Characters and Skills Compendium



  • Nonce Equitaur 2
    Nonce Equitaur 2 Posts: 2,269 Chairperson of the Boards
    Added Colossus. Also wrote up a Grand Game Rebalancing Plan.

    I thought I'd write up a grand plan for making the game more balanced. Here's what I've come up with.

    1. Fix Sentry's World Rupture. (This had to be in here somewhere)

    2. Beast, BWGS, Captain Marvel, Daken, Deadpool, Doctor Doom, Loki, Magneto, Spiderman, and Hawkeye stay pretty much the same, but their ability color orders change to match their strong tile damages, to fix Tile / Power disparities . This simplifies the "enemy's strongest color" based abilities for X-Force, Fury, and Black Panther.

    3. Activating a power currently brings up a heads-up display. Add some calculations.

    4. For 4* characters, increase weak tile damages from 9,10,11 to 11,12,13 to make them as good as 3* characters.

    5. IM40 gets a heads-up display when Recharge is activated. A variable amount of power can be used. Remove his AP drains.
    "How much power, sir?"
    6 ooo . . . 8 ooo . . . 10 oo . . . 12 oo . . . 14 oo

    6. Doom gets a versatile green power from discarded environment effects, with his strong Purple tile damage becoming strong Green.
      Master of Latveria - Green Passive
      Doom always has a plan, giving him a tactical edge. He can add three Black Strike tiles each time his team makes a turn-ending Team-Up tile match. As he upgrades his armor and gathers power he can activate a different effect of his choosing. (Latverian Terrain)
        Level 2: Rally minions, boosting their health. Requires 3 Yellow. (Hot Dog Stand) Level 3: Confuse distractible foes by turning a random tile critical. Requires 5 Red. (Containment Breach) Level 4: Show tactical mastery by activating explosives, destroying the left and right sides of the board. Requires 7 Green. (Narrow Alley) Level 5: Stun an enemy fool for 1 turn. Reduce enemy AP of every color by 1. Requires 9 Purple. (Snow Drift)

      7. Replace Spiderman's Yellow Web Bandages with a Green Web Interference, and change his tile damage (Yellow->Green)
        Web Interference - Green 7AP
        Spider-Man webs a chosen basic tile, dealing 208 damage and turning it into a 2 round Counter tile. Opponent powers using the chosen color are unusable. When the countdown is over, just the webbing remains.
        Level Upgrades
          Level 2: Countdown and and Attack tiles powered by the chosen color are halted. Level 3: Team-up tiles may be selected, preventing enemy use. Deals 281 Damage. Level 4: Protect and Strike tiles of the chosen color stop functioning. Level 5: Interference lasts for three rounds. Deals 470 Damage.
        Max Level: 1494 Damage

        8. Increase Storm (Mohawk) health to 8500. In Marvel Canon, Storm (Mohawk) beat up Wolverine without using any powers.

        9. Loki gets Avoid from Hawkeye's discarded ability as a passive Green power. Drop base Trickery to 13AP.

        10. Captain America -- Sentinel of Liberty : drop to 12 AP

        11. Invisible Woman -- Change Force Bubbles cost to 10 AP

        12. Buff up Daredevil's traps.

        13. Some color changes
        Magneto's Magnetized Projectiles and tile damage (Blue -> Purple)
        BWGS's Pistol and tile damage (Red -> Yellow)
        Hood's Dormammu’s Aid and tile damage (Blue -> Purple)
        Hulk 's Anger and tile damage (Black -> Purple)

        With these changes, all color combinations are covered.

        Color breakdown for powers. Characters with the same numbers cover all colors.
        999/999/999/___/___/___ || ___/___/___/999/999/999 -- Captain America, Iron Man || Loki
        888/888/___/888/___/___ || ___/___/888/___/888/888 -- Magneto (Classic) || Doctor Doom
        777/777/___/___/777/___ || ___/___/777/777/___/777 -- Thor, Sentry, Ares, Patch || Black Widow (Original), Daken (Classic)
        666/666/___/___/___/666 || ___/___/666/666/666/___ -- Captain Marvel, Colossus || Spider-Man
        555/___/555/555/___/___ || ___/555/___/___/555/555 -- Nick Fury, Falcon || Punisher, Human Torch
        444/___/444/___/444/___ || ___/444/___/444/___/444 -- Invisible Woman, Beast, Storm (Classic) || Deadpool, Moonstone
        333/___/333/___/___/333 || ___/333/___/333/333/___ -- Black Panther || Hulk
        222/___/___/222/222/___ || ___/222/222/___/___/222 -- BWGS || Psylocke
        111/___/___/111/___/111 || ___/111/111/___/111/___ -- The Hood || She-Hulk
        000/___/___/___/000/000 || ___/000/000/000/___/___ -- Wolverine (X-Force), Storm (Mohawk), Storm (Modern) || Magneto (Marvel Now), Daredevil, Hawkeye (Modern)

        14. From there, tweak minor tile damages to maximize the Domination graph. This would allow any character to have a role up front on at least a few teams. The dominating effect would be maximized for Hulk and Captain Marvel first, then Thor, She-Hulk, Sentry, WolvX, Capt America, Black Panther, IM40, Patch, and Daken. Characters Hood, Torch, Falcon, BWGS, Beast, Daredevil, Magneto, and Psylocke would be optimized to not be dominating.

        15. Get more moderators.

        So, that's my grand plan for balancing the game. I tried to make it as easy to implement as possible. Here's what the color chart would look like before tweaks to improve domination.

