Any news on who the new upcoming character will be?



  • Thanos wrote:
    Mystique would certainly be interesting. One of her abilities could be to transform into one of the other teams characters and be able to use all of their powers. That would be some interesting design space... icon_e_surprised.gif

    Same wish as you icon_e_smile.gif
  • Thanos wrote:
    Mystique would certainly be interesting. One of her abilities could be to transform into one of the other teams characters and be able to use all of their powers. That would be some interesting design space... icon_e_surprised.gif

    I've thought this before, but as a power for Rogue rather than Mystique. I'd imagine Mystique's powers to be more Widow-like.
  • GrimSkald
    GrimSkald Posts: 2,706 Chairperson of the Boards
    I'd love to see more X-Men. The fact that there are ... what... three in the game, four if you count MNMags, does mean that there is no full team.

    I will admit I was dissappointed when I saw that the new 2* was the Human Torch with the exact same powers... but then I considered this. Prior to the release of Johnny Storm, there are quite litterally *no* 2* characters with an active black that is at all worth it - the only active black powers are Moonstone (mediocre situational power that is too expensive,) and Bullseye (way too expensive.) At least this adds a bit of variety to the 2* game.

    I do think they should either introduce more 2* characters or improve the underpowered ones. Speaking for myself, I love playing a variety of characters - that's what I find the most fun about the PVEs.
  • Phaserhawk
    Phaserhawk Posts: 2,676 Chairperson of the Boards
    I think the next X-Man will be Iceman or Beast. Why?

    Well both of them would require little to no effort. With Beast you could color the Wolvie skins and animations with blue fur just as they have for all 3 Wolvies, and 2 Daken's. Making Beast would be easy from an animation standpoint.

    Iceman would be the same way. Except use Human Torch as the animation for Iceman. You have similiar animations, just color the fire blue. Boom, done.

    I'm hoping for a Lazy 2* Iron Man that would tweak the 3*'s versions powers, thus meaning they funbalance IM40
  • GuiltTrip wrote:
    I would bet the next X-man would be Namor... and I find it hard to count him as an X-Men. At C2E2 they used him as an example of color choosing, and they were coy when asked about why they used him as an example.

    It won't be Namor. His video game rights are held by the same company that holds his movie rights, so as of now no Marvel game can use him. That's why he's not in Marvel Heroes or Avengers Alliance (who swapped Jean for Namor in their AvX storyline).
  • I heard/started a rumor that 1* Wolverine (Bone claw) is next up.
  • The next character release is supposed to be a 3* female unless something has changed in the last week.
  • The next character release is supposed to be a 3* female unless something has changed in the last week.

    Invisible Woman (Visible) no doubt.
  • Neuromancer
    Neuromancer Posts: 203 Tile Toppler
    tinykitty pryde.
  • hurcules
    hurcules Posts: 519
    2* Punisher.
  • Gambit was the best selling xmen post release in the marvel heroes F2P. D3 should take note of that. Just saying.
  • avs962
    avs962 Posts: 319 Mover and Shaker
    I would loooooovvee to see Gambit in here. My brothers would love it too. All I hear when talking about characters in the game is "where the f... is Gambit!?" icon_lol.gif
  • MaxCavalera
    MaxCavalera Posts: 425 Mover and Shaker
    4* prof. X for season 4? or maybe a our first lazy 4* in a magneto who will play just like the 3* before he gets nerfed. Why? cause money.
  • Prof. X or Mystique both sound like they could be interesting add on's to the roster... But either way, heres to hoping its not going to be a lazy character...
  • Likely the new 4* will be Norman Osborn as Iron Patriot
  • Infrared
    Infrared Posts: 240 Tile Toppler
    Ghast wrote:
    Invisible Woman (Visible) no doubt.

    Or even Invisible Woman (Invisible). Then they won't have to make any animations for it.
  • AdamMagus
    AdamMagus Posts: 363 Mover and Shaker
    It's going to be Magik for sure icon_cool.gif