*** Doctor Octopus (Otto Octavius) ***



  • ZeiramMR
    ZeiramMR Posts: 1,357 Chairperson of the Boards
    onimus wrote:
    Then there's devil dinosaur, but who knows if he'll ever become a consistently usable character. icon_devildino.png

    I thought it might be fun if they put Devil Dinosaur as the daily reward for 365 or 366. Easy way to give out just a single cover, but it would be too good for the people who buy the other 4 covers and raise level to the cap (about 4000 damage for 6 green)
  • NorthernPolarity
    NorthernPolarity Posts: 3,531 Chairperson of the Boards
    The problem is that his abilities cost 10+ AP, and blue doesn't really guarantee you destruction of Sentry tiles. I think he's more of a Daken counter, since you get instant value off of his black if you can match away Daken tiles. Depends on how his abilities scale up with covers, but he doesn't look promising unless blue somehow has its AP cost reduced to 9 at level 5.

    Doesn't help immediately obviously, but it might be ok for now if the cost on World Rupture is eventually increased. In the interim, if it hits countdowns, he probably becomes a PvE rockstar.

    Yeah, I think he'll end up being a goons / Daken killer, but not much beyond that. I would be more hopeful that later covers make the abilities significantly better, but based off of D3's previous defensive ability balancing, I'm not holding my breath.
  • His Green is definitely his marquee ability.

    The other two are niche for dealing with Sentry/Daken and other special tile generators.

    Poor Beast.
    He's already garbage and they just release a character that not only completely neutralizes him, but also has an AoE green attack that will most likely deal more damage than animal inside, in addition to mulitple other useful effects.
  • Spoit
    Spoit Posts: 3,441 Chairperson of the Boards
    The problem is that his abilities cost 10+ AP, and blue doesn't really guarantee you destruction of Sentry tiles. I think he's more of a Daken counter, since you get instant value off of his black if you can match away Daken tiles. Depends on how his abilities scale up with covers, but he doesn't look promising unless blue somehow has its AP cost reduced to 9 at level 5.

    Doesn't help immediately obviously, but it might be ok for now if the cost on World Rupture is eventually increased. In the interim, if it hits countdowns, he probably becomes a PvE rockstar.
    The problem with WR isn't the cost, it's it's interaction with strike.png. So yeah, they'd probably miss that and increase the cost instead icon_lol.gif
  • NorthernPolarity
    NorthernPolarity Posts: 3,531 Chairperson of the Boards
    onimus wrote:
    His Green is definitely his marquee ability.

    The other two are niche for dealing with Sentry/Daken and other special tile generators.

    Poor Beast.
    He's already garbage and they just release a character that not only completely neutralizes him, but also has an AoE green attack that will most likely deal more damage than animal inside, in addition to mulitple other useful effects.

    I don't think so actually, at least with the AoE green dealing more damage than beasts. With all the extra **** Doc Ock's green does, Its extremely likely that the ability caps out at ~800-1k team damage, which is far lower than Beast's animal inside at 9AP.
  • wade66
    wade66 Posts: 212 Tile Toppler
    Pieking7 wrote:
    Doc Oc's event should definatley be called"Trust me, I'm a Doctor."
    How about "The Doctor is In(sane)

    I know, it's cheesy, but I also thought they should have called the Collosus event "Comrades in Arms."
  • mjh
    mjh Posts: 708 Critical Contributor
    edited September 2014
  • No purpleflag.png ability icon_neutral.gif . Why do the devs hate purple so much???
  • mjh
    mjh Posts: 708 Critical Contributor
    Is this the official thread for Dr Octopus?

    Why haven't his abilities in the original post been updated by IceX or Hi-Fi yet?
  • Pieking7 wrote:
    Anyone know what Doc Oc's color matches are going to be?

    Given the push for matching colors/powers recently, I wager he's bluetile.pngblacktile.pnggreentile.png
  • Mildly off topic but others brought it up first so im going to reply. Yelena, Bullseye, loki, Dr. Doom and Venom will should not be given additional powers or have powers reworked. They are the meat and potatoes of our enemies (besides the npcs) and with the scaling they get they become too lethal. Especially for newcomers and people still transitioning to 3* (like myself).
  • Spoit
    Spoit Posts: 3,441 Chairperson of the Boards
    onimus wrote:
    His Green is definitely his marquee ability.

    The other two are niche for dealing with Sentry/Daken and other special tile generators.

    Poor Beast.
    He's already garbage and they just release a character that not only completely neutralizes him, but also has an AoE green attack that will most likely deal more damage than animal inside, in addition to mulitple other useful effects.
    Let's be honest. icon_beast.png is perfectly terrible in a vacuum, without having to compare him to any better characters (read: pretty much anyone else)
  • Phaserhawk
    Phaserhawk Posts: 2,676 Chairperson of the Boards
    edited September 2014
    onimus wrote:
    His Green is definitely his marquee ability.

    The other two are niche for dealing with Sentry/Daken and other special tile generators.

    Yes, however only in PvE unfortunately. PvP is too fast for the AP needed to get off the blue and green abilties, that being said he appears to be a fun character, for me his black might end up being his best power.