        Max Tile Damage .... Crit .... Power cost ....... Max HP .. Namelink to stats (link to discussion)
        82/12/73/11/64/10/3.0 - 14/__/10/__/_9/__ - 8220 - [goto=invisible4]Invisible Woman[/goto] (Classic)
        82/11/73/64/12/10/3.5 - 12/__/10/12/__/__ - 9590 - [goto=nickfury4]Nick Fury[/goto] (Director of SHIELD)
        64/10/12/11/82/73/4.0 - _9/__/__/__/_8/11 - 10960- [goto=wolverine4]Wolverine[/goto] (X-Force)

        70/13/79/12/61/11/3.5 - 11/__/_8/__/_9/__ - 6800 - [goto=beast3]Beast[/goto] (Modern)
        79/13/70/12/11/61/3.5 - _9/__/_8/__/__/12 - 8500 - [goto=blackpanther3]Black Panther[/goto] (Man Without Fear)
        61/11/12/79/70/13/4.0 - 14/__/__/11/19/__ - 5950 - [goto=blackwidow3]Black Widow[/goto] (Grey Suit)
        79/70/61/11/12/13/3.0 - 12/11/12/__/__/__ - 8500 - [goto=captainamerica3]Captain America[/goto] (Steve Rogers)
        70/79/12/11/13/61/4.5 - PA/_7/__/__/__/_9 - 8500 - [goto=captainmarvel3]Captain Marvel[/goto] (Modern)
        79/70/13/11/12/61/3.0 - _8/11/__/__/__/13 - 10200- [goto=colossus3]Colossus[/goto] (Classic)
        11/12/61/70/13/79/4.0 - __/__/_5/PA/__/PA - 6800 - [goto=daken3]Daken[/goto] (Classic)
        11/61/70/79/12/13/3.5 - __/_7/_7/11/__/__ - 6800 - [goto=daredevil3]Daredevil[/goto] (Classic)
        13/61/11/79/12/70/4.5 - __/_6/__/14/__/PA - 6800 - [goto=deadpool3]Deadpool[/goto] (It's Me, Deadpool)
        11/12/79/13/61/70/3.0 - __/__/_9/__/PA/12 - 7176 - [goto=doctordoom3]Doctor Doom[/goto] (Classic) --health
        79/13/70/61/12/11/3.0 - PA/__/PA/12/__/__ - 5950 - [goto=falcon3]Falcon[/goto] (Mighty Avengers)
        13/79/12/11/61/70/3.0 - __/_8/__/__/_5/10 - 5950 - [goto=humantorch3]Human Torch[/goto] (Classic)
        70/79/61/13/12/11/3.5 - 14/13/20/__/__/__ - 8500 - [goto=ironman3]Iron Man[/goto] (Model 40)
        12/11/13/79/61/70/3.0 - __/__/__/_5/PA/_9 - 5023 - [goto=loki3]Loki[/goto] (Dark Reign) --health
        61/70/11/79/12/13/3.2 - _9/_8/__/10/__/__ - 6800 - [goto=magneto3]Magneto[/goto] (Classic)
        11/79/70/13/12/61/3.8 - __/_8/10/__/__/_6 - 6800 - [goto=psylocke3]Psylocke[/goto] (Classic)
        11/61/11/12/61/12/3.0 - __/_6/__/__/_6/__ - 8611 - [goto=ragnarok3]Ragnarok[/goto] (Dark Avengers)
        61/79/13/11/70/12/3.0 - _8/11/__/__/_7/__ -10200- [goto=sentry3]Sentry[/goto] (Dark Avengers)
        13/70/79/12/61/11/3.0 - __/_9/_9/__/12/__ - 10200- [goto=shehulk3]She-Hulk[/goto] (Modern)
        12/13/61/70/79/11/3.0 - __/__/_5/PA/_7/__ - 6800 - [goto=spiderman3]Spider-Man[/goto] (Classic)
        70/12/11/13/79/61/3.5 - _9/__/__/__/10/_9 - 8500 - [goto=storm3]Storm[/goto] (Mohawk)
        79/13/12/70/11/61/4.5 - 15/__/__/PA/__/_9 - 5100 - [goto=thehood3]The Hood[/goto] (Classic)
        12/70/13/61/79/11/3.0 - __/14/__/PA/10/__ - 11475- [goto=thehulk3]The Hulk[/goto] (Indestructible)
        11/61/12/13/70/79/4.0 - __/_8/__/__/_8/_7 - 6800 - [goto=thepunisher3]The Punisher[/goto] (Dark Reign)
        70/79/12/11/61/13/3.5 - 12/_8/__/__/14/__ -10200- [goto=thor3]Thor[/goto] (Modern)
        61/70/13/12/79/11/4.0 - PA/14/__/__/_9/__ - 6800 - [goto=wolverine3]Wolverine[/goto] (Patch)

        Here's the new chart with domination optimization on the weak tiles.

        82/12/73/10/64/11/ IW
        82/11/73/64/12/10/ Fury
        64/10/12/11/82/73/ WolvX
        70/13/79/11/61/12/ Beast
        79/11/70/13/12/61/ BP
        61/13/11/79/70/12/ BWGS
        79/70/61/12/11/13/ Cap
        70/79/13/12/11/61/ Marvel
        79/70/13/12/11/61/ Colossus
        11/12/61/70/13/79/ Daken
        12/61/70/79/13/11/ Daredevil
        12/61/11/79/13/70/ Deadpool
        11/12/79/13/61/70/ Doom
        79/11/70/61/12/13/ Falcon
        11/79/13/12/61/70/ Torch
        70/79/61/12/11/13/ IM40
        13/12/11/79/61/70/ Loki
        61/70/12/79/11/13/ Magneto
        11/79/70/13/12/61/ Psylocke
        61/79/12/11/70/13/ Sentry
        13/70/79/11/61/12/ SheHulk
        12/13/61/70/79/11/ Spidey
        70/13/12/11/79/61/ Storm
        79/11/13/70/12/61/ Hood
        13/70/11/61/79/12/ Hulk
        13/61/12/11/70/79/ Punisher
        70/79/12/11/61/13/ Thor
        61/70/12/11/79/13/ Patch

