What is your best token pull / any token superstitions?



  • metallicajake01
    metallicajake01 Posts: 57 Match Maker
    I have been getting covers very slowly for my 2-3* transition. I bought roster slots to keep up with the people I got. Got alot of Hood but no blue! Had about 4-5 guys ready to go for a couple key covers and then....

    The morning of my birthday got my blue Hood cover! I WAS VERY HAPPY!

    Then got it up to 5 with some of my bday money, daken to soft cap to 114, my 5th patch yellow, brought my thor yellow to 5. Its a whole new world! ...and no i'm not 10 i'm 32. It was good and I got 6 guys I'm transitioning with now including my Hood.

    I now am breaking the 94 threshold with hulk, patches, hood, daken, pun, and thor as my transition team up to 96!

    icon_e_smile.gif Glad this thread came up, it really made my day!

  • ClydeFrog76
    ClydeFrog76 Posts: 1,350 Chairperson of the Boards
    Not long after Spidey got introduced I pulled my first blue from a Standard, it just also happened to be my first ever 3* from a Standard, too. Happy days.

    It still hurts how much Spidey sucks as he's my fave Marvel character; such a wasted opportunity. I pull him out now and then but it's bitter-sweet.

    Web bandages, really?
  • Carnage_78
    Carnage_78 Posts: 304 Mover and Shaker
    It still hurts how much Spidey sucks as he's my fave Marvel character; such a wasted opportunity. I pull him out now and then but it's bitter-sweet.

    Yeah...I hear you man! Spider-Man is my favourite comic book character since I was a kid...I still don't have him on my roster (I have only been playing for around 70ish days now) but I hope to get him started at some point just for the sake of having him on my team...and then hope for a re-balancing of his power in the game. icon_e_wink.gif
  • GTannen73
    GTannen73 Posts: 145 Tile Toppler
    Three great pulls come to mind. From earliest to most recent:

    1. I have exactly one Facebook friend who plays MPQ, and even then only once in a while. One night, he sent me a standard token out of the blue, and it turned out to be my first icon_wolverine.pngredflag.png (Patch).

    2. During the event that officially "released" Nick Fury (I want to say Iso-8 Brotherhood?) and he was required in the essential nodes, I pulled a icon_nickfury.pngblueflag.png from the event token, allowing me to start catching up and moving up the rankings.

    3. During the Anniversary, I managed to pull a 2900 imcoin.png . I sunk the HP into six more Anniversary tokens--only pulled one that wasn't a star.pngstar.png , but still...2900HP!
  • Chest Rockwell
    Chest Rockwell Posts: 13 Just Dropped In
    I had crazy token luck today. On consecutive standard tokens earned in the Simulator, I pulled:

    icon_magneto.pngyellowflag.png (needed, and especially appreciated with the imminent vaulting)
    icon_sentry.pnggreenflag.png (maxed already; sold)

    And later in the day, also on standard tokens, I pulled:

    icon_blackpanther.pngblueflag.png (sold)
    icon_psylocke.pngredflag.png (needed)

    On Simulator tokens earned from placement, I pulled:

    icon_deadpool.pngpurpleflag.png (needed)
    icon_hulk.pngredflag.png (sold)

    I feel like the bishop playing the game of his life in Caddyshack ... just waiting for the lightning to strike me now.
  • Carnage_78
    Carnage_78 Posts: 304 Mover and Shaker
    Well...I had a good day today in regards of the past discussion of this thread...I got a Spider-Man cover that will allow me to get him on my team (which is very cool for a big fan of the comics although the character is far from the strongest) & I also got out of a Standard cardpack.png the very last star.pngstar.pngicon_wolverine.pnggreenflag.png that I needed! icon_e_biggrin.gif

    After 10 days or so of pulling nothing out of any cardpack.png I got...I will take the small victories! icon_mrgreen.gif
  • Fulgren
    Fulgren Posts: 25 Just Dropped In
    Mystique PVP was very kind to me.

    300 reward: Mystique black
    Mysterious post-event server down reward: Deadpool purple

    Cant remember the last time I got gold in succession!
  • If I remember correctly, my IW, Fury, and X-Force covers (one each) all came from standard tokens.

    To piggyback on this, does anyone have any superstitions they have regarding getting good pulls? One of my Alliancemates says he gets better pulls when he holds down the token.

