Characters and Skills Compendium
Nonce Equitaur 2
Posts: 2,269 Chairperson of the Boards
True healers have better healing rates.
68/521/586/74/63/456/4.0 - __/_7/12/__/__/13 - 59347- [goto=silversurfer5]Silver Surfer[/goto] (Skyrider)
Rank . Max Tile Damage . Crit .... Power cost ....... Max HP .. Namelink to stats (link to discussion)
64/10/73/82/11/11/3.0 - _7/__/_9/_9/__/__ - 14890- [goto=antman4]Ant-Man[/goto] (Scott Lang)
10/82/11/11/64/73/3.0 - __/_7/__/__/11/PA - 15573- [goto=carnage4]Carnage[/goto] (Cletus Kasady)
11/82/11/64/10/73/4.0 - __/13/__/_7/__/PA - 13934- [goto=deadpool4]Deadpool[/goto] (Uncanny_X-Force)
11/73/10/64/82/11/3.0 - __/_7/__/_3/_7/__ - 19180- [goto=devildino4]Devil Dinosaur[/goto] (Gigantic Reptile)
11/64/11/82/10/73/3.0 - __/_8/__/_7/__/10 - 13974- [goto=elektra4]Elektra[/goto] (Unkillable)
11/11/73/64/82/10/4.0 - __/__/_6/_8/12/__ - 13934- [goto=iceman4]Iceman[/goto] (All New X-Men)
82/11/73/10/64/11/3.0 - _9/__/_7/__/12/__ - 13015- [goto=invisible4]Invisible Woman[/goto] (Classic)
11/82/64/10/11/73/3.5 - __/_9/_9/__/__/11 - 17810- [goto=ironman4]Iron Man[/goto] (Hulkbuster)
10/11/73/82/64/11/3.5 - __/__/PA/10/12/__ - 13974- [goto=jeangrey4]Jean Grey[/goto] (All New X-Men)
64/10/11/73/11/82/3.5 - 10/__/__/_8/__/_6 - 15618- [goto=kingpin4]Kingpin[/goto] (Wilson Fisk)
73/11/82/11/10/64/4.0 - PA/__/_8/__/__/_9 - 13934- [goto=mrfantastic4]Mr. Fantastic[/goto] (Reed Richards)
82/11/73/64/11/10/3.5 - 12/__/10/12/__/__ - 13015- [goto=nickfury4]Nick Fury[/goto] (Director of SHIELD)
64/11/82/73/11/10/3.5 - PA/__/PA/_7/__/__ - 9590 - [goto=professorx4]Professor X[/goto] (Charles Xavier)
82/64/73/11/10/11/4.0 - _9/14/PA/__/__/__ - 13934- [goto=falcon4]Sam Wilson[/goto] (Captain America)
73/64/11/82/10/11/4.0 - _7/_8/__/10/__/__ - 13974- [goto=starlord4]Star-Lord[/goto] (Legendary Outlaw)
73/82/11/10/64/11/3.5 - PA/10/__/__/12/__ - 17759- [goto=thing4]The Thing[/goto] (Classic)
73/82/64/10/11/11/3.5 - 12/10/_9/__/__/__ - 16440- [goto=thor4]Thor[/goto] (Goddess of Thunder)
64/11/10/11/82/73/4.0 - _9/__/__/__/_8/11 - 10960- [goto=wolverine4]Wolverine[/goto] (X-Force)
70/13/79/12/61/11/3.5 - 11/__/_6/__/_9/__ - 8670 - [goto=beast3]Beast[/goto] (Modern)
79/13/70/12/11/61/3.5 - _9/__/_8/__/__/12 - 9690 - [goto=blackpanther3]Black Panther[/goto] (T'Challa)
11/61/12/79/70/13/4.0 - __/14/__/11/19/__ - 8075 - [goto=blackwidow3]Black Widow[/goto] (Grey Suit)
12/13/11/70/61/79/4.5 - __/__/__/10/PA/_8 - 8670 - [goto=blade3]Blade[/goto] (Daywalker)
12/11/13/79/70/70/4.5 - __/__/__/_7/11/PA - 7565 - [goto=bullseye3]Bullseye[/goto] (Classic)
79/70/61/11/12/13/3.0 - 19/11/12/__/__/__ - 9690 - [goto=captainamerica3]Captain America[/goto] (Steve Rogers)
70/79/12/11/13/61/4.5 - PA/_7/__/__/__/_9 - 9690 - [goto=captainmarvel3]Captain Marvel[/goto] (Modern)
79/70/13/11/12/61/4.5 - _8/11/__/__/__/13 - 10710- [goto=colossus3]Colossus[/goto] (Classic)
70/79/12/13/11/61/4.5 - _7/10/__/__/__/13 - 9265 - [goto=cyclops3]Cyclops[/goto] (Uncanny X-Men)
11/12/61/70/13/79/4.0 - __/__/_5/PA/__/PA - 6800 - [goto=daken3]Daken[/goto] (Classic)
11/61/70/79/12/13/3.5 - __/_8/_9/10/__/__ - 8670 - [goto=daredevil3]Daredevil[/goto] (Man Without Fear)
13/61/11/79/12/70/4.5 - __/_6/__/14/__/PA - 8670 - [goto=deadpool3]Deadpool[/goto] (It's Me, Deadpool)
11/12/79/61/13/70/3.0 - __/__/_9/10/__/12 - 9690 - [goto=doctordoom3]Doctor Doom[/goto] (Classic)
11/12/79/13/61/70/3.0 - __/__/11/__/12/PA - 8670 - [goto=doctoroctopus3]Doctor Octopus[/goto] (Otto Octavius)
79/13/70/61/12/11/3.0 - PA/__/PA/12/__/__ - 8075 - [goto=falcon3]Falcon[/goto] (Mighty Avengers)
11/70/13/12/79/61/3.0 - __/_5/__/__/12/12 - 9690 - [goto=gamora3]Gamora[/goto] (Guardians of the Galaxy)
13/79/12/11/61/70/3.0 - __/_8/__/__/_5/10 - 8075 - [goto=humantorch3]Human Torch[/goto] (Classic)
12/13/11/70/79/61/4.5 - __/__/__/_5/_8/PA - 7650 - [goto=ironfist3]Iron Fist[/goto] (Immortal Weapon)
70/79/61/13/12/11/3.5 - 14/13/20/__/__/__ - 9690 - [goto=ironman3]Iron Man[/goto] (Model 40)
79/13/12/70/61/11/3.5 - PA/__/__/_8/12/__ - 8670 - [goto=kamalakhan3]Kamala Khan[/goto] (Ms. Marvel)
12/11/13/79/61/70/3.0 - __/__/__/_5/PA/11 - 5950 - [goto=loki3]Loki[/goto] (Dark Reign)
79/70/13/11/12/61/3.0 - 13/PA/__/__/__/_6 - 9690 - [goto=lukecage3]Luke Cage[/goto] (Hero For Hire)
61/70/79/11/12/13/3.2 - _9/_8/10/__/__/__ - 8670 - [goto=magneto3]Magneto[/goto] (Classic)
12/13/70/79/11/61/3.0 - __/__/10/_8/__/11 - 8075 - [goto=mystique3]Mystique[/goto] (Raven Darkholme)
11/79/70/13/12/61/3.8 - __/_8/10/__/__/_6 - 8670 - [goto=psylocke3]Psylocke[/goto] (Classic)
11/12/70/13/61/79/4.0 - __/__/PA/__/10/11 - 8670 - [goto=quicksilver3]Quicksilver[/goto] (Pietro Maximoff)
13/70/61/11/79/12/3.0 - __/_6/_8/__/14/__ - 10710- [goto=ragnarok3]Ragnarok[/goto] (Dark Avengers)
79/13/61/12/70/11/3.0 - PA/__/11/__/10/__ - 10710- [goto=rocket3]Rocket and Groot[/goto] (Most Wanted)
13/11/61/79/70/12/3.0 - __/__/PA/14/_8/__ - 8670 - [goto=scarletwitch3]Scarlet Witch[/goto] (Wanda Maximoff)
61/79/13/11/70/12/3.0 - _8/11/__/__/12/__ - 10710- [goto=sentry3]Sentry[/goto] (Dark Avengers)
13/70/79/12/61/11/3.0 - __/_9/_9/__/_6/__ - 10710- [goto=shehulk3]She-Hulk[/goto] (Modern)
79/13/61/70/12/11/3.0 - 12/__/_5/PA/__/__ - 8670 - [goto=spiderman3]Spider-Man[/goto] (Classic)
79/13/12/70/61/11/3.5 - _9/__/__/_9/11/__ - 8670 - [goto=squirrelgirl3]Squirrel Girl[/goto] (Unbeatable)
70/12/11/13/79/61/3.5 - _9/__/__/__/10/_9 - 7565 - [goto=storm3]Storm[/goto] (Mohawk)
79/13/70/12/11/61/4.5 - 15/__/PA/__/__/_9 - 5100 - [goto=thehood3]The Hood[/goto] (Classic)
12/70/13/11/79/61/3.0 - __/14/__/__/10/PA - 11475- [goto=thehulk3]The Hulk[/goto] (Indestructible)
11/61/12/13/70/79/4.0 - __/_8/__/__/_8/_7 - 8670 - [goto=thepunisher3]The Punisher[/goto] (Dark Reign)
70/79/12/11/61/13/3.5 - 12/_8/__/__/14/__ - 10200- [goto=thor3]Thor[/goto] (Modern)
61/70/79/13/12/11/3.5 - _5/10/_5/__/__/__ - 9690 - [goto=vision3]Vision[/goto] (Android Avenger)
61/70/13/12/79/11/4.0 - PA/14/__/__/_9/__ - 6800 - [goto=wolverine3]Wolverine[/goto] (Patch)
43/49/09/11/55/10/3.0 - 10/10/__/__/_5/__ - 5880 - [goto=ares2]Ares[/goto] (Dark Avengers)
10/11/49/55/09/43/4.0 - __/__/_9/_8/__/PA - 3430 - [goto=blackwidow2]Black Widow[/goto] (Original)
10/09/11/53/43/49/4.5 - __/__/__/PA/11/16 - 4361 - [goto=bullseye2]Bullseye[/goto] (Dark Avengers)
55/49/43/09/10/11/3.0 - 19/11/12/__/__/__ - 5586 - [goto=captainamerica2]Captain America[/goto] (Modern)
49/55/10/09/11/43/4.5 - _8/_7/__/__/__/_9 - 5586 - [goto=captainmarvel2]Captain Marvel[/goto] (Ms. Marvel)
09/10/43/49/11/55/4.0 - __/__/_5/PA/__/PA - 3920 - [goto=daken2]Daken[/goto] (Dark Avengers)
11/43/49/55/09/10/4.5 - __/_9/_9/PA/__/__ - 4361 - [goto=hawkeye2]Hawkeye[/goto] (Modern)
11/55/10/09/43/49/3.0 - __/_8/__/__/_5/10 - 4361 - [goto=humantorch2]Human Torch[/goto] (Johnny Storm)
11/43/55/49/09/10/3.2 - __/14/13/_9/__/__ - 4992 - [goto=magneto2]Magneto[/goto] (Marvel NOW!)
