Scale HP cost of roster adds as characters are added

SnowcaTT Posts: 3,486 Chairperson of the Boards
Just added my Beast, and tested the "More space for heroes" button: my next one costs 650HP. For the next character the developers add, the playerbase must pay more than half the price of a 3* cover!

I have exactly -ONE- of each character available on my roster, 48/48. The HP cost for roster slots needs to be scaled down as characters are increased. (End of Season 7 update: will be 55/55, HP costs for new slots is 750) (End of Season X update: will be 61/61, HP cost for 61st slot is 800HP!!!)

I paid money as a newbie to increase my roster size, and it increased it to 80% of the total characters available. But since I joined (May-ish), there have been LOTS of characters added. I can't imagine what it would cost to try to buy all the roster spots today, probably out of a price range for someone who just joined and is unsure of continuing. Otherwise they have to toss covers out, making any progression more difficult.

I would suggest capping the highest spot at a specific price point, 500 seems like plenty. Since more roster spots will be purchased, D3 will be getting the same amount of money for HP purchased as they did when the spots cost 600 (10 spots purchased at 500HP is 200HP more overall than 8 at 600HP, for instance).

Up to level 10 - 50HP each
15 - 100
20 - 150
25 - 250
30 - 300
35 - 350
40 - 400
45 - 450
level 50 and beyond - 500

Regardless of numbers decided on, the HP for roster spots needs to be bumped each time a character is added so it doesn't get ridiculous for having a diversified roster. It would seem the easiest way to do this would be have a reasonable HP cap at the top, so this value doesn't have to continue to be modified.

Alternatively, and unlikely, HP could become more readily available (perhaps as a random reward for PVP wins again).


  • wymtime
    wymtime Posts: 3,758 Chairperson of the Boards
    I agree that roster slots start to cost too much. I ended up to sell my moonstone instead of paying 500 HP for beast. I think the cost should be associated with the rarity or the card.

    1* 1000 iso for a roster slot
    2* 150 HP for a roster slot
    3* 300 for a roster slot
    4* 500 HP for a roster slot

    If you sell a cover you get 1/2 of the HP back and loose the roster slot. This way people will not recruit 1* and then fill them with 3 and 4* covers
  • GothicKratos
    GothicKratos Posts: 1,821 Chairperson of the Boards
    While I agree that Roster Spaces are too expensive, I also think you're suggested pricepoints are sordidly low.

    I like how it starts at first, giving away multiple spaces for a chunk of HP. It feels like you're being rewarded.

    Does anyone know off the top of their head how much each progression is now (in particular, the first few)?
  • SnowcaTT
    SnowcaTT Posts: 3,486 Chairperson of the Boards
    Well, here's our new character - where is the price reduction for roster slots? I guess there isn't interest for players to have bagman/yelena on their rosters?

    No HP for progression on the heroic PVE that introduces this character, so no interest in helping people try to get that character slot?
  • peteer01
    peteer01 Posts: 43 Just Dropped In
    What would be nice is if there was an option to hold one of each cover after a large number of slots (somewhere between 36 or 40 or so) was purchased. Then make additional roster spots obscenely expensive for people who want to recruit a second copy of an existing cover.
  • SnowcaTT
    SnowcaTT Posts: 3,486 Chairperson of the Boards
    Bumping again with addition of Doc Oc. Two more characters and the cost will be 700HP to add the 2nd, and there are several characters in the pipeline supposedly.

    When will this crazy HP cost for roster slots end? Pretty soon cover price and roster price for any character will be the same.
  • SnowcaTT
    SnowcaTT Posts: 3,486 Chairperson of the Boards
    Here we are at the end of season VII, with two new characters introducing tonight (4* Thor/Mystique) - how about never having two characters come in the same week? That would also help. Didn't Doc Oc and Devil Dino come the same evening also?

    Speaking of which, Miss Marvel and Blade were added also this season. Now a roster with one of each character will be 55/55, a ridiculous 750 hp per roster slot. This really needs to be addressed.
  • TL; DR. Roster slots price OP icon_e_sad.gif Pls, narf.
  • FaustianDeal
    FaustianDeal Posts: 760 Critical Contributor
    How many characters did the game start with again? on the order of 25? and we start with, what 5, slots for free? The scaled prices made sense when the only people with 50 slots were rocking multiple copies of a character (3x thorverines, anyone remember those rosters), but when 50 becomes the number we all need to have sport 1 of every character its a little unreasonable.

