*** The Punisher (Dark Reign) ***



  • IceIx maybe you can consider showing percentages left in UI too, with storm changes and the punisher red, we may use it.
  • IceIX
    IceIX ADMINISTRATORS Posts: 4,319 Site Admin
    ariakas wrote:
    IceIx maybe you can consider showing percentages left in UI too, with storm changes and the punisher red, we may use it.
    Waitaminute waitaminute.... *Everyone's* not capable of instantly figuring out what percentage 2678/6996 is? Hmm. This'll take some thinking.
  • 5/5/3 for me if I ever get lucky enough to actually get this character icon_e_sad.gif

    Haven't wanted a 3-star this badly since Spidey.

    Unless you take his red to lvl5, it isn't much better than Rags. But with Punisher's lvl5 green, you're upgrading Thunderclaps to nearly 1000 a pop. If you get a 2nd green off, it might hit 1500+ a pop... for 2 AP. I'm not running him with Rags, though.
  • IceIX wrote:
    ariakas wrote:
    IceIx maybe you can consider showing percentages left in UI too, with storm changes and the punisher red, we may use it.
    Waitaminute waitaminute.... *Everyone's* not capable of instantly figuring out what percentage 2678/6996 is? Hmm. This'll take some thinking.
    Haha, nice to see you guys have this in mind.
  • 5/5/3 for me if I ever get lucky enough to actually get this character icon_e_sad.gif

    Haven't wanted a 3-star this badly since Spidey.

    Unless you take his red to lvl5, it isn't much better than Rags. But with Punisher's lvl5 green, you're upgrading Thunderclaps to nearly 1000 a pop. If you get a 2nd green off, it might hit 1500+ a pop... for 2 AP. I'm not running him with Rags, though.

    he clashes pretty badly with ragnarok's kit. u'll need a third character that's capable of blue/yellow/pink.

    hello spidey.
  • Nice. So this ability is kinda-sorta a soft counter to high-health 3-stars like Rag and Model 40.

    someguy is down with this so far icon_e_smile.gif
  • forgrim wrote:
    he clashes pretty badly with ragnarok's kit. u'll need a third character that's capable of blue/yellow/pink.

    hello spidey.
    Not much more than Widow does I don't think.
  • I'm thinkin 5/5/3 as well. This character looks amazing. Health isn't terrible, makes strike tiles for black and green, good match damage. And the strike tiles are strong. I hope I win the hunt icon_razz.gif. I'm definitely replacing wolverine with this mean mother.
  • Well, looks like my guess that the instant kill % went up was right. 40% for 8 ap means about 5000 health to 9000 hp @ 40% or 2000-3600 damage in most cases. For 8 red that's not bad...but its straight damage with no stun comboing or ap generation. 24 red on, say Thor, gives you 4 casts of mjolnir if built correctly (5 red) which will easy net you enough free yellow cascades at minimum for 1 or 2 yellows and will likely do a few thousand damage in cascade damage as well. 1200x4 + (let's say 2 yellows) 4400 + random cascade damage and other ap. That's 9200 easy damage and extras vs 6000-10800 damage. I just don't see the red being your go to option for the color unless your team has it as the only viable red. Cascades from things like rag or Thor are just too good. @3 red 30% makes it decent to use as a situational attack against a heavy opponent. Only time I think a 5/3/5 would be better is if you KNOW your team synergy won't let his green be viable (such as with...maybe m.storm? Yea..can't think of anyone since it sounds like his green doesn't require red tiles like most other attack tile characters)...or if you decide you built him mostly for boss killing in pve or as a counter to those 15k+ ragnaroks in events (8 red = 6000+ damage if its low enough).

