Poor progression rewards in SHIELD Simulator

edited November 2014 in MPQ General Discussion
Does anyone think that maybe the progression rewards in the season-long SHIELD Sim should be a bit better? In season 7, I played the sim more than usual and hit a 166 wall at roughly 1400 points. That's not even enough to start earning 2* character covers, let alone 3*s. It just seems that a full 2* roster should be able to get better than 1* rewards from something that lasts a month.

The entire Sim seems like a waste of time to me. As the rewards for taking part are ****, it just puts unnecessary pressure on alliances at the end of the season, as it forces you to play twice as hard in the last couple of hours to keep your season score up. It doesn't really work as a play-when-you-like option, as once you hit the 166 wall there's no winnable nodes.

TBH, I'd drop the entire thing and replace it with something else. Not sure what, maybe a couple of super-long Gauntlets with weak 3* covers as progression rewards? At least you're always able to attempt those and feel a sense of progress, which makes a change from beating Sentry/Hood in the sim for 30 points and maybe get to that coveted Modern Storm cover (wow!) and then being smacked back down 30 minutes later.

Maybe dropping it altogether is a bit extreme, perhaps keep it but not contribute to season score?

Any other suggestions?


  • I hadn't thought about it but it's a decent point. The merit of simulator for me is testing out new team compositions and adding another 1.5k or so to my season score. That's about the sum of it. I imagine it could be changed to have more of a sense of itself, more of a purpose. So, if I were tasked to spice up the simulator a bit i might make the simulator the go to place to get ISO. That could come in the form of ISO progression awards, or a boost to the ISO awards for each fight. ISO is kind of like experience points -- so the gimmick could be that the simulator is the place to test your battle hardened heros for precious ISO. Another thought might be to make the simulator rewards some sort of prestige type rewards... I'm sure there are other exciting possibilities...
  • I will suggest change all cover rewards to token 100 - 900 standard token and 1000 + is Heroic

    For new comer they still can get starter 1 star.png and possible 2 star.png for team building

    For veteran standard token still have chance to get 3 or 4 star.png from standard . If your team is strong enough heroic token can be real rewards
  • camichan wrote:
    I hadn't thought about it but it's a decent point. The merit of simulator for me is testing out new team compositions and adding another 1.5k or so to my season score. That's about the sum of it. I imagine it could be changed to have more of a sense of itself, more of a purpose. So, if I were tasked to spice up the simulator a bit i might make the simulator the go to place to get ISO. That could come in the form of ISO progression awards, or a boost to the ISO awards for each fight. ISO is kind of like experience points -- so the gimmick could be that the simulator is the place to test your battle hardened heros for precious ISO. Another thought might be to make the simulator rewards some sort of prestige type rewards... I'm sure there are other exciting possibilities...

    I think it's pretty much this. The simulator, in my opinion, is there for something to do when the guys you need to use in PVE and PVP are down and you are out of health packs. Since I am one of the rare players that level whoever is essential in PVE and PVP at the time, I don't hoard ISO. So there was a time when I used it to gain ISO when I was just short of leveling a hero. Now that I am in 3* land, I don't even touch the Simulator until there is 2 days left in the Season. I can get over 1000 pretty easily and I am not going to grind for the 3* rewards, unless I REALLY want them, which is rare.

    So I look at the Simulator as "casual mode". Play it if you want a quick game and there is nothing else to do. I do agree that linking it to the Season score is pretty useless.
  • GrimSkald
    GrimSkald Posts: 2,704 Chairperson of the Boards
    Yeah, the Simulator is, to me, just a quicker way to get to the 10 pack Season reward. It's really hard to get to the 3* covers unless you have a very solid 3* roster, and the same is true for the 2* covers for 2* Rosters...

    If they replaced a lot of the covers with tokens, it would be a lot better, to be sure.
  • y2fitzy
    y2fitzy Posts: 255 Mover and Shaker
    Had to grind that bugger to get to 7.5k last night and bag that 100hp. Was nice getting to pick three characters that I wanted to play with, doesn't happen too often! Beyond that, a pain in the backside and the progression rewards are very poor. Nice ISO I guess
  • dr tinykittylove
    dr tinykittylove Posts: 1,459 Chairperson of the Boards
    I play the simulator on and off through the season, between pves and pvps. For some reason the points don't register the same way with me - I play around with funny roster combinations and don't mind if I take a loss, so I'll be sad if they take it away. Between seasons I am very sad. icon_e_sad.gif

    But I agree the rewards are terribly meh. Would love the 1*covers to be replaced with standard tokens and 2* with heroics, as someone suggested. As is, I usually blunder my way up to 1.9k for the hp reward then forget about it.

