Some indicator of who countdown tiles belong to

This game needs a fix on PvE missions. We need some way to tell which no name soldier's tile is which. When you are fighting 2 or more of the same enemy (2 soldiers, 2 Agents, 3 Pyros, etc) we need a way to tell which enemy's countdown tile is about to expire so we can choose which one to focus on before their attack hits. Thanks


  • +1

    While it breaks immersion a tiny bit, maybe name duplicate enemies Soldier 1, Soldier 2, and having this name show on the panel that pops up when you tap on a countdown tile.
  • Also agreed. This should be a necessity.
  • +1 It would even up things abit. The amount of times I've been hit by one because I unleashed a big hit on the wrong target is huge.
  • Spoit
    Spoit Posts: 3,441 Chairperson of the Boards
    Forge wrote:

    While it breaks immersion a tiny bit, maybe name duplicate enemies Soldier 1, Soldier 2, and having this name show on the panel that pops up when you tap on a countdown tile.
    Or even just having them be offset a couple of levels so the damages are slightly different
  • Oh please do this- if you could just introduce numbers to the soldiers. 'Soldier 1' would make a green tile perfectly understandable (...Soldier 1 will fire....). Or just something along those lines.
  • +1 on this please
  • Perhaps if you tap the gem you want information about, that soldier, pyro, whatever is moved to the front or highlighted.
  • Dayv
    Dayv Posts: 4,449 Chairperson of the Boards
    Blue Shoes wrote:
    Perhaps if you tap the gem you want information about, that soldier, pyro, whatever is moved to the front or highlighted.

    I think this is the simplest solution.
  • Blue Shoes wrote:
    Perhaps if you tap the gem you want information about, that soldier, pyro, whatever is moved to the front or highlighted.

    Highlighted, definitely. It would be confusing/infuriating/occasionally disastrous if the game changed my target everytime I tapped on a countdown I was curious about.
  • Forge wrote:
    Blue Shoes wrote:
    Perhaps if you tap the gem you want information about, that soldier, pyro, whatever is moved to the front or highlighted.

    Highlighted, definitely. It would be confusing/infuriating/occasionally disastrous if the game changed my target everytime I tapped on a countdown I was curious about.

    I kinda agree, except that you usually are deciding on who you're going to attack to get rid of that countdown tile that's at 1. It would be nice to automatically switch to it. There are times where it could get annoying though. Maybe if it was a button you could press , it would work.
  • I'd really be surprised if the easiest thing to implement isn't just adding a number to the end of each minion in the cases where there's more than one of the same type.
  • +1. I got on here to make a post about this and found this thread. Please add.
  • It's especially crucial in a pve event where a sniper is doing 8k damage or something ridiculous. Please please put this on the top of the list.
  • I'd also like to see this a high priority fix... I've definitely eaten a Deadly Shot or two because I webbed up the wrong sniper on a 50/50 guess.
  • +1

    On some early battles, whether or not I won was based on a 50/50 chance of me stunning or finishing the right duplicate minion. It would be a great help.
  • This thread is relevant to my interests.
  • Am I wrong, or did they subtlely change how duplicate military enemies work?

    Now it seems like only one enemy (of a pair) will lay down tiles (usually the last one you attacked) and when you kill that enemy, all their tiles will disappear. Before, both pair of enemies would lay down tiles simultaneously and you would have to guess who is who.

    Or is it just in the Hulk event?
  • Toxicadam wrote:
    Am I wrong, or did they subtlely change how duplicate military enemies work?

    Now it seems like only one enemy (of a pair) will lay down tiles (usually the last one you attacked) and when you kill that enemy, all their tiles will disappear. Before, both pair of enemies would lay down tiles simultaneously and you would have to guess who is who.

    Or is it just in the Hulk event?

    It depends on the enemy.

    Snipers will only put down one CD, no matter what. And apparently the second one won't put down a tile if the first already has. The "first" is always the first one in the lineup -- usually the guy you first target. Otherwise the 3rd guy you target (go figure). That may be a recent change.

    Others, such as Soldiers and Spies, will have both put down tiles, but never both on the same turn (at least not the same ability). That's when it becomes a big guessing game. Pyros do this too, but the game does favor having the lead Pyro put down tiles unless he's stunned.

    The Hulk event is very heavy on Snipers. There's a few Pyros, Grenadiers, and Demolitionists mixed in, but the most dangerous are easily the Snipers. 9000 damage anyone?
  • Zathrus wrote:
    The Hulk event is very heavy on Snipers. There's a few Pyros, Grenadiers, and Demolitionists mixed in, but the most dangerous are easily the Snipers. 9000 damage anyone?

    I feel like there is a Dragonball Z reference in there somewhere...