Character Engineering

Nonce Equitaur 2
Nonce Equitaur 2 Posts: 2,269 Chairperson of the Boards
edited November 2014 in MPQ Character Discussion
In What Marvel character are you hoping for? thread, statblocks are given for proposed characters. This thread will give statblocks for proposed changes to existing characters. Theoretically, this first post will have an index to all the good proposals for each character.

Whenever you've got a good idea for a character -- post it in their character discussion page. If it's really good, post it here. In the list below, Bold indicates an overpowered character, Italics indicates a weak character.

... 82 ... 73 .... 64 .11 .10 .09
_7 greentile.png _7 redtile.png _3 purpletile.pngyellowtile.pngblacktile.pngbluetile.png 19180 3.0 - Devil Dinosaur (Gigantic Reptile) --
14 yellowtile.png 13 bluetile.png _9 greentile.pngredtile.pngblacktile.pngpurpletile.png _8220 3.0 - Invisible Woman (Classic) -- 1, 2
12 yellowtile.png 10 bluetile.png 12 purpletile.pnggreentile.pngredtile.pngblacktile.png _9590 4.0 - Nick Fury (Director of SHIELD) --
10 redtile.png 12 yellowtile.png _9 bluetile.pngblacktile.pnggreentile.pngpurpletile.png 16440 4.0 - Thor (Goddess of Thunder) --
_8 greentile.png 11 blacktile.png _9 yellowtile.pngbluetile.pngpurpletile.pngredtile.png 10960 4.0 - Wolverine (X-Force) --

... 79 ... 70 .... 61 .13 .12 .11
_8 bluetile.png 11 yellowtile.png _9 greentile.pngredtile.pngpurpletile.pngblacktile.png _6800 4.0 - Beast (Modern) --
_9 yellowtile.png _8 bluetile.png 12 blacktile.pngredtile.pngpurpletile.pnggreentile.png _8500 4.0 - Black Panther (T'Challa) -- 1
11 purpletile.png 19 greentile.png 14 redtile.pngblacktile.pngbluetile.pngyellowtile.png _5950 4.0 - Black Widow (Grey Suit) -- 1
_8 blacktile.png 10 purpletile.png PA greentile.pngredtile.pngyellowtile.pngbluetile.png _6800 4.5 - Blade (Classic)
19 yellowtile.png 11 redtile.png 12 bluetile.pngblacktile.pnggreentile.pngpurpletile.png _8500 3.0 - Captain America (Steve Rogers) -- 1
_7 redtile.png PA yellowtile.png _9 blacktile.pnggreentile.pngbluetile.pngpurpletile.png _8500 4.5 - Captain Marvel (Modern) --
_8 yellowtile.png 11 redtile.png 13 blacktile.pngbluetile.pnggreentile.pngpurpletile.png 10200 3.0 - Colossus (Classic) -- 1
PA blacktile.png PA purpletile.png _5 bluetile.pnggreentile.pngredtile.pngyellowtile.png _6800 4.0 - Daken (Classic) --
10 purpletile.png _9 bluetile.png _8 redtile.pngblacktile.pnggreentile.pngyellowtile.png _6800 4.0 - Daredevil (Man Without Fear) -- Poll, 1
14 purpletile.png PA blacktile.png _6 redtile.pngyellowtile.pnggreentile.pngbluetile.png _6800 4.5 - Deadpool (It's Me, Deadpool) -- 1, 2, 3, 4
11 bluetile.png PA blacktile.png 12 greentile.pngpurpletile.pngredtile.pngyellowtile.png _6800 3.0 - Doctor Octopus (Otto Octavius) --
PA yellowtile.png PA bluetile.png 12 purpletile.pngredtile.pnggreentile.pngblacktile.png _5950 3.0 - Falcon (Mighty Avengers) -- 1
12 greentile.png _5 redtile.png 12 blacktile.pngbluetile.pngpurpletile.pngyellowtile.png _8500 3.0 - Gamora (Guardians of the Galaxy)
_8 redtile.png 10 blacktile.png _5 greentile.pngyellowtile.pngbluetile.pngpurpletile.png _5950 3.0 - Human Torch (Classic) --
13 redtile.png 14 yellowtile.png 20 bluetile.pngpurpletile.pnggreentile.pngblacktile.png _8500 4.0 - Iron Man (Model 40) --
_5 purpletile.png 11 blacktile.png PA greentile.pngbluetile.pngyellowtile.pngredtile.png _5950 3.0 - Loki (Dark Reign) -- 1, 2, 3
10 bluetile.png _8 redtile.png _9 yellowtile.pngblacktile.pnggreentile.pngpurpletile.png _6800 3.0 - Magneto (Classic) --
_8 purpletile.png _9 bluetile.png 11 blacktile.pngredtile.pngyellowtile.pnggreentile.png _5950 3.0 - Mystique (Raven Darkholme)
_8 redtile.png 10 bluetile.png _6 blacktile.pngpurpletile.pnggreentile.pngyellowtile.png _6800 4.0 - Psylocke (Classic) --
PA yellowtile.png 10 greentile.png 11 bluetile.pngredtile.pngpurpletile.pngblacktile.png 10200 3.0 - Rocket and Groot (Most Wanted)
11 redtile.png _7 greentile.png _8 yellowtile.pngbluetile.pngblacktile.pngpurpletile.png 10200 3.0 - Sentry (Dark Avengers) -- Compilation
_9 bluetile.png _9 redtile.png 12 greentile.pngyellowtile.pngpurpletile.pngblacktile.png 10200 3.0 - She-Hulk (Modern) -- 1
12 yellowtile.png PA purpletile.png _5 bluetile.pngredtile.pnggreentile.pngblacktile.png _6800 3.0 - Spider-Man (Classic) -- 1, 2, 3
10 greentile.png _9 yellowtile.png _9 blacktile.pngpurpletile.pngredtile.pngbluetile.png _5100 4.0 - Storm (Mohawk) --
15 yellowtile.png PA bluetile.png _9 blacktile.pngredtile.pngpurpletile.pnggreentile.png _5100 4.5 - The Hood (Classic) --
10 greentile.png 14 redtile.png PA blacktile.pngbluetile.pngyellowtile.pngpurpletile.png 11475 3.0 - The Hulk (Indestructible) --
_7 blacktile.png _8 greentile.png _8 redtile.pngpurpletile.pngbluetile.pngyellowtile.png _6800 4.0 - The Punisher (Dark Reign) --
_8 redtile.png 12 yellowtile.png 14 greentile.pngblacktile.pngbluetile.pngpurpletile.png 10200 4.0 - Thor (Modern) --
_9 greentile.png 14 redtile.png PA yellowtile.pngbluetile.pngpurpletile.pngblacktile.png _6800 4.0 - Wolverine (Patch) --

... 69 ... 61 .... 54 .12 .11 .10
_9 bluetile.png 12 blacktile.png __ purpletile.pnggreentile.pngredtile.pngyellowtile.png _7176 3.0 - Doctor Doom (Classic) -- 1
_6 redtile.png _6 greentile.png __ purpletile.pngblacktile.pngyellowtile.pngbluetile.png _8611 3.0 - Ragnarok (Dark Avengers) -- 1

... 55 ... 49 .... 43 .11 .10 .09
_5 greentile.png 10 redtile.png 10 yellowtile.pngpurpletile.pngblacktile.pngbluetile.png _5880 3.0 - Ares (Dark Avengers) --
_8 purpletile.png _9 bluetile.png PA blacktile.pngredtile.pngyellowtile.pnggreentile.png _3430 4.0 - Black Widow (Original) --
PA purpletile.png 16 blacktile.png __ greentile.pngbluetile.pngredtile.pngyellowtile.png _2460 5.0 - Bullseye (Dark Avengers) -- 1
19 yellowtile.png 11 redtile.png 12 bluetile.pngblacktile.pnggreentile.pngpurpletile.png _4900 3.0 - Captain America (Modern) --
PA blacktile.png PA purpletile.png _5 bluetile.pnggreentile.pngredtile.pngyellowtile.png _3920 4.0 - Daken (Dark Avengers) --
PA purpletile.png _9 bluetile.png _9 redtile.pngyellowtile.pngblacktile.pnggreentile.png _3430 5.0 - Hawkeye (Modern) -- 1
_8 redtile.png 10 blacktile.png _5 greentile.pngyellowtile.pngbluetile.pngpurpletile.png _3430 3.0 - Human Torch (Johnny Storm) --
13 bluetile.png _9 purpletile.png 14 redtile.pngyellowtile.pngblacktile.pnggreentile.png _3920 3.0 - Magneto (Marvel NOW!) --
_5 purpletile.png 11 redtile.png 17 blacktile.pngbluetile.pnggreentile.pngyellowtile.png _4900 3.0 - Moonstone (Dark Avengers) --
13 purpletile.png _9 bluetile.png _7 yellowtile.pngredtile.pnggreentile.pngblacktile.png _3920 3.0 - Spider-Man (Bag-Man) --
12 greentile.png 11 bluetile.png PA yellowtile.pngredtile.pngblacktile.pngpurpletile.png _2940 4.0 - Storm (Classic) --
_8 redtile.png 12 yellowtile.png 14 greentile.pngblacktile.pngbluetile.pngpurpletile.png _5880 4.0 - Thor (Marvel NOW!) --
_6 greentile.png 12 redtile.png PA yellowtile.pngpurpletile.pngblacktile.pngbluetile.png _3920 4.0 - Wolverine (Astonishing X-Men) --

... 31 ... 27 .... 24 .08 .07 .07
10 purpletile.png _9 bluetile.png __ yellowtile.pngredtile.pngblacktile.pnggreentile.png _1540 4.0 - Black Widow (Modern) --
_8 purpletile.png _7 redtile.png __ yellowtile.pngbluetile.pngblacktile.pnggreentile.png _1320 5.0 - Hawkeye (Classic) --
10 redtile.png _8 yellowtile.png 19 bluetile.pngpurpletile.pnggreentile.pngblacktile.png _2700 4.0 - Iron Man (Model 35) --
_6 greentile.png _6 redtile.png __ blacktile.pngyellowtile.pngpurpletile.pngbluetile.png _3520 3.0 - Juggernaut (Classic) --
10 greentile.png _9 yellowtile.png _9 blacktile.pngpurpletile.pngredtile.pngbluetile.png _1620 4.0 - Storm (Modern) --
__ greentile.png 12 blacktile.png _7 purpletile.pngredtile.pngbluetile.pngyellowtile.png _2640 4.0 - Venom (Dark Avengers) --
20 purpletile.png 13 blacktile.png __ bluetile.pngredtile.pnggreentile.pngyellowtile.png _1540 4.0 - Yelena Belova (Dark Avengers) --


  • Nonce Equitaur 2
    Nonce Equitaur 2 Posts: 2,269 Chairperson of the Boards
    Complete character reworks.