09/49/11/55/10/43/3.0 - __/11/__/_5/__/_9 - 5586 - [goto=moonstone2]Moonstone[/goto] (Dark Avengers)
43/11/49/55/10/09/3.0 - _7/__/_9/13/__/__ - 4998 - [goto=spiderman2]Spider-Man[/goto] (Bag-Man)
43/11/49/09/55/10/3.5 - PA/__/11/__/12/__ - 2940 - [goto=storm2]Storm[/goto] (Classic)
49/55/10/09/43/11/3.5 - 12/_8/__/__/14/__ - 5880 - [goto=thor2]Thor[/goto] (Marvel NOW!)
43/49/09/11/55/10/4.0 - PA/12/__/__/_6/__ - 4998 - [goto=wolverine2]Wolverine[/goto] (Astonishing X-Men)
19/07/22/25/06/07/4.0 - __/__/_9/10/__/__ - 1540 - [goto=blackwidow1]Black Widow[/goto] (Modern)
19/22/07/25/06/07/4.5 - __/_7/__/_8/__/__ - 1320 - [goto=hawkeye1]Hawkeye[/goto] (Classic)
27/31/24/08/07/07/3.5 - _8/10/19/__/__/__ - 2700 - [goto=ironman1]Iron Man[/goto] (Model 35)
07/22/06/07/25/19/3.0 - __/_6/__/__/_6/__ - 3520 - [goto=juggernaut1]Juggernaut[/goto] (Classic)
08/31/27/24/07/07/3.5 - __/_9/_8/_8/__/__ - 2754 - [goto=spiderman1]Spider-Man[/goto] (Original)
27/07/07/08/31/24/3.5 - _9/__/__/__/10/_9 - 1620 - [goto=storm1]Storm[/goto] (Modern)
06/07/07/19/25/22/3.5 - __/__/__/_7/__/12 - 2640 - [goto=venom1]Venom[/goto] (Dark Avengers)
06/07/19/25/07/22/4.0 - __/__/__/19/__/13 - 1540 - [goto=yelena1]Yelena Belova[/goto] (Dark Avengers)
Color breakdown for powers. Bolds have 3 active powers. Nonbolds have passives on the given colors.
- Captain America, Iron Man, Magneto (Classic), Lady Thor, Vision
- Star-Lord
- Thor, Sentry, Ares, Patch , Thing
- Colossus, Cyclops, Ms. Marvel, Captain Marvel , Luke Cage
- Nick Fury, Ant-Man, Spider-Man , Professor X , Falcon
- Invisible Woman, Beast, Storm2 , Rocket&Groot
- Black Panther, Mr. Fantastic , The Hood
- Squirrel Girl, Kamala Khan
- Kingpin
- Wolverine (X-Force), Storm3
- Daredevil, Magneto2, Spiderman1, Hawkeye2
- She-Hulk, Ragnarok
- Silver Surfer, Iron Man4, Psylocke
- Black Widow3, Devil Dinosaur
- Moonstone, Elektra, Deadpool
- Punisher, Human Torch3, Gamora, Hulk , Carnage
- Iceman, Scarlet Witch Jean Grey
- Mystique, Doctor Doom, Black Widow2 , Daken3
- Doctor Octopus , Quicksilver
- Blade , Loki , Iron Fist Bullseye
Another version.
Wiki links for Legendary 4, Rare 3, Gold 3, Uncommon 2, Common 1
Character Rankings
Secret/Undocumented Cover Bonuses
Goon Compendium and thread.
Compendium with level 141 cap.
Healing times.
Facebook poll -- most desired character. 489 Gambit, 242 Jean Grey, 231 Cyclops, 208 Nightcrawler, 187 Carnage
Level 270 Buffed list
Rankings by Sum of Abilities
Best builds
Character release dates
Power polls for Yellow, Red, Blue, Green, Purple, Black, and Passive by Pylgrim.
Rainbow Teams with 2 or 3 Passives
Character Mismatch list
Tile Dam .. Ability colors
-- - Beast (Modern)
-- - Black Widow (Grey Suit)
-- - Captain Marvel (Modern)
-- - Daken (both versions)
-- - Deadpool (It's Me, Deadpool)
-- - Doctor Doom (Classic)
-- - Hawkeye (Modern)
-- - Iron Man
-- - Loki (Dark Reign)
-- - Magneto (Classic)
-- - She-Hulk (modern)
-- - Spider-Man (Classic)
-- - Venom (Dark Avengers)
68/521/586/74/63/456/4.0 - __/_7/12/__/__/13 - 59347- [goto=silversurfer5]Silver Surfer[/goto] (Skyrider)
Rank . Max Tile Damage . Crit .... Power cost ....... Max HP .. Namelink to stats (link to discussion)
64/10/73/82/11/11/3.0 - _7/__/_9/_9/__/__ - 14890- [goto=antman4]Ant-Man[/goto] (Scott Lang)
10/82/11/11/64/73/3.0 - __/_7/__/__/11/PA - 15573- [goto=carnage4]Carnage[/goto] (Cletus Kasady)
11/82/11/64/10/73/4.0 - __/13/__/_7/__/PA - 13934- [goto=deadpool4]Deadpool[/goto] (Uncanny_X-Force)
11/73/10/64/82/11/3.0 - __/_7/__/_3/_7/__ - 19180- [goto=devildino4]Devil Dinosaur[/goto] (Gigantic Reptile)
11/64/11/82/10/73/3.0 - __/_8/__/_7/__/10 - 13974- [goto=elektra4]Elektra[/goto] (Unkillable)
11/11/73/64/82/10/4.0 - __/__/_6/_8/12/__ - 13934- [goto=iceman4]Iceman[/goto] (All New X-Men)
82/11/73/10/64/11/3.0 - _9/__/_7/__/12/__ - 13015- [goto=invisible4]Invisible Woman[/goto] (Classic)
11/82/64/10/11/73/3.5 - __/_9/_9/__/__/11 - 17810- [goto=ironman4]Iron Man[/goto] (Hulkbuster)
10/11/73/82/64/11/3.5 - __/__/PA/10/12/__ - 13974- [goto=jeangrey4]Jean Grey[/goto] (All New X-Men)
64/10/11/73/11/82/3.5 - 10/__/__/_8/__/_6 - 15618- [goto=kingpin4]Kingpin[/goto] (Wilson Fisk)
73/11/82/11/10/64/4.0 - PA/__/_8/__/__/_9 - 13934- [goto=mrfantastic4]Mr. Fantastic[/goto] (Reed Richards)
82/11/73/64/11/10/3.5 - 12/__/10/12/__/__ - 13015- [goto=nickfury4]Nick Fury[/goto] (Director of SHIELD)
64/11/82/73/11/10/3.5 - PA/__/PA/_7/__/__ - 9590 - [goto=professorx4]Professor X[/goto] (Charles Xavier)
82/64/73/11/10/11/4.0 - _9/14/PA/__/__/__ - 13934- [goto=falcon4]Sam Wilson[/goto] (Captain America)
73/64/11/82/10/11/4.0 - _7/_8/__/10/__/__ - 13974- [goto=starlord4]Star-Lord[/goto] (Legendary Outlaw)
73/82/11/10/64/11/3.5 - PA/10/__/__/12/__ - 17759- [goto=thing4]The Thing[/goto] (Classic)
73/82/64/10/11/11/3.5 - 12/10/_9/__/__/__ - 16440- [goto=thor4]Thor[/goto] (Goddess of Thunder)
64/11/10/11/82/73/4.0 - _9/__/__/__/_8/11 - 10960- [goto=wolverine4]Wolverine[/goto] (X-Force)
70/13/79/12/61/11/3.5 - 11/__/_6/__/_9/__ - 8670 - [goto=beast3]Beast[/goto] (Modern)
79/13/70/12/11/61/3.5 - _9/__/_8/__/__/12 - 9690 - [goto=blackpanther3]Black Panther[/goto] (T'Challa)
11/61/12/79/70/13/4.0 - __/14/__/11/19/__ - 8075 - [goto=blackwidow3]Black Widow[/goto] (Grey Suit)
12/13/11/70/61/79/4.5 - __/__/__/10/PA/_8 - 8670 - [goto=blade3]Blade[/goto] (Daywalker)
12/11/13/79/70/70/4.5 - __/__/__/_7/11/PA - 7565 - [goto=bullseye3]Bullseye[/goto] (Classic)
79/70/61/11/12/13/3.0 - 19/11/12/__/__/__ - 9690 - [goto=captainamerica3]Captain America[/goto] (Steve Rogers)
70/79/12/11/13/61/4.5 - PA/_7/__/__/__/_9 - 9690 - [goto=captainmarvel3]Captain Marvel[/goto] (Modern)
79/70/13/11/12/61/4.5 - _8/11/__/__/__/13 - 10710- [goto=colossus3]Colossus[/goto] (Classic)
70/79/12/13/11/61/4.5 - _7/10/__/__/__/13 - 9265 - [goto=cyclops3]Cyclops[/goto] (Uncanny X-Men)
11/12/61/70/13/79/4.0 - __/__/_5/PA/__/PA - 6800 - [goto=daken3]Daken[/goto] (Classic)
11/61/70/79/12/13/3.5 - __/_8/_9/10/__/__ - 8670 - [goto=daredevil3]Daredevil[/goto] (Man Without Fear)
13/61/11/79/12/70/4.5 - __/_6/__/14/__/PA - 8670 - [goto=deadpool3]Deadpool[/goto] (It's Me, Deadpool)
11/12/79/61/13/70/3.0 - __/__/_9/10/__/12 - 9690 - [goto=doctordoom3]Doctor Doom[/goto] (Classic)
11/12/79/13/61/70/3.0 - __/__/11/__/12/PA - 8670 - [goto=doctoroctopus3]Doctor Octopus[/goto] (Otto Octavius)
79/13/70/61/12/11/3.0 - PA/__/PA/12/__/__ - 8075 - [goto=falcon3]Falcon[/goto] (Mighty Avengers)
11/70/13/12/79/61/3.0 - __/_5/__/__/12/12 - 9690 - [goto=gamora3]Gamora[/goto] (Guardians of the Galaxy)
13/79/12/11/61/70/3.0 - __/_8/__/__/_5/10 - 8075 - [goto=humantorch3]Human Torch[/goto] (Classic)
12/13/11/70/79/61/4.5 - __/__/__/_5/_8/PA - 7650 - [goto=ironfist3]Iron Fist[/goto] (Immortal Weapon)
70/79/61/13/12/11/3.5 - 14/13/20/__/__/__ - 9690 - [goto=ironman3]Iron Man[/goto] (Model 40)
79/13/12/70/61/11/3.5 - PA/__/__/_8/12/__ - 8670 - [goto=kamalakhan3]Kamala Khan[/goto] (Ms. Marvel)
