Character rankings 9/14 edition: voting ended



  • locked wrote:
    Predictions (Captain Obvious presents):
    Top 10: X-Force, Sentry, Hood, lazyThor, Black Panther, cMagneto, Patch, lazyDaken, Nick Fury, Hulk
    Highest climb: X-Force
    Lowest drop: modern Storm
    Lowest new: Beast followed by Mohawk Storm
    Highest new: Nick Fury followed by Captain Marvel
    Too good for their stars: oBW, Ares
    Too bad for their stars: IW, Daredevil
    Best 2*: oBW
    Best 1*: mBW (team-up power!)
    Most controversial: She-Hulk/Spider-Man?
    Most agreed on: Yelena

    Top 10: Agreed. Hulk doesn't deserve to be top 10. Captain Marvel should be ahead of Hulk in the rankings.
    Highest Climbed: agreed
    Lowest drop: Invisible Woman (she is bottom 5)
    Lowest new: agreed
    Highest new: agreed
    Too good for their stars: agreed also would add juggernaut and sentry
    Too bad for their stars: agreed also would add yelena, & bullseye
    Best 2*: agreed
    Best 1*: Juggernaut
    Most controversial: Hulk, CMags, or Sentry
    Most agreed on: agreed
  • IMO, there are going to be a lot of people placing Xforce or Fury above Sentry, which is downright silly.
  • mags1587
    mags1587 Posts: 1,020 Chairperson of the Boards
    IMO, there are going to be a lot of people placing Xforce or Fury above Sentry, which is downright silly.

    I put X-Force above Sentry. Mostly because I really don't like team or self damage and X-Force is more fun to play for me. Fury ranks lower for me.
  • I believe hulk is top 10 simply because he is the 1 and only character that I will skip each time I see him. He may not belong in the top 10 in terms of offensive, but as a defense deterrent, he is right up there if not the best one imo
  • NorthernPolarity
    NorthernPolarity Posts: 3,531 Chairperson of the Boards
    Weird, you guys all seem to rank Hulk / C. Marvs a lot higher than I do. Hulk is annoying to face if you're running Sentry bomb, but any X-Force composition makes him completely trivial to beat. Do you guys have X-Force on your team? Maybe that's why I undervalue them.

    My top 10 is the following (75% PvP, 25% PvE):
    X Force
    Lazy Thor
    The Hood
    Nick Fury
    Black Panther
    Lazy Daken
    Lazy Captain America
    C. Mags
  • mags1587 wrote:
    IMO, there are going to be a lot of people placing Xforce or Fury above Sentry, which is downright silly.

    I put X-Force above Sentry. Mostly because I really don't like team or self damage and X-Force is more fun to play for me. Fury ranks lower for me.

    But in the current meta it's pretty obvious that Sentry is better. Winning games in 30 seconds?
  • mags1587
    mags1587 Posts: 1,020 Chairperson of the Boards
    mags1587 wrote:
    IMO, there are going to be a lot of people placing Xforce or Fury above Sentry, which is downright silly.

    I put X-Force above Sentry. Mostly because I really don't like team or self damage and X-Force is more fun to play for me. Fury ranks lower for me.

    But in the current meta it's pretty obvious that Sentry is better. Winning games in 30 seconds?

    Sure, if that was the only criteria I considered. But I factored in more than just that. I took into account PvE to some extent (and now I keep thinking I should have rated Steve higher than I did given that he was essential to me finishing the Gauntlet), and which characters I gravitated towards picking because I had fun with them, not just because they had a useful power set.

    I will say that X-Force can still win games pretty quickly. Last time I shield-hopped in PvP X-Force/Daken or X-Force/Hood was my team of choice instead of Sentry/Hood or Sentry/Daken.
  • Weird, you guys all seem to rank Hulk / C. Marvs a lot higher than I do. Hulk is annoying to face if you're running Sentry bomb, but any X-Force composition makes him completely trivial to beat. Do you guys have X-Force on your team? Maybe that's why I undervalue them.