    Personally, I started writing how much iSO I need to level my folks up to what their covers will allow, how many levels it will give them, and what their final level would be with the iSO on paper to use as a reference to avoid having to check it constantly in game. I have realized that everytime I change things enough to have to rewrite the list I seem to get a cover I needed shortly there after (typically the same day)... Trying really hard not to find an excuse to rewrite it every day...lol
  • Carnage_78
    Carnage_78 Posts: 304 Mover and Shaker
    Alexraven wrote:
    To piggyback on this, does anyone have any superstitions they have regarding getting good pulls?

    I like the new direction you are giving this thread mate...I will change the subject accordingly. icon_cool.gif

    To answer the question, I usually hold on opening the tokens until I am done doing whatever I wanted to do in the game during that sitting...just before leaving the game, I go open all the tokens I got to upgrade my characters or sell the covers & then pump whatever iso8.png in characters that can use it.

    That way I always leave the game with a little positive which helps ever so slightly (at least psychologically if not for the luck icon_e_wink.gif )...I got good pulls in the 70ish days that I've been playing...so I guess I will keep the same recipe even if for the last 10 days I have not pulled much of anything interesting...here is to my luck changing soon! icon_e_biggrin.gif
  • PuceMoose
    PuceMoose Posts: 1,445 Chairperson of the Boards
    I recently opened a Psylocke blackflag.png , which made me scare the cat with a loud jubilant WAHOOO! She was at a goofy 5/5/2, (Psylocke, not my cat) and I was of course trying to get her up to 5/3/5. The NEXT DAY, another Psylocke blackflag.png !! I was a happy camper. Now she's at 5/4/4, so if I can pull the hat trick I'll be good to go.

    I am definitely superstitious/ritualistic about my token opening. It does have a nice side effect, though, in that I usual have several tokens to open each day.

    I only open tokens in after dark, and only after I've just finished and won a battle. I start with standard tokens, and open until I pull a two-star or higher, but I never open more than ten standard tokens on any given evening.
    Then, I open one event token, from the event with the highest remaining amount of tokens.
    Finally, I open one heroic token.

    Using this method I open anywhere from 3 to 12 tokens a day, which doesn't delete my existing pool too terribly. Plus, it's a minor thing to look forward to each day. Even if I have a lousy day, I know there's at least one tiny glimmer of fun waiting for me after night falls. ^.^
  • dkffiv
    dkffiv Posts: 1,039 Chairperson of the Boards
    Here's my spreadsheet data going back to about June or so.

    1439 SRT
    1201 1* - 83.46%
    210 2* - 14.59%
    28 3* - 1.95%
    0 4* - 0%

    552 Heroic + Special tokens, including 10 pack pulls but not including Anniversary
    439 2* - 79.53%
    101 3* - 18.30%
    12 4* - 2.17%

    I've noticed that gold frequently come in batches. Over the course of a PvE I may open 12 in a row with nothing, then get 2x 3* in a row.
  • I let my cat hit the standard token open with her paw (needed a laserpointer for her to do that).
    Of course that was much needed Black Panther black icon_lol.gif
  • PuceMoose
    PuceMoose Posts: 1,445 Chairperson of the Boards
    Miaomew wrote:
    I let my cat hit the standard token open with her paw (needed a laserpointer for her to do that).
    Of course that was much needed Black Panther black icon_lol.gif

    Heh, I need to try that with my cat Mango - maybe I'll pull a Black Panther Black too with a hairy helper! ^.^
  • Carnage_78
    Carnage_78 Posts: 304 Mover and Shaker
    Puce Moose wrote:
    I start with standard tokens, and open until I pull a two-star or higher, but I never open more than ten standard tokens on any given evening.
    Then, I open one event token, from the event with the highest remaining amount of tokens.
    Finally, I open one heroic token.

    I do that as well...I always begin by opening my Standard cardpack.png before the other ones...always nicer to end on a better note I guess! icon_cool.gif
  • Dayv
    Dayv Posts: 4,449 Chairperson of the Boards
    I used to tell my wife "think gold thoughts" when I was opening a token. I've had better luck since I stopped saying this.
  • The time I got 2 IW in 2 days from standard tokens.

    Considering IW is not a win though, my second best would be my 1st Season 10-Pack. I pulled 6 gold and 2 2* I needed back then.

    I have yet to see similar luck anywhere else in the game.
  • My best token pull was today, when I got Nick Fury with a smash Hit token. Woo hoo!