12/11/13/79/61/70/3.0 - __/__/__/_5/PA/11 - 5950 - [goto=loki3]Loki[/goto] (Dark Reign)
79/70/13/11/12/61/3.0 - 13/PA/__/__/__/_6 - 9690 - [goto=lukecage3]Luke Cage[/goto] (Hero For Hire)
61/70/79/11/12/13/3.2 - _9/_8/10/__/__/__ - 8670 - [goto=magneto3]Magneto[/goto] (Classic)
12/13/70/79/11/61/3.0 - __/__/10/_8/__/11 - 8075 - [goto=mystique3]Mystique[/goto] (Raven Darkholme)
11/79/70/13/12/61/3.8 - __/_8/10/__/__/_6 - 8670 - [goto=psylocke3]Psylocke[/goto] (Classic)
11/12/70/13/61/79/4.0 - __/__/PA/__/10/11 - 8670 - [goto=quicksilver3]Quicksilver[/goto] (Pietro Maximoff)
13/70/61/11/79/12/3.0 - __/_6/_8/__/14/__ - 10710- [goto=ragnarok3]Ragnarok[/goto] (Dark Avengers)
79/13/61/12/70/11/3.0 - PA/__/11/__/10/__ - 10710- [goto=rocket3]Rocket and Groot[/goto] (Most Wanted)
13/11/61/79/70/12/3.0 - __/__/PA/14/_8/__ - 8670 - [goto=scarletwitch3]Scarlet Witch[/goto] (Wanda Maximoff)
61/79/13/11/70/12/3.0 - _8/11/__/__/12/__ - 10710- [goto=sentry3]Sentry[/goto] (Dark Avengers)
13/70/79/12/61/11/3.0 - __/_9/_9/__/_6/__ - 10710- [goto=shehulk3]She-Hulk[/goto] (Modern)
79/13/61/70/12/11/3.0 - 12/__/_5/PA/__/__ - 8670 - [goto=spiderman3]Spider-Man[/goto] (Classic)
79/13/12/70/61/11/3.5 - _9/__/__/_9/11/__ - 8670 - [goto=squirrelgirl3]Squirrel Girl[/goto] (Unbeatable)
70/12/11/13/79/61/3.5 - _9/__/__/__/10/_9 - 7565 - [goto=storm3]Storm[/goto] (Mohawk)
79/13/70/12/11/61/4.5 - 15/__/PA/__/__/_9 - 5100 - [goto=thehood3]The Hood[/goto] (Classic)
12/70/13/11/79/61/3.0 - __/14/__/__/10/PA - 11475- [goto=thehulk3]The Hulk[/goto] (Indestructible)
11/61/12/13/70/79/4.0 - __/_8/__/__/_8/_7 - 8670 - [goto=thepunisher3]The Punisher[/goto] (Dark Reign)
70/79/12/11/61/13/3.5 - 12/_8/__/__/14/__ - 10200- [goto=thor3]Thor[/goto] (Modern)
61/70/79/13/12/11/3.5 - _5/10/_5/__/__/__ - 9690 - [goto=vision3]Vision[/goto] (Android Avenger)
61/70/13/12/79/11/4.0 - PA/14/__/__/_9/__ - 6800 - [goto=wolverine3]Wolverine[/goto] (Patch)
43/49/09/11/55/10/3.0 - 10/10/__/__/_5/__ - 5880 - [goto=ares2]Ares[/goto] (Dark Avengers)
10/11/49/55/09/43/4.0 - __/__/_9/_8/__/PA - 3430 - [goto=blackwidow2]Black Widow[/goto] (Original)
10/09/11/53/43/49/4.5 - __/__/__/PA/11/16 - 4361 - [goto=bullseye2]Bullseye[/goto] (Dark Avengers)
55/49/43/09/10/11/3.0 - 19/11/12/__/__/__ - 5586 - [goto=captainamerica2]Captain America[/goto] (Modern)
49/55/10/09/11/43/4.5 - _8/_7/__/__/__/_9 - 5586 - [goto=captainmarvel2]Captain Marvel[/goto] (Ms. Marvel)
09/10/43/49/11/55/4.0 - __/__/_5/PA/__/PA - 3920 - [goto=daken2]Daken[/goto] (Dark Avengers)
11/43/49/55/09/10/4.5 - __/_9/_9/PA/__/__ - 4361 - [goto=hawkeye2]Hawkeye[/goto] (Modern)
11/55/10/09/43/49/3.0 - __/_8/__/__/_5/10 - 4361 - [goto=humantorch2]Human Torch[/goto] (Johnny Storm)
11/43/55/49/09/10/3.2 - __/14/13/_9/__/__ - 4992 - [goto=magneto2]Magneto[/goto] (Marvel NOW!)
09/49/11/55/10/43/3.0 - __/11/__/_5/__/_9 - 5586 - [goto=moonstone2]Moonstone[/goto] (Dark Avengers)
43/11/49/55/10/09/3.0 - _7/__/_9/13/__/__ - 4998 - [goto=spiderman2]Spider-Man[/goto] (Bag-Man)
43/11/49/09/55/10/3.5 - PA/__/11/__/12/__ - 2940 - [goto=storm2]Storm[/goto] (Classic)
49/55/10/09/43/11/3.5 - 12/_8/__/__/14/__ - 5880 - [goto=thor2]Thor[/goto] (Marvel NOW!)
43/49/09/11/55/10/4.0 - PA/12/__/__/_6/__ - 4998 - [goto=wolverine2]Wolverine[/goto] (Astonishing X-Men)
19/07/22/25/06/07/4.0 - __/__/_9/10/__/__ - 1540 - [goto=blackwidow1]Black Widow[/goto] (Modern)
19/22/07/25/06/07/4.5 - __/_7/__/_8/__/__ - 1320 - [goto=hawkeye1]Hawkeye[/goto] (Classic)
27/31/24/08/07/07/3.5 - _8/10/19/__/__/__ - 2700 - [goto=ironman1]Iron Man[/goto] (Model 35)
07/22/06/07/25/19/3.0 - __/_6/__/__/_6/__ - 3520 - [goto=juggernaut1]Juggernaut[/goto] (Classic)
08/31/27/24/07/07/3.5 - __/_9/_8/_8/__/__ - 2754 - [goto=spiderman1]Spider-Man[/goto] (Original)
27/07/07/08/31/24/3.5 - _9/__/__/__/10/_9 - 1620 - [goto=storm1]Storm[/goto] (Modern)
06/07/07/19/25/22/3.5 - __/__/__/_7/__/12 - 2640 - [goto=venom1]Venom[/goto] (Dark Avengers)
06/07/19/25/07/22/4.0 - __/__/__/19/__/13 - 1540 - [goto=yelena1]Yelena Belova[/goto] (Dark Avengers)
Color breakdown for powers. Bolds have 3 active powers. Nonbolds have passives on the given colors.
- Captain America, Iron Man, Magneto (Classic), Lady Thor, Vision
- Star-Lord
- Thor, Sentry, Ares, Patch , Thing
- Colossus, Cyclops, Ms. Marvel, Captain Marvel , Luke Cage
- Nick Fury, Ant-Man, Spider-Man , Professor X , Falcon
- Invisible Woman, Beast, Storm2 , Rocket&Groot
- Black Panther, Mr. Fantastic , The Hood
- Squirrel Girl, Kamala Khan
- Kingpin
- Wolverine (X-Force), Storm3
- Daredevil, Magneto2, Spiderman1, Hawkeye2
- She-Hulk, Ragnarok
- Silver Surfer, Iron Man4, Psylocke
- Black Widow3, Devil Dinosaur
- Moonstone, Elektra, Deadpool
- Punisher, Human Torch3, Gamora, Hulk , Carnage
- Iceman, Scarlet Witch Jean Grey
- Mystique, Doctor Doom, Black Widow2 , Daken3
- Doctor Octopus , Quicksilver
- Blade , Loki , Iron Fist Bullseye
Another version.
Wiki links for Legendary 4, Rare 3, Gold 3, Uncommon 2, Common 1
Character Rankings
Secret/Undocumented Cover Bonuses
Goon Compendium and thread.
Compendium with level 141 cap.
Healing times.
Facebook poll -- most desired character. 489 Gambit, 242 Jean Grey, 231 Cyclops, 208 Nightcrawler, 187 Carnage
Level 270 Buffed list
Rankings by Sum of Abilities
Best builds
Character release dates
Power polls for Yellow, Red, Blue, Green, Purple, Black, and Passive by Pylgrim.
Rainbow Teams with 2 or 3 Passives
Character Mismatch list
Tile Dam .. Ability colors
-- - Beast (Modern)
-- - Black Widow (Grey Suit)
-- - Captain Marvel (Modern)
-- - Daken (both versions)
-- - Deadpool (It's Me, Deadpool)
-- - Doctor Doom (Classic)
-- - Hawkeye (Modern)
-- - Iron Man
-- - Loki (Dark Reign)
-- - Magneto (Classic)
-- - She-Hulk (modern)
-- - Spider-Man (Classic)
-- - Venom (Dark Avengers)
[anchor=silversurfer5]Silver Surfer (Skyrider)[/anchor]
5 Star Rarity (Epic) Discussion link. Wiki Link
At Max Level: HP: 59347 Tile Damage: 68/521/586/74/63/456/294/4.0x
The Silver Surfer glows bright with a halo of cosmic energy, removing any imperfections from himself and spreading cosmic radiation across the battlefield. He heals himself for 2745 and creates 2 Charged tiles. (PASSIVE) If he has 12 , Silver Surfer cannot be stunned. Dev note: Yes, this means you need this power for the stun resist to kick in.
Level 2: Heals for 3321 and creates 2 Charged tiles.
Level 3: Heals for 3516 and creates 3 Charged tiles.
Level 4: Heals for 4049 and creates 3 Charged tiles.
Level 5: Heals for 4109 and creates 4 Charged tiles.
Level 3: Heals for 14136 and creates 3 Charged tiles.
Level 4: Heals for 16277 and creates 3 Charged tiles.
Level 5: Heals for 16519 and creates 4 Charged tiles.
Cosmic Beam - 7 AP
Silver Surfer focuses the Power Cosmic into a powerful beam, blasting his enemies and radiating cosmic energy throughout the battlefield. Deals 1321 to the target and creates 1 Charged tile.