    Manipulation - bluetile.png 11
    I don't see this ever switching more than 8 tiles (hence the Octopus thing) like people say, I think this will eventually let you swap all tiles, and do lots of damage per swap. I'm hoping against hope that maxed this skill will destroy all special tiles and prioritize them, with damage to boot. This would be nice, situational but nice.

    Insult to Injury - blacktile.png
    Depending upon how high the damage goes, but from intial numbers it looks to be just a tad weaker than Psylocke's, but thats off base numbers, Psylocke's is 33 for her attack tile and his is 27 but upgrades to 32. I'm guessing he's either going to just be straight damage scale on his attack tile, it will create more attack tiles, or it will create attack tiles and some other tiles, the first 2 are more likely. I think his black is going to end up just like Daken's Pheremone, but instead of being essentially free, you have to mee the special tile requirment first, I'm guessing you will end up getting 2 possible three attack tiles for matching and that they will do about 200-250 a piece.

    Armed and Dangerous greentile.png
    This will probably end up being the skill you go 3 in, unless the damage gets insane later on, I'm not sure this is going to warrant a full 5. If the stun and AP steal goes up plus a decent AoE well then I may say yes, but right now this is just a poor man's Surgical Strike that tries to do too much

    My gut tells me he's gonna warrant

    5/5/3 or 4/5/4 perhaps 3/5/5 but we shall see.
  • Moral
    Moral Posts: 512
    Green looks like a Fury setup with 4 components: damage, AP reduction, stun and tile destruction.

    2nd cover improves damage. The remaining covers may also improve a single aspect of the ability each, much like Escape Plan improves AP steal from 3 to 9 with the 4th cover.
  • Sandmaker
    Sandmaker Posts: 208 Tile Toppler
    He's looking like a pretty incredible partner for Patch.

    -Covers 5 of 6 colors.
    -Berzerker Rage + Blue = Remove down side of BR, extra damage going off for blue, and up to 6 new attack tiles (assuming blue triggers black).
    -Green also offers an AOE alternative to using BR, and adds random utility to the fight.

    I'd love to see how the blue and black scale with level. But even with what we know, I can see Octopatch being a pretty solid replacement for Patchneto. Well.. minus the whole OP infinite turns thing.
  • I've got the stats I have up on the top of the thread. Once we have everything I'll put a build poll up.
  • On the blue, it's 8 sets of tiles (16 tiles), NOT 8 tiles.

    This could get powerful if you can take out countdowns and protect tiles in addition to strike and attack tiles, as Sentry spams countdowns, Falcon and Magneto spam protect tiles, etc. Combine it with the passive black and it really gets fun.

    I'm thinking 5/3/5 right now, but that could change if/when Ice ever reveals what the powers are at each of the 5 levels.
  • Pretty sure the swaps will be random and wont "target" special tiles, but do bonus damage if the random swap "happens to be" a special tile. If it straight up targets and destroys 8 special tiles then PVE just got way easier.
  • Pwuz_
    Pwuz_ Posts: 1,215 Chairperson of the Boards
    Phaserhawk wrote:
    Insult to Injury - blacktile.png
    Depending upon how high the damage goes, but from intial numbers it looks to be just a tad weaker than Psylocke's, but thats off base numbers, Psylocke's is 33 for her attack tile and his is 27 but upgrades to 32. I'm guessing he's either going to just be straight damage scale on his attack tile, it will create more attack tiles, or it will create attack tiles and some other tiles, the first 2 are more likely. I think his black is going to end up just like Daken's Pheremone, but instead of being essentially free, you have to mee the special tile requirment first, I'm guessing you will end up getting 2 possible three attack tiles for matching and that they will do about 200-250 a piece.

    That doesn't seem reasonable. In an Ock on Ock battle, when one tile is destroyed, more than one showing up for each one will get absolutely insane very quickly. Especially if paired with Falcon and Daken for the extra tiles floating around. A few turns in, the board will be overflowing with attack tiles. I'd bet for simple increases in power rather than multiple tiles.
  • Kolence
    Kolence Posts: 969 Critical Contributor
    Sandmaker wrote:
    He's looking like a pretty incredible partner for Patch.

    -Covers 5 of 6 colors.
    -Berzerker Rage + Blue = Remove down side of BR, extra damage going off for blue, and up to 6 new attack tiles (assuming blue triggers black).
    -Green also offers an AOE alternative to using BR, and adds random utility to the fight.

    I'd love to see how the blue and black scale with level. But even with what we know, I can see Octopatch being a pretty solid replacement for Patchneto. Well.. minus the whole OP infinite turns thing.
    Obviously, we still don't know what his skills do with more covers, but I don't see Doc Ock as a better match with Patch than Magneto is. After Berserker Rage, with Coercive Field you can overwrite some of the tiles with shields (and no chance of matching your own tiles by random swaps) and even if not, they reduce the damage by a couple purple swords or so? Then with Polarizing Force you get a cascade almost every time. Plus also an attack with Blue color (and swapping tiles - so more possible cascade, though much rarer).
    All this isn't to say that Doc might not work well with Patch, just that Magneto does very well and I believe better than Doc even after we find out what max covered skills do.