    I'll never get enough covers for him unless they ironman 40 him but I'd love to try out a 5/5/3. His covering of green black red makes him a perfect combination with magneto/Thor magneto/IM and magneto/spidey. Also, I bet he is really annoying to face at high levels even if I doubt the machine will use his red intelligently. Max magneto/spidey/punisher sounds like a nightmare to face. Spidey dropping def tiles while building up magneto purples. Punisher dropping attack tiles everywhere. Even on def the machine could run that mostly without stupidity (I can see it stupidly blowing away att/def tiles with its green on.accident tho lol)

    Oh, does his Molotov disappear if he dies?
  • yeah i'd go with 5/5/3

    if you look at the red skill, the difference of 10% and some damage from 3 red to 5 red is not that much.

    plus as others have mentioned its straight damage. there are tons of 3 stars that do straight damage already. but what is missing for 3 stars is a attack tile guy, aka the 3 star version of wolverine. that's what i'd build punisher as.
  • Doom is an attack tile guy, but doesn't exactly work in the same way.
  • you're right about that. doom is a pretty good attack tile guy.
  • plus as others have mentioned its straight damage. there are tons of 3 stars that do straight damage already. but what is missing for 3 stars is a attack tile guy, aka the 3 star version of wolverine. that's what i'd build punisher as.

    Wolverine is Strike tile guy, as mentioned by Toxicadam Doom is the Attack tile guy. However The Punisher is better, because he is Strike AND Attack tile guy icon_twisted.gif
  • My mental theory crafting suggests that 5/5/3 is superior to 5/3/5.

    1) Synergy between Black and Green (so Punisher uses +3 black/green AP booster the best)
    2) Many stronger red-for-damage sinks to choose from and fewer for black/green for now
    3) Black and Green are stronger AI abilities, also because of point 1)
  • So I made the mistake of reading this thread. *sigh* Sounds like another weekend of grinding. I may already be too far behind though.

    The comparisons between Punisher and Wolverine are interesting, esp since Wolverine is the next tier of rewards in the Hunt.
  • IceIX wrote:
    ariakas wrote:
    IceIx maybe you can consider showing percentages left in UI too, with storm changes and the punisher red, we may use it.
    Waitaminute waitaminute.... *Everyone's* not capable of instantly figuring out what percentage 2678/6996 is? Hmm. This'll take some thinking.
    Maybe not that but I can quickly figure that 40% of 6996 is roughly 2800.
  • Shamusyeah wrote:
    I'm thinkin 5/5/3 as well. This character looks amazing. Health isn't terrible, makes strike tiles for black and green, good match damage. And the strike tiles are strong. I hope I win the hunt icon_razz.gif. I'm definitely replacing wolverine with this mean mother.

    I don't get what people are seeing here. He doesn't look that good to me. Nice to have an attack on black I suppose, but it makes what, one strike tile? Uhm, so?

    Green looks ok I guess, but I prefer wolverine's by far.

    Red is probably the most interesting, particularly for use with buffed tanks.

    What am I missing?
  • Nemek
    Nemek Posts: 1,511
    Misguided wrote:
    Shamusyeah wrote:
    I'm thinkin 5/5/3 as well. This character looks amazing. Health isn't terrible, makes strike tiles for black and green, good match damage. And the strike tiles are strong. I hope I win the hunt icon_razz.gif. I'm definitely replacing wolverine with this mean mother.

    I don't get what people are seeing here. He doesn't look that good to me. Nice to have an attack on black I suppose, but it makes what, one strike tile? Uhm, so?

    Green looks ok I guess, but I prefer wolverine's by far.

    Red is probably the most interesting, particularly for use with buffed tanks.

    What am I missing?

    I'm a little less keen on him after seeing some of the max stats, but I can see things getting really crazy if you're able to kick off the black/green ability a couple times.

    If you can do two green abilities, you'll do an extra 600 damage per attack/ability. So, instead of Rag doing ~600 damage per thunderclap, it's now 1200. Regular attacks now do 700+ damage. That could make a significant difference. With Rag, getting 16 green tiles is remarkably easy.
  • Nemek
    Nemek Posts: 1,511
    Also, the damage is less for Punisher's green because it doesn't look like the strike tiles are exclusive to red tiles.

    With Wolverine, there was always some maximum number of strike tiles and you had to actively avoid them (which would hurt any red damage characters.) With Punisher, it looks like it can be on any basic tile, meaning the maximum number of tiles it can affect is really large.
  • Misguided wrote:
    I don't get what people are seeing here. He doesn't look that good to me. Nice to have an attack on black I suppose, but it makes what, one strike tile? Uhm, so?

    One thing to remember is that attack tiles and strike tiles have a strong synergy -- when attack tiles trigger they get boosted by the strike tiles. Doom + Wolverine can be nasty in this way, even w/ the freebie L15 Doom in Lightning Rounds.