        Here's a list of the dominators
        Beast......Daken Daredevil Fury IW
        BP.........Cap Colossus IM40 Magneto Marvel Patch Sentry Thor WolvX
        BWGS.......Daken Doom Fury IW Loki
        Cap........Beast BWGS Patch Punisher Storm WolvX
        Colossus...Beast BWGS Magneto Patch Punisher Sentry Storm Thor WolvX
        Daken......BP Colossus Falcon Fury Hood Marvel WolvX
        Daredevil..Daken Fury Hood Spidey
        Deadpool...BP Falcon Fury Hood Psylocke
        Doom.......BP Cap Colossus Falcon Fury Hood IM40 Marvel Psylocke
        Falcon.....Cap IM40 Marvel WolvX
        Fury.......BP Cap Colossus Falcon IM40 Marvel WolvX
        Hood.......Hulk IM40 Magneto Marvel Patch Sentry Thor WolvX
        Hulk.......Daredevil Doom IW
        IM40.......BWGS Hulk Magneto Patch Punisher Sentry SheHulk WolvX
        IW.........BP Falcon Fury Hood
        Loki.......BP Falcon Fury Hood Psylocke
        Magneto....BWGS Hulk Spidey
        Marvel.....BWGS Hulk Magneto Patch Punisher Sentry SheHulk Storm Thor WolvX
        Patch......BWGS Daredevil Deadpool Hulk IW Loki Punisher SheHulk
        Psylocke...Cap Colossus IM40 Magneto Marvel Patch
        Punisher...Deadpool Doom IW Loki
        Sentry.....BWGS Daredevil Deadpool Hulk IW Loki SheHulk
        SheHulk....Daken Daredevil Deadpool Fury IW Spidey
        Spidey.....Daken Doom Fury Torch
        Storm......BWGS IW Loki Sentry
        Thor.......BWGS Daredevil Deadpool Hulk Magneto SheHulk
        Torch......Colossus Magneto Patch Storm Thor
        WolvX......BWGS Deadpool Hulk Loki Patch Sentry

        Here's a list of here's being dominated
        Beast......Cap Colossus
        BP.........Daken Deadpool Doom Fury IW Loki
        BWGS.......Cap Colossus IM40 Magneto Marvel Patch Sentry Storm Thor WolvX
        Cap........BP Doom Falcon Fury Psylocke
        Colossus...BP Daken Doom Fury Psylocke Torch
        Daken......Beast BWGS Daredevil SheHulk Spidey
        Daredevil..Beast Hulk Patch Sentry SheHulk Thor
        Deadpool...Patch Punisher Sentry SheHulk Thor WolvX
        Doom.......BWGS Hulk Punisher Spidey
        Falcon.....Daken Deadpool Doom Fury IW Loki
        Fury.......Beast BWGS Daken Daredevil Deadpool Doom IW Loki SheHulk Spidey
        Hood.......Daken Daredevil Deadpool Doom IW Loki
        Hulk.......Hood IM40 Magneto Marvel Patch Sentry Thor WolvX
        IM40.......BP Doom Falcon Fury Hood Psylocke
        IW.........Beast BWGS Hulk Patch Punisher Sentry SheHulk Storm
        Loki.......BWGS Patch Punisher Sentry Storm WolvX
        Magneto....BP Colossus Hood IM40 Marvel Psylocke Thor Torch
        Marvel.....BP Daken Doom Falcon Fury Hood Psylocke
        Patch......BP Cap Colossus Hood IM40 Marvel Psylocke Torch WolvX
        Psylocke...Deadpool Doom Loki
        Punisher...Cap Colossus IM40 Marvel Patch
        Sentry.....BP Colossus Hood IM40 Marvel Storm WolvX
        SheHulk....IM40 Marvel Patch Sentry Thor
        Spidey.....Daredevil Magneto SheHulk
        Storm......Cap Colossus Marvel Torch
        Thor.......BP Colossus Hood Marvel Torch
        WolvX......BP Cap Colossus Daken Falcon Fury Hood IM40 Marvel

        This works well for Colossus and Captain Marvel, but doesn't work well for Hulk or Hood. Will need to adjust methods a bit.
      • Nonce Equitaur 2
        Nonce Equitaur 2 Posts: 2,269 Chairperson of the Boards
        What are some of the strange strategies you've used in the game? Here are some of the strategies I've used.

        Strategies to change the color balance.
        I Am Groot -- Visit Prologue with benchwarmers and retreat, retreat, retreat. In the real match, make a yellow match to erase all tutile.png and heal Groot.
        Loki's Mischief -- A 4-match makes 4 countdowns of that color. Set-up 4-matches of undesired colors for the opponent, and 8 tiles of that color will be removed.
        X-Force's Surgical Strike 11 blacktile.png -- One of the best AP collectors, and removes "enemy's strongest color" from the board.
        Doom's Technopathic Strike 12 blacktile.png -- Turn all basic bluetile.png into blacktile.png .
        Magneto's Polarizing Force 8 redtile.png -- Destroys all tutile.png tiles.
        Mystique's Infiltration 9 bluetile.png -- Transform 10 redtile.pnggreentile.pngyellowtile.png into purpletile.png or blacktile.png tiles.
        Thor's Thunder Strike 12 yellowtile.png -- Adds 9 greentile.png to the board.
        Ms. Marvel's Strategic Command 8 yellowtile.png -- Creates 9 tutile.png tiles.
        BWGS Deceptive Tactics 11 purpletile.png -- place 6 greentile.png on the board.
        Magneto's Polarity Shift 9 purpletile.png -- Place 5 bluetile.png on the board.
        Hulk's Anger -- adds 5 greentile.png each time Hulk gets angry.
        Hawkeye's Speed Shot -- Erase 4 purpletile.png with a 5-match.
        Hood's Dormammu’s Aid -- Needs 10 tiles of a color to be on the board for a drain. 64 tiles / 7,6,5 colors = 9.14 , 10.6, 12.8 tiles per color.

