New characters



  • JeanPh1l
    I agree with you all. They should make to older 3 stars characters a little more easy to get so that us transitioning player get a chance to aim higher. Anyway players that have them covered will sell them for ISO.
  • Separate new char release from the normal event rotation. Don't interrupt the char rotation to introduce new chars. It has been a full month of new chars and a complete freeze on my roster because I can't get the old covers anymore. Make old chars available somehow. I really REALLY want to cover up chars that have 5-8 covers since 3 months ago. If all these new chars where not in the way, I would have been able to compete with at least 2-3 3* now.
  • I actually look at most of these complaints as a sign they are doing something RIGHT.

    Fewer complained when Beast, Doc Ock, Colossus were released, cause they were the suck. Then Devil Dino and Thor4 came out and people were interested again. Now Blade and then Mystique are released? Gasp, back to back usable 3* characters! Clearly d3 is to blame for making me play so hard!

    I'm actually seeing 3* transitioners, between level 94 and 166 in pvp again, because people are playing with new characters without having them fully covered. It's broken up the monotony of sentry sentry sentry, (though you still see that at very top level). They are sending us a clear message: You can have everything, IF you pony up the cash, or are willing to spend absurd amounts of time on this game. As a mostly f2p player, it kinda sucks, but hey it's a business. I can always toss my money into other games if I don't feel I'm getting value here.

    I'd say the ones that do get screwed are the casual 3* transitioners who don't have a lot of time to spend on the game, and don't see much progression because they can only get usable rewards through tokens, so I feel for them.
  • D3 has proven that P2W players can get screwed as well with the latest alliance slots fiasco. No one is safe icon_razz.gif
  • daibar wrote:
    I actually look at most of these complaints as a sign they are doing something RIGHT.

    Fewer complained when Beast, Doc Ock, Colossus were released, cause they were the suck. Then Devil Dino and Thor4 came out and people were interested again. Now Blade and then Mystique are released? Gasp, back to back usable 3* characters! Clearly d3 is to blame for making me play so hard!

    The complaining is not due to the strength of the characters. It's the constant releasing of new characters. On first glance, Mystique looks to be as bad as Doc Ock and Devil Dino was a joke. It's going from 2 new characters a season to 4 or 5 new ones that has the populace up in arms.

    As a F2P, PvP tends to be Hero Point neutral for me and it typically takes 1.5 PvE events to earn a new roster slot.
  • daibar wrote:
    I actually look at most of these complaints as a sign they are doing something RIGHT.

    Fewer complained when Beast, Doc Ock, Colossus were released, cause they were the suck. Then Devil Dino and Thor4 came out and people were interested again. Now Blade and then Mystique are released? Gasp, back to back usable 3* characters! Clearly d3 is to blame for making me play so hard!

    I'm actually seeing 3* transitioners, between level 94 and 166 in pvp again, because people are playing with new characters without having them fully covered. It's broken up the monotony of sentry sentry sentry, (though you still see that at very top level). They are sending us a clear message: You can have everything, IF you pony up the cash, or are willing to spend absurd amounts of time on this game. As a mostly f2p player, it kinda sucks, but hey it's a business. I can always toss my money into other games if I don't feel I'm getting value here.

    I'd say the ones that do get screwed are the casual 3* transitioners who don't have a lot of time to spend on the game, and don't see much progression because they can only get usable rewards through tokens, so I feel for them.

    The OP's complaint is not about the quality of the new character its about the quantity of them. Recently they are introducing new characters at a much faster pace than before. PVE events used to be by far the best way to gain covers for a transitioner, in an event you could get 2, 3 or maybe even 4 covers for the same character, thus greatly increasing their usefulness.
    As a 3* transitioner, I don't care for new characters. It has nothing to do with whether they are good/useful or not. I'd rather have a PVE event rewarding an existing 3*, heck even a **** one than yet another new character, even if hypothetically the said new character is the most badass in MPQ history.
  • OrganisedConfusion1
    OrganisedConfusion1 Posts: 15 Just Dropped In

    The OP's complaint is not about the quality of the new character its about the quantity of them. Recently they are introducing new characters at a much faster pace than before. PVE events used to be by far the best way to gain covers for a transitioner, in an event you could get 2, 3 or maybe even 4 covers for the same character, thus greatly increasing their usefulness.
    As a 3* transitioner, I don't care for new characters. It has nothing to do with whether they are good/useful or not. I'd rather have a PVE event rewarding an existing 3*, heck even a **** one than yet another new character, even if hypothetically the said new character is the most badass in MPQ history.
    Exactly. They could release a character that blows Sentry out of the water but I'd get one cover, need to buy a roster slot and they'd be unusable for months and then we get a PVP event to win that cover and a PVE event to win that cover and I still have characters like The Hulk that one cover now would make him stronger than a 2* but I've had him for ages and I don't want to buy a cover that doesn't max out the power.

    I seem to have been super lucky today and pulled a Grey Suit from Daily rewards, a Captain Marvel 3* 5th cover and a Black Panther 5th cover. But they still are pretty weak.

    I just think there should be a better method so old players can have tokens biased towards new characters and new players can have a shot at some older covers. Some of the characters aren't even attainable in tokens this season.
  • nimvin
    nimvin Posts: 81
    Personally would like to see them move to a wild card cover system. Sweet a colssus cover. What color should I put this in, hmm?. I have sold several red Lcaps, Rags before I hard capped him (now all lol), green hulk galores a few green patches a nd a few black dooms and lokis. Every single one of those characters except for Rags still needs covers to reach hard cap, and in Lcap and Lthors cases for respecs. (5/5/3 and 4/4/5 respectively). This option would get players up and running faster as well as making respeccing easier should abilities change down the line.

    Also in regards to the shuffling of chars in/out of tokens, how about just add a bronze standard draw and a green heroic draw. Break the characters up into the 2 new categories while leaving the percentages for the 3 and 4* characters the same. So its 50-50 which color I get then that determines which cards I might pull.
  • It's hard to strike that balance with the entire population. I think that some transitioners are going to be slowed down by only getting 1 or 2 covers for 'usable' characters, but other transitioners are going to be aided by getting 4 or so covers in a new character, who might work with their existing roster in some way. Moreover, the rest of the population gets excited about more characters, so it's not really fair to hold everyone back for the sake of maybe half the transitioners.

    I think the problem is created only with the combination of when every new character is needed for ranking in PVE, AND they release characters this fast. (Devil Dino and Thor4 don't count for this.) If they split up the essential nodes like they used to, (eg not requiring the same character for all nodes in all events), it'd probably solve part of the problem.

    Another player solution would be to hoard tokens, and open them when the odds are favorable to you getting something you can use; then you don't have to toss as many 3* covers away. How many cover slots are you guys working with? Personally, I've cover maxed every 2* except Bullseye and Bagman, (OBW keeping at 2/5/5), but don't have any 3* who can get past 100.

    I've sort of made peace with, "If I don't spend money, I'm not going to hit top 25" mentality that the game forced me to have, particularly given available time.