    This moves "target any tile" to level 4 for redtile.png and bluetile.png , and moves the extra point of AP returned to level 5, then buffs up his yellowtile.png . Currently, having 5 levels in redtile.png and bluetile.png is too important.

    [anchor=captainamerica3]Captain America (Steve Rogers)[/anchor] icon_captainamerica.png
    3 Star Rarity (Rare) - Gold character Discussion link. Wiki link.
    At Max Level: HP: 8500 Tile damage: 79/70/61/11/12/13/3.0
      Sentinel of Liberty - Yellow 10 yellowtile.png
      Captain America courageously rushes to protect the team’s flank. Transforms 2 chosen basic tiles into Yellow Protect tiles with a strength of 24, up to a limit of 3 tiles. Costs 1 less for each Yellow Protect tile in play (min cost 7).
        Level 2 – Increases Protect Strength to 31. Level 3 – Increases Protect Strength to 38. (Max 278) Level 4 – Limit increased to 4 tiles. Can target friendly Special tiles. Level 5 – Increases Protect Strength to 47. Can target any tile.
      Max Level: Protect Strength 339 per tile for 1356 protection
        Star Spangled Avenger - Red 11 redtile.png
        The Captain hurls his trusty shield into battle. Hits the target for 95 damage and transforms a chosen basic tile into a 3 turn Countdown tile that returns 8 Red AP.
          Level 2 – 209 damage. Returns 9
        redtile.png .
        Level 3 – 323 damage. Can target Strike, Protect, Attack, and Web tiles.
        Level 4 – 437 damage. Can target any tile.
        Level 5 – 551 damage. Returns 10 redtile.png .
        Max Level: 4031 damage
          Peacemaker - Blue 12 bluetile.png
          Captain America gallantly launches his shield at the enemy. Stuns the target for 2 turns and transforms a chosen basic tile into a 3 turn Countdown tile that returns 8 Blue AP.
            Level 2 – Converts to a strength 17 Protect tile when activated. Returns 9
          bluetile.png .
          Level 3 - Can target strike. protect, attack, and web tiles. Protect strength increased to 27.
          Level 4 - Can target any tile. Protect strength increased to 37.
          Level 5 - Returns 10 bluetile.png . Protect strength increased to 48.
          Max Level: 342 protect

          This drops the cost of Force bubbles, but limits the number of them that can be placed on the board.

          [anchor=invisible4]Invisible Woman (Classic)[/anchor]
          4 Star Rarity (Legendary) Discussion link. Wiki link.
          At Max Level: HP:8220 Tile damage:82/11/73/09/64/09/3.0
            Grant Invisibility - 18 yellowtile.png
            The Invisible Woman hides the weakest member of the team. Turn a chosen basic Yellow tile into an Invisibility tile. While it's on the board, the invisible character can't be targeted.
              Level 2: Costs 2
            yellowtile.png less
            Level 3: Costs 2 yellowtile.png less
            Level 4: Costs 2 yellowtile.png less
            Level 5: Costs 2 yellowtile.png less
              Force Bubbles - 5 bluetile.png
              Susan focuses her power to lock the enemy down and save the team. Locks 2 chosen tiles in Force Bubbles (up to 16 bubbles) and gives Susan's team 10 protection for each bubble on the board while she's active.
                Level 2: Locks 3 chosen tiles. Level 3: Locks 4 chosen tiles. Increases force bubble protection to 20. Level 4: If more than 16 bubbles would be made, Sue's team gains 1AP in each color. Level 5: Locks 6 chosen tiles. Increases force bubble protection to 30.
              Max Level: 100 protection per force bubble (up to 16, for 1600 protection)
                Force Field Crush - 9 greentile.png
                Invisible Woman shatters a 3x3 area around 1 random Force Bubble, dealing 42 damage and unlocking but not destroying it. If there are no Force Bubbles on the board, she creates 1 in a random location. This ability ends the turn. Generates AP.
                  Level 2: Unlocks or places 2 Force Bubbles Level 3: Each unlocked Force Bubble does 84 damage Level 4: Unlocks or places 3 Force Bubbles. Each unlocked Force Bubble does 168 damage. Level 5: Susan can choose the bubbles to shatter. Doesn't end the turn.
                Max Level: 724 damage for each released bubble

                Here's a re-engineering of Ragnarok, borrowing from Charged Tile and Team-Up mechanics.

                [anchor=ragnarok3]Ragnarok (Dark Avengers Thor)[/anchor] icon_ragnarok.png
                3 Star Rarity (Rare) Discussion link. Wiki link.
                At Max Level: HP: 8611 Tile damage: 11/61/11/12/61/12/3.0
                  Godlike Power - Green 9 greentile.png
                  Ragnarok exhibits his godlike power, cleaving the battlefield in two. Destroys the two center columns of tiles so completely they don’t generate AP.
                    Level 2: 4 of the new tiles become Charged. Level 3: 8 of the new tiles become charged. Level 4: All of the new tiles become charged. Level 5: Charged
                  redtile.png or greentile.png tiles each generate 1 AP when destroyed by Godlike Power.
                    Thunderclap - Red 6 redtile.png
                    Ragnarok calls upon the storm, dealing 71 damage to the current target and changing 2 tiles of any color to Charged greentile.png tiles.
                      Level 2: Convert 3 tiles. Level 3: Dealing 128 damage. Level 4: Convert 4 tiles. Level 5: Dealing 185 damage.
                    Max Level: 1175 damage
                      Alternate Programming - Purple 5 purpletile.png + 5 blacktile.png
                      Ragnarok's mimic-subroutine activates, with unpredictable results. A random level 1 Team-up effect is activated with the next tile match by Ragnarok's team.
                        Level 2: A random level 2 Team-up effect is activated. Level 3: A random level 3 Team-up effect is activated. Level 4: A random level 4 Team-up effect is activated. The power will match the color of the moved tile. Level 5: A random level 5 Team-up effect is activated.

                      Here's a rebuild for Daredevil. I've lowered his costs, and halved the effect. That lets him put more traps on the board. Traps work well for Nick Fury since he has a lot of them.
                      The new mechanic makes him more useful against goons, since it puts tiles on the board that can disrupt the placement of a Counter. He's also more useful against Daken and board shakers.

                      NEW MECHANIC
                      Friendly invisible trap -- White crosshair (current).
                      Friendly visible trap -- Gray crosshair.
                      Enemy visible trap -- Black crosshair.
                      Invisible trap tiles that would be overwritten or destroyed are instead made visible. Enemy effects for that tile are lost.
                      Visible enemy traps can be overwritten or destroyed. Matching visible enemy traps disarms them.
                      Friendly visible traps, when matched, will turn invisible as they move.

                      [anchor=daredevil3]Daredevil (Classic)[/anchor] icon_daredevil.png
                      3 Star Rarity (Rare) Discussion link. Wiki link.
                      At Max Level: HP: 6800 Tile damage: 11/61/70/79/12/13/3.5
                        Radar Sense - Purple 5 purpletile.png
                        Daredevil's heightened senses let him strike first, terrifying the enemy. Creates an Random Basic Trap tile that, when matched by an enemy, steals 1 AP from redtile.pngpurpletile.png . If you match the tile, it steals 1 purpletile.png AP and changes locations. Enemies cannot initially see the trap, but some powers will detect them.
                          Level 2: Trap tile instead steals 1 AP from all colors on enemy match. Level 3: A second trap tile is also created that steals 1 AP from
                        redtile.pngpurpletile.png on enemy match.
                        Level 4: Match by the team steals 1 redtile.pngpurpletile.png AP and changes locations.
                        Level 5: Two Trap tiles that each steal 1 AP from all colors on an enemy match are created.
                          Equalizer - Blue 5 bluetile.png
                          Billy Club in hand, Daredevil prowls the battlefield, waiting to even the odds. Create a Blue trap tile that, when matched by an enemy, stuns for 1 turns. if you match the tile, it generates 1 Blue AP and changes locations. Enemies cannot initially see the trap, but some powers will detect them.
                            Level 2: On a friendly match, generates 2 Blue AP Level 3: Stuns for 2 turns. Level 4: If you match the tile, it also stuns the opponent for 1 turn and changes locations. Level 5: Stuns for 3 turns.
                            Ambush - Red 5 redtile.png
                            Daredevil lurks in the shadow, ready to strike. Creates a Red Trap tile that, when matched by the enemy, deals 236 damage. If you match the tile, the enemy takes 24 damage and it changes locations. Enemies cannot initially see the trap, but some powers will detect them.
                              Level 2: 331 damage on enemy match. Level 3: 425 damage on enemy match. Level 4: 520 damage on enemy match. Level 5: 615 damage on enemy match.
                            Max Level: Enemy takes 4520 damage on enemy match / Enemy takes 148 damage on player match
                          • Nonce Equitaur 2
                            Nonce Equitaur 2 Posts: 2,269 Chairperson of the Boards
                            Changes to single powers, or new ones.