Level 2: Deals 1547 damage and creates 1 Charged tile.
Level 3: Deals 1547 damage and creates 2 Charged tile.
Level 4: Deals 1797 damage and creates 2 Charged tiles.
Level 5: Deals 2040 damage and creates 2 Charged tiles.
Level 3: Deals 6217 damage and creates 2 Charged tiles.
Level 4: Deals 7220 damage and creates 2 Charged tiles.
Level 5: Deals 8197 damage and creates 2 Charged tiles.
Silver Singularity - 13 AP
Silver Surfer creates a miniature black hole which begins to engulf everything. Transforms a chosen basic tile into a 3-turn Colorless Black Hole tile which cannot be matched and does not fall. Every turn it consumes 2 random tiles adjacent to it, dealing damage and generating AP.
Level 2: Creates a 3 turn Black Hole tile which destroys 3 tiles per turn.
Level 3: Creates a 3 turn Black Hole tile which destroys 3 tiles per turn.
Level 4: Creates a 4 turn Black Hole tile which destroys 4 tiles per turn.
Level 5: Creates a 4 turn Black Hole tile which destroys 5 tiles per turn.
Wolverine (Old Man Logan)
5 Star Rarity (Epic) Wiki Link
At Max Level: HP: 42480 Tile Damage: 554/485/67/73/79/624/314/4.0x
Living Legend - 9 AP
Logan keeps his anger in check, letting his reputation strike fear into his enemies. Create 2 strength 272 Black Strike tiles and end the turn.
If the team has 12 or more Yellow AP, also replace all of Wolverine's powers with new powers.
Level Upgrades
Level 2: Creates 3 strength 207 Black Strike tiles.
Level 3: Creates 3 strength 233 Black Strike tiles.
Level 4: Creates 3 strength 259 Black Strike tiles.
Level 5: Creates 4 strength 207 Black Strike tiles.
Level 3: Creates 3 strength 937 Black Strike tiles.
Level 4: Creates 3 strength 1041 Black Strike tiles.
Level 5: Creates 4 strength 833 Black Strike tiles.
ALT: Still Sharp - 7 AP
Wolverine unleashes his pent-up anger, giving up any strategic advantages in favor of a direct assault. Deals 2486 damage to the target and destroys 2 friendly Special tiles, dealing 660 damage for each tile destroyed (Destroyed tiles do not generate AP.)
Level Upgrades
Level 2: Deals 2983 damage + 2 Special tiles for 792 damage each
Level 3: Deals 3480 damage + 3 Special tiles for 924 damage each
Level 4: Deals 3978 damage + 3 Special tiles for 1056 damage each
Level 5: Deals 4475 damage + 4 Special tiles for 1188 damage each
Level 3: Deals 13992 damage + 3 Special tiles for 3717 damage each
Level 4: Deals 15990 damage + 3 Special tiles for 4248 damage each
Level 5: Deals 17989 damage + 4 Special tiles for 4779 damage each
Die Hard - Passive
(PASSIVE) Logan's healing factor keeps him standing, but ain't quite what it used to be. At the start of the turn, Wolverine restores 219 health for each team member still in the fight.
Level Upgrades
Level 2: 263 for each team member.
Level 3: 307 for each team member.
Level 4: 350 for each team member.
Level 5: 394 for each team member.
Level 3: 1233 for each team member.
Level 4: 1410 for each team member.
Level 5: 1586 for each team member.
ALT: Old Habits - 8 AP
Wolverine takes on all his enemies at once, his berserker rage fueled by the chaos of the brawl. Wolverine deals 440 damage to the enemy team, plus an additional 311 damage for each enemy still in the fight.
Level Upgrades
Level 2: 440 + 373 for each team member.
Level 3: 610 + 373 for each team member.
Level 4: 610 + 477 for each team member.
Level 5: 781 + 477 for each team member.
Level 3: 2455 + 1499 for each team member.
Level 4: 2455 + 1915 for each team member.
Level 5: 3140 + 1915 for each team member.
Reluctant Hero - Passive
(PASSIVE) Logan does his best to avoid a fight, but can't help getting pulled in by the people he cares about. When an ally fires a power, if there are fewer than 5 friendly Strike tiles, Logan loses 725 health and creates 2 strength 78 Red Strike tiles.
Level Upgrades
Level 2: Logan loses 621 health and creates 2 strength 78 Red Strike tiles.
Level 3: Logan loses 621 health and creates 2 strength 85 Red Strike tiles.
Level 4: Logan loses 621 health and creates 2 strength 91 Red Strike tiles.
Level 5: Logan loses 621 health and creates 2 strength 98 Red Strike tiles.
Level 3: Logan loses 2499 health and creates 2 strength 338 Red Strike tiles.
Level 4: Logan loses 2499 health and creates 2 strength 364 Red Strike tiles.
Level 5: Logan loses 2499 health and creates 2 strength 390 Red Strike tiles.
Battered and beaten, Wolverine moves to put an end to the battle, mercilessly plunging his claws into the opponent. Deals 2176 damage. If Wolverine has less than 40% health, deal an additional 1813 damage.
Level Upgrades
Level 2: Deals 2642 damage + 2072 if under 40% health
Level 3: Deals 3110 damage + 2332 if under 40% health
Level 4: Deals 3238 damage + 2848 if under 50% health
Level 5: Deals 3368 damage + 3107 if under 60% health
Level 3: Deals 12497 damage + 9371 if under 40% health
Level 4: Deals 13013 damage + 11448 if under 50% health
Level 5: Deals 13537 damage + 12490 if under 60% health
Dev note: Once the character goes into their alt abilities, they can't return to the original set for the rest of that battle. So make sure you've got in all the healing you want to pack in before you fire off that Black ability.
Dev note 2: Changes from preview version (here for reference)
- Switched Logan to Assault tier, giving his color strengths a boost.
- Changed base Red to add Strike tiles on ability use instead of direct damage.
- Updated base Black for better Strike tile gen balance.
[anchor=antman4]Ant-Man (Scott Lang)[/anchor]
4 Star Rarity (Legendary) Discussion link. Wiki link
At Max Level: HP: 14890 Tile Damage: 64/10/73/82/11/11/3.0x
Ant-Man uses Pym Particles to shrink down and cause pint-sized chaos. Creates a Purple Trap tile that creates 2 strength 26 Purple Attack tiles each turn. While this Trap tile is on the board, this power becomes Grow.
Level 2: Creates 2 strength 43 Attack tiles each turn.
Level 3: Creates 2 strength 55 Attack tiles each turn.
Level 4: Creates 3 strength 55 Attack tiles each turn.
Level 5: Creates 3 strength 85 Attack tiles each turn.
Level 3: Creates 2 strength 109 Attack tiles each turn.
Level 4: Creates 3 strength 109 Attack tiles each turn.
Level 5: Creates 3 strength 171 Attack tiles each turn.
Ant-Man hops on the back of Ant-Thony and infiltrates the enemy's base to stage a miniature heist. Creates a 3-turn Blue Countdown tile that steals 1 enemy Attack, Protect or Strike tile every turn. While this Countdown tile is on the board, this power becomes Grow.
Level 2: Creates a 4 turn Countdown tile.
Level 3: Creates a 5 turn Countdown tile.
Level 4: Steals 2 enemy Strike, Protect, or Attack tiles every turn.
Level 5: Steals 3 enemy Strike, Protect, or Attack tiles every turn.
Level 3: 5 turn Countdown tile, steals 1 special tile.
Level 4: 5 turn Countdown tile, steals 2 special tiles.
Level 5: 5 turn Countdown tile, steals 3 special tiles.
Ant-Man commands an army of ants to swarm his foes, biting them all over. Creates 3 3-turn Red Countdown tiles that each create a strength 23 Yellow Strike tile. (PASSIVE) At the beginning of each turn, deal 46 damage for each Ants! Ants! Ants! tile.
Level 2: Creates 3 Countdown tiles that create strength 28 Strike tiles. Ant-Man deals 69 damage per tile each turn.
Level 3: Creates 3 Countdown tiles that create strength 32 Strike tiles. Ant-Man deals 97 damage per tile each turn.
Level 4: Creates 4 Countdown tiles that create strength 37 Strike tiles. Ant-Man deals 97 damage per tile each turn.
Level 5: Creates 5 Countdown tiles that create strength 46 Strike tiles. Ant-Man deals 133 damage per tile each turn.
Level 3: 3 Countdown tiles, strength 63 Strike tiles. 189 damage per tile each turn.
Level 4: 4 Countdown tiles, strength 72 Strike tiles. 189 damage per tile each turn.
Level 5: 5 Countdown tiles, strength 90 Strike tiles. 261 damage per tile each turn.
Dev Notes: This replaces either Pym Particles and/or Small Time Crooks as long as that ability's special tile is out. So if it replaced Pym Particles, it costs and if it replaced Small Time Crooks, it costs . This ability's level is equal to whichever ability is being replaced.
Ant-Man leaps towards his enemy, restoring himself to full-size in midair to deliver a haymaker. Remove all Pym Particles & Small Time Crooks tiles and deal 1233 damage to the target. This power returns to its previous ability.
Level 2: 1726 damage
Level 3: 2219 damage
Level 4: 3206 damage
Level 5: 5179 damage
[anchor=carnage4]Carnage (Cletus Kasady)[/anchor]
4 Star Rarity (Legendary) Discussion link. Wiki Link
At Max Level: HP: 15573 Tile Damage: 10/82/11/11/64/73/3.0x
Carnage attacks viciously and indiscriminately, clawing and slashing in every direction. Deals 603 damage to the target and 320 damage to all other allies and enemies.
Level 2: Deals 840 damage to the target and 411 damage to others.
Level 3: Deals 1069 damage to the target and 503 damage to others.
Level 4: Deals 1553 damage to the target and 731 damage to others.
Level 5: Deals 2476 damage to the target and 914 damage to others.
Level 3: 2116 / 994 damage.
Level 4: 3075 / 1446 damage.
Level 5: 4903 / 1808 damage.
Alien Instincts - Passive
(PASSIVE) Carnage's alien symbiote keeps him in a constant Frenzy! Whenever a power is fired, Carnage creates 2 friendly strength 47 Attack tiles and 2 enemy Strength 46 Attack tiles.
Level 2: Creates strength 50 friendly tiles.
Level 3: Creates strength 52 friendly tiles.
Level 4: Creates strength 58 friendly tiles.
Level 5: Creates strength 70 friendly tiles.
Level 3: 2 strength 103 friendly Attack tiles, 2 strength 90 enemy Attack tiles
Level 4: 2 strength 114 friendly Attack tiles, 2 strength 90 enemy Attack tiles
Level 5: 2 strength 137 friendly Attack tiles, 2 strength 90 enemy Attack tiles
Carnage Rules - 11 AP
Carnage unleashes a torrent of piercing tendrils! Destroys 6 random tiles and deals 228 additional damage for every special tile destroyed. Does not generate AP.