    (Sim points do make me look like a better player than I really am, though. I like the way it inflates my season score. Plus the extra token it nets me at the end of the season...)
  • They are the worst. Even giving out single standard tokens would be better than those set 1* covers since you would have a chance on higher rarity drops.
  • benben77 wrote:
    I will suggest change all cover rewards to token 100 - 900 standard token and 1000 + is Heroic

    For new comer they still can get starter 1 star.png and possible 2 star.png for team building

    For veteran standard token still have chance to get 3 or 4 star.png from standard . If your team is strong enough heroic token can be real rewards

    Yeah, I like this idea a lot. Opening a token is also a lot more fun then just quickly selling the thousandth IM35 you've just picked up. Sure, the end result is likely to be the same, but maybe, just maybe, there's a green X-Force in there somewhere.
  • GrumpySmurf1002
    GrumpySmurf1002 Posts: 3,511 Chairperson of the Boards
    I forget the exact number, but 1400-1500 is around 1500ISO and 25HP. That's an ok haul for a pretty attainable number.

    If they went to a more 'standard' progression similar to what the season looks like, you'd see something like:

    100 - Standard Token
    250 - 250 ISO
    500 - 2* character
    800 - 500 ISO
    1000 - 25 HP
    1400 - 500 ISO

    Which is effectively the same thing. I do think the 2300/2400 mark is mostly unattainable without hopping, but I also think that the Sim isn't really supposed to be cutthroat. It's a supplement to the season score and an aid to getting the seasonal progression rewards which are the most lucrative progression rewards around (free 3* and a 10-pack for averaging like 400 per without Sim).
  • I agree simply giving out standard tokens would be a good improvement. I wouldn't want to get rid of it though. I like having a PvP playground that doesn't carry as much weight as standard events to just test out character combos or goof around in some way. I don't think disconnecting it from the Season score would be the worst idea, though. It does become sort of a required thing near the end of the season to put a bunch of effort into it if you want to have a competitive season score, I wouldn't miss that aspect of it.
  • The rewards are pretty much point for me, I'm still building a 2* team and most of the teams I'd come up against were either maxed level 2* or worse 3/4* teams that were leveled 100+.

    I could only do some bottom feeding and work my way up to ~300 points, before loosing those points to attacks. Either they need to do a better job of bracketing people together with similar levels of progression, or PVP is only going to be a place for me to dabble in for the foreseeable future.
  • SIM should reward tokens instead of these characters. Most people who can get the score a given character is a reward for don't need it. So if tokens are too much, just put the ISO you get from selling that character.

    On a side note, SIM shouldn't be part of the season score.

    They shouldn't remove it however as it is a fun place to use those combos that have no place in any PVP event
  • The rewards are poor once you have a solid 2* roster, but it's still a decent source of ISO, and helps get to the 10 pack. So it does have its uses, but is lower on the list of things that need changed, behind draw rates, nerfs, 3rd abilities and a new pve story.
  • wymtime
    wymtime Posts: 3,764 Chairperson of the Boards
    LoreNYC wrote:
    SIM should reward tokens instead of these characters. Most people who can get the score a given character is a reward for don't need it. So if tokens are too much, just put the ISO you get from selling that character.

    On a side note, SIM shouldn't be part of the season score.

    They shouldn't remove it however as it is a fun place to use those combos that have no place in any PVP event

    As someone who scores well in PVP I would be fine if they got rid of the simulator points for the season, but it is preety critical for 2* transition teams to use the simulator to get the progression rewards. For Vet's it is an unessesary climb to make sure you score well for the season and can make the difference between the different tiers. Changing the rewards to tokens, ISO, and HP. Right now it is a necessary evil for Vet's and a valuble resource for transitioning players.

    I would like to see reward structure be Tokens, HP, and ISO instead of 1 and 2* specific characters as well.
  • Yasuru
    Yasuru Posts: 99 Match Maker
    As someone who scores 600-800 per PvP event, I really hope they do NOT take it out of the season score. I usually need about 1K to make it to the 100hp at 7.5K
  • MarvelMan
    MarvelMan Posts: 1,350
    I posted some career highs in events this season so I didnt need any SHIELD points to get to progression rewards. That meant to me it was much more of a playground where I didnt care how I did (at least early), and ended up using chars that I might not have played with otherwise (MagMN + Hawkeye?). PVPs really come down to Sentry/Hood, Sentry/Laken, XF/Hood or XF/CMag so having somewhere to play with three char synergies was great so I would be VERY sad to see it go away. I definitely think that the rewards can be improved, probably by swapping in tokens rather than 1* covers. The only people who benefit from the current structure are those playing their first season. I can also see it being detached from Season points as a positive. The first fights in there were fun, but I ended up grinding from 1200-1700 yesterday because I needed the points for the season not because it was fun. And I ended up using my best team because I didnt want to get hit, and I had to conserve health packs for the PVP/PVE. That was not fun, rather just monotonous like the end game PVP is. At least it wasnt Hood/Sentry/Featured.....
  • FaustianDeal
    FaustianDeal Posts: 760 Critical Contributor
    benben77 wrote:
    I will suggest change all cover rewards to token 100 - 900 standard token and 1000 + is Heroic