        Removing basic tiles from the board. If there are no basic tiles, the enemy can't put down countdown tiles.
        Storm's Hailstorm 9 blacktile.png -- 32 Attack tiles (39).
        Human Torch's Inferno 10 blacktile.png -- Up to 8 Attack tiles (226).
        Doom's Summon Demons 12 blacktile.png -- 6 redtile.png Attack tiles (185).
        Sentry's World Rupture 12 greentile.png -- 16 Countdown tiles
        Falcon's Bird Strike 12 purpletile.png -- 14 Protect tiles (60).
        Magneto's Coercive Force 9 yellowtile.png -- 9 Protect tiles (53).
        Capt. America's Sentinel of Liberty 19 yellowtile.png -- 4 yellowtile.png Protect tiles (339).
        4 Thor's Power Surge 9 bluetile.png -- 12 Charged tiles.
        Patch's Berserker Rage 9 greentile.png -- 6 friendly greentile.png & 6 enemy purpletile.png Strike tiles (148).
        R&G's I Got A Plan 11 bluetile.png -- Create 4 bluetile.png Strike tiles (261).
        Punisher's Judgement 8 greentile.png -- 3 Strike tiles (122).
        Black Panther's Battleplan 9 yellowtile.png -- 3 yellowtile.png Strike tiles (175 or 250).
        Daken's Pheromone Rage -- 2 redtile.png Strike tiles on any greentile.png match (46).
        Blade's The Thirst -- 2 redtile.png Strike tiles per turn if enough redtile.png (58).
        Gamora's Bad Reputation 12 blacktile.png -- 1 yellowtile.png Strike tile for every 4 tiles that bear her symbol (148).
        Wolverine's Feral Claws 6 greentile.png -- 1 strength 3 redtile.png Strike tile plus 1 for every 3 Red AP his team has (40).

        Counters to a marked up board.
        Loki's Trickery 11 blacktile.png -- Steals all Strike and Protect tiles.
        Doc Ock's Manipulation 11 bluetile.png -- Up to 7408 damage on a heavily marked-up board.
        Daredevil's Radar Sense 10 purpletile.png -- Will do 2875 damage to a team that marked up the board.
        She-Hulk's Settlement 9 bluetile.png -- Replaces up to 3 tiles.
        Doc Ock's Insult to Injury -- Will add 2 Attack tiles for each match.
        Hulk's Anger -- 5 greentile.png on the board. Are you sure you want a lot of strike or attack tiles?
        Captain Marvel's Energy Absorption -- Gains 5 redtile.png and 3 blacktile.png . Are you sure you want a lot of strike or attack tiles?

        Other way's to get AP
        Loki's Mischief -- Steal 8 random AP every time the opponent makes a 4-match,
        Captain Marvel -- 5 redtile.png and 3 blacktile.png when she takes enough damage.
        Mystique's Shapeshift 8 purpletile.png -- Steals 1 AP with each enemy match.
        Blade's Nightstalker 8 blacktile.png -- Steals 3 AP from "enemy's strongest color".
        IW's Force Field Crush 9 greentile.png -- Collects 24 AP (needs Force Bubbles).
        Psylocke's Bewilder 10 bluetile.png -- Steals up to 19 AP from "enemy's largest color pool"
        Storm's Lightning Strike 10 greentile.png -- Collects 14 AP.
        OBW's Aggressive Recon 8 purpletile.png -- steal 3 AP of most colors.
        Captain America can shield bounce to keep AP.

        Complete board shuffle -- If there aren't many moves available, a board shuffle will be triggered if no moves are possible. Characters that can choose tiles on the board can sometimes trigger a board shuffle.
      • Nonce Equitaur 2
        Nonce Equitaur 2 Posts: 2,269 Chairperson of the Boards
        Here's a leveling chart for 3* characters.