Level 2: Destroys 8 random tiles.
Level 3: Destroys 10 random tiles.
Level 4: Destroys 12 random tiles and deals 283 additional damage for every special tile destroyed.
Level 5: Destroys 16 random tiles and deals 328 additional damage for every special tile destroyed.
Level 3: 10 tiles / 452 per special destroyed
Level 4: 12 tiles / 560 per special destroyed
Level 5: 16 tiles / 651 per special destroyed
Cyclops (Classic)
Red 10 AP - Destroys one chosen basic tile, dealing damage. If 10+ Team-Up AP, instead destroy a chosen row and deal damage.
Yellow 5 AP - Creates a Yellow CD tile. While this is out, Team-Up matches generate AP in the team's strongest color and increase this CD's duration.
Blue 8 AP - Destroys all Red tiles in a 3x3 surrounding the tile, gaining AP and dealing damage. Levels increase the destruction radius and tile types destroyed.
[anchor=deadpool4]Deadpool (Uncanny X-Force)[/anchor]
4 Star Rarity (Legendary) Discussion link. Wiki Link
At Max Level: HP: 13934 Tile Damage: 11/82/11/64/10/73/4.0x
What kind of Merc doesn't need bullets? The kind that shoots his mouth off. Lucky I have the swords to deal 922 damage to the target and a healing factor to heal me for 548 health.
Level 2: Dealin' and Healin': 1291 damage and 767 health.
Level 3: Dealin' and Healin': 1660 damage and 986 health.
Level 4: Dealin' and Healin': 2397 damage and 1425 health.
Level 5: Dealin' and Healin': 3872 damage and 2302 health.
Level 3: 3290 damage / 1955 health.
Level 4: 4753 damage / 2824 health.
Level 5: 7678 damage / 4561 health.
X-Enforcer - Passive
(PASSIVE) Say what you want about Deadpool, but I'm always looking out for my buds! Whenever an ally of mine takes more than 685 damage, I sharpen my swords and strike back! I create a 1-turn Countdown tile that deals 409 damage.
Level 2: Deadpool strike back for 573 damage.
Level 3: Deadpool strike back for 736 damage.
Level 4: Deadpool strike back for 1063 damage.
Level 5: Deadpool strike back for 1718 damage.
Level 3: On over 1357 damage, deals 1460 damage.
Level 4: On over 1357 damage, deals 2109 damage.
Level 5: On over 1357 damage, deals 3406 damage.
Countdown for What - 7 AP
Shhhhhh! I just made like 4 fake 3-turn Countdown tiles on the bad guys' strongest color tiles. These tiles don't do anything, but don't tell anyone. If anything destroys them before they reach zero, each one is primed to deal 402 damage to the sucker on the other team!
Level 2: Makin' 4 4-turn dummy tiles that do 442 damage.
Level 3: Makin' 5 4-turn dummy tiles that do 442 damage.
Level 4: Makin' 5 4-turn dummy tiles that do 667 damage.
Level 5: Makin' 6 4-turn dummy tiles that do 764 damage.
Level 3: 5 tiles / 876 per tile destroyed
Level 4: 5 tiles / 1321 per tile destroyed
Level 5: 6 tiles / 1512 per tile destroyed
[anchor=devildino4]Devil Dinosaur (Gigantic Reptile)[/anchor]
4 Star Rarity (Legendary) Discussion link. Wiki link
At Max Level: HP: 19180 Tile damage: 11/73/9/64/82/10
Devil Dinosaur grabs the target in his fierce jaws, dealing 301 damage.
Level 2: 421 damage.
Level 3: 542 damage.
Level 4: 783 damage.
Level 5: 1264 damage.
Devil Dinosaur snatches the enemy in his massive teeth, dealing 301 damage.
Level 2: 421 damage.
Level 3: 542 damage.
Level 4: 783 damage.
Level 5: 1264 damage.
Devil Dinosaur waves his foreshortened forearms ferociously, moving one Black tile to the top left of the board.
Level 2: Also moves one Red tile.
Level 3: Also moves one Green tile.
Level 4: Also moves one Yellow tile.
Level 5: Also moves a Purple and a Blue tile.
[anchor=elektra4]Elektra (Unkillable)[/anchor]
3 Star Rarity (legendary) Discussion link. Wiki link.
At Max Level: HP: 13974 Tile Damage: 11/64/10/82/09/73/3.0
Elektra has “defected” to the enemy team, she’s working for them while secretly feeding her true allies powerful information. Elektra steals 1 enemy strike tile, improving it’s strength by 73, but she also converts 3 random purple basic tiles into enemy strike tiles of strength 9.
Level 2. The stolen tile increases its strength by 110
Level 3. Elektra steals up to 2 enemy strike tiles, increasing their strength by 73.
Level 4. The stolen tile increases its strength by 93.
Level 5. Elektra steals 1 additional strike tile if there’s a friendly trap tile on the board. Stolen tiles increase their strength by 123.
Elektra senses an attack coming and prepares to dodge into the shadows. She converts 2 random basic Black tiles into trap tiles. If Elektra would take damage, the damage is negated and a trap tile is destroyed, generating AP and dealing 274 damage.
Level 2. Elektra converts 3 tiles into trap tiles
Level 3. Trap tiles deal 310 damage
Level 4. Elektra converts 4 tiles into trap tiles
Level 5. Elektra converts 5 tiles into trap tiles, tiles deal 466 damage
Death is a dance and only Elektra knows the next blood-soaked step. She converts a random basic Red tile into a trap tile. As long as this tile is on the board, it deals 150 damage to the target enemy at the beginning of every turn.
Level 2. The Trap tile deals 210 damage every turn.
Level 3. The Trap tile deals 270 damage every turn.
Level 4. The Trap tile deals 390 damage every turn.
Level 5. The Trap tile deals 630 damage every turn.
[anchor=iceman4]Iceman (All New X-Men)[/anchor]
4 Star Rarity (Legendary) Discussion link. Wiki Link
At Max Level: HP: 13934 Tile Damage: 11/11/73/64/82/10/4.0x
Iceman unleashes a tempest of ice and snow across the battlefield, devastating everything in its path and causing local weathermen to question their credentials. Deals 365 damage to the enemy team, plus 32 damage for every Blue tile on the board (to a max of 15 tiles).
Level 2: Deals 511 damage plus 45 damage per Blue tile.
Level 3: Deals 657 damage plus 58 damage per Blue tile.
Level 4: Deals 949 damage plus 83 damage per Blue tile.
Level 5: Deals 1533 damage plus 134 damage per Blue tile.
Level 3: Deals 1303 damage plus 115 per Blue tile
Level 4: Deals 1882 damage plus 166 per Blue tile
Level 5: Deals 3041 damage plus 269 per Blue tile
Uncanny Snowman - 6 AP
(Build a Snowman) Bobby stuns the target for 2 turns and places a 4-turn Countdown tile. While this tile is on the board, this power becomes Punch a Snowman
(Punch a Snowman) Iceman deals 457 damage. Destroys all of Iceman's Countdown tiles.
Level 2: Build: Stuns for 3 turns. Punch: Deals 548 damage.
Level 3: Build: Stuns for 4 turns. Punch: Deals 594 damage.
Level 4: Punch: Deals 1737 damage.
Level 5: Punch: Deals 4022 damage.
Level 3: Build: Stuns for 4 turns. Punch: Deals 1177 damage.
Level 4: Build: Stuns for 4 turns. Punch: Deals 3439 damage.
Level 5: Build: Stuns for 4 turns. Punch: Deals 7964 damage.
Cold As Ice - 8 AP
Iceman whips around the battlefield on his ice slides, chilling his opponents and making them wish they'd brought a sweater. Transforms 4 Red tiles into Blue tiles, then drains the enemy team of 2 Red AP.
Level 2: Iceman drains 3 Red AP from the enemy team.
Level 3: Iceman converts 5 Red tiles to Blue tiles.
Level 4: Iceman drains 4 Red AP from the enemy team.
Level 5: Iceman converts 7 Red tiles to Blue tiles.
[anchor=invisible4]Invisible Woman (Classic)[/anchor]
4 Star Rarity (Legendary) Discussion link. Wiki link.
At Max Level: HP:13015 Tile damage:82/11/73/09/64/10/3.0
The Invisible Woman hides the weakest member of the team. Converts a random basic Yellow tile into an Invisibility tile. While it’s on the board, the invisible character can’t be targeted.
Level 2. Also creates 1 protect tile of strength 50.
Level 3. Also creates 2 protect tiles of strength 50.
Level 4. Also creates 2 protect tiles of strength 92.
Level 5. Also creates 4 protect tiles of strength 92.
Susan focuses her power to lock the enemy down and save the team. Locks 2 chosen basic tiles in Force Bubbles before creating a Blue Protect tile of strength 64.
Level 2. Locks 3 selected basic tiles and makes a protect tile of strength 86.
Level 3. Can Lock Strike, Protect, and Attack tiles.
Level 4. Locks 4 selected tiles and makes a protect tile of strength 107.
Level 5. Locks 4 selected tiles of any type and makes a protect tile of strength 127.
Invisible Woman shatters the tiles surrounding 2 random Force Bubbles. Does not generate AP. Each Force Bubble deals 64 damage and is unlocked (but not destroyed). If there are no Force Bubbles, she creates 2 in random locations.
Level 2. Deals 283 damage per unlocked Force Bubble.
Level 3. Deals 503 damage per unlocked Force Bubble.
Level 4. Destroys 3 Force Bubbles and the tiles surrounding them. If there are no locked tiles, makes 3.
Level 5. Deals 1070 damage per unlocked Force Bubble.
[anchor=ironman4]Iron Man (Hulkbuster)[/anchor]
4 Star Rarity (Legendary) Discussion link. Wiki link
At Max Level: HP:17810 Tile damage: 11/82/64/10/11/73/3.5
Iron Man pours his energy reserves into his next punch, using repulsors in his elbow for extra force. Depletes his teams Red AP, dealing 76 damage for each.
Level 2. Deals 106 damage for each Red AP.
Level 3. Deals 137 damage for each Red AP.
Level 4. Deals 198 damage for each Red AP.
Level 5. Deals 319 damage for each Red AP.
Tony recklessly diverts power from his heart's Arc Reactor to give his suit more firepower. Deals 776 damage to Iron Man, but gains 5 Red AP and creates 2 Yellow Strike tiles of strength 64.-
Level 2. 2 strength 92 Strike tiles.
Level 3. Generates 6 Red AP.
Level 4. Generates 7 Red AP and creates Strike tiles of strength 122.
Level 5. Generates 9 Red AP and creates Strike tiles of strength 178.