    Even admitting that the number of new characters has necessitated raising the starting number of slots would be a viable solution, or at least it would stall the inevitable riot over roster prices. What If they raised the starting number by 5 (and everyone gets 5 slots added to where they currently are) but the price of the next new slot remains where it is?
  • This post needs more attention and I feel like this issue is a major barrier for new players.

    I've been playing about a month and a recurring problem I've been having is that I have to constantly throw away new covers because I only have about 15 slots. I've already sold all my 1*, and have about (8) 2* - about 4 are level 60+. The rest of my slots are reserved for 3* which I plan to use in my 2* > 3* transition.

    The problem is whenever I get a new 3* cover from a pack or reward, I usually need to throw it away because lack of slots. I can't really throw away any more of my 2* because they are my most developed characters, and my 3* aren't really playable since they are all only 1-3 covers. The fact that there are 50 or so characters makes it so that I kind of cringe at opening packs because if I get a new character, I'll have to toss it :/ New players should have the feeling of excitement when opening a pack.

    I thought about not opening packs, but then that would stunt my 2* roster progress.

    It also costs a lot of HP for each roster slot (500 HP / 2 slots). With my roster I can sometimes get lucky and hit 400 in pvp for 25 HP, but it's really difficult to earn HP in pvp otherwise. Most of the HP I earn is thru pve (about 100 HP per event total w/ alliance rewards), so I can get a new roster unlock only every few weeks now.
  • SnowcaTT
    SnowcaTT Posts: 3,486 Chairperson of the Boards
    As mentioned here ><, 7 characters in 56 days.

    One of each character on my roster puts it to 57 roster slots, costing 750HP each at this point. The 61st will cost 800HP! - and that seems to be coming sooner rather than later.

    This is completely unreasonable for anyone starting out and transitioning to 2* roster, much less 3* roster. They simply won't be able to get that much HP, but beyond that - they won't want to pay incredible amounts to get the HP needed just to get going. Anyone looking here to get into this game? Let me help you out: - 21,600 HP currently needed to Open the 57 roster spots you'll currently need (increasing every other week or so).

    Stark Salary : 20,000 HP, typically $99.99. That's right - $100 just to OPEN the slots needed for characters - just to get your characters on your roster, before you can start improving them!

    D3 - the cost for roster spots is unreasonable, continues to go up at an alarmingly increasing rate, and needs to be fixed. Once again, a 500HP cap seems very reasonable.
  • I agree wholeheartedly with this idea. A hard cap of 500 hp per slot, with the current scaling of price prior to that, seems like it would be fair.
  • Pwuz_
    Pwuz_ Posts: 1,214 Chairperson of the Boards
    Durdyn wrote:
    I agree wholeheartedly with this idea. A hard cap of 500 hp per slot, with the current scaling of price prior to that, seems like it would be fair.

    I think the problem with this is going to be those players who have gone beyond that 500 HP already. I've personally got everyone except 4* Thor, and my next slot for either her or the next new character will cost me 750HP.

    I also think that we all should remember that they are RAINING HP down on us compared to what it was last year. The fact that by just playing you get 25 HP every couple days and the potential for 50HP on the random days is insane! Sure we used to be able to sell 3* covers for HP too, but it wasn't much. I'm also pretty sure that events have been dropping a lot more HP on us as well. PvP Progressions at 400, 600, & 800 points! Random HP in the progression rewards for PvE as well as occasional nodes offering HP as well (50 Hero Points?! That's IT? I have 50 Hero Points in my socks!) Then a moderately active alliance should be pulling in at least 25 HP per event as well.

    Not to sound too uncaring, but just try to budget your HP better. I know the meta-game has shifted to require shielding to achieve top 5 in PvP, but it's not required to grow faster than your Iso will hold out. There are a LOT of ways to spend your HP, but only one is required.
  • SnowcaTT
    SnowcaTT Posts: 3,486 Chairperson of the Boards
    Pwuz_ wrote:
    Not to sound too uncaring, but just try to budget your HP better. I know the meta-game has shifted to require shielding to achieve top 5 in PvP, but it's not required to grow faster than your Iso will hold out. There are a LOT of ways to spend your HP, but only one is required.

    Strongly disagree. I have never bought a cover. I never bought health packs or boosts (are those bought with HP? I don't even know). I never shield-hop. I only shield once at the end of events - and then only about every other time (and as a transition player that hits the 166 wall around 500-550, even T25 is out of the question). I personally hit T-100 and alliance T-100 in every event.