                            For Loki
                              You Fell For It! - greentile.png PASSIVE
                              Loki has trapped the battlefield. When the enemy team is lured into collecting more than 15 AP during their turn, Loki's team gets the excess power instead.
                                Level 2: After 15 AP, the enemy attacks illusions. No damage to Loki's team. Level 3: Loki's trap activates at 13 AP. Level 4: Loki's trap activates at 11 AP. Subsequent harmful effects are reflected. Level 5: Loki's trap activates at 9 AP.

                              She-Hulk's incredibly weak healing is almost completely inconsequential at a high cost, and the AP drain is random. Lets actually let her heal herself, double healing amounts, and remove the randomness at level 5.
                                Reprieve - Green 12 greentile.png
                                She-Hulk charges into battle, catching her foes off guard and giving allies a chance to rest. Reduces one color of the enemies' AP reserves to zero, then heals herself for 128 while giving her allies a similar but temporary burst of health.
                                  Level 2: Also cuts a second AP color by 25 percent Level 3: Gives allies a burst of 166 health Level 4: Gives allies a burst of 300 health. Also cuts a second AP color by 50 percent. Level 5: She-Hulk chooses two enemy reserves and drains them to zero.
                                Max Level: Restores 1574 health

                                With the escalating cost, Black Widow's worst power makes itself unusable as covers are added. Most have 3 covers, for a cost of 14 redtile.png , so I've raised the initial cost but removed the cost increases and added some AP collection.
                                  Pistol - redtile.png 14
                                  Black Widow fires 1 shots at the board, clearing a block of tiles, dealing damage for each tile and an additional 118 damage to the current target. Does not generate AP.
                                    Level 2: Fires 2 shots. Level 3: Target size increased, destroying 2x3 tiles. Level 4: Fires 3 shots. Also collects any
                                  redtile.png AP destroyed.
                                  Level 5: Target size increased, destroying 3x3 tiles. Also collects any greentile.png AP destroyed.

                                  Black Panther's weak power is kinda meh compared to his other two powers. Let's give him a tiny bit of board control.
                                    Defense Grid - Blue 8 bluetile.png
                                    Places a Blue Countdown tile that converts a basic color tile to a strength 9 Protect tile every 2 turns. If 3 or more Protect tiles are in play, conversion is suspended.
                                      Level 2: Max 3 protect tiles out at a time Level 3: Increases Protect strength to 14. Max 4 protect tiles out at a time. Level 4: Increases Protect strength to 18. Max 5 protect tiles out at a time. Level 5: Choose any tile for the
                                    bluetile.png countdown tile, which activates every turn.
                                    Max Level: Strength 140 protect tiles

                                    Doom gets a versatile green power from discarded environment effects, with his strong Purple tile damage becoming strong Green.
                                      Master of Latveria - Green Passive
                                      Doom always has a plan, giving him a tactical edge. He can add three Black Strike tiles each time his team makes a turn-ending Team-Up tile match. As he upgrades his armor and gathers power he can activate a different effect of his choosing. (Latverian Terrain)
                                        Level 2: Rally minions, boosting their health. Requires 3 Yellow. (Hot Dog Stand) Level 3: Confuse distractible foes by turning a random tile critical. Requires 5 Red. (Containment Breach) Level 4: Show tactical mastery by activating explosives, destroying the left and right sides of the board. Requires 7 Green. (Narrow Alley) Level 5: Stun an enemy fool for 1 turn. Reduce enemy AP of every color by 1. Requires 9 Purple. (Snow Drift)

                                      Replace Spiderman's Yellow Web Bandages with a Green Web Interference, and change his tile damage (Yellow->Green)
                                        Web Interference - Green 7AP
                                        Spider-Man webs a chosen basic tile, dealing 208 damage and turning it into a 2 round Counter tile. Opponent powers using the chosen color are unusable. When the countdown is over, just the webbing remains.
                                        Level Upgrades
                                          Level 2: Countdown and and Attack tiles powered by the chosen color are halted. Level 3: Team-up tiles may be selected, preventing enemy use. Deals 281 Damage. Level 4: Protect and Strike tiles of the chosen color stop functioning. Level 5: Interference lasts for three rounds. Deals 470 Damage.
                                        Max Level: 1494 Damage

                                        Falcon's yellowtile.png is situational. Someone else usually has to put some tiles on the board before it can start kicking in. One fix for that is for him to drop minimal strength 1 special tiles when his team doesn't have any.
                                          Inspiration - Yellow Passive
                                          Falcon spreads his wings, motivating his teammates as he swoops into the fight. When the team makes a yellow match, Falcon improves the strength of 2 friendly Protect, Strike, or Attack tiles by 7.
                                          Level Upgrades
                                            Level 2: Improves friendly tiles by 8. Level 3: Improves friendly tiles by 10. If none, he creates a random special tile with strength 1. Level 4: Improves friendly tiles by 13. If one or less, he then creates a random special tile with strength 1. Level 5: Improves 3 friendly tiles by 13. If two or less, he then creates a random special tile with strength 1.
                                          Max Level: Improves 3 friendly tiles by 79.

                                          With 5 covers, level 166, four yellow matches could get
                                          Match 1 = Strength 1 special tile.
                                          Match 2 = Strength 80 special tile, Strength 1 special tile.
                                          Match 3 = Strength 159 special tile, Strength 80 special tile, Strength 1 special tile..
                                          Match 4 = Strength 238 special tile, Strength 159 special tile, Strength 80 special tile.
                                        • Nonce Equitaur 2
                                          Nonce Equitaur 2 Posts: 2,269 Chairperson of the Boards
                                          Reserved for future use.
                                        • Nonce Equitaur 2
                                          Nonce Equitaur 2 Posts: 2,269 Chairperson of the Boards
                                          Current max tile damages.
                                          4 star.png = 82 73 64 11 10 9
                                          3 star.png = 79 70 61 13 12 11
                                          2 star.png = 55 49 43 11 10 9

                                          Match ups for the 4320=6×6! possibilities. Currently the 3 star characters claim tiles too often.
                                          4 star.png owns tile 41.67% -- Tie 2.78% -- 3 star.png owns tile 55.56%
                                          3 star.png owns tile 72.22% -- Tie 2.78% -- 2 star.png owns tile 25.00%
                                          4 star.png owns tile 58.33% -- Tie 8.33% -- 2 star.png owns tile 33.33%

                                          Proposed tile damages.
                                          4 star.png = 82 73 64 12 11 10
                                          3 star.png = 79 70 61 13 12 11
                                          2 star.png = 55 49 43 14 13 12

                                          Match ups for the 4320=6×6! possibilities.
                                          4 star.png owns tile 50.00% -- Tie 5.56% -- 3 star.png owns tile 44.44%
                                          3 star.png owns tile 52.78% -- Tie 5.56% -- 2 star.png owns tile 41.67%
                                          4 star.png owns tile 50.00% -- Tie 2.78% -- 2 star.png owns tile 47.22%

                                          A current trickiness of mixed level teams is that the 3 star.png characters take most of the damage. Which is fine. But often I'm unable to get the other team members in front when my 3 star.png character is almost charged up and almost dead. The proposal will often give a safe option with a weak tile.
                                        • Nonce Equitaur 2
                                          Nonce Equitaur 2 Posts: 2,269 Chairperson of the Boards
                                          With most characters, the order of their abilities matches up with their strongest/stronger/strong tile damages. But there is some sloppiness. Beast, BWGS, Captain Marvel, Daken, Deadpool, Doctor Doom, Loki, Magneto, Spiderman, and Hawkeye all have tile / power disparities.

                                          Tile Dam .. Ability colors
                                          bluetile.pngyellowtile.pnggreentile.png -- bluetile.pnggreentile.pngyellowtile.png - Beast (Modern)
                                          purpletile.pnggreentile.pngredtile.png -- greentile.pngredtile.pngpurpletile.png - Black Widow (Grey Suit)
                                          redtile.pngyellowtile.pngblacktile.png -- redtile.pngblacktile.pngyellowtile.png - Captain Marvel (Modern)
                                          blacktile.pngpurpletile.pngbluetile.png -- purpletile.pngblacktile.pngbluetile.png - Daken (both versions)
                                          purpletile.pngblacktile.pngredtile.png -- redtile.pngpurpletile.pngblacktile.png - Deadpool (It's Me, Deadpool)
                                          bluetile.pngblacktile.pngpurpletile.png -- blacktile.pngbluetile.pngnone.png - Doctor Doom (Classic)
                                          purpletile.pngbluetile.pnggreentile.png -- bluetile.pngpurpletile.pngnone.png - Loki (Dark Reign)
                                          bluetile.pngredtile.pngyellowtile.png -- yellowtile.pngredtile.pngbluetile.png - Magneto (Classic)
                                          yellowtile.pngpurpletile.pngbluetile.png -- yellowtile.pngbluetile.pngpurpletile.png - Spider-Man (Classic)
                                          purpletile.pngbluetile.pngredtile.png -- bluetile.pngredtile.pngpurpletile.png - Hawkeye (Modern)
                                          redtile.pngyellowtile.pngbluetile.png -- redtile.pngbluetile.pngyellowtile.png - Iron Man

                                          Either sort the powers to match the tile rankings, or set the tile damages to match the power orderings. Several characters have powers based on "opponents strongest power", but it's based on tile damages, and it's only mentioned in the forum. Resorting / Cleaning this up would simplify things.
                                        • Nonce Equitaur 2
                                          Nonce Equitaur 2 Posts: 2,269 Chairperson of the Boards
                                          All powers with a variable increasing cost should come with a heads up display to allow the lower cost versions. Team-up powers would have a fixed cost, but the actual character should have more flexibility.