        Level .. strong-weak .. TU
        40 25 22 19 07 07 06 14 --- 72 40 36 31 09 08 08 22 --- 104 55 49 43 11 10 09 29 --- 136 67 60 52 12 11 10 35
        41 25 22 19 07 07 06 14 --- 73 41 36 32 09 08 08 22 --- 105 55 49 43 11 10 09 29 --- 137 68 60 53 12 11 10 35
        42 26 23 20 07 07 06 15 --- 74 41 37 32 09 09 08 23 --- 106 56 49 43 11 10 09 30 --- 138 68 61 53 12 11 10 36
        43 26 23 20 07 07 06 15 --- 75 42 37 32 09 09 08 23 --- 107 56 50 44 11 10 09 30 --- 139 69 61 53 12 11 10 36
        44 27 24 21 07 07 06 15 --- 76 42 38 33 09 09 08 23 --- 108 57 50 44 11 10 09 30 --- 140 69 61 54 12 11 10 36
        45 27 24 21 07 07 06 15 --- 77 43 38 33 09 09 08 23 --- 110 57 51 44 11 10 09 30 --- 141 69 62 54 12 11 10 36
        46 27 24 21 07 07 06 16 --- 78 43 38 33 09 09 08 23 --- 109 57 50 44 11 10 09 30 --- 142 70 62 54 12 11 10 36
        47 28 25 22 07 07 06 16 --- 79 43 39 34 10 09 08 24 --- 111 58 51 45 11 10 09 31 --- 143 70 62 54 12 11 10 37
        48 29 25 22 07 07 06 16 --- 80 44 39 34 10 09 08 24 --- 112 58 52 45 11 10 09 31 --- 144 70 62 55 12 11 10 37
        49 29 26 23 08 07 07 16 --- 81 44 39 35 10 09 08 24 --- 113 58 52 45 11 10 09 31 --- 145 71 63 55 12 11 10 37
        50 29 26 23 08 07 07 17 --- 82 45 40 35 10 09 08 24 --- 114 59 52 46 11 10 09 31 --- 146 71 63 55 12 11 10 37
        51 30 27 23 08 07 07 17 --- 83 45 40 35 10 09 08 25 --- 115 59 53 46 11 10 09 31 --- 147 72 64 56 12 11 10 37
        52 30 27 24 08 07 07 17 --- 84 46 41 36 10 09 08 25 --- 116 60 53 46 11 10 09 32 --- 148 72 64 56 12 11 10 37
        53 31 28 24 08 07 07 17 --- 85 46 41 36 10 09 08 25 --- 117 60 53 47 11 10 09 32 --- 149 72 64 56 12 11 10 38
        54 32 28 25 08 07 07 18 --- 86 47 42 36 10 09 08 25 --- 118 60 54 47 11 10 09 32 --- 150 73 65 57 12 11 10 38
        55 32 28 25 08 07 07 18 --- 87 47 42 37 10 09 08 26 --- 119 61 54 47 11 10 09 32 --- 151 73 65 57 12 11 10 38
        56 32 29 25 08 08 07 18 --- 88 48 42 37 10 09 08 26 --- 120 61 54 48 11 10 10 32 --- 152 73 65 57 12 11 10 38
        57 33 29 26 08 08 07 18 --- 89 48 43 38 10 09 08 26 --- 121 62 55 48 11 10 10 32 --- 153 74 66 57 12 11 10 38
        58 33 30 26 08 08 07 19 --- 90 49 43 38 10 09 09 26 --- 122 62 55 48 11 10 10 33 --- 154 74 66 58 12 11 10 39
        59 34 30 27 08 08 07 19 --- 91 49 44 38 10 09 09 26 --- 123 63 56 49 11 10 10 33 --- 155 74 66 58 12 11 10 39
        60 35 31 27 08 08 07 19 --- 92 49 44 38 10 09 09 27 --- 124 63 56 49 11 10 10 33 --- 156 75 66 58 12 11 10 39
        61 35 31 27 08 08 07 19 --- 93 50 44 39 10 09 09 27 --- 125 63 56 49 11 10 10 33 --- 157 75 67 58 12 11 10 39
        62 36 32 28 09 08 07 20 --- 94 50 45 39 10 09 09 27 --- 126 64 56 50 11 11 10 34 --- 158 76 67 59 12 11 10 39
        63 36 32 28 09 08 07 20 --- 95 51 45 39 10 10 09 27 --- 127 64 57 50 11 11 10 34 --- 159 76 67 59 12 11 11 39
        64 36 32 28 09 08 07 20 --- 96 51 45 40 10 10 09 27 --- 128 64 57 50 12 11 10 34 --- 160 76 68 59 12 11 11 39
        65 37 33 29 09 08 07 20 --- 97 52 46 40 10 10 09 28 --- 129 65 58 50 12 11 10 34 --- 161 76 68 59 12 11 11 40
        66 38 33 29 09 08 07 21 --- 98 52 46 40 10 10 09 28 --- 130 65 58 51 12 11 10 34 --- 162 77 68 60 12 11 11 40
        67 38 34 29 09 08 08 21 --- 99 53 47 41 10 10 09 28 --- 131 65 58 51 12 11 10 34 --- 163 77 69 60 12 11 11 40
        68 38 34 30 09 08 08 21 --- 100 53 47 41 10 10 09 28 --- 132 66 58 51 12 11 10 34 --- 164 78 69 60 12 11 11 40
        69 39 34 30 09 08 08 21 --- 101 54 48 42 10 10 09 29 --- 133 66 59 52 12 11 10 35 --- 165 78 69 61 12 11 11 40
        70 39 35 31 09 08 08 22 --- 102 54 48 42 11 10 09 29 --- 134 67 59 52 12 11 10 35 --- 166 79 70 61 13 12 11 41
        71 40 36 31 09 08 08 22 --- 103 54 48 42 11 10 09 29 --- 135 67 60 52 12 11 10 35
      • OnesOwnGrief
        OnesOwnGrief Posts: 1,387 Chairperson of the Boards
        Did an announcement happen or is The Punisher cover descriptions incorrect? Noticed Black was listed as 1 turn countdown at 5 covers instead of 2. Base is 3 turns.
      • Nonce Equitaur 2
        Nonce Equitaur 2 Posts: 2,269 Chairperson of the Boards
        Did an announcement happen or is The Punisher cover descriptions incorrect? Noticed Black was listed as 1 turn countdown at 5 covers instead of 2. Base is 3 turns.

        When in doubt, the game is always right. I fixed it to match the game. I'm pretty sure it was a typo on my part.
      • Max damage for Patch at 4 redflag.png is 161 per tile.