    All of that and I'm having a heck of a time keeping up with HP requirements to keep one of each character. Easy solution: kick out the 1*'s and eventually the 2*'s. Except that shouldn't have to -be- the solution, it should be feasible to have one of each character.

    There have been votes about "would you be upset for over-spending on past slots" - no! I'll actually be able to afford future slots, I'm not worried about the ones I've already bought. At the current rate, those future slots are uncertain at best.
  • Lystrata
    Lystrata Posts: 322 Mover and Shaker
    I think player concern about costs for roster slots came across pretty clearly during the last Q&A - hell, David even made a post explicitly stating they heard the concern. I'd expect if we hear anything about this, it'll be in the next set of Q&A answers. If not... forum riot! Or something.
  • maybe add some pity roster slots for collecting sets of 1*, 2*, 3* ect. or specific combination of heros
  • SnowcaTT
    SnowcaTT Posts: 3,486 Chairperson of the Boards
    Months and months of players begging for them to do something about roster costs - and still nothing.

    Since I posted initially I collected a 2nd OBW and a 2nd Juggy. I painfully paid 750 HP for each roster spot, going 60/60.

    I cannot in good conscience pay 800HP for a roster spot. With the release of Luke Cage, my 2nd Juggy had to go. With the release of Squirrel Girl I reluctantly let Yelena go. And here comes Starlord - the 61st character. When I started this thread the prices and character release rate were both ridiculous - with 48 characters! Now if you want one of each, you must pay 800HP.

    With great sadness I'll be letting 1* characters go. This week I must bid Hawkeye adieu! In two weeks (apparently) it will be Black Widow's turn! Then Storm! Then Venom!

    When will this madness stop? In my opinion, the most pressing problem in the entire game (of which there are many issues) is the HP cost for new roster slots. This needed to be addressed months ago, it needs to be addressed NOW!
  • the cost of a roster slot should be no more than 200 hp.

    if it were up to me slots would cost 75-100 hp.

    there is no reason for a roster slot to be pushing 600 hp + that reeks of money grab to buy more hp token bundles which is wrong
  • SnowcaTT
    SnowcaTT Posts: 3,486 Chairperson of the Boards
    Well, since I did the data this morning, time to bump this again. Man, looking at OP I posted this a long, long time ago: very little has changed with the problem, and the scaling at the top is just getting worse.

    From here: viewtopic.php?f=7&t=27947 , where theHappyDance was collecting data, and from the wiki here ; this should be close. I'm curious not on individual costs, but overall costs. Here we go.

    Total number of characters (since some collectors like to get them all)
    10 4*
    38 3*
    14 2*
    7 1*
    --- You need 69 roster slots to get them all.

    -Roster slots you'll have: for HP you'll need (for money needed to pay for these roster slots, if you didn't earn the HP)
    -10: 450 ($5)
    -13: 900 ($20)
    -16: 1300 ($20)
    -20: 2300 ($20)
    -24: 3500 ($50)
    -28: 4900 ($50)
    -32: 6500 ($50)
    -36: 8300 ($50)
    -40: 10300 ($100) [must get here to get every 3*]
    -44: 12500 ($100)
    -48: 14900 ($100) [but you need to have at least 4-5 2* and one 1* to run DDQ/AoU, right?]
    -52: 17500 ($100)
    -56: 20300 ($105)
    -60: 23300 ($150) [Oh, and you were hoping to have all the 4*'s, right?]
    -64: 26500 ($150)
    -68: 29900 ($200)
    -72: 33500 ($250) [Are you a collector? Sorry.]

    Starting with Scarlett Witch (69th character), roster slots cost 900HP each.

    When a Stark Salary can't buy all the roster slots, something is wrong - probably with both the cost of buying resources, but also the cost of roster slots. These have needed to be capped some time ago, and it is beyond comprehension at this point why this has not been addressed and fixed.
  • Yeah this is a horrible thing to gouge people for money on.

    Hey you earned this thing, but you gotta pay us cause you don't have enough virtual room to use the thing you just earned.

    The greed is amazing.
  • Arondite
    Arondite Posts: 1,188 Chairperson of the Boards
    If I'm being completely honest, adding the character to your team should be free the first time you recruit that hero. If you sell the hero, the free slot goes with them. You can purchase additional slots for duplicate recruits or re-recruiting after selling a hero at the current HP purchase prices.

    But that's a pipe dream because D3 wants to monetize everything. They'd charge us a fee for wiping their seed from our chins after a round of nerfs, if they could.