                                          IM40 gets a heads-up display when Recharge is activated. A variable amount of power can be used. Remove his AP drains.
                                          "How much power, sir?"
                                          6 ooo . . . 8 ooo . . . 10 oo . . . 12 oo . . . 14 oo

                                          Powers that should have a variable cost:
                                            Recharge - Yellow 6 yellowtile.png
                                            Recharges weapon systems. Creates 3 Countdown tiles that activate after 2 turns, restoring 3 Red AP each. Iron Man is then stunned for 2 turns as systems reinitialize.
                                              Level 2: Each Countdown tile also restores 3 Blue AP. Costs 8 AP. Level 3: Each Countdown tile also restores 2 Green AP. Costs 10 AP. Level 4: Each Countdown tile also restores 2 Purple AP. Costs 12 AP. Level 5: Each Countdown tile also restores 2 Black AP. Costs 14 AP.

                                              Sniper Rifle - Green 15 greentile.png
                                              Black Widow uses an accurate, long range rifle to shoot a location on the board, clearing a reticle shaped pattern. She deals damage for each tile destroyed and an additional 355 damage to the current target.
                                                Level 2: +25% base damage. Costs 16
                                              Level 3: Destroys more tiles. Costs 17 greentile.png.
                                              Level 4: +25% base damage. Costs 18 greentile.png.
                                              Level 5: Damages all enemies. Costs 19 greentile.png.
                                              Max Level: 3912 + tile damage
                                                Pistol - Red 12 redtile.png
                                                Black Widow fires 1 shots at the board, clearing a block of tiles, dealing damage for each tile and an additional 118 damage to the current target. Does not generate AP.
                                                  Level 2: Fires 2 shots. Costs 13
                                                Level 3: Target size increased, destroying 2x3 tiles. Costs 14 redtile.png.
                                                Level 4: Fires 3 shots. Costs 15 redtile.png.
                                                Level 5: Target size increased, destroying 3x3 tiles. Costs 17 redtile.png.
                                                  Aggressive Recon - Purple 5 purpletile.png
                                                  Natasha goes undercover to find her opponent's secrets. She steals 2 Yellow, Blue, Red, and Green AP, undermining the enemy's plans and setting hers into motion.
                                                    Level 2: Steals 3 AP. Costs 2 AP more. Level 3: Also steals Black AP. Costs 1 AP more. Level 4: Steals 4 AP. Costs 2 AP more. Level 5: Also steals Purple AP. Costs 1 AP more.

                                                    Iron Hammer - Blue 6 AP
                                                    Magneto forms a mass of shrapnel to hurl at his enemies. Converts a random Blue tile into a 1 turn Countdown tile that destroys the 9 surrounding tiles.
                                                      Level 2: Increases tiles destroyed to 13, +1 AP Cost. Level 3: Increases tiles destroyed to 21, +1 to countdown timer, +2 AP Cost. Level 4: Increases tiles destroyed to 29, +1 to countdown timer. Level 5: Increase area of effect to entire board, +1 to Countdown timer, +4 AP Cost.

                                                      Magnetic Flux - Red 8 AP
                                                      Magneto creates an unstable magnetic field. Turns a random basic Red tile into a 3 turn Countdown tile that deals 183 damage to the current target.
                                                        Level 2: Reduces countdown to 2, +1 AP cost. Level 3: Destroy a 3x3 block around the Countdown tile. +2 AP cost. Level 4: Reduces countdown to 1. Level 5: Destroy a 5x5 block, +3 AP cost.
                                                      Max Level: 2131 damage
                                                        Switcheroo - Purple 13 AP
                                                        Spider-Man pulls the old switcheroo, swapping 2 basic colored tiles and turning them to Web tiles.
                                                          Level 2: Also swaps Strike and Protect tiles. Level 3: Also swaps Web and Attack tiles. Level 4: Swaps all tiles that have a color. Level 5:Swaps 2 pairs of tiles. Costs 18 AP.

                                                          Web-Slinger - Blue 9 AP
                                                          Slings a web that wraps 1 tile(s) in a sticky cocoon. These locked tiles stick in place and their special effects are neutralized. The locked effect is removed and tile effects resume if it is matched or otherwise destroyed.
                                                            Level 2: Locks 2 tiles. Costs 11. Level 3: Locks 3 tiles. Costs 13. Level 4: Locks 4 tiles. Costs 15. Level 5: Locks 5 tiles. Costs 17.

                                                            Aggressive Recon - Purple 10 AP
                                                            Natasha goes undercover to find her opponent’s secrets. She steals 2 Yellow, Blue, Red, and Green AP, undermining the enemy's plans and setting hers into motion.
                                                              Level 2: Steals 3 AP. Costs 2 AP more. Level 3: Also steals Black AP. Costs 1 AP more. Level 4: Steals 4 AP. Costs 2 AP more. Level 5: Also steals Purple AP. Costs 1 AP more.

                                                              Lethal Recon - Purple 13 AP
                                                              Yelena goes undercover to damage her opponents. She steals Yellow, Blue, Red, and Green AP, undermining the enemy's plans and doing 31 damage.
                                                                Level 2: Steals 3 AP. Costs 2 AP more. Level 3: Also steals Black AP. Costs 1 AP more. Level 4: Steals 4 AP. Costs 2 AP more. Level 5: Also steals Purple AP. Costs 1 AP more.
                                                              Max Level: 275 damage
                                                            • Nonce Equitaur 2
                                                              Nonce Equitaur 2 Posts: 2,269 Chairperson of the Boards
                                                              Some color changes would give characters a unique color set and better match with their color associations. With all three, all 20 possible color combinations would be covered.

                                                              ( bluetile.png -> purpletile.png ) Magneto's Magnetized Projectiles and tile damage
                                                              ( redtile.png -> yellowtile.png ) BWGS's Pistol and tile damage
                                                              ( bluetile.png -> purpletile.png ) Hood's Dormammu’s Aid and tile damage
                                                              ( purpletile.png -> greentile.png ) Doctor Doom's tile damage (and new power)

                                                              Those changes would give the following color chart:

                                                              icon_thor.pngicon_captainamerica.pngicon_ironman.pngnone.pngyellowtile.pngredtile.pngbluetile.png ---- purpletile.pnggreentile.pngblacktile.pngnone.pngicon_loki.pngicon_bullseye.png
                                                              icon_nobody.pngicon_nobody.pngicon_magneto.pngnone.pngyellowtile.pngredtile.pngpurpletile.png ---- bluetile.pnggreentile.pngblacktile.pngnone.pngicon_doctoroctopus.png
                                                              icon_thor.pngicon_sentry.pngicon_wolverine.pngnone.pngyellowtile.pngredtile.pnggreentile.png ---- bluetile.pngpurpletile.pngblacktile.pngnone.pngicon_blackwidow.pngicon_daken.png
                                                              icon_ms_marvel.pngicon_colossus_new.pngicon_caroldanvers.pngnone.pngyellowtile.pngredtile.pngblacktile.png ---- bluetile.pngpurpletile.pnggreentile.pngnone.pngicon_doctordoom.png
                                                              icon_nickfury.pngicon_spiderman.pngicon_falcon.pngnone.pngyellowtile.pngbluetile.pngpurpletile.png ---- redtile.pnggreentile.pngblacktile.pngnone.pngicon_punisher.pngicon_humantorch.pngicon_hulk.png
                                                              icon_invisiblewoman.pngicon_beast.pngicon_storm.pngnone.pngyellowtile.pngbluetile.pnggreentile.png ---- redtile.pngpurpletile.pngblacktile.pngnone.pngicon_moonstone.pngicon_deadpool.png
                                                              icon_nobody.pngicon_nobody.pngicon_blackpanther.pngnone.pngyellowtile.pngbluetile.pngblacktile.png ---- redtile.pngpurpletile.pnggreentile.pngnone.pngicon_devildino.png
                                                              icon_nobody.pngicon_nobody.pngicon_blackwidow.pngnone.pngyellowtile.pngpurpletile.pnggreentile.png ---- redtile.pngbluetile.pngblacktile.pngnone.pngicon_psylocke.png
                                                              icon_nobody.pngicon_nobody.pngicon_hood.pngnone.pngyellowtile.pngpurpletile.pngblacktile.png ---- redtile.pngbluetile.pnggreentile.pngnone.pngicon_shehulk.png
                                                              icon_nobody.pngicon_wolverine.pngicon_storm.pngnone.pngyellowtile.pnggreentile.pngblacktile.png ---- redtile.pngbluetile.pngpurpletile.pngnone.pngicon_daredevil.pngicon_hawkeye.pngicon_magneto.png
                                                            • ErikPeter
                                                              ErikPeter Posts: 719 Critical Contributor
                                                              Mind if I repost my stuff from the new character ideas thread here?
                                                            • Pylgrim
                                                              Pylgrim Posts: 2,332 Chairperson of the Boards
                                                              Reposting some of the stuff from my Colours Poll threads addressing the less popular powers.

