Poll: Which do you like more? PVE or PVP

edited September 2014 in MPQ General Discussion
Just wanted to gauge everyone's interest so far in MPQ. On the one hand, PVP has the issues of MMR and inflated scores via shield hopping. On the other hand, PVE has issues of rubberbanding and scaling. Both pretty much involve a certain degree of grinding.

Which one do you prefer?
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  • i dont like those pve that you play mostly with moonstone bullseye rag jugg daken.

    i dont like pvp that after 700 u only see sentry team
  • if i know how to make a poll. i ll make one

    Poll: if you get to delete one char from the game

    my answer sentry
  • I like them equally except when there is a simulator or heroic at the same time as a pvp. Then I utterly hate pve.
  • FierceKiwi
    FierceKiwi Posts: 505 Critical Contributor
    PvE by a mile. I'm actually good at those and it's nearly impossible to lose HP in them.
  • I prefer PVP.

    PVE requires waaayyy too much grinding and there is way too much rubberbanding.

    If you're not willing to play until the minute its over, expect to fall 50 to 100 spots in the last 1 or 2 hours.
  • Killinstinct
    Killinstinct Posts: 99 Match Maker
    I like pve more because of the variance. But the downside is that you really need to grind, whereas pvp costs far less time which is nice.
  • PVE is a lot less arbitrary and random, and at the same time the team variety you're up against is much greater. PVE by miles and miles and miles. I'd put Lightning Rounds over PVP. I might put SHIELD Simulator above it too.
  • Ryz-aus
    Ryz-aus Posts: 386
    PVP, mostly due to the times. Only one of the three pvps a week ends at a good time for me, but I can play when I want and throw up a shield to get pretty good rewards despite that. PVE consistently ends while I'm at work on Friday - best case I miss the last 6 hrs or so and manage to get one cover, more often I won't have time to play before work and will miss the last 16 hrs and any decent reward.
  • GrumpySmurf1002
    GrumpySmurf1002 Posts: 3,511 Chairperson of the Boards
    PVE, except the Heroic Venom.

    No expense (except boosts/health packs), consistently good progression rewards, more variety of opponents, and most importantly, 3 character teams (aside from essentials).

    I'd actually be happy if it was nothing but Simulator, but I understand there's a story to allegedly advance.
  • rixmith
    rixmith Posts: 707 Critical Contributor
    Slight preference for PvE. I like the fact that I can use much more of my roster since I don't have to worry about defensive losses like I do in PvP. However PvE does require a lot of grinding to get the good rewards which is a bit of a downside.
  • babinro
    babinro Posts: 771 Critical Contributor

    My reasons are fairly straightforward....
    1) Less of a grind (read: less matches required over the course of the event)
    2) Shields make it so that you can play long before the event end time and still be successful. (if you have to work/sleep during the last 3 hours of a PvE sub then you're out of luck)
    3) It's always rewarding. PvE quickly grinds down to 20 ISO rewards long before the end of a sub/event
    4) It's more relaxed. Getting top 5 or 1300 can be stressful but there are good rewards for more casual top 25 play these days.

    Note: I enjoy both modes of play despite their flaws. My favorite mode of play in MPQ by FAR is the lightning rounds. Wish they'd run LR's 24/7.
  • I would like PVE more if was purely PVE with no competing for position with other players.

    I would like PVE more if I were actually playing realtime with another player instead of the AI.

    So i had to answer "neither" and now i question myself...
  • I'm fan of both ...pve and pvp too...just need to play smart and points will come
  • Marty17
    Marty17 Posts: 503 Critical Contributor
    For me it's PvE, as I like story progression & gaining HP rather than spending HP to shield from attacks.
  • IlDuderino
    IlDuderino Posts: 427 Mover and Shaker
    Voted PvP - probably prefer the style of PvE but as a European player I like a shot at a decent reward occasionally and not see them time and again have slipped away when I wake up in the morning when I wasn't willing to play at 4am on a work day ...
  • Beast PvP made me vote PvE because there's nothing worse than a worthless featured, I haven't had such a feeling in a long, long time.
    20 ISO rewards in the current Sim make me want to re-vote but there's no such option.
    I can't say I prefer one over another very much but PvP does tend to have better rewards for developed rosters and does require less time usually.
  • PvP.

    You have to remember to do each refresh if you want to keep a high score in PvE. Now this can slightly be mitigated by joining in late. In this case, you might miss out on certain progression rewards and sub rewards. Also scaling and just unfair/obnoxious teams. Like the one with Devil Dino and the Sniper or htper scaled Daken/Bullseye.

    PvP, you can just play everything all at once during the last few hours and still get good placment and the high progression rewards.
  • y2fitzy
    y2fitzy Posts: 255 Mover and Shaker
    As someone who has only been playing a month, PVE has been great. Shedloads of tokens, decent progression rewards, can just pop off for 10 minutes here and there at work and keep up (relatively)

    That said, the rubberbanding debacle of the Venom Heroic has left an awful taste in my mouth. Still, pretty confident of top 100 in this simulator.

    PVP is ok, token at 300 and 2* at 500 are lovely but progress is severely limited if you only have a basic roster (as it probably should be in fairness)
  • h4n1s
    h4n1s Posts: 427 Mover and Shaker

    PvE is very grindy and finishing at most inappropriate time for my time zone... it's so frustrating when you drop in placement by 250 places in less than 8 hours. In PvP you can at least shield for the last few hours... Else I would choose PvE because of story line and interesting challenges with different combinations of opponents.
  • GrimSkald
    GrimSkald Posts: 2,705 Chairperson of the Boards
    I have a really weird answer, I don't know how to express this in a vote:

    I enjoy playing PVP, I enjoy playing PVP enough to get the placement rewards.

    I enjoy playing PVE. I most certainly do not enjoy playing PVE enough to get the placement rewards.

    PVE requires much more of a time commitment, and worse, a time committment at just the right time or it doesn't matter. I like the tone of PVE, I like the invidual node rewards and the progression rewards (though I wish they gave away more than one 3* like they used to for progression,) but grinding the same nodes over and over again is not my idea of fun.