What motivates you, vets?

h4n1s Posts: 427 Mover and Shaker
edited October 2014 in MPQ General Discussion
Hi guys,

I noticed a pattern in my behavior:
1) every day, even if my timetable is pretty stretched I do at least one fight to get daily reward
2) every season related PvP I grind to 600 pts, then shield, even though I may not be interested in that reward (e.g. Beast covers...) for the sake of our alliance scores
3) in fights I use the same set of characters, because they are the only worth in my roster based on cover availability and are quick progression towards 600 pts (usually Xforce +OBW or Daken)
4) I nearly don't participate in those same old boring repetitive PVEs (story is already known, fighting lvl 280+ goons is frustrating) - I just go for progression awards if they are in reach (like 20k or 40k without sub events)
5) I don't do Lightning rounds, as rewards are not interesting and they are just about grinding to get some extra ISO
6) I don't do prologue missions as the interesting rewards are already collected

I am currently in phase where I am questioning my motivation, because the 3* transition seems to be endless.

So I am wondering what motivates you to consistently grind in MPQ?
Hopefully I am missing something, and I'd like to learn what it is icon_e_smile.gif


  • I am exactly where you are. I decided to take a break because I don't really see the point at the moment. I don't log in for dailies either. I am thinking that if I fall back on certain things, I will have lots of stuff to play for again if I decide to come back in the future.
  • I'm just waiting for Lady Thor.

    Meanwhile try to get a roster that helps me play without caring about Health Packs (that is getting extra copies of the essential characters). I grind a lot of Iso so as to do.

    It works pretty well, and I enjoy it.

    MPQ relieves the stress I am going through in my professional life. When I am less stressed, I doubt I will stop, as it turned into a real addiction.
  • Kiamodo
    Kiamodo Posts: 423 Mover and Shaker
    I like collecting, I like comics, and believe it or not I love grinding away at something. Level grinding is still my favorite parts of RPGs. So I have simple taste as far as gameplay. If it wasn't this game it would be something else. This game has just scratched every itch for a long time. But honestly what keeps me here is the community and my alliance mates. Great people and good team work.
  • It is the collection part to me. Was talking with my alliance earlier today. I don't care about Beast covers particularly, but knowing that I need a couple to cover max him. Motivates me. It's more of a completion thing. And the competition I like that number 1 slot in PVP even if I don't need the number 1 placement cover. Plus, it's kind of a mindless game, besides when getting sniped on shield hops icon_e_smile.gif. I can be at work and have 3 minutes and get a match or two in. The PVE grind is a little too much for me. I aim for a good score, but usually don't keep up with the top 5 people there.
  • hurcules
    hurcules Posts: 519
    "Gotta catch them all!"

    Yeah we are all pokemon players in one way or another.
  • GuntherBlobel
    GuntherBlobel Posts: 987 Critical Contributor
    I have many fully-covered 3*s, none of them maxed. They are fun to play and respec with rewards. More importantly, I have enough of the game unlocked that I can play as long as I want and throw out different teams and just enjoy playing them.

    I almost never run Semtry/Hood even though I could. I guess I'm not really playing for the rewards most of the time.

    Oh, and I enter every Season a couple PvPs late, purposely. That way I don't get too obsessed with the game and my "competition" has a play style more like mine.

    So for example, in Top Gun right now, I'm running 2* Wolvie because the synergy with Falcon is just too fun. He's no match for the 4* Wolvie that everyone else seems to be running, but that wouldn't be as fun for me. I hope you get to a place where you can play the way you want to soon.
  • simonsez
    simonsez Posts: 4,663 Chairperson of the Boards

    Simple as that...
  • Apart from getting those Devil Dino covers... nothing. Today is Day 366 for me.

    Sometimes, when I try a PvE match versus crazy,scaled up enemies and fail, I become motivated to put the game down.
  • Wolarsen
    Wolarsen Posts: 326 Mover and Shaker
    by andyc83 » Wed Oct 29, 2014 1:54 pm

    It is the collection part to me
    by hurcules » Wed Oct 29, 2014 5:56 am

    "Gotta catch them all!"

    Yeah we are all pokemon players in one way or another.

    Absolutely same here; but if Pokemon keep coming... and coming... then an evolved version... then another Pokemon... and another... even Ash loses his (poke)balls!
  • Wonko33
    Wonko33 Posts: 985 Critical Contributor
    not letting down alliance mates but mostly addiction
  • HailMary
    HailMary Posts: 2,179
    I'm not as collector-happy as many of the people who've chimed in so far: I don't have one of every character, and I'm missing more than just Yelena. But, I am a bit of a completionist when it comes to the characters I do want to keep.

    I really like seeing new mechanics (e.g. Falcon's Redwing, DP's LOTP, World Rupture, Docock's B+K, Colossus, Charged Tiles) -- it's obviously better if they don't suck and see actual use when I play the game, but I like new mechanics for the sake of them being new mechanics. I also like playing around with decent new characters (mostly recently Deadpool, New X-Force, and Blade). My alliance is a big factor, too. I almost certainly would've stopped playing before completing my 3* transition if it weren't for Django -- the stupid fun stuff we do within the alliance adds quite a lot to the game experience.

    MPQ's meta also meshes well with the lazy, low-intensity problem-solving I enjoy (I loved Martin Gardner puzzles as a kid, but since then, my brain has gotten lazier in my free time icon_razz.gif).