    My top 10 is the following (75% PvP, 25% PvE):
    X Force
    Lazy Thor
    The Hood
    Nick Fury
    Black Panther
    Lazy Daken
    Lazy Captain America
    C. Mags

    I didn't post what I ranked top 10, I posted on predictions of what the overall results will be. Your top 10 has the same people I posted in my top 10, slightly different order. I believe I had Lazy Cap at #10, Human Torch #11, Cap Marvel #12, hulk somewhere between 13-16. X-Force #3 even though I never use X-Force - haven't dumped the iso into him yet.
  • Phaserhawk
    Phaserhawk Posts: 2,676 Chairperson of the Boards
    Weird, you guys all seem to rank Hulk / C. Marvs a lot higher than I do. Hulk is annoying to face if you're running Sentry bomb, but any X-Force composition makes him completely trivial to beat. Do you guys have X-Force on your team? Maybe that's why I undervalue them.

    My top 10 is the following (75% PvP, 25% PvE):
    X Force
    Lazy Thor
    The Hood
    Nick Fury
    Black Panther
    Lazy Daken
    Lazy Captain America
    C. Mags

    Lol, this is exactly what I had. Although Cap, Mags and Patch could easily flip flop each other depending on situation, but Capt moved way up on my list.
  • wymtime
    wymtime Posts: 3,764 Chairperson of the Boards
    First Thank you Mischiefmaker for doing this. It takes a lot of work and passion to create these rankings and I have learned a lot about the game becuase of your rankings. Here are my tiers for characters as I felt a lot of characters are really close to that top 10 type character and it should make a great debate.

    tier 1 Nerf bat be comming... Sentry

    Tier 2 The elite big time damage good on defense super support... X-force, LThor, Hood, LDaken, Patch, Fury

    Tier 3 All Stars. Not OP but still very good each one could be argued in top 10....BP, Cmags, Pun, Hulk, Deadpool (gauntlet showed how huge Whales, Whales, Whales can be), Lcap

    I have Captain Marvel, HT, She Hulk, and Psylock very close to the 3rd tier. I think they all are very playable but need to be paired up with specific people to be good. If Captain Marvel's red destroyed all tiles instead of protect she would be in the next tier. She-Hulk a better green, and Psylock needs more health and needs her red to be reduced to 6 AP all the time. If Psy is not paired with LDaken 8 AP for the first stike tile is just too long for someone who is based off of speed. HT just needs more health.

    People are talking about Hulk and I think the CMags nerf has brought him back to the game. He is the best Anti strike tile character, and can last through multiple battles. On Defense no one is really scary but if you miss with him with WR he will put a beating on you.

    I think Colossus will end up to be Tier 3 as his red is almost as good as CoTS and he his health is great. You have flexibility in how you build him 5,5,3/ 4,5,4/ 3,5,5. Because of his AOE damage and health I would rank him over all my All Stars except BP. You know what you are going to get from BP abilites when they fire compared to needing Colossus up front to be effective.
  • Voted, more due to playstyle than anything else though, makes me think I might have some different conclusions especially in the middle of the pack.
  • Hmm, mischief hasn't left placeholder posts, will we get a separate thread for the write-up?
  • locked wrote:
    Hmm, mischief hasn't left placeholder posts, will we get a separate thread for the write-up?

    Yes, that what happen last time.
  • atomzed
    atomzed Posts: 1,753 Chairperson of the Boards
    This is is the top 15 for my voting.

    Nick fury

    It seems to be a bit of mish mash, because I was rating them based on the frequency of use in pvp and pve, attack and defence, theory and practice.

    I rank Xforce above sentry, because while sentry hop is the fastest, xforce is still more sustainable. He can be used for climb or hops (he's still very fast), and is cheap (no need health packs, green black boosts are on the same stack).
  • Same here, I voted XF #1 and expect every vet out there to do the same, whether they have a usable XF or not, since they should know better. Mine is only 5/4/3 and sweet RNGesus, does he do some cascades and damage.
  • Hmm, I too wish Colossus had been on the rankings... I quite like him. Though I also really love Deadpool, who isn't getting a lot of love in this thread, so maybe I'm full of crazy. I guess play styles have more of an influence than it initially seems. While I know certain characters are good (eg. 3* Thor), they just don't appeal to me. Can't wait to see the results! My biggest challenge was choosing between Yelena and Bag Man for the bottom. I feel like Bag Man is a waste of a 2*. He could've been an Ares! But I went with Yelena for the coveted worst spot.
  • Theomanic wrote:
    Hmm, I too wish Colossus had been on the rankings... I quite like him. Though I also really love Deadpool, who isn't getting a lot of love in this thread, so maybe I'm full of crazy. I guess play styles have more of an influence than it initially seems. While I know certain characters are good (eg. 3* Thor), they just don't appeal to me. Can't wait to see the results! My biggest challenge was choosing between Yelena and Bag Man for the bottom. I feel like Bag Man is a waste of a 2*. He could've been an Ares! But I went with Yelena for the coveted worst spot.
    I like Deadpool, but he just doesn't fit what makes a top character right now.