The Hulkbuster suit deploys Hulk countermeasures and powers up shielding, ready for incoming damage. Converts 4 basic Green tiles to Red and creates 1 blue Protect tile of strength 18.
Level 2. Creates 2 Blue Protect tiles of strength 18.
Level 3. Converts 5 basic Green tiles to Red. Creates 2 Blue Protect tiles of strength 18.
Level 4. Creates 3 Blue Protect tiles of strength 23.
Level 5. Converts 7 basic Green tiles to Red. Creates 3 Blue Protect tiles of strength 36.
[anchor=jeangrey4]Jean Grey (All New X-Men)[/anchor]
4 Star Rarity (legendary) Discussion link. Wiki Link
At Max Level: HP: 13974 Tile Damage: 10/11/73/82/64/11/3.5x
Jean telekinetically grabs her enemy's weapons, suspending them in mid-air before flinging them back towerds her foes in a hail of projectiles. Deals 329 damage to the enemy team and converts up to 3 random enemy Strike, Protect or Attack tiles to basic tiles.
Level 2 - Deals 731 damage to the enemy team.
Level 3 - Converts up to 4 tiles and deals 914 damage to the enemy team.
Level 4 - Converts enemy special tiles of any type.
Level 5 - Converts up to 6 tiles and deals 1965 damage to the enemy team.
Max Level - Deals 3888 damage to the enemy team and converts up to 6 random enemy special tiles to basic tiles.
(Passive) One of the most powerful telepaths on Earth, Jean's mutant mental powers let her strike at the enemy's mind at a critical moment. When the opponent makes a Match 5, Jean destroys up to 3 AP in their strongest color, stuns the enemy team for 1 turn and deals 247 damage to them.
Level 2 - Deals 485 damage to the enemy team.
Level 3 - Stuns the enemy team for 2 turns.
Level 4 - Deals 695 damage to the enemy team and destroys 4 AP in their strongest color.
Level 5 - Deals 1052 damage to the enemy team and destroys 6 AP in their strongest color.
Max Level - Destroys up to 6 AP in their strongest color, stuns the enemy team for 2 turn and deals 2083 damage to them.
Combining her telekinesis and telepathy, Jean taps into an all-new range of psionic powers and blasts her enemies. Deals 448 damage to the enemy team, then creates up to 2 random Strike, Attack or Protect tiles of strength 37.
Level 2 - Deals 713 damage to the enemy team.
Level 3 - Creates 3 random friendly Strike, Attack or Protect tiles of Strength 56.
Level 4 - Deals 869 damage to the enemy team and creates 4 random Strike, Attack or Protect tiles of strength 74.
Level 5 - Deals 1710 damage to the enemy team and creates strength 93 special tiles.
Max Level - 3385 damage to the enemy team, 4 random special tiles of strength 180.
[anchor=kingpin4]Kingpin (Wilson Fisk)[/anchor]
4 Star Rarity (Legendary) Discussion link. Wiki Link
At Max Level: HP: 15618 Tile Damage: 64/10/11/73/11/82/3.5x
The Kingpin pushes one of his pawns forward in a sacrifice play to fuel a savage reprisal. Kingpin deals 448 damage to the target. If there is a friendly Countdown tile on the board, Kingpin destroys it and deals an additional 776 damage. Dev note: Only one additional CD tile per ability use is destroyed-
Level 2: Deals 538 damage, and 861 extra damage.
Level 3: Deals 627 damage, and 954 extra damage.
Level 4: Deals 806 damage, and 1133 extra damage.
Level 5: Deals 1165 damage, and 1490 extra damage.
Level 3 - 1243 / 1895 damage.
Level 4 - 1598 / 2250 damage.
Level 5 - 2309 / 2959 damage.
The Fisk Defense - 8 AP
Seeing through his enemy's ruse, Wilson Fisk dismantles their position and strengthens his own. He destroys 4 AP of the enemy's strongest color and generates 4 Yellow AP.
Level 2: Destroys 5 AP.
Level 3: Generates 5 AP.
Level 4: Destroys 6 AP.
Level 5: Generates 8 AP.
Kingpin commands a force rivaling some armies, he pushes his pawns forward to harass his enemies. Kingpin creates 2 3 turn (Yellow) Maggia Thug Countdown tiles that deal 731 damage.
Level 2: Creates 3 3 turn Maggia Thug Countdown tiles
Level 3: Also creates a 4 turn
Level 4: Also creates a 5 turn (Black) Maggia Hitman Countdown tile that deals 1553 damage.
Level 5: Creates 3 3 turn Thug, 2 4 turn Muscle, 2 5 turn Hitman Countdown tiles.
Max Level (Per tile)-
Level 3 - 1451 damage / 2 strength 91 Strike tiles.
Level 4 - 1451 damage / 2 strength 91 Strike tiles / 3083 damage.
Level 5 - 1451 damage / 2 strength 151 Strike tiles / 3083 damage.
[anchor=mrfantastic4]Mr. Fantastic (Reed Richards)[/anchor]
4 Star Rarity (Legendary) Discussion link. Wiki Link
At Max Level: HP: 13934 Tile Damage: 73/11/82/11/10/64/4.0x
Always thinking ahead, Reed Richards uses his elastic body to envelop his opponent before they have a change to attack. He stuns the enemy for 1 turn and also creates 2 Blue Protect tiles of strength 17.
Level 2: Creates strength 34 Protect tiles.
Level 3: Creates strength 52 Protect tiles.
Level 4: Creates strength 60 Protect tiles and stuns for 2 turns.
Level 5: Creates strength 103 Protect tiles and stuns for 3 turns.
Level 3: Creates 2 strength 104 Protect tiles and stuns for 1 turn.
Level 4: Creates 2 strength 120 Protect tiles and stuns for 2 turns.
Level 5: Creates 2 strength 207 Protect tiles and stuns for 3 turns.
Master of the Fantastic - PASSIVE
(PASSIVE) Mr. Fantastic stands against the impossible in defense of his family and his world. Whenever an enemy matches a friendly special tile, Mr. Fantastic heals for 409 and generates 1 Green AP for each other Fantastic Four member on the team. Dev note: The character will always (true) heal, the AP generation only procs with other members of the Fantastic Four.
Level 2: Heals for 573.
Level 3: Heals for 736.
Level 4: Heals for 1063.
Level 5: Heals for 1718.
Level 3: Heals for 1460.
Level 4: Heals for 2109.
Level 5: Heals for 3406.
Imaginaut - 9 AP
Reed Richards emerges from his lab with a Fantastic device that defies imagination. He places a 2-turn Black Countdown tile. (PASSIVE) While one of these tiles is on the board, friendly Red, Green and Yellow matches do an extra 146 and increase the duration of these tiles by 1.
Level 2: Deals 204 additional damage.
Level 3: Deals 263 additional damage.
Level 4: Places a 3-turn Countdown tile.
Level 5: Deals 409 additional damage.
Level 3: Deals 522 additional damage, 2 turn Countdown tile.
Level 4: Deals 522 additional damage, 3 turn Countdown tile.
Level 5: Deals 812 additional damage, 3 turn Countdown tile.
[anchor=nickfury4]Nick Fury (Director of S.H.I.E.L.D.)[/anchor]
4 Star Rarity (Legendary) Discussion link. Wiki link
At Max Level: HP: 13015 Tile damage: 82/10/73/64/11/09/3.5
With the world in peril, Director Fury summons Earth's mightiest heroes. The Sentinel of Liberty, Captain America, is first on the scene.
Level 2: Iron Man heeds the call, weapons primed. (Requires but does not consume 5
Level 3: Hawkeye, aiming to win (Requires but does not consume 5 )
Level 4: Appearing from nowhere, Black Widow's arrival Stings (Requires but does not consume 5 )
Level 5: Hulk lands. Hulk smashes (Requires but does not consume 5 )
Fury directs his agents to set traps at reported enemy locations. Creates 2 trap tiles that, when matched by the enemy, detonate in unison dealing 348 damage each (but not generating AP). If you match a trap it detonates dealing 174 damage. Enemies cannot see the trap.
Level 2: Creates 3 traps
Level 3: Creates 4 traps
Level 4: Creates 5 traps
Level 5: Creates 7 traps
Enemy intel stolen, Nick Fury leads his team to safety. Deals 210 damage and creates a 3 turn Countdown that, when activated, steals 3 AP from the enemy's strongest color before converting to a 42 Strike tile.
Level 2: Increases Strike tile strength to 147.
Level 3: 882 damage.
Level 4: Steals 9 AP.
Level 5: Reduces Countdown to 2 turns.
[anchor=professorx4]Professor X (Charles Xavier)[/anchor]
4 Star Rarity (Legendary) Discussion link. Wiki Link
At Max Level: HP: 9590 Tile Damage: 64/11/82/73/10/10/3.5x
In rigorous training sessions, Professor X teaches his allies to recognize tactical openings. Whenever Professor X's team makes a Match-5 or greater, it generates 1 AP in the team's strongest color and deals an additional 941 damage.
Level 2: Deals an additonal 1317 damage.
Level 3: Deals an additonal 1430 damage and generates 2 AP.
Level 4: Deals an additonal 2070 damage.
Level 5: Deals an additonal 2221 damage and generates 4 AP.
Level 3 - Deals an additonal 2839 damage and generates 2 AP.
Level 4 - Deals an additonal 4110 damage and generates 2 AP.
Level 5 - Deals an additonal 4408 damage and generates 4 AP.
Blind Spot - 7 AP
Entering his enemy's minds, Professor X blocks any sensory input that might reveal his presence. Professor X creates an invisibility tile that targets him, if one does not exist.
Level 2: While invisible, if this character makes a match, they strengthen 1 friendly special tile by 58.
Level 3: While invisible, if this character makes a match, they strengthen 2 friendly special tiles by 59.
Level 4: While invisible, if this character makes a match, they strengthen 2 friendly special tiles by 120.
Level 5: While invisible, if this character makes a match, they strengthen 4 friendly special tiles by 121.
Level 3 - Strengthens 2 tiles by 115
Level 4 - Strengthens 2 tiles by 236
Level 5 - Strengthens 4 tiles by 238
Psychic Convergence - Passive
Charles Xavier telepathically with his allies, coordinating their greatest strengths. Whenever an ally of Professor X fires a power, it also creates a strength 21 Protect tile.
Level 2: Whenever an ally uses an ability, it also converts a random basic tile to a strength 29 Protect tile.
Level 3: Whenever an ally uses an ability, it also converts a random basic tile to a strength 37 Protect tile.
Level 4: Whenever an ally uses an ability, it also converts a random basic tile to a strength 27 Attack tile.
Level 5: Whenever an ally uses an ability, it also converts a random basic tile to a strength 41 Strike tile.
