OBW Critical Tiles explode in mid-air (and now Mystique)



  • Unknown
    Another day passes
    and their response to this bug
    is as slow as molasses

    Why won't they respond
    or acknowledge this bug?
    It's plain as day
    they just don't give a fu@k
  • Unknown
    Is demiurge trying to set a new record for ignoring a bug? If so, great job!
  • eShock
    eShock Posts: 42
    @MikeHock, I'm a programmer (not for Demiurge), and looking over the descriptions of this bug. my gut feeling is that this is the sort of bug that takes a LOT of dev AND QA effort to handle.
    • potentially difficult to even find the root-cause of the bug
    • probably involves messing around in core parts of the game logic, which is inherently risky, since:
      • potentially conflicts with other developers working on other features/bugs
      • in the "best" case where it would be a small code fix, it would still require tons of QA time and effort for regression testing to make sure that all of the matching/cascading logic still works properly (let alone verifying all the edge cases to prove that the bug itself is fixed). There are probably tens to potentially hundreds of test cases involved (think board layouts + various characters on each team)
      • in the "worst" case it might require a major refactoring of their core match/cascade game logic, so the same statements about QA regression apply but on a bigger scale.

    And unfortunately (for us users who know about the bug), in the grand scheme of things it's also a relatively lower priority bug, since
    • doesn't crash or break the app
    • battles still work more or less fine (tile matches still happen, damage gets done, AP is obtained, passive powers trigger), even though not in the "expected" way
    • doesn't happen all the time, and most players probably don't even notice the issue even when it does happen
    • issue has been present for many months, possibly since the beginning (which means it isn't urgent)

    So in summary:
    • yes, the Devs have admitted that the behavior is not the intended effect (so yes, they know about the bug)
    • it will probably take a LOT of effort to fix, and so is difficult for them to balance priorities and schedule time to fix it
    So we'll just have to be patient on this one.
  • _RiO_
    _RiO_ Posts: 1,047 Chairperson of the Boards
    eShock wrote:
    @MikeHock, I'm a programmer (not for Demiurge), and looking over the descriptions of this bug. my gut feeling is that this is the sort of bug that takes a LOT of dev AND QA effort to handle.
    • potentially difficult to even find the root-cause of the bug
    • probably involves messing around in core parts of the game logic, which is inherently risky, since:
      • potentially conflicts with other developers working on other features/bugs
      • in the "best" case where it would be a small code fix, it would still require tons of QA time and effort for regression testing to make sure that all of the matching/cascading logic still works properly (let alone verifying all the edge cases to prove that the bug itself is fixed). There are probably tens to potentially hundreds of test cases involved (think board layouts + various characters on each team)
      • in the "worst" case it might require a major refactoring of their core match/cascade game logic, so the same statements about QA regression apply but on a bigger scale.

    And unfortunately (for us users who know about the bug), in the grand scheme of things it's also a relatively lower priority bug, since
    • doesn't crash or break the app
    • battles still work more or less fine (tile matches still happen, damage gets done, AP is obtained, passive powers trigger), even though not in the "expected" way
    • doesn't happen all the time, and most players probably don't even notice the issue even when it does happen
    • issue has been present for many months, possibly since the beginning (which means it isn't urgent)

    So in summary:
    • yes, the Devs have admitted that the behavior is not the intended effect (so yes, they know about the bug)
    • it will probably take a LOT of effort to fix, and so is difficult for them to balance priorities and schedule time to fix it
    So we'll just have to be patient on this one.

    I disagree.

    This bug touches a lot of logic, but it also means a lot of logic is touched by this bug. I.e. a lot of developer time is already being indirectly sunk into this issue because the developers have to implement situational work-arounds to keep the whole machine from tumbling down in a rain of fire. This is a matter of short-term vs. long-term vision and willingness to carry the costs for fixing this bug to recoup those costs in the long run.