      • Nonce Equitaur 2
        Nonce Equitaur 2 Posts: 2,269 Chairperson of the Boards
        Avengers Assemble! - yellowtile.png 12, Battleplan - yellowtile.png 9, Energy Absorption - yellowtile.png Passive, Grant Invisibility - yellowtile.png 18, Healing Factor - yellowtile.png Passive, Healing Factor - yellowtile.png Passive, Immovable Object - yellowtile.png 8, Inspiration - yellowtile.png Passive, Medical Marvel - yellowtile.png 11, Mistress of the Elements - yellowtile.png 9, Raging Tempest - yellowtile.png Passive, Recharge - yellowtile.png 6, Recovery - yellowtile.png 9, Sacrifice - yellowtile.png 8, Sentinel of Liberty - yellowtile.png 19, Sentinel of Liberty - yellowtile.png 19, Snarky Remark - yellowtile.png 7, Sunder - yellowtile.png 10, Thunder Strike - yellowtile.png 12, Thunder Strike - yellowtile.png 12, Twin Pistols - yellowtile.png 18, Web Bandages - yellowtile.png 12, Coercive Field - yellowtile.png 9

        A Little Off the Top - redtile.png 6, Adamantium Slash - redtile.png 12, Ambush - redtile.png 7, Best There Is - redtile.png 14, Blast Arrow - redtile.png 9, Colossal Punch - redtile.png 11, Fireball - redtile.png 8, Fireball - redtile.png 8, Magnetic Flux - redtile.png 8, Mjolnir’s Might - redtile.png 8, Mjolnir’s Might - redtile.png 8, Photon Blast - redtile.png 11, Photonic Blasts - redtile.png 7, Pistol - redtile.png 12, Polarizing Force - redtile.png 8, Power Of Attorney - redtile.png 9, Psychic Knife - redtile.png 8, Rampage - redtile.png 10, Retribution - redtile.png 8, Smash - redtile.png 14, Star Spangled Avenger - redtile.png 11, Star Spangled Avenger - redtile.png 11, Supernova - redtile.png 11, Thunderclap - redtile.png 6, Unibeam - redtile.png 13

        All Tied Up - bluetile.png 5, Anti-Gravity Device - bluetile.png 11, Ballistic Salvo - bluetile.png 20, Bewilder - bluetile.png 10, Chemical Reaction - bluetile.png 5, Chemical Reaction - bluetile.png 5, Defense Grid - bluetile.png 8, Demolition - bluetile.png 10, Dormammu’s Aid - bluetile.png Passive, Electric Arrow - bluetile.png 9, Equalizer - bluetile.png 7, Force Bubbles - bluetile.png 13, Iron Hammer - bluetile.png 6, Magnetized Projectiles - bluetile.png 10, Manipulation - bluetile.png 11, Mutagenic Breakthrough - bluetile.png 8, Peacemaker - bluetile.png 12, Peacemaker - bluetile.png 12, Redwing - bluetile.png Passive, Settlement - bluetile.png 9, Technopathic Strike - bluetile.png 9, Web-Slinger - bluetile.png 9, Wind Storm - bluetile.png 11

        Adamantium Bones - purpletile.png Passive, Aggressive Recon - purpletile.png 5, Bird Strike - purpletile.png 12, Deceptive Tactics - purpletile.png 11, Escape Plan - purpletile.png 12, Gravity Warp - purpletile.png 8, Illusions - purpletile.png 5, Pheromone Rage - purpletile.png Passive, Pheromone Rage - purpletile.png Passive, Polarity Shift - purpletile.png 11, Radar Sense - purpletile.png 11, Speed Shot - purpletile.png Passive, Spider-Sense - purpletile.png Passive, Switcheroo - purpletile.png 13, Whales! Whales! Whales! - purpletile.png 14

        Animal Inside - greentile.png 9, Armed and Dangerous - greentile.png 12, Berserker Rage - greentile.png 9, Call The Storm - greentile.png 14, Call The Storm - greentile.png 14, Feral Claws - greentile.png 6, Flame Jet - greentile.png 5, Flame Jet - greentile.png 5, Force Field Crush - greentile.png 9, Godlike Power - greentile.png 10, Judgement - greentile.png 8, Lightning Storm - greentile.png 12, Lightning Strike - greentile.png 10, Onslaught - greentile.png 7, Reprieve - greentile.png 12, Sniper Rifle - greentile.png 15, Thunderous Clap - greentile.png 10, World Rupture - greentile.png 7, X-Force - greentile.png 8

        Anger - blacktile.png Passive, Control Shift - blacktile.png 17, Espionage - blacktile.png Passive, Fastball Special - blacktile.png 13 , Hailstorm - blacktile.png 9, Inferno - blacktile.png 10, Inferno - blacktile.png 10, Intimidation - blacktile.png 9, Molotov Cocktail - blacktile.png 7, Murderous Aim - blacktile.png 18, Psi-Katana - blacktile.png 6, Rage of the Panther - blacktile.png 12, Summon Demons - blacktile.png 12, Trickery - blacktile.png 15, Healing & Heat - blacktile.png Passive, Healing & Heat - blacktile.png Passive, Hypersonic Punch - blacktile.png 9, Insult to Injury - blacktile.png Passive, Life of the Party - blacktile.png Passive, Surgical Strike - blacktile.png 11
      • Sweet thread. Btw, I respecced my star.pngstar.pngicon_hawkeye.png just now to be 5/4/4 and his red damage reduced to 1225 to all targets from 1335 damage. There is a +100 damage difference at level 94 but it's not reflected on its tooltip. It just says "reduces countdowns to 2".
      • Nonce Equitaur 2
        Nonce Equitaur 2 Posts: 2,269 Chairperson of the Boards
        Post by Pylgrim. Rankings by Sum of Abilities.