Level 3 - Creates a strength 75 Protect tile.
Level 4 - Creates a strength 75 Protect tile and a strength 54 Attack tile.
Level 5 - Creates a strength 75 Protect tile, a strength 54 Attack tile, and a strength 82 Strike tile.
Red Hulk (Thunderbolt Ross)
Red (PASSIVE) - If damaged for > X, creates a CD tile that destroys random basic tiles.
Green 9 AP - Enemy team damage. If > X Green AP, drains Green AP and deals bonus damage.
Purple 7 AP - Drains enemy Green AP and generates X Green AP.
[anchor=falcon4]Sam Wilson (Captain America)[/anchor]
4 Star Rarity (Legendary) Discussion link. Wiki Link
At Max Level: HP: 13934 Tile Damage: 82/64/73/11/10/11/4.0x
Sam Wilson swoops through the battlefield, using his shield and wings to block incoming attacks. Transforms all basic Yellow tiles on the board into strength 10 Yellow Protect tile.
Level 2: Creates strength 14 Protect tiles.
Level 3: Creates strength 18 Protect tiles.
Level 4: Creates strength 26 Protect tiles.
Level 5: Creates strength 42 Protect tiles.
Level 3: Creates strength 59 Protect tiles.
Level 4: Creates strength 85 Protect tiles.
Level 5: Creates strength 139 Protect tiles.
Aerial Avenger - PASSIVE
(PASSIVE) Captain America whips around the battlefield, giving his team an aerial advantage while coordinating their battle-plan from above. Whenever his team makes a Blue match, Sam Wilson strengthens 1 friendly special tile by 22.
Level 2: Strengthens a friendly special tile by 29.
Level 3: Also reduces the timer on a friendly Countdown tile by 1.
Level 4: Strengthens a friendly special tile by 41.
Level 5: Strengthens 2 friendly special tiles.
Level 3: Strengthens 1 tile by 90. Reduces 1 friendly Countdown by 1.
Level 4: Strengthens 1 tile by 129. Reduces 1 friendly Countdown by 1.
Level 5: Strengthens 2 tiles by 129. Reduces 1 friendly Countdown by 1.
Dive Bomb - 14 AP
Captain America soars high before swooping down towards his opponent, using the strength of his shield to deliver a powerful blow. Deals 559 damage, plus 84 for every friendly Protect tile on the board.
Level 2: Deals 783 damage, plus 118 for every friendly Protect tile.
Level 3: Deals 1006 damage, plus 151 for every friendly Protect tile.
Level 4: Deals 1453 damage, plus 218 for every friendly Protect tile.
Level 5: Deals 2438 damage, plus 353 for every friendly Protect tile.
Level 3: Deals 3148 damage, plus 475 for every friendly Protect tile.
Level 4: Deals 4547 damage, plus 686 for every friendly Protect tile.
Level 5: Deals 7346 damage, plus 1109 for every friendly Protect tile.
[anchor=starlord4]Star-Lord (Legendary Outlaw)[/anchor]
4 Star Rarity (Legendary) Discussion link. Wiki Link
At Max Level: HP: 13974 Tile damage: 73/64/11/82/10/11/4.0x
Peter pulls the old switcheroo and swaps one of his enemy's possessions with a little surprise. He turns a selected non-Countdown tile into a 3-turn Countdown tile which deals 785 damage to the enemy.
Level 2: Countdown tile deals 1350 damage
Level 3: Countdown tile deals 1915 damage
Level 4: Can select Countdown tiles. 2 turn Countdown tile deals 2049 damage.
Level 5: Countdown tile deals 2504 damage, plus 731 damage to the enemy team.
Star-Lord quickly pulls together a plan - or at least most of one. Places a 3-turn Countdown tile. While at least one such tile is on the board, all friendly Red and Yellow ability costs are reduced by 1. (Dev note: This is placed on a random Yellow tile)
Level 2: Friendly Blue ability costs are reduced by 1.
Level 3: Places a 4 turn Countdown tile. Friendly Green ability costs are reduced by 1.
Level 4: Friendly Red, Blue, Green, Yellow ability costs are reduced by 2.
Level 5: Places a 5 turn Countdown tile. Friendly Red, Blue, Green, Purple, and Yellow ability costs are reduced by 2.
Star-Lord points past his enemy and shouts "Hey! Is that Beta Ray Bill?" before swinging in with a sucker punch. He creates a 2-turn Countdown tile which deals 612 damage. While at least one such tile is on the board, all enemy Red and Green ability costs are increased by 1. (Dev note: This is placed on a random Red tile)
Level 2: Deals 802 to the target enemy. Enemy Yellow ability costs are increased by 1.
Level 3: Places a 3 turn Countdown tile. Enemy Black ability costs are increased by 1.
Level 4: Deals 1897 to the target enemy. Enemy Red, Yellow, Green, and Black ability costs are increased by 2.
Level 5: Deals 3525 to the target enemy. Enemy Red, Yellow, Green, Black and Blue ability costs are increased by 2.
[anchor=thing4]The Thing (Classic)[/anchor]
4 Star Rarity (Legendary) Discussion link.Wiki Link
At Max Level: HP: 17759 Tile Damage: 73/82/11/10/64/11/3.5x
The Thing's rocky fist clobbers whatever palooka's dumb enough to fight him, right in the kisser! Deals 347 damage and stuns the target for 1 turn.
Level 2: Deals 667 damage.
Level 3: Deals 986 damage.
Level 4: Deals 1178 damage and stuns the target for 2 turns.
Level 5: Deals 2465 damage.
Level 3: Deals 1955 damage and stuns for 1 turn.
Level 4: Deals 2335 damage and stuns for 2 turns.
Level 5: Deals 4888 damage and stuns for 2 turns.
Rock Solid - Passive
The ever-lovin' blue-eyed Thing steps up to protect his friends and family. If an ally with less health than the Thing would take 913 or more damage, the Thing moves to the front and then creates 2 strength 137 Yellow Protect tiles. Dev Note: The Protect tiles are generated *after* the attack and any cascades takes place. If there is a conflict as to who is supposed to protect (such as having both Deadpool and Thing), the character with more health will be the protector.
Level 2: If an ally would take 913 or more damage, creates 2 strength 201 Yellow Protect tiles.
Level 3: If an ally would take 822 or more damage, creates 3 strength 146 Yellow Protect tiles.
Level 4: If an ally would take 730 or more damage, creates 4 strength 146 Yellow Protect tiles.
Level 5: If an ally would take 685 or more damage, creates 5 strength 183 Yellow Protect tiles.
Level 3: Jumps in at 1629 damage, creates 3 strength 289 Yellow Protect tiles.
Level 4: Jumps in at 1448 damage, creates 4 strength 289 Yellow Protect tiles.
Level 5: Jumps in at 1358 damage, creates 5 strength 361 Yellow Protect tiles.
Yancy Street Special - 12 AP
The Thing wallops his target so hard they go crashing through the battlefield. Deals 722 damage and destroys a random 3x3 block of tiles on the game board. Destroyed tiles do not deal damage or generate AP.
Level 2: Deals 1069 damage.
Level 3: Deals 1069 damage and destroys 13 tiles (Diamond pattern).
Level 4: Deals 1654 damage.
Level 5: Deals 3080 damage and destroys 16 tiles (4x4 pattern).
Level 3: Deals 2118 damage and destroys 13 tiles (Diamond pattern)
Level 4: Deals 3276 damage and destroys 13 tiles (Diamond pattern)
Level 5: Deals 6100 damage and destroys 16 tiles (4x4 pattern)
[anchor=thor4]Thor (Goddess of Thunder)[/anchor]
4 Star Rarity (Legendary) Discussion link. Wiki link.
At Max Level: HP: 17262 Tile damage: 73/82/64/09/10/11/3.5
The gathering lightning strikes Mjolnir as Thor brings the hammer down onto her enemy. Deals 630 damage to the enemy and an additional 137 damage for each Charged tile on the board.
Level 2: Deals 886 damage plus 183 per charged tile.
Level 3: Deals 1023 damage plus 219 per charged tile. Makes 1 charged tile.
Level 4: Deals 1324 damage plus 292 per charged tile. Makes 2 charged tiles.
Level 5: Deals 2027 damage plus 365 per charged tile. Makes 3 charged tiles.
Thor flings Mjolnir at an impossible speed towards her enemies, the impact dashing their plan of attack. Deals 356 damage to the enemy team and converts 1 enemy Strike, Protect, or Attack tile into a charged tile.
Level 2: Deals 402 team damage. Turns 2 enemy Strike, Protect, or Attack tiles into charged tiles
Level 3: Deals 402 team damage. Turns 3 enemy Strike, Protect, or Attack tiles into charged tiles
Level 4: Deals 739 team damage. Turns 3 enemy Strike, Protect, or Attack tiles into charged tiles
Level 5: Deals 1086 team damage. Turns 3 Strike, Protect, Attack, or Countdown tiles into charged tiles.
Thor raises Mjolnir to the sky, summoning a lightning storm to shock and stagger her foes. Stuns the enemy for 1 turn and converts 2 random Red, Blue, or Yellow basic tiles into Charged tiles.
Level 2 - Stuns for 1 turn. Makes 3 charged tiles.
Level 3: Stuns for 1 turn. Makes 4 charged tiles.
Level 4: Stuns for 2 turns. Makes 4 charged tiles.
Level 5: Stuns for 3 turns. Makes 5 charged tiles.
[anchor=wolverine4]Wolverine (X-Force)[/anchor]
4 Star Rarity (Legendary) Discussion link. Wiki link
At Max Level: HP:10960 Tile damage: 64/09/11/10/82/73/4.0
Wolverine unleashes his berserker rage, cutting with his adamantium claws. Deals 137 damage and destroys 5 tiles in a 3x3 X-Shaped pattern. Does not generate AP.
Level 2. Deals 183 damage.
Level 3. Destroys 9 tiles in a 5x5 X-Shaped pattern.
Level 4. Deals 548 damage.
Level 5. Deals 685 damage and destroys 15 tiles in 3 3x3 X-Shaped patterns
Wolverine attacks with ruthless precision, crippling his enemy’s ability to retaliate. Destroys every tile in the enemy team’s strongest color, dealing 55 damage per tile. Does not generate AP.
Level 2. Deals 96 damage per tile.
Level 3. Deals 138 damage per tile.
Level 4. Deals 225 damage per tile.
Level 5. Deals 394 damage per tile.
Wolverine’s healing factor repairs his wounds, and he ferociously lashes out if interrupted. Places a 3-turn Yellow Countdown tile that heals for 1187 health when activated. If the Countdown tile is matched, Wolverine destroys 6 random tiles, dealing 55 damage per tile.
Level 2. Heals Wolverine for 1662 or deals 92 damage per tile.
