POLL: Which Opponents are the most annoying? (Group 1)

Nonce Equitaur 2
Nonce Equitaur 2 Posts: 2,269 Chairperson of the Boards
edited September 2014 in MPQ General Discussion
Back in April, I ran Which Opponents are the least fun to fight?. Back then, it was Daken, followed by Bullseye, that are in the ranks of the most annoying.

Since then a lot of new characters have been introduced ... Deadpool, Captain Marvel, Falcon, Storm (Mohawk) ..... and Sentry. Team Ups have been introduced. Levels have been shifted, and True Healing has been introduced. The days of seeing walls of OBW / Spiderman teams seem to be over. In my experience, it's now a world of Hulk, Mags, Patch, and Thor.

Back then, we didn't much mind fighting Captain America or Black Panther. A second poll is is also available for Captain America , Captain Marvel , Daredevil , Deadpool , Falcon, Hawkeye, Iron Man (IM 35 or IM40), Loki, Nick Fury, Psylocke, Punisher, Ragnarok, She-Hulk, Spiderman, and Venom.

The characters in this part of the poll are the ones I believe to be more annoying, but polls never go exactly as I expect.

EDIT: Hood takes an early lead, something I didn't expect. I thought Sentry would be the early winner of the Annoyance crown.
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  • MarvelMan
    MarvelMan Posts: 1,350
    I was a bit torn when answering as my definition of annoying is more closely tied to the animations than the result of the powers. I hate the slow down associated with passives (although its possible this has been replaced with the active skill delay). The poll might be skewed depending on how voters approach it.
  • IamTheDanger
    IamTheDanger Posts: 1,093 Chairperson of the Boards
    Most definitely Hood and Sentry. BW is also a pain when she takes my Ap.
  • I don't find Hood all that annoying. While he does steal AP, he has low hp and can be killed quickly long before he can ever get off his yellow power, and usually before he can get black off. Ares sucks the most because everyone uses him and AI Ares can onslaught/sunder to his heart's content with no repercussions beyond the match. Sentry is on par with him, but I don't think has as much hp.
  • Nonce Equitaur 2
    Nonce Equitaur 2 Posts: 2,269 Chairperson of the Boards
    Most annoying team to be killed by -- Sentry, Hood, Ares.
    Friendliest team to be killed by -- Capt America, Human Torch, She-Hulk
  • Most annoying is Bullseye with his face like smashed frog icon_eek.gif
  • mags1587
    mags1587 Posts: 1,020 Chairperson of the Boards
    Yeah, when I think of annoying characters, Sentry doesn't really qualify. Annoying for me is characters that I have to constantly watch/plan around (Hood), plan my attacks/keep an eye on damage (Hulk), have very annoying passives/low cost abilities that slow me down or make me wait through a hundred animations (Bullseye, Daken, cMags), and to some extent, the characters that shake up the board and cause cascades, which either fuels their powers or messes up a match I was about to make (Loki, Rags, Juggs). Sentry may be a little difficult to deal with but I don't consider him annoying.
  • OBW and hood are annoying because they force a change of play style. Instead of going for match-4's, you specifically have to focus on the colours you want to kill them off quick. With OBW, sometimes you find yourself having to deny Pink, and it's usually useless AP.
  • wymtime
    wymtime Posts: 3,764 Chairperson of the Boards
    Ares, Daken, and beefed up Juggs because you can't stop them from getting 6 AP and you are going to get hit with a really fast high powered ability that will ususally do over 1k damage.

    Bullyseye becuase I hate those annoying protect tiles especcially when he is beefed up in PVE. When his level is over 100 1 protect tile seems to reduce damage to a crawl. He is like grandma or grandpa driving 40 MPH in the fast lane when you want to go 76-80!!
  • Cragger
    Cragger Posts: 316 Mover and Shaker
    Storm should be broken into the two skill sets that she has. 2* is a different beast than 1* and 3*.
  • Pylgrim
    Pylgrim Posts: 2,332 Chairperson of the Boards
    Hood can be counteracted with your own Hood and is super squishy. I actually welcome battles against him.
  • Nonce Equitaur 2
    Nonce Equitaur 2 Posts: 2,269 Chairperson of the Boards
    Cragger wrote:
    Storm should be broken into the two skill sets that she has. 2* is a different beast than 1* and 3*.
    Fair enough... but she's not going to make it into the "most annoying" list anyways.
  • Daken- both for the free strike tile damage, the healing and the spam of passive animations.

    Hood- the most annoying passive in the game, and the character I most have to take note of and plan around and kill first (having to kill Deadpool before killing Hood is going to be interesting, although that leaves only one spot in the theoretical Hood-Deadpool-? team for a damage dealer... LazyThor?)
  • Spoit
    Spoit Posts: 3,441 Chairperson of the Boards
    It's depends on pvp or pve
  • HairyDave
    HairyDave Posts: 1,574
    mags1587 wrote:
    Sentry may be a little difficult to deal with but I don't consider him annoying.

    He's definitely a threat but he's far less irritating to take on than someone like Spiderhyphenman or Hood.
  • I had to go with the Daken(s). Simply because pheromone rage proc's take so much darn time. Get one on both teams, it adds so much time to the game.

    Edit: Adding OBW. Only due to the mere fact that when I see her come up in a pvp node (very regularly), I feel like I need to run my own OBW. Then Juggy since denying 6ap is tough for such a strong ability.
  • die daken die
  • My biggest annoyance is Cmags.

    Even when I have a team that significantly outlevels the opposing mags, I feel like I always get exceptionally unlucky, opponent gets a match four of red, then cascades into ten more projectiles and by the time its my turn im looking at fifteen protect tiles.
  • I think Maggia Muscle might be the single most annoying opponent in the game, especially when there are three of them on a node.
  • HairyDave
    HairyDave Posts: 1,574
    Ben Grimm wrote:
    I think Maggia Muscle might be the single most annoying opponent in the game, especially when there are three of them on a node.


    You go in with the wrong team composition - or just get a bad board - and you're toast.
  • over_clocked
    over_clocked Posts: 3,961
    cStorm. It's not pleasant taking a 300+ to the team just because you already have strike tiles out! *sarcasm*
    Bullseye, Spider-Man, Falcon - defense means nothing at all except the sheer annoyance factor.
    oBW - in a damn good sense. That girl puts up a good fight!
    Hood - not so much annoying as outright deadly, I try not to face Hood without a Hood of my own.
    Daken: obnoxious in every way!
    Punisher: those Molotovs... always finding their way...
    Sentry: I guess it's cool when he Sacrifices and then the strike tile is easily matched, or when he WRs to no great avail, hurting his own team, but still.
    Juggs, Rags, Loki: cascade-o-trons ahoy!
    I suppose Deadpool will soon join the ranks.