        So I recently ran a series of polls to find out what abilities do the community think are best in each colour. As a fun exercise, I'm going to sum the positions of each ability for each character to get a character ranking. Do what you will out of this data! I also decided to factor in the max health of the characters in the sum. There are six "tiers" of maximum health:

        1. Hulk, X-Force
        2. Colossus, Nick Fury, Thor, Sentry, She-Hulk, Ragnarok (if he could go up to level 166)
        3. Black Panther, Captain Marvel, Iron Man M40, Captain America, Invisible Woman, Doctor Doom (if he could go up to level 166)
        4. Beast, Daredevil, Deadpool, Doctor Octopus, Magneto, Psylocke, Punisher, Spider-Man, Patch, Daken
        5. Gray Suit Black Widow, Falcon, Human Torch, Loki (if he could go up to level 166)
        6. Hood, Storm

        Since most colour sets had 12-14 abilities, I'll be doubling these values to make it fairer (so, for example, Storm won't get one "sixth position" out of the HP rank but rather, 12th). I'll do the same with the purple abilities rank for obvious reasons and characters with no third ability will get an automatic 12 for it. Remember that a smaller number is better. So without further ado, here we go!

        1. Nick Fury yellowflag.png 4 + blueflag.png 1 + purpleflag.png 2 + healthpack.png 4 = 11
        2. X-Force greenflag.png 3 + blackflag.png 1 + yellowflag.png 6 + healthpack.png 2 = 12
        3. Sentry redflag.png 7 + greenflag.png 2 + yellowflag.png 3 + healthpack.png 4 = 16
        4. Thor redflag.png 12 + yellowflag.png 1 + greenflag.png 1 + healthpack.png 4 = 18
        5. Black Panther yellowflag.png 2 + blueflag.png 8 + blackflag.png 2 + healthpack.png 6 = 18
        6. Patch greenflag.png 4 + redflag.png 5 + yellowflag.png 3 healthpack.png 8 = 20
        7. Captain America redflag.png 2 + blueflag.png 2 + yellowflag.png 10 + healthpack.png 6 = 20
        8. Daken purpleflag.png 2 + blackflag.png 8 + blueflag.png 4 + healthpack.png 8 = 22
        9. The Hood blackflag.png 5 + blueflag.png 1 + yellowflag.png 5 + healthpack.png 12 = 23
        10. Punisher greenflag.png 5 + blackflag.png 6 + redflag.png 4 + healthpack.png 8 = 23
        11. Magneto yellowflag.png 9 + redflag.png 6 + blueflag.png 3 + healthpack.png 8 = 26
        12. Deadpool redflag.png 3 + purpleflag.png 4 + blackflag.png 11 + healthpack.png 8 = 26
        13. Human Torch greenflag.png 6 + redflag.png 1 + blackflag.png 10 + healthpack.png 10 = 27
        14. Doctor Doom blueflag.png 5 + blackflag.png 4 + icon_question.gif 12 + healthpack.png 6 = 27
        15. Psylocke redflag.png 9 + blueflag.png 10 + blackflag.png 3 + healthpack.png 8 = 30
        16. Hulk greenflag.png 9 + redflag.png 15 + blackflag.png 4 + healthpack.png 2 = 30
        17. Falcon yellowflag.png 5 + blueflag.png 5 + purpleflag.png 10 + healthpack.png 10 = 30
        18. Colossus yellowflag.png 8 + redflag.png 10 + blackflag.png 9 + healthpack.png 4 = 31
        19. She-Hulk blueflag.png 10 + greenflag.png 10 + redflag.png 8 + healthpack.png 4 = 32
        20. Captain Marvel yellowflag.png 7 + redflag.png 13 + blackflag.png 7 + healthpack.png 6 = 33
        21. Spider-Man yellowflag.png 10 + blueflag.png 6 + purpleflag.png 10 + healthpack.png 8 = 34
        22. Iron Man M40 yellowflag.png 6 + redflag.png 15 + blueflag.png 7 + healthpack.png 6 = 34
        23. Doctor Octopus blueflag.png 8 + blackflag.png 9 + greenflag.png 10 + healthpack.png 8 = 35
        24. GS Black Widow purpleflag.png 6 + redflag.png 15 + greenflag.png 7 + healthpack.png 10 = 38
        25. Ragnarok redflag.png 13 + greenflag.png 10 + icon_question.gif 12 + healthpack.png 4 = 39
        26. Storm yellowflag.png 12 + greenflag.png 8 + blackflag.png 8 + healthpack.png 12 = 40
        27. Invisible Woman blueflag.png 12 + greenflag.png 10 + yellowflag.png 12 + healthpack.png 6 = 40
        28. Loki purpleflag.png 8 + blackflag.png 10 icon_question.gif 12 healthpack.png 10 = 40
        29. Beast blueflag.png 13 + greenflag.png 10 + yellowflag.png 12 + healthpack.png 8 = 43
        30. Daredevil purpleflag.png 12 + redflag.png 11 + blueflag.png 12 + healthpack.png 8 = 43

