How many ** are worth keeping?



  • Right now, I plan to sell low-tier 3* characters when I come across them.

    For example, I have 1 Beast cover that will probably sit there for months, and replacing that with a ** Daken would really help my overall score and performances.
  • rocketh wrote:
    Actually, unless you buy a lot of covers for your star.pngstar.pngstar.png , having just OBW will really screw you on most events.

    It takes A LOT of time to build up star.pngstar.pngstar.png unless - from some reasons - you're carried by some awesome alliance. And in that time, sitting on a lv.94 OBW won't accomplish you much.

    star.pngstar.pngstar.png heroes lacking covers are pretty terrible.

    Agree with some things you point out, disagree with others.
    In any event, I have a self-developed (no P2W or being "carried by some awesome alliance") competitive star.pngstar.pngstar.png roster. The ONLY star.pngstar.png I use (virtually ever), is icon_blackwidow.png , and even that's limited to PVE.
  • Don't waste your time on Moonstone. She never really pans out.

    I have to agree with this (as well as much of what else you said).

    Several players and alliance mates have recommended to not sell my Moonstone -- something about she's useful for Dark Avengers PVEs. So I haven't. But I must say in 90 days of play, I haven't seen a single good use for her -- including being locked out of the current DA Heroic PVE. I'm slowly coming to the conclusion she's not worth a roster slot that could be used for a new 3*, or a second copy of an existing 3*...
  • over_clocked
    over_clocked Posts: 3,961
    camichan wrote:
    Don't waste your time on Moonstone. She never really pans out.

    I have to agree with this (as well as much of what else you said).

    Several players and alliance mates have recommended to not sell my Moonstone -- something about she's useful for Dark Avengers PVEs. So I haven't. But I must say in 90 days of play, I haven't seen a single good use for her -- including being locked out of the current DA Heroic PVE. I'm slowly coming to the conclusion she's not worth a roster slot that could be used for a new 3*, or a second copy of an existing 3*...
    This. In all my time playing (soon to be 10 months), granted I did start playing after No Man's Land when Moonstone could be useful, I have barely used Moonstone, Bullseye, Captain America (Modern) or Bag-Man. These 4, do not be shy of selling them, only maybe keep Cap America for PvE since he is buffed often and is required in every iteration of Iso-8 Brotherhood, but for only one node in the entire event.
  • I actually use Hawkeye from time to time in PVE with no actual enemies. He's pretty solid at destroying countdown tiles before they can go off as long as you have someone that can deal damage with the other four colors.