    It doesn't mean the costs (and the fix) have to be made up-front; a more prudent approach is to set aside a portion of the rostered development time to work on this bug in a separate branch. Even if you cannot predict exactly how long a bug takes to fix, meaning this track may run for a few days or a few weeks, the overall impact should still remain within acceptable bounds and as a company, you should have the reserves and resources to cope with something like this. If you don't then I'd seriously question the long-term survivability of such a company. E.g. what would happen if an employee ends up under a bus? Decides to walk and seek employment elsewhere?
  • Unknown
    eShock wrote:
    @MikeHock, I'm a programmer (not for Demiurge), and looking over the descriptions of this bug. my gut feeling is that this is the sort of bug that takes a LOT of dev AND QA effort to handle.
    • potentially difficult to even find the root-cause of the bug
    • probably involves messing around in core parts of the game logic, which is inherently risky, since:
      • potentially conflicts with other developers working on other features/bugs
      • in the "best" case where it would be a small code fix, it would still require tons of QA time and effort for regression testing to make sure that all of the matching/cascading logic still works properly (let alone verifying all the edge cases to prove that the bug itself is fixed). There are probably tens to potentially hundreds of test cases involved (think board layouts + various characters on each team)
      • in the "worst" case it might require a major refactoring of their core match/cascade game logic, so the same statements about QA regression apply but on a bigger scale.

    And unfortunately (for us users who know about the bug), in the grand scheme of things it's also a relatively lower priority bug, since
    • doesn't crash or break the app
    • battles still work more or less fine (tile matches still happen, damage gets done, AP is obtained, passive powers trigger), even though not in the "expected" way
    • doesn't happen all the time, and most players probably don't even notice the issue even when it does happen
    • issue has been present for many months, possibly since the beginning (which means it isn't urgent)

    So in summary:
    • yes, the Devs have admitted that the behavior is not the intended effect (so yes, they know about the bug)
    • it will probably take a LOT of effort to fix, and so is difficult for them to balance priorities and schedule time to fix it
    So we'll just have to be patient on this one.

    Be patient? How much more patient do we have to be?

    This thread is SEVEN MONTHS old

    This bug is about ONE YEAR old

    A dev came into this thread about a month ago to defend my negative comment about their customer service ..... but didn't even bother to acknowledge this problem. I'm gonna go out on a limb and say they obviously don't care about this issue.
  • Unknown
    "David wrote:
    MikeHock wrote:
    LOL, unanswered ticket from 4 months ago. Good to see MPQ is back to its standard of customer dis-service.

    Please note the date of the post - Jan. 17. The ticket in question was handled back in January. Customer Support is operating normally and handling tickets in a relatively speedy manner at the moment.
    If you have an issue that you need assistance with they'd be happy to assist: https://d3publisherofamerica.zendesk.co ... quests/new


    Since no one from Demiurge appears to care, I sent you a private message asking when this critical-tile-explolding-in-mid-air- issue will be fixed. I await your response, either by private message or here in this thread.
  • Unknown
    Ignoring this problem (and the people reporting it) will not make it go away.
  • Philly79
    Philly79 Posts: 422 Mover and Shaker
    They have bigger issues at the moment I am afraid, all revolving around the R76 patch (TTS tiles not firing properly, multiple device bug). I have seen this also and gave some thought as to why it sometimes explodes and other times it drops. In the bigger scheme of things it is really not that big of an issue as a previous post said - you still do damage, gain ap, etc...I find that sometimes when it does drop it can be a game changer as there are no matches for where it drops thus you need to make an additional match that may give the opponent an advantage. Best advice is to just let it ride. Would you rather have them devote hundreds of hours to a minor glitch or work on more pressing issues that affect the playability of the game?
  • Unknown
    cynder9792 wrote:
    They have bigger issues at the moment I am afraid, all revolving around the R76 patch (TTS tiles not firing properly, multiple device bug). I have seen this also and gave some thought as to why it sometimes explodes and other times it drops. In the bigger scheme of things it is really not that big of an issue as a previous post said - you still do damage, gain ap, etc...I find that sometimes when it does drop it can be a game changer as there are no matches for where it drops thus you need to make an additional match that may give the opponent an advantage. Best advice is to just let it ride. Would you rather have them devote hundreds of hours to a minor glitch or work on more pressing issues that affect the playability of the game?

    Thank you for acknowledging this problem. I do understand the need to prioritize, but this thread is 7 months old and yes, I would like them to fix their bug.
  • David [Hi-Fi] Moore
    David [Hi-Fi] Moore Posts: 2,872 Site Admin
    Closing the thread. We are aware of the issue.

    Thank you.
This discussion has been closed.