world works. But I, personally have been called out to deal with people causing trouble at a cell phone store for this very reason. The price drops and they come back to the store demanding their money back or a newer, better phone. More than few times this has happened. A few years ago, there was one individual that got so violent over a $40 price drop, that it took me and 4 other officers to take him down. And I don't even live in a big city.

    So it may be cultural differences as you said, because here in the US, there will always be people that complain because they feel the world owes them. No matter how many times you explain it, they will not accept it. Also, you're right that having a big roster gives players several advantages. You are also 100% correct that purchasing extra slots was their choice, and theirs alone. But some people just won't see it that way. The only thing they will see is that they paid a certain amount for something that is now being sold for a smaller amount and then ignore everything else.

    Now, since I've heard that most MPQ players are in the US, I believe any changes to roster slot prices needs to be handled very delicately. Because someone, somewhere, will complain.