    Finally, I like shiny things, and that 3*/4* token-pull screen is really, really shiny. icon_e_biggrin.gif

    Edit: With regard to the repetitiveness of PVE, I don't care much about the story aspects, so story-recycling doesn't bother me. Fighting goons lets me play around with both weaker characters and characters who are far stronger in PVE than in PVP. I have a lot of fun with Rogers + Falcon in goon nodes, and have started putting Docock into my weak-goon-node rotation. I also like Simulator's variety of non-goon enemy teams. I don't care for endless Dark Avengers nodes, though. Bullseye and Rags aren't fun to play against, especially 28 times in a row.
  • Knowing that some day I will have full maxed roster. (even those 1* and 2*'s I have sold off.)
  • I definitely have the collector mentality as most of the other people that have responded here mentioned. I also just like a game that doesn't require me to think very hard or really pay attention sometimes. It's easy to pick up and put down for just minutes at a time (besides shield hops and that last hour of PvE icon_e_wink.gif ).

    I've been a gamer for a long time and I've just gotten to a point in life where I don't have many opportunities to play a game that requires 100% attention all the time but I still would like to be able to play games, so this is a good fit.

    I've also a long time fan of Marvel comics and loved the original Puzzle Quest game.
  • famousfoxking
    famousfoxking Posts: 245 Tile Toppler
    I'm not sure I'm a vet, but I still play on day 318 because

    A) I like playing the match-3 part of the game. Like the actual gameplay is enjoyable for me.
    B) I have PVE down to a largely stress-free science, so that as long as I can participate daily, I can nab top 100 without really breaking a sweat and get the cover I'll need to unlock the essentials for the next PVE. I'm not doing better than that, but I find top 100 plus progression rewards worthwhile for the little effort I put in.
    C) I'm a collector, so I've got everyone but Yelena at this point, and the only reason I sold her is because I hit 2500 HP and buying that last X-Force cover seemed like a good investment. From this point out, everything goes into slots and shields.
    D) I've got a good handle on PVP, and can hit 750-850 without shield hopping and with only one 3 hour shield at the end. That's probably good enough for top 25 or 50, which will net me a cover or two, and that's fine by me. I'm unwilling to shield hop to first place, but that unwillingness means I'm also netting an HP profit every PVP. I am usually able to stop right around the time I beat my second Sentry/Hood team, so I get to play them 2-3 times, then stop, instead of just playing that match over and over and over again.

    Basically, I've determined the minimum amount of effort necessary to get 3* covers in both PVP and PVE, and that amount of effort is fun for me. Half my alliance doesn't play regularly, so it is 100% perk and 0% responsibility. I play when it's fun, and when it's not fun, I don't play.
  • It is something is can play while watching TV with the wife. It is something I can put down at a moments notice and come back to. It is addictive.
  • quadiak
    quadiak Posts: 177 Tile Toppler
    I've had to ponder this a bit, but in all honesty I would have to say its the love of the game that keeps me here.

    A lot of the characteristics that attracted me to the game initially have either been retired, made overly difficult or became boring through EXTREME repetition. However I try to keep in mind that like any other business, they need to evolve in a direction that keeps the game interesting for the newer players. The payers who have never played the Hunt before, or don't remember when you could buy a single health pack for 5 HP. Even though I had always believed the extremely high in game purchase prices were scaled so outrageously that mpq would not last the first year. I am glad that I was wrong, because I'm still here with all of you and especially here with my alliance mates(which are the best there is BTW).

  • FaerieMyst
    FaerieMyst Posts: 319 Mover and Shaker
    Most of the time, I play because I enjoy the game. I love playing with different characters. I enjoy the competitive aspect. I like that it is a shared activity with my husband. We start all the PVPs together and are usually in the same bracket.

    This month we are moving (mostly done) and my attention span drops to zilch when I'm stressed. So in times like this, I push myself for the sake of my alliance. I know that this weekend when the move is finished, I'll relax and start to enjoy the game more.

    In general, I do the things I do because they are fun. Needing motivation for anything is an abnormality that I don't enjoy.
  • babinro
    babinro Posts: 771 Critical Contributor
    Simply put...fun.

    Despite having 20 characters at level 166 or higher I'm still enjoying the game play. As a PC player only, a major draw of MPQ is the fact that it's a perfect multitasking game (kind of like the Diablo franchise). You can play the game while watching webshows/netlifx, listening to podcasts/audio books/music and so on.

    Part of what helps me stick with the game is the constant sense of progression. In a franchise like Diablo...you can reach points where 50 hours of gameplay net you absolutely no upgrades. In MPQ I know for sure that the ISO will be useful...so even getting my 10th yellow spidey cover helps my overall progress. The game adds characters quicker than I can max them so I'm never at a point where I'm just idle with nothing to do either.

    I have a lot of fun leveling characters and trying them out for fun (typically in LR's and PvE). So hat means I'm actually motivated to level characters like Mohawk, Colossus and even Beast (so unbelievably terrible) knowing full well that these characters won't be staple characters for me.

    The only part of this game that I'm truly burnt out on is the PvE events.
    I've long since reached the point where insane scaling quickly kills my fun and I only participate in them at all to fulfill my place in my alliance.
  • I'm so glad that some one posted this question. I'm also glad I'm not the only one that feels this way.
    I'm loosing interest in the constant pve and pvp grind and also I feel like mpq is neglecting us (veterans) I was hopping for some real anniversary rewards since I'm in my 360 day and everyone else got devil Dino I don't feel like dd rewards are something out of this world and the tokens just don't give anything useful anymore, anyways my motivation is my alliance cause those guys are great, and the hope that some day the game will change for the better.
  • X-men.

    I wouldn't be playing still if it weren't for them. Great team and I love everyone there even the ones I don't care for. Surely there are more that don't care for me icon_lol.gif

    If I do ever get to the point of playing "casually" I will do it in our shadow alliance because the community is too great to not be part of for me. That's why people who quit and sell their accounts stick around because the community is the hardest part of the game to quit.