Level 3. Heals Wolverine for 2137 or deals 138 damage per tile.
Level 4. Heals Wolverine for 3086 or deals 202 damage per tile.
Level 5. Heals Wolverine for 4985 or destroys 9 tiles.
0 -
[anchor=beast3]Beast (Classic)[/anchor]
3 Star Rarity (Rare) Discussion link. Wiki link.
At Max Level: HP: 8670 Tile damage: 70/13/79/12/61/11
Hank’s genetic experiments can have unpredictable results. Creates a 3-turn Blue Countdown tile that converts 2 random Blue basic tiles into strength 44 Strike, Protect or Attack tiles.
Level 2. Creates a 2-turn Countdown tile.
Level 3. Creates strength 51 Special tiles.
Level 4. Creates a 1-turn Countdown tile and strength 55 Special tiles.
Level 5. Creates 3 Special tiles.
Jumping and slashing as he moves through enemies, Hank can barely control his animal side. Deals 192 to all enemies. If there’s a friendly Blue Special tile on the board, Beast smashes up his lab destroying 3 random basic tiles, each dealing 33 to all enemies, but not generating AP.
Level 2. Deals 219 to all enemies.
Level 3. If there is a friendly Blue Special tile on the board, destroys 6 tiles.
Level 4. Deals 246 to all enemies.
Level 5. If there is a friendly Blue Special tile on the board, destroys 12 tiles.
Dr. McCoy uses his medical triage skills to patch up the team before they rush back into battle. Gives a burst of 383 health to allies. If there’s a friendly Blue Special tile on the board, he provides a gadget to aid them. 1 basic Blue tile becomes a strength 16 Protect tile.
Level 2. Gives a burst of 490 health to allies.
Level 3. Creates 2 protect tiles of strength 16.
Level 4. Gives a burst of 689 health to allies.
Level 5. Creates 3 protect tiles of strength 37.
[anchor=blackpanther3]Black Panther (T'Challa)[/anchor]
3 Star Rarity (Rare) Discussion link. Wiki link.
At Max Level: HP: 9690 Tile damage: 79/13/70/12/11/61/3.5
T'Challa uses his expert strategic mind to give his allies a tactical advantage. Converts 3 basic Yellow tiles to strength 22 Strike tiles. If the team has 12 or more Team-Up AP, converts 3 basic Yellow tiles to strength 33 Strike tiles instead.
Level 2: Increases minimum Strike tile strength to 28. (39 with Team-Up AP)
Level 3: Increases minimum Strike tile strength to 30. (44 with Team-Up AP)
Level 4: Increases minimum Strike tile strength to 39. (55 with Team-Up AP)
Level 5: Increases minimum Strike tile strength to 55. (83 with Team-Up AP)
Places a Blue Countdown tile that converts a basic color tile to a strength 9 Protect tile every 2 turns. If 3 or more Protect tiles are in play, conversion is suspended.
Level 2: Max 3 protect tiles out at a time
Level 3: Increases Protect strength to 14.
Level 4: Max 5 protect tiles out at a time
Level 5: Increases Protect strength to 18.
Deals 194 damage to each enemy, but the enemy team gains 5 AP in their strongest color. [Strongest color is the color that has highest damage rating during scoring. If there are more than one color of the same power damage, the enemy will gain 5 AP for that one as well.]-
Level 2: Deals 272 Damage.
Level 3: Deals 349 damage.
Level 4: Deals 427 damage.
Level 5: Deals 504 damage.
[anchor=blackwidow3]Black Widow (Grey Suit)[/anchor]
3 Star Rarity (Rare) Discussion link. Wiki link.
At Max Level: HP:8075 Tile damage: 11/61/12/79/70/13/4.0
Black Widow uses an accurate, long range rifle to shoot a location on the board, clearing a reticle shaped pattern. She deals damage for each tile destroyed and an additional 355 damage to the current target.
Level 2: +25% base damage. Costs 16
Level 3: Destroys more tiles. Costs 17 .
Level 4: +25% base damage. Costs 18 .
Level 5: Damages all enemies. Costs 19 .
Max Level: 3912 + tile damage
Black Widow fires 1 shots at the board, clearing a block of tiles, dealing damage for each tile and an additional 118 damage to the current target. Does not generate AP.
Level 2: Fires 2 shots. Costs 13
Level 3: Target size increased, destroying 2x3 tiles. Costs 14 .
Level 4: Fires 3 shots. Costs 15 .
Level 5: Target size increased, destroying 3x3 tiles. Costs 17 .
Black Widow eliminates potential enemy assets while preparing her own attack. Converts 2 basic color tiles (except for Green) into Green tiles.
Level 2: +1 target tile.
Level 3: +1 target tile..
Level 4: +1 target tile.
Level 5: +1 target tile.
[anchor=blade3]Blade (Daywalker)[/anchor]
3 Star Rarity (Rare) Discussion link. Wiki link.
At Max Level: HP:8670 Tile damage: 12/13/11/70/61/79/4.5
Blade mercilessly makes a precision slash with his sword, dealing a crippling blow to his enemy. Deals 257 damage to the target, and then creates a Green Countdown tile that activates every turn, draining 1 AP from the enemy's strongest color. (The drain acts as a Steal)
Level 2: Deals 344 damage to the target
Level 3: 344 damage and CD drains two AP strongest color
Level 4: 427 damage
Level 5: 591 damage, drains 3 ap
Blade ambushes his enemies, trapping them and leaving no escape for his wrath. Creates a Purple Attack tile with base strength 60, with bonus 22 strength for each friendly strike tile on the board (maximum 6 strike tiles)
Level 2: Strike tile has base strength 82.
Level 3: 82 attack with bonus 33 for each strike tile(max 6) (Max: Strength 260, bonus 105)
Level 4: 120 attack(same bonus) (Max: Strength 382, bonus 105)
Level 5: 2 attack tiles
Blade fights against his vampiric urges, using his thirst to fuel his rage. If there are 11 or more Red tiles on the board, Blade converts a random basic Red tile to a strength 20 strike tile.
Level 2: Creates strength 24 strike tiles.
Level 3: 11 red on the board, creates 28 strength strike tile (Max: Strength 82 strike tile)
Level 4: 11 red, 2 strength 18 strikes
Level 5: 10 red
[anchor=bullseye3]Bullseye (Classic)[/anchor]
3 Star Rarity (Rare) Discussion link. Wiki Link
At Max Level: HP: 7565 Tile Damage: 12/11/13/79/70/70/4.5x
Bullseye grabs anything at hand and hurls it with deadly accuracy. Turns 2 selected Attack, Protect, or Strike tiles to basic tiles and deals 246 damage. Dev note: Either friendly or enemy tiles can be selected.
Level 2: Deals 327 damage.
Level 3: Deals 415 damage.
Level 4: Deals 585 damage.
Level 5: Deals 924 damage.
Level 3: Converts up to 2 tiles and deals 1320 damage.
Level 4: Converts up to 2 tiles and deals 1859 damage.
Level 5: Converts up to 2 tiles and deals 2936 damage.
Contract Killer - Passive
Bullseye mixes business with pleasure, getting paid for every target he hits. If Bullseye downs an opponent, he cashes in and creates 5 Strike tiles of strength 20. Dev note: This procs only when Bullseye gets the kill in, not the whole team.
Level 2: Creates 6 Strike tiles.
Level 3: Creates 7 Strike tiles.
Level 4: Creates 9 Strike tiles.
Level 5: Creates 13 Strike tiles.
Level 3: Creates 7 Strike tiles at strength 63.
Level 4: Creates 9 Strike tiles at strength 63.
Level 5: Creates 13 Strike tiles at strength 63.
Deadly Precision - 11 AP
Bullseye lets loose a torrent of projectiles, weakening his opponent for the final blow. Destroys 3 chosen basic tiles and deals 77 damage. Destroyed tiles don't deal damage or generate AP.
Level 2: Destroys 4 chosen tiles and deals 116 damage.
Level 3: Deals 193 damage.
Level 4: Deals 341 damage.
Level 5: Destroys 5 chosen tiles and deals 610 damage.
Level 3: Destroys 4 chosen tiles and deals 608 damage.
Level 4: Destroys 4 chosen tiles and deals 1076 damage.
Level 5: Destroys 5 chosen tiles and deals 1927 damage.
[anchor=captainamerica3]Captain America (Steve Rogers)[/anchor]
3 Star Rarity (Rare) - Gold character Discussion link. Wiki link.
At Max Level: HP: 9690 Tile damage: 79/70/61/11/12/13/3.0
Captain America courageously rushes to protect the team’s flank. Transforms 3 chosen basic tiles into Yellow Protect tiles, each with a strength of 24.
Level 2 – Increases Protect Strength to 31.
Level 3 – Increases Protect Strength to 38. (Max 278)
Level 4 – Increases Protect Strength to 47.
Level 5 – Transform 4 tiles.
The Captain hurls his trusty shield into battle. Hits the target for 95 damage and transforms a chosen basic tile into a 3 turn Countdown tile that returns 8 Red AP.
Level 2 – 209 damage. Returns 9
Level 3 – 323 damage. Can target Strike, Protect, Attack, and Web tiles.
Level 4 – 437 damage. Returns 10 .
Level 5 – 551 damage. Can target any tile.
Max Level: 4031 damage
Captain America gallantly launches his shield at the enemy. Stuns the target for 2 turns and transforms a chosen basic tile into a 3 turn Countdown tile that returns 8 Blue AP.
Level 2 – Converts to a strength 17 Protect tile when activated. Returns 9
Level 3 - Can target strike. protect, attack, and web tiles. Protect strength increased to 27.
Level 4 - Returns 10 . Protect strength increased to 37.
Level 5 - Can target any tile. Protect strength increased to 48.
Max Level: 342 protect
[anchor=captainmarvel3]Captain Marvel (Modern)[/anchor]
3 Star Rarity (Rare) - (Gold Character) Discussion link. Wiki link.
At Max Level: HP: 9690 At Max Level: Tile damage: 70/79/12/11/13/61/4.5
Captain Marvel unleashes the amazing cosmic power of her photonic blasts, shattering her enemy's defenses. Deals 208 Damage and destroys up to 2 Enemy Protect Tiles. Does not generate AP.
Level 2: Deals 281 Damage
Level 3: Destroys 3 Enemy Protect Tiles
Level 4: Deals 470 Damage
Level 5: Destroys All Enemy Protect Tiles
Captain Marvel flies headlong into battle, striking her target with enough force to send them reeling. However, the direct attack leaves Carol open to retaliation. Deals 351 Damage and stuns her target for 1 turn. Then places a strength 22 Enemy Strike tile.
Level 2: Deals 444 Damage
Level 3: Creates a strength 17 Enemy Strike tile
Level 4: Deals 684 Damage
Level 5: Deals 