    For new comer they still can get starter 1 star.png and possible 2 star.png for team building

    For veteran standard token still have chance to get 3 or 4 star.png from standard . If your team is strong enough heroic token can be real rewards

    This would align well with a different notion that has been thrown around on the forums, a new token class.

    We have:
    standard tokens: 1-star and up
    heroic tokens: 2-star and up

    I would love to see tokens be revised into classes that align with character rarity instead of these arbitrary labels:
    Common tokens: 1-star and up (old standard token)
    Uncommon tokens: 2-star and up (old heroic)
    Rare tokens: 3-star and up

    We wouldn't have to rebrand the old tokens as long as we layer the 3rd rarity on top. instead of having heroic (my uncommon) for anything 1000+, you could have those run from 1000-1900 and then inject the new 'rare token' in as the prize for 2000+ card drops.

    Having a token with a guaranteed 3-star or better drop would be a nice enticement for the top prizes in simulator (or lots of other events for that matter...)
  • Looking at the last round of rewards, it almost seems like devs intended it for noobest of all to get 1* covers but that is redundant. Furthermore, because of the 1 3* cover at the end or its scores being added to Season overall or both, there are just too many vets playing it. This results in the following:

    1. 2* transitioners don't get much because there isn't enough 2* covers.
    2. 3* transitioners don't get anything because of 166 and 270 walls. I had the wall at around 1250 points, so I couldn't get the 3* cover award which was way ahead of me still.
    3. Only the very starters can get a few 1* covers which they could get anywhere from Prologue to PvP, PvE, LR and so on.
    4. Everyone is playing it due to it being count in Seasons making it impossible for it to be beneficial to anyone who wants a little progress in their rosters.

    It's like devs are saying "hey, here's an extra for you to play. not much point in vets playing it. you can still test your team compositions and abilities though. oops, it still counts for season".

    TL; DR: S.H.I.E.L.D Simulator sucks tinykitties.
  • dr tinykittylove
    dr tinykittylove Posts: 1,459 Chairperson of the Boards
    KevinMark wrote:
    Looking at the last round of rewards, it almost seems like devs intended it for noobest of all to get 1* covers but that is redundant. Furthermore, because of the 1 3* cover at the end or its scores being added to Season overall or both, there are just too many vets playing it. This results in the following:

    1. 2* transitioners don't get much because there isn't enough 2* covers.
    2. 3* transitioners don't get anything because of 166 and 270 walls. I had the wall at around 1250 points, so I couldn't get the 3* cover award which was way ahead of me still.
    3. Only the very starters can get a few 1* covers which they could get anywhere from Prologue to PvP, PvE, LR and so on.
    4. Everyone is playing it due to it being count in Seasons making it impossible for it to be beneficial to anyone who wants a little progress in their rosters.

    It's like devs are saying "hey, here's an extra for you to play. not much point in vets playing it. you can still test your team compositions and abilities though. oops, it still counts for season".

    TL; DR: S.H.I.E.L.D Simulator sucks tinykitties.

    When did you start playing sim? I started about 5 days into the season playing occasional matches and got the hp at 1.5k without too much trouble. If you're running into teams that are too tough for you, find the one worth most points and give it a shot anyway. Doesn't hurt if you lose a few points, major profit if you walk away limping - either way, afterwards you'll get teams more on your level again. At least, that's how it's worked for me.
  • benben77 wrote:
    I will suggest change all cover rewards to token 100 - 900 standard token and 1000 + is Heroic

    For new comer they still can get starter 1 star.png and possible 2 star.png for team building

    For veteran standard token still have chance to get 3 or 4 star.png from standard . If your team is strong enough heroic token can be real rewards

    Yeah, I like this idea a lot. Opening a token is also a lot more fun then just quickly selling the thousandth IM35 you've just picked up. Sure, the end result is likely to be the same, but maybe, just maybe, there's a green X-Force in there somewhere.

    Me too, thumbs up for this idea.