                                                              Thunderclap (Ragnarok) 6 redflag.png
                                                              Thunderclap is ridiculously weak, even with the chance of powering up his green ability, which is a rather low chance, anyway. Let's make it always happen and deal more damage.

                                                              New Thunderclap (Ragnarok) 7 redflag.png
                                                              Ragnarok calls upon the storm and lighting replies, smiting the battlefield. Deals 90 damage to the current target and changes 2 tiles of any color to Green, then destroys them.
                                                              Level 2: Converts and destroys 3 tiles.
                                                              Level 3: Deals 150 damage.
                                                              Level 4: Deals 250 damage (Max: 1750)
                                                              Level 5: Converts and destroys 4 tiles.

                                                              Photonic Blasts (Captain Marvel) 7 redflag.png
                                                              The idea behind PB is novel and good, but the execution falls short of being relevant. Only some values need to be adjusted.

                                                              New Photonic Blasts (Captain Marvel) 7 redflag.png
                                                              Captain Marvel unleashes the amazing cosmic power of her photonic blasts, shattering her enemy's defenses. Deals 250 Damage and destroys up to 2 Enemy Strike or Protect tiles. (does generate AP)
                                                              Level 2: Deals 350 damage.
                                                              Level 3: Destroys up to 3 tiles.
                                                              Level 4: Deals 500 damage. (Max: 1800)
                                                              Level 5: Can destroy attack and countdown tiles as well. Costs 2 more.

                                                              Unibeam (Iron Man 40) 13 redflag.png
                                                              Once the champion of raw damage, necessitating a high cost and a drawback. Under modern values we can do better. (But I chose to leave the base damage exactly the same.)

                                                              New Unibeam (Iron Man 40) 10 redflag.png
                                                              Tony Stark diverts all power to a focused energy beam fired from Model 40's chest. Deals 473 damage and pierces a 2x2 hole in the middle of the battlefield, dealing damage but not generating AP.
                                                              Level 2: +10% damage
                                                              Level 3: +10% damage
                                                              Level 4: 3x3 hole.
                                                              Level 5: +10% damage, (Max: 3950)

                                                              Pistol (Gray Suit Black Widow) 12 (up to 17) redflag.png
                                                              Pistol is a weird ability that mixes damages with board shake and targeted destruction but does everything poorly with its counter-intuitive 2x3 "blocks" and increasing cost. Let's focus on the targeted destruction, then.

                                                              New Pistol (Gray Suit Black Widow) 4 redflag.png
                                                              Black Widow fires 1 shot at the board, clearing a tile, dealing damage and generating AP.
                                                              Level 2: Clears 2 tiles, costs 6.
                                                              Level 3: Deals additional 50 damage per tile destroyed.
                                                              Level 4: Deals additional 100 damage (Max: 250) per tile destroyed.
                                                              Level 5: Clears 4 tiles, costs 9.

                                                              Smash 14 redflag.png
                                                              Smash is extremely inefficient and has two drawbacks to top! Let's eliminate one and make the other less crippling while increasing damage and lowering cost.

                                                              Smash 11 redflag.png
                                                              The Hulk smashes, consuming up to 10 of the team's Black AP and damaging the target for 300 plus 10 for each Black AP consumed and 20 for each Black AP remaining.
                                                              Level 2: 350 base damage. 12 damage for each Black spent and 27 for each Black AP remaining.
                                                              Level 3: 400 base damage. 17 damage for each Black spent and 35 for each Black AP remaining.
                                                              Level 4: 460 base damage. 24 damage for each Black spent and 50 for each Black AP remaining. (Max: 3000/150/300)
                                                              Level 5: Consumes only 5 Black AP. Also heals Hulk for 50 (Max:300) for each remaining AP.

                                                              Web bandages 13 yellowflag.png
                                                              Currently worthless, and almost worse, not flavourful or in character. needs complete reworking. I propose

                                                              Web Swing 8 greenflag.png
                                                              Spider-Man swings into the scene at great speed, barrelling feet-first into an enemy. His remarkable regeneration factor kicks in, preparing for the battle ahead. Deals 100 damage to an enemy and creates a Green Countdown tile that activates every turn, healing Spider-Man for 2% of his health.
                                                              Level 2: 135 damage
                                                              Level 3: Countdown tile activation heals Spider-Man for an additional 1% of his health for each web tile on the board.
                                                              Level 4: 175 damage (Max 1100)
                                                              Level 5: Base healing increased to 4% of Spider-Man's health.

                                                              Sentinel of Liberty 19 yellowflag.png
                                                              SoL is, simply, way too expensive. It will completely blank all the match damage, even including the best strike tiles. But at that point the enemy will just destroy you with nukes while you have very little else to show for your efforts. I believe that the best way to make it relevant while preventing it from becoming OP is diminishing protect value along cost. That way it will become something of a middle point between what it is now and what c.Mags old blue was (in the sense that you can choose to use the tiles to make 5-tile matches instead leaving them around for the protect value)

                                                              New Sentinel of Liberty 11 yellowflag.png
                                                              Captain America courageously rushes to protect the team's flank. Transforms 2 basic chosen tiles into yellow protect tiles, each with a strength of 25 (22 is the base damage of BP's strike tiles at level 1, as a reference).
                                                              Level 2: Increases Protect strength to 30
                                                              Level 3: Transforms 3 tiles.
                                                              Level 4: Increases Protect strength to 35 (Max: 170)
                                                              Level 5: Transforms 4 tiles.

                                                              Medical Marvel 11 yellowflag.png
                                                              For a "marvel" Dr. McCoy heals much less and barely better than the non-specialist Spider-Man and OBW, respectively, and the super-conditional, **** protect tiles you sometimes get from the deal hardly make it any better. Non-true healing abilities are positively useless unless they are a rider on a more beneficial effect (see OBW) AND are strong enough to be relevant (see She-Hulk failing badly at this.) I think it's important for Beast to keep the healing ability, so let's see if we can make it good enough. (I know true healing is just never going to happen, so I'll make do somehow else.)

                                                              New Medical Marvel 11 yellowflag.png
                                                              Dr. McCoy uses his medical triage skills to patch up a teammate before they rush back into battle healing them for a 25% of their total health. The burst of healing reinvigorates that character. If there's a friendly Blue special tile on the board, two random yellow tiles become strength 20 protect and strike tiles.
                                                              Level 2: Heals for 35%
                                                              Level 3: Increase tile strength to 25
                                                              Level 4: Heals for 50%
                                                              Level 5: Transforms 4 tiles to 2 strike and 2 protect tiles.

                                                              Mistress of the Elements 9 yellowflag.png
                                                              This ability is near useless in its present state even if you don't compare it to her old red power. If you desperately want some extra Team Up, you might as well do two Team-Up tile matches instead of three yellow matches and bring to the battle a squishy, weak character as Storm and you'll get almost as much. Continuing with the "wind" theme that the old ability had and keeping the caring for T-U of the current, we can do something similar to what Doc Ock does.

                                                              New Mistress of the Elements 7 yellowflag.png
                                                              Fierce winds swirl, sending heavy weights aloft and turning them against the enemy. Nearby allies zero in into the commotion. Swaps 7 pairs of random tiles, destroying any swapped Team Up tiles, dealing damage and generating AP for each tile destroyed.
                                                              Level 2: Swaps 8 pairs of tiles.
                                                              Level 3: Swaps 10 pairs of tiles.
                                                              Level 4: Doubles damage and AP for each destroyed Team up tile.
                                                              Level 5: Swaps 12 pairs of tiles.

                                                              Grant Invisibility 18 yellowflag.png
                                                              GI is clearly overcosted and it's easy to imagine that the Devs want to err on the safer side. I cannot tell how broken could it be if we just arbitrarily reduce its cost, so I'll make it less absolute and rework it a bit following lessons learned from Colossus .

                                                              New Grant Invisibility 10 yellowflag.png
                                                              The Invisible Woman hides a chosen member of the team allowing him or her to attack stealthly. Converts a random basic Yellow tile into a 2-turn countdown tile. While it's on the board, the invisible character can't be targeted and whenever that character makes a match, it deals 25% more damage.
                                                              Level 2: Increases countdown to 3
                                                              Level 3: Increases damage by 35%
                                                              Level 4: Increases countdown to 4
                                                              Level 5: Increases damage by 50%. If the countdown tile is matched by the enemy, the chosen character activates one power at no cost.
                                                            • wirius
                                                              wirius Posts: 667
                                                              edited December 2014
                                                              Most of us know at this point that Daredevil is equivalent to a poor 2*. Lets look at the main reason why. Design wise, a little randomness and variability in your game can result in suspense, and a fun payoff. The problem with Daredevil's abilities are the level and consistency of his variability.

                                                              1. Traps rarely go off
                                                              2. You have no control over them, and oftentimes they go off at the worst times (Crotch kicking an enemy with 1k hp left for example)
                                                              3. Useless against thugs
                                                              4. Traps are easily overridden or smashed away

                                                              So why should I ever spend my abilities on Daredevil when he hardly pays out? You shouldn't. But his trap system is pretty cool, and a great innovative idea from the designer. So how can we fix this? Lower the variability, and make it more consistent. Here are Daredevil's abilities.