        This seems quite accurate in my experience (and not taking in account things like Sentry-bombing) with a few exceptions. I believe GSBW and Spiderman should be a little higher, and Doctor Doom and She-Hulk, a little lower. What do you think? Discuss!
      • Beast doesn't have a discussion link. Here it is: viewtopic.php?f=14&t=13437
      • Colossus' crit is actually 4.5x, not 3.0x icon_e_smile.gif
      • They randomly ninja changed all the lower damage on the 4* characters. It used to be 9/10/11 on the off colors and when they released Star Lord, they went to 10/11/11. Minor change but a change nonetheless.
      • ynglink
        ynglink Posts: 195
        Just a heads up, the Rocket and Groot section does not have a Discussion Link. Providing it here
      • So.... I like this thread. I use it, a lot. But Nonce has semi-retired. Cyke isn't on the list. Iron Fist isn't on the list. Star Lord isn't on the list. All this information is great but it grows stagnant. And to be clear, I am not calling Nonce out. He wants to go to a place where he's appreciated he is more than welcome to do that (we still love you tho Nonce icon_e_biggrin.gif ). But it would be nice if someone else wanted to take up the Skills Compendium mantle.
      • ynglink
        ynglink Posts: 195
        Lerysh wrote:
        So.... I like this thread. I use it, a lot. But Nonce has semi-retired. Cyke isn't on the list. Iron Fist isn't on the list. Star Lord isn't on the list. All this information is great but it grows stagnant. And to be clear, I am not calling Nonce out. He wants to go to a place where he's appreciated he is more than welcome to do that (we still love you tho Nonce icon_e_biggrin.gif ). But it would be nice if someone else wanted to take up the Skills Compendium mantle.
        I Agree, also Squirrel Girl is missing too.

        That being said, I would be more than willing to keep this updated.
      • jojeda654
        jojeda654 Posts: 1,162 Chairperson of the Boards
        If any forum member would like to keep the compendium up to date, you can apply to be sub-forum maintainer.
        In the User Control Panel, under the Membership tab, select Character Maintainer. I'm not sure who is responsible for approving membership, nor do I know how long it takes to be approved.
      • ynglink
        ynglink Posts: 195
        jojeda654 wrote:
        If any forum member would like to keep the compendium up to date, you can apply to be sub-forum maintainer.
        In the User Control Panel, under the Membership tab, select Character Maintainer. I'm not sure who is responsible for approving membership, nor do I know how long it takes to be approved.

        Well, I applied for it just now. Hopefully I'll get approved or at least messaged about it. This section is very useful though and most definitely be kept up to date. Helps from unnecessary threads and makes it super easy to find builds and discussions on new characters.
      • xx1293x
        xx1293x Posts: 4
        icon_nobody.pngicon_thor.pngicon_captainamerica.pngicon_ironman.pngicon_magneto.pngnone.pngyellowtile.pngredtile.pngbluetile.png ---- purpletile.pnggreentile.pngblacktile.pngnone.pngicon_blade.pngicon_loki.pngicon_bullseye.pngicon_ironfist.png
        icon_nobody.pngicon_nobody.pngicon_nobody.pngicon_nobody.pngicon_starlord.pngnone.pngyellowtile.pngredtile.pngpurpletile.png ---- bluetile.pnggreentile.pngblacktile.pngnone.pngicon_doctoroctopus.png
        icon_nobody.pngicon_ares.pngicon_thor.pngicon_sentry.pngicon_wolverine.pngnone.pngyellowtile.pngredtile.pnggreentile.png ---- bluetile.pngpurpletile.pngblacktile.pngnone.pngicon_blackwidow.pngicon_daken.pngicon_doctordoom.pngicon_mystique.png
        icon_lukecage.pngicon_cyclops.pngicon_ms_marvel.pngicon_colossus_new.pngicon_caroldanvers.pngnone.pngyellowtile.pngredtile.pngblacktile.png ---- bluetile.pngpurpletile.pnggreentile.png
        icon_nobody.pngicon_professorx.pngicon_nickfury.pngicon_spiderman.pngicon_falcon.pngnone.pngyellowtile.pngbluetile.pngpurpletile.png ---- redtile.pnggreentile.pngblacktile.pngnone.pngicon_punisher.pngicon_humantorch.pngicon_hulk.pngicon_gamora.png
        icon_nobody.pngicon_rocket.pngicon_invisiblewoman.pngicon_beast.pngicon_storm.pngnone.pngyellowtile.pngbluetile.pnggreentile.png ---- redtile.pngpurpletile.pngblacktile.pngnone.pngicon_moonstone.pngicon_deadpool.pngicon_elektra.png
        icon_nobody.pngicon_nobody.pngicon_nobody.pngicon_blackpanther.pngicon_hood.pngnone.pngyellowtile.pngbluetile.pngblacktile.png ---- redtile.pngpurpletile.pnggreentile.pngnone.pngicon_blackwidow.pngicon_devildino.png
        icon_nobody.pngicon_nobody.pngicon_nobody.pngicon_squirrelgirl.pngicon_kamalakhan.pngnone.pngyellowtile.pngpurpletile.pnggreentile.png ---- redtile.pngbluetile.pngblacktile.pngnone.pngicon_psylocke.png
        icon_nobody.pngicon_nobody.pngicon_nobody.pngicon_nobody.pngicon_kingpin.pngnone.pngyellowtile.pngpurpletile.pngblacktile.png ---- redtile.pngbluetile.pnggreentile.pngnone.pngicon_shehulk.pngicon_ragnarok.png
        icon_nobody.pngicon_nobody.pngicon_nobody.pngicon_wolverine.pngicon_storm.pngnone.pngyellowtile.pnggreentile.pngblacktile.png ---- redtile.pngbluetile.pngpurpletile.pngnone.pngicon_daredevil.pngicon_hawkeye.pngicon_magneto.png
      • Nonce Equitaur 2
        Nonce Equitaur 2 Posts: 2,269 Chairperson of the Boards
        There's a character maintainer position now? I suppose I could go back to that. Should only take me a few hours of time to get the compendium fully updated.
      • There's a character maintainer position now? I suppose I could go back to that. Should only take me a few hours of time to get the compendium fully updated.