    If you look at the best characters in the game, they all have at least 8500 HP or have consistent regeneration.

    Sentry, Xforce, Hulk, Captain Marvel, Captain America, Nick Fury, Lazy Daken, Patch, Lazy Thor, Black Panther, The Hood and Magneto are, pretty much, everyone's top 12, in no particular order.

    Daken and patch have 6800 HP, but regenerate every turn. The rest have 8500 hp or, in Nick Fury, Xforce, Sentry, Thor and Hulk's cases, more than 8500 hp.

    The only real exceptions to this standard are The Hood and Magneto. The Hood has the best passive in the game and Magneto is still living off of his previous fame. I think he's a bit overrated, but I'll include him as an exception because so many people still love him.

    That leaves Deadpool, as well as the other big hitting but low HP characters like Human Torch, Psylocke, Black Widow and Punisher out in the cold, figuratively speaking.

    The only characters that hit the standard of 8500 hp and still weak are Ragnarok, Iron Man and She Hulk. And all three have very obvious weaknesses that, if they were assuaged, they would definitely jump up to the top of the list as well.

    Tankiness is the name of the game in the current meta of this game. And until they stop making characters with 8500-11000 HP that can still deal 2000-3000 damage to the whole enemy team (or more), there will continue to be that gap between the weak and the strong.
  • Uh... What? Did you just compare Deadpool's damage output to Psylocke and Punisher? Human Torch I can sorta see, because HT does some pretty stupid damage sometimes, but his health is a good step lower again. Deadpool not only helps protect weaker parts of your team, making it a necessity to kill him first, but 6.8k is not insubstantial, and his offense is really, really good. On one hand, you have over 3k damage for 6AP. That's pretty much completely unmatched - the only thing that comes close is Torch's "Fireball" skill. Yes, it falls off towards the end but against your typical 3* team, you're going to be able to use that at least 3-6 times for full or damn near full damage. And then there's whales, a skill which, once a week, becomes a OHKO for the entire enemy team regardless of what level or health pool, and the rest of the time is "only" significantly higher-damage than Rage of the Panther and Call the Storm. In PURPLE, a color whose list of active skills is paltry, to put it mildly (and this is now the only one that actually does damage in the 3* range, unless you want to count Nick Fury).

    You can't compare that to Punisher or Psylocke. Psylocke is just weak when it comes to damage. Sure, Psi-Katana may be one of the better black skills in the game, but still, nothing she has tops 1k damage, and her strike and attack tiles are substantial but not substantial enough. Punisher is similar - barely anything does more than 1k, molotov is decent AOE but not about to win any matches, and if you want to win, you really have to rely on someone with some BIG damage.

    Deadpool is not massively tanky. But he puts up a really effective shield between you and the less-tanky guys on your team, and his damage output is just downright crazy. He's no Thor or Sentry, but disqualifying him simply because his health isn't amazing is not a good argument. This isn't HT's wimpy 6k, or Hood's pathetic 5k. This is almost 7k of eating massive damage every two turns.
  • I think one problem with Deadpool right now (I didn't rank him particularly highly) is that so few people have him covered that a lot of us never see him, and only use him for 28k whales, which you can only earn enough points for to use once every 9-10 days. When they start putting him in tokens and give him another PVP, we'll start using and seeing him more, and get a better sense of how good he is.
  • Survey results teaser!

    As expected, we've already beaten our previous record response rate, collecting 175 responses so far. I'll leave the survey open until Friday night so if you haven't voted yet, be sure to do so in the next couple of days.

    The results should have quite a few surprises! #1 is probably not who you think it is, and #2 probably isn't either. And the Spider-Man Memorial Wat award for most controversial *definitely* isn't one of the usual suspects.