                                                              Radar Sense - Purple 11 purpletile.png
                                                              Daredevil's heightened senses let him strike first, terrifying the enemy. Creates an Random Basic Trap tile that, when matched by an enemy, steals 2 AP from all colors. If you match the tile, it steals 1 Purple AP and changes locations. Enemies cannot see the tile.
                                                              Level 2: Steals 3 AP on enemy match.
                                                              Level 3: Steals 4 AP on enemy match.
                                                              Level 4: Steals 5 AP on enemy match.
                                                              Level 5: Steals 6 AP on enemy match.

                                                              Equalizer - Blue 7 bluetile.png
                                                              Billy Club in hand, Daredevil prowls the battlefield, waiting to even the odds. Create a Blue trap tile that, when matched by an enemy, stuns for 2 turns. if you match the tile, it generates 1 Blue AP and changes locations. Enemies cannot see the tile.
                                                              Level 2: Stuns for 3 turns.
                                                              Level 3: Stuns for 4 turns.
                                                              Level 4: Stuns for 5 turns.
                                                              Level 5: Stuns for 6 turns.

                                                              Ambush - Red 7 redtile.png
                                                              Daredevil lurks in the shadow, ready to strike. Creates a Red Trap tile that, when matched by the enemy, deals 473 damage. If you match the tile, the enemy takes 24 damage and it changes locations. Enemies cannot see the tile.
                                                              Level 2: 662 damage on enemy match.
                                                              Level 3: 851 damage on enemy match.
                                                              Level 4: 1041 damage on enemy match.
                                                              Level 5: 1230 damage on enemy match.
                                                              Max Level: Enemy takes 9040 damage on enemy match / Enemy takes 148 damage on player match


                                                              The idea is instead of ONE trap, have all of the abilities make a few traps, but at lower power.

                                                              Radar Sense - Purple 11 purpletile.png
                                                              Daredevil's heightened senses let him strike first, terrifying the enemy. Creates an Random Basic Trap tile that, when matched by an enemy, steals 2 AP from all colors. If you match the tile, it steals 1 of each AP and CONSUMES the trap. Enemies cannot see the tile.
                                                              Level 2: Steals 3 AP on enemy match.
                                                              Level 3: Creates 2 traps.
                                                              Level 4: Steals 4 ap on enemy match.
                                                              Level 5: Creates 3 traps.

                                                              Argument for purple change: At five covers, this makes it more useful then OBW, a 2*'s ap steal. If the enemy matches all three, you'll be jumping for joy. This is a rare event however. Most likely, one trap will be sprung in the match, which is slightly better than the 2* steal. This SHOULD be the case as the player that lays the trap has no control over the trap, and its basically a countdown tile that may never go off. Plus, you can start aiming to match them if you want if thugs are around.

                                                              Equalizer - Blue 7 bluetile.png
                                                              Billy Club in hand, Daredevil prowls the battlefield, waiting to even the odds. Create a Blue trap tile that, when matched by an enemy, stuns for 2 turns. if you match the tile, it generates a stun for 1 turn and CONSUMES the trap. Enemies cannot see the tile.
                                                              Level 2: Stuns for 3 turns.
                                                              Level 3: Creates 2 traps.
                                                              Level 4: Stuns for 4 turns.
                                                              Level 5: Creates 3 traps.

                                                              Argument for blue change: Stuns on traps are generally terrible, because stuns are often about targeted timing in the game. I need to stun X character for one turn so I can stop his ability, get that last match I need, and finish him off. You need to be able to match it for that quick 1 turn stun, and if they match it, awesome. Having it return blue ap to you when you just spent 7 to cast it is...silly.

                                                              Ambush - Red 7 redtile.png
                                                              Daredevil lurks in the shadow, ready to strike. Creates a Red Trap tile that, when matched by the enemy, deals 473 damage. If you match the tile, the enemy takes 24 damage and loses 1 red ap. Enemies cannot see the tile.
                                                              Level 2: 662 damage on enemy match.
                                                              Level 3: Creates 2 traps.
                                                              Level 4: 1041 damage on enemy match.
                                                              Level 5: Creates 3 traps
                                                              Max Level: Enemy takes 3025 damage on enemy match / Enemy loses 1 red ap on player match, plus 148 damage

                                                              Argument for red change: This was obviously intended to be Daredevil's top ability. However, its WASTED more often then not. This keeps the traps very high damaging for seven ap, you'll likely only get the opponent to match one, and if the damage is wasted, you still have other opportunities. If they DON'T match it and you need red, you can match it to make the opponent lose 1 red ap, thus still acting as a red counter.

                                                              End argument: The whole point is to make Daredevil more consistent, while still giving the player and his opponent the suspense and mind games the champ was always meant to have. Traps are rarely matched as singles, and there are PLENTY of counters in the game such as board wipes, strike tile overwrites, and defense tile overwrites. And of course, all numbers would have to actually be mathed out, but the point was a guide for direction. Tell me what you guys think!

                                                            • ErikPeter
                                                              ErikPeter Posts: 719 Critical Contributor
                                                              edited December 2014
                                                              Some great stuff here. Really, really solid choices for some subpar powers. Here are some of the powers I've previously specced and a couple more.

                                                              BULLSEYE needs a third power or 3-star version (which I specced in the new characters thread.)
                                                                greenflag.pngUnrelenting (PASSIVE)
                                                                Bullseye relentlessly tracks his opponents in a deadly game of cat and mouse. When you make a green match, gain 1 less green AP. Instead, gain 1 black AP.
                                                                Level 2: Gain 1 black AP when the enemy team makes a green match.
                                                                Level 3: Gain 2 black AP (and 2 fewer green) when you make a green match.
                                                                Level 4: Gain 2 black AP (and 1 less green) when you make a green match.
                                                                Level 5: Gain 2 black AP when you make a green match.
                                                                  greenflag.pngSet the Trap 10 Green AP
                                                                  Bullseye prepares to ambush his foes. Creates a green 4-turn countdown tile that, when activated, converts into a critical tile.
                                                                  Level 2: Creates 2 countdown tiles.
                                                                  Level 3: Reduces countdown to 3 turns. Costs 11 AP.
                                                                  Level 4: Creates 3 countdown tiles.
                                                                  Level 5: Reduces countdown to 2.

                                                                  Alternate: Lying in Wait. As above, but add "While these countdown tiles are on the board, Bullseye is invisible and can't be targeted." Costs 16 AP.
                                                                    greenflag.pngExpose 10 Green AP
                                                                    Bullseye leaves cover to unleash a deadly barrage. Damages the target for 400 (max) damage, and destroys up to 2 friendly Defense tiles, dealing 200 (max) damage for each Defense tile destroyed.
                                                                    Level 2: Increases base damage to 600.
                                                                    Level 3: Destroy up to 3 Defense tiles.
                                                                    Level 4: Increases tile destruction damage to 400 (max)
                                                                    Level 5: Increases base damage to 1200 (max).
                                                                      greenflag.pngVendetta 4 Green AP*
                                                                      Bullseye is obsessed with victory at any cost, heedlessly attacking with a barrage of projectiles. Destroys up to 5 random protect tiles, dealing 150 (max) additional damage for each tile destroyed. (Does not generate AP). Costs 1 more AP for each protect tile destroyed.
                                                                      Level 2: Increases damage to 225 (max) per protect tile destroyed.
                                                                      Level 3: Increases damage to 338 (max) per protect tile destroyed.
                                                                      Level 4: Destroys all protect tiles.
                                                                      Level 5: Friendly protect tiles explode, destroying surrounding tiles, dealing damage for each tile destroyed but not generating AP. Base cost 7 AP.

                                                                      DOCTOR DOOM
                                                                        purpleflag.pngTime Stop 9 Purple AP
                                                                        Doom uses his power to strike while his opponents are frozen in time. Creates 2 red attack tiles and stuns all characters for 2 turns.
                                                                        Level 2: Doom is now stunned for only 1 turn. While the stun lasts, powers cannot be activated.
                                                                        Level 3: Doom is no longer stunned.
                                                                        Level 4: Increase the stun to 3 turns.
                                                                        Level 5: Powers can now be activated during the stun.
                                                                          redflag.pngSupremacy 11 Red AP (Doom becomes red tertiary) npxo
                                                                          Victor von Doom shows the world he is not to be trifled with, dealing 100 (600 max*) damage to the enemy team and destroying all red tiles (gaining AP). For each special tile destroyed, he generates 1 black and blue AP.
                                                                          Level 2: 114 (684 max) damage. Also generates 1 yellow AP per special tile destroyed.
                                                                          Level 3: 130 (780 max) damage. Also generates 1 purple AP per special tile destroyed.
                                                                          Level 4: 148 (889 max) damage. Also generates 1 green AP per special tile destroyed.
                                                                          Level 5: 169 (1013 max) damage. Costs 8 AP.

                                                                          *I know you can't be at max level with only one or two covers. But maybe the AI could be.

                                                                            blackflag.pngTrickery 15 Black AP
                                                                            Unchanged, except
                                                                            Level 4: Costs 1 AP less. Deal 1150 (at max) damage to a random enemy.
                                                                            Level 5: Costs 1 AP less. Randomly deal 1150 (max) damage to two enemies, or one enemy twice.
                                                                              purpleflag.pngIllusions 5 Purple AP
                                                                              You can't count on anything when Loki's around. Steal 5 AP (in random colors, including team-up AP) from the enemy team.
                                                                              Level 2: Steal 6 AP.
                                                                              Level 3: Steal 7 AP.
                                                                              Level 4: Steal 8 AP.
                                                                              Level 5: Steal 10 AP.
                                                                                greenflag.pngSpreading Paranoia 7 Green AP
                                                                                Loki's lies provoke friend and foe alike, escalating the situation. Creates a 3-turn Paranoia countdown tile which, when activated, changes up to two random basic tiles into Paranoia countdown tiles if there are fewer than 6 on the board.
                                                                                Level 2: Create two tiles. Maximum 8 tiles.
                                                                                Level 5: Create 3 tiles. Maximum 10 tiles.
                                                                                Level 4: Countdown tiles create one additional Paranoia countdown tile. Maximum 12 Paranoia tiles.
                                                                                Level 5: Decreases countdown to 2.
                                                                                  greenflag.pngDiscord 7 Green AP
                                                                                  Loki's lies provoke friend and foe alike, escalating the situation. Creates 2 random Strike or Protect tiles for each team of strength 13 (80 max).
                                                                                  Level 2: Create 3 Strike or Protect tiles.
                                                                                  Level 3: Create 4 Strike or Protect tiles.
                                                                                  Level 4: Ally Strike or Protect tiles created at strength 16 (100 max)
                                                                                  Level 5: Ally Strike or Protect tiles created at strength 20 (122 max)
                                                                                    greenflag.pngDiscord 7 Green AP
                                                                                    Loki manipulates his foes to get exactly what he wants. Creates 2 trap tiles; If matched by the enemy, count that match as a friendly match instead.
                                                                                    Level 2: If you match a trap, it generates 1 green AP and relocates.
                                                                                    Level 3: If a trap is destroyed, it generates 1 green AP.
                                                                                    Level 4: If you match a trap, it creates an additional trap and relocates.
                                                                                    Level 5: When matched by the enemy, traps deal an additional 50 damage (300 max).
                                                                                  • ErikPeter
                                                                                    ErikPeter Posts: 719 Critical Contributor
                                                                                    Pylgrim wrote:
                                                                                    New Pistol (Gray Suit Black Widow) 4 redflag.png
                                                                                    Black Widow fires 1 shot at the board, clearing a tile, dealing damage and generating AP.
                                                                                    Level 2: Clears 2 tiles, costs 6.
                                                                                    Level 3: Deals additional 50 damage per tile destroyed.
                                                                                    Level 4: Deals additional 100 damage (Max: 250) per tile destroyed.
                                                                                    Level 5: Clears 4 tiles, costs 9.
                                                                                    I was going to say that this power is too good, but getting 5 ranks in it is at the expense of 5 in purple, which makes it a very difficult choice. Nice work. I still think it is probably too good, assuming the tiles are targeted like her current power. On most boards there is a couple matches that could be made with a single shot. With 4 shots you're probably getting 10+ AP in various colors (say, green) and/or setting up a crit, plus dealing damage. As someone who has suffered 2 purple GSW for ages, I would gladly stay at 3 to get this version at 5 icon_e_smile.gif
                                                                                  • Pylgrim
                                                                                    Pylgrim Posts: 2,332 Chairperson of the Boards
                                                                                    ErikPeter wrote:
                                                                                    Pylgrim wrote:
                                                                                    New Pistol (Gray Suit Black Widow) 4 redflag.png
                                                                                    Black Widow fires 1 shot at the board, clearing a tile, dealing damage and generating AP.
                                                                                    Level 2: Clears 2 tiles, costs 6.
                                                                                    Level 3: Deals additional 50 damage per tile destroyed.
                                                                                    Level 4: Deals additional 100 damage (Max: 250) per tile destroyed.
                                                                                    Level 5: Clears 4 tiles, costs 9.
                                                                                    I was going to say that this power is too good, but getting 5 ranks in it is at the expense of 5 in purple, which makes it a very difficult choice. Nice work. I still think it is probably too good, assuming the tiles are targeted like her current power. On most boards there is a couple matches that could be made with a single shot. With 4 shots you're probably getting 10+ AP in various colors (say, green) and/or setting up a crit, plus dealing damage. As someone who has suffered 2 purple GSW for ages, I would gladly stay at 3 to get this version at 5 icon_e_smile.gif

                                                                                    Yeah, it is hard to measure the power of this ability in the paper. I am surprised that after a year we have not a single character capable to remove one (or a number of individual) tile, to have a point of comparison. While I was making it I debated for a while to make it only clear 3 tiles at cost 8, but as you mentioned, it really didn't seem enough of a pull to ever drop green or purple from 5 covers.
                                                                                  • Pwuz_
                                                                                    Pwuz_ Posts: 1,215 Chairperson of the Boards
                                                                                    Pylgrim wrote:
                                                                                    ErikPeter wrote:
                                                                                    Pylgrim wrote:
                                                                                    New Pistol (Gray Suit Black Widow) 4 redflag.png
                                                                                    Black Widow fires 1 shot at the board, clearing a tile, dealing damage and generating AP.
                                                                                    Level 2: Clears 2 tiles, costs 6.
                                                                                    Level 3: Deals additional 50 damage per tile destroyed.
                                                                                    Level 4: Deals additional 100 damage (Max: 250) per tile destroyed.
                                                                                    Level 5: Clears 4 tiles, costs 9.
                                                                                    I was going to say that this power is too good, but getting 5 ranks in it is at the expense of 5 in purple, which makes it a very difficult choice. Nice work. I still think it is probably too good, assuming the tiles are targeted like her current power. On most boards there is a couple matches that could be made with a single shot. With 4 shots you're probably getting 10+ AP in various colors (say, green) and/or setting up a crit, plus dealing damage. As someone who has suffered 2 purple GSW for ages, I would gladly stay at 3 to get this version at 5 icon_e_smile.gif

                                                                                    Yeah, it is hard to measure the power of this ability in the paper. I am surprised that after a year we have not a single character capable to remove one (or a number of individual) tile, to have a point of comparison. While I was making it I debated for a while to make it only clear 3 tiles at cost 8, but as you mentioned, it really didn't seem enough of a pull to ever drop green or purple from 5 covers.

                                                                                    I'd go for 5 here over 5 purple. An extra 2 AP of your choice and extra damage is way better than an extra 2 Green AP when you consider the AI doesn't use 5 purple well at all.
                                                                                  • DirigiblePilot
                                                                                    DirigiblePilot Posts: 392 Mover and Shaker
                                                                                    This thread is the best thing I've seen in a long time. Sorry that I don't have anything to contribute; I'm not great at figuring out cool abilities or rebalances.
                                                                                    However, I would like to say that Spreading Paranoia seems like a really cool ability. At the moment, it seems that its main purpose would be to block special tiles (and, if the animation is really long, annoy people when used on defense.) What if you took it a step further and said any color tile, rather than any basic tile? That would be kinda cool, though rather anti-synergistic with Trickery.
                                                                                    Just throwin' ideas out there! Keep doin' what you're doin'!
                                                                                  • ErikPeter
                                                                                    ErikPeter Posts: 719 Critical Contributor
                                                                                    ErikPeter wrote:
                                                                                    greenflag.pngSpreading Paranoia 7 Green AP
                                                                                    Loki's lies provoke friend and foe alike, escalating the situation. Creates a 3-turn Paranoia countdown tile which, when activated, changes up to two random basic tiles into Paranoia countdown tiles if there are fewer than 6 on the board.
                                                                                    Level 2: Create two tiles. Maximum 8 tiles.
                                                                                    Level 5: Create 3 tiles. Maximum 10 tiles.
                                                                                    Level 4: Countdown tiles create one additional Paranoia countdown tile. Maximum 12 Paranoia tiles.
                                                                                    Level 5: Decreases countdown to 2.
                                                                                    Spreading Paranoia seems like a really cool ability. At the moment, it seems that its main purpose would be to block special tiles (and, if the animation is really long, annoy people when used on defense.) What if you took it a step further and said any color tile, rather than any basic tile? That would be kinda cool, though rather anti-synergistic with Trickery.

                                                                                    Since you'd have a few CDs going off every turn after it got out of control, it also would reliably cascade, which is brutal enough. Plus you wouldn't want to have the tiles overwrite each other. However, being able to accidentally overwrite your own special tiles might be a reasonable drawback for a power that easily creates 12 CDs going off every 2 turns!
                                                                                  • ronin_san
                                                                                    ronin_san Posts: 980 Critical Contributor
                                                                                    My problem with icon_hulk.png 's anger is that is't not angry. It's a gamma fart. It pops up randomly, and peppers the board. The more you hit him hard, the more he farts. It damages his team as well.

                                                                                    If it truly were anger, it's drop countdown tiles that do Daken-like strike.png damage. You hit Hulk? He gets STRONGER. There's PLEEEEEEEEEEENTY of precedent for that., for example....
                                                                                  • DirigiblePilot
                                                                                    DirigiblePilot Posts: 392 Mover and Shaker
                                                                                    ErikPeter wrote:

                                                                                    Since you'd have a few CDs going off every turn after it got out of control, it also would reliably cascade, which is brutal enough. Plus you wouldn't want to have the tiles overwrite each other. However, being able to accidentally overwrite your own special tiles might be a reasonable drawback for a power that easily creates 12 CDs going off every 2 turns!

                                                                                    Ah-ha! I hadn't even considered the cascades! You're right, that would make it a pretty good ability. And you're right, the tiles overwriting each other would be against the point of the ability. I like your base idea quite well as it is, then!
                                                                                  • This is how I would imagine the reworked Ragnarok.

                                                                                    Green: Godlike Power
                                                                                    9 AP
                                                                                    Ragnarok exhibits his godlike power, dealing XXX damage to the enemy team, with an additional XXX damage per Charge Tile on the board, up to 4, by cleaving the battlefield in two, destroying the middle 2 columns. Does not generate AP except from charged Green, Red, or Black tiles.

                                                                                    Red: Thunderclap
                                                                                    6 AP
                                                                                    Ragnarok call upon the storm, dealing XXXX damage, with an additional XXX for each Charge Tile on the board up to 3, to the current target. The energy surge lingers on the battlefield 6 green, red or black tiles to Charge Tiles.

                                                                                    Black: Overcharged
                                                                                    6 AP
                                                                                    Ragnarok releases a powerful surge that destroys up to 4 Charge Tiles on the board, generating only 1 AP per tile, to deal XXX damage to the target, with an additional XXX for each tile destroyed. The target is also stunned for 1 turn if 4 Charge Tiles are destroyed.
                                                                                  • Pylgrim
                                                                                    Pylgrim Posts: 2,332 Chairperson of the Boards
                                                                                    Ok, I've done Yellow and Red, now let's try a remake of the worst ranked Blue abilities according to the poll ( Man, there are a lot of stinkers in this colour, I have my work cut out for me.

                                                                                    Defence Grid (Black Panther) 8 blueflag.png
                                                                                    This ability is terrible. At 1 more than Molotov Cocktail, it creates a protect tile that is just slightly stronger than the attack tiles that ability creates without the initial AoE damage (and we all know that defence is inherently worse than damage). Oh and did I mention that it has an upper ceiling of protect tiles created? Spiderman does much better for literally free. I guess I will keep the defence theme but everything else needs to be reworked.

                                                                                    New Defence Grid (Black Panther) 8 blueflag.png
                                                                                    Man Without Fear deploys Vibranium-based Wakandan technology to slow the enemy assault. If the enemy tries to disarm it, it explodes damaging the opponent team. Places a Blue Countdown tile that converts a basic colour tile to a strength 8 Protect tile every 2 turns. If an enemy matches the countdown tile, each enemy is dealt 90 damage.
                                                                                    Level 2: Increases protect strength to 12 (Max 70)
                                                                                    Level 3: Increases damage on match to 130 (Max 950)
                                                                                    Level 4: Can convert any tile to a protect tile.
                                                                                    Level 5: Countdown activates every turn.

                                                                                    Manipulation (Doc Ock) 11 blueflag.png
                                                                                    I'd argue that this ability is nowhere as bad as Defence Grid, just much less played due the newness of the character. It'd be a pretty futile argument, though, because it's still pretty bad. A highly overcosted, and only marginally/conditionally more useful Illusions? Sheez, is not like Illusions sets a high bar of power anyway. The idea is neat, though, so I believe it just needs a reworking of values.

                                                                                    New Manipulation (Doc Ock) 5 blueflag.png
                                                                                    Dr. Octavius reaches out with his mechanical arms to use controls and devices, smashing enemy plans easily. Swaps 4 pairs of random tiles, destroying any swapped enemy Attack or Strike tiles and dealing 110 damage for each tile destroyed.
                                                                                    Level 2: Deals 146 damage. (Max 463)
                                                                                    Level 3: Destroys Protect and Countdown tiles too.
                                                                                    Level 4: Swaps 8 pairs of tiles. Costs 8.
                                                                                    Level 5: Swaps 16 pairs of tiles and destroys any enemy special tile swapped. Costs 11.

                                                                                    Bewilder (Psylocke) 10 blueflag.png
                                                                                    AP disruption and stealing are very powerful effects. However, they're much less so when they may or many not happen at a time in the future when circumstances may have changed, especially late in the game enough for you to have made the 4 blue matches this ability requires. Not to mention that more often than not, the opponent's largest AP pool is the one colour you have been neglecting because you don't need it! Also, "Bewilder" sounds as though the opponent should be stunned, no? Let's make it more controllable while keeping it slow and different from Aggressive Reckon.

                                                                                    New Bewilder (Psylocke) 9 blueflag.png
                                                                                    Psylocke steadies and channels her telepathic power, reaching into the minds of the enemy to disrupt their attack. Converts a chosen basic tile into a countdown tile that activates each turn, stealing 1 AP of the colour of that tile from the enemy team.
                                                                                    Level 2: If an enemy matches the countdown tile, that character is stunned for 1 turn.
                                                                                    Level 3: Also deals 10 damage to the enemy in front whenever it activates. (Max 100)
                                                                                    Level 4: Stuns for 2 turns.
                                                                                    Level 5: Steals 2 AP of the chosen colour and 1 AP of a random colour.

                                                                                    Settlement (She-Hulk) 9 blueflag.png
                                                                                    If the conditions are right (i.e. there are 3 or more enemy special tiles on the board) the best this ability does is create 2 strike tiles of strength 164 and one for the enemies of strength 53. Compare this to Judgement or Battleplan and it's extremely mediocre. I guess there's also the fact that the enemy loses those tiles which goes from potentially but randomly good (goons/Punisher/BP) to just mildly ineffectual (Daken/Bullseye/Falcon). Or does absolutely nothing against the rest of characters that don't use special tiles or very few of them. And all this not to mention that it has the chance of ruining your own special tiles and leave the opponents alone on top of giving them a free strike tile. In other words is conditional and narrow and then if you manage to meet all conditions, still nothing to write home about. Let's keep the the two main features of the ability (strike tiles and overwriting enemy special tiles) in a more attractive package.

                                                                                    Legal Action (She-Hulk) 9 blueflag.png
                                                                                    Jennifer Walter flexes her legal muscle increasing the heat under the suspect's plate with irresistible arguments and causing illegal assets to be liberated. Converts a chosen tile to a green strength 10 Strike tile. If the chosen tile was an enemy special tile, the resulting strike tile is strength 20 instead.
                                                                                    Level 2: Increases minimum Strike tile strength to 25. (40 from a special tile)
                                                                                    Level 3: Converts two tiles.
                                                                                    Level 4: Increases minimum Strike tile strength to 50. (75 from a special tile) (Max 100/150)
                                                                                    Level 5: Converts 3 tiles.

                                                                                    Force Bubbles (Invisible Woman) 13 blueflag.png
                                                                                    Does this power make any sense to anyone either flavour-wise or mechanically? It's obviously intended to help her green ability but that co-dependence make both abilities suck. Since I'm reworking her green too, I'll divorce this ability from that and make it more flavourful.

                                                                                    New Force Bubble (Invisible Woman) 11 blueflag.png
                                                                                    Susan creates a force field around the team, preventing damage and slowing the opponent down. When the enemy manages to penetrate the field, they're damaged by its imploding force. Locks a chosen tile in a force bubble with toughness 100. Damage caused by the enemy to the character in front is absorbed by the bubble up to its toughness limit, then the bubble and the tile are destroyed dealing 100 damage to the opposing team. (Only one force bubble can exist at a time.)
                                                                                    Level 2: Bubble toughness and damage increased to 110
                                                                                    Level 3: Bubble toughness and damage increased to 130
                                                                                    Level 4: Bubble toughness and damage increased to 170
                                                                                    Level 5: Bubble toughness and damage increased to 220 (Max 1100)

                                                                                    Mutagenic Breakthrough (Beast) 8 blueflag.png
                                                                                    So many things wrong with this ability... a randomly located countdown tile that creates up to 4 (more often 1-2) weak-ish random special tiles in a very easy to match-away configuration. Let's make it more reliable and less easily disrupted.

                                                                                    New Mutagenic Breakthrough (Beast) 9 blueflag.png
                                                                                    Hank has big plans for a genetic experiment that might lead to unpredictable results. If there are no friendly blue countdown tiles on the board, converts a chosen tile into a blue countdown tile that activates every 2 turns transforming a random blue basic tile into a strength 25 Attack, Strike or Protect tile. If the countdown tile is matched by an enemy, an enraged Beast lashes back, dealing 140 damage.
                                                                                    Level 2: Creates special tiles of strength 33
                                                                                    Level 3: Damage if the countdown is matched increased to 250 (Max 1200)
                                                                                    Level 4: Creates special tiles of strength 40 (Max 120)
                                                                                    Level 5: Countdown activates each turn.

                                                                                    Equalizer (Daredevil) 8 blueflag.png
                                                                                    Even if we rework the trap tiles to make them more reliable (and there are a few good suggestions for that in this thread), I don't believe all his abilities should be trap-based. He needs something capable of affecting the game immediately and in a controlled fashion.

                                                                                    Shadow Prowler (Daredevil) 9 blueflag.png
                                                                                    Daredevil strikes down the lights allowing darkness to cover the battlefield and gaining the advantage over the sight-impaired enemy. Converts a random team-up tile into a 1 turn blue countdown tile that blinds the enemy when the lights return, stunning them for 1 turn. While the countdown tile is on the board, matches made by Daredevil deal 25% more damage and all other matches deal 25% less damage.
                                                                                    Level 2: Matches made by Daredevil while the countdown tile is on the board deal 50% more damage.
                                                                                    Level 3: The enemy team cannot activate active abilities while the countdown tile is on the board.
                                                                                    Level 4: Matches made by Daredevil while the countdown tile is on the board deal 100% more damage.
                                                                                    Level 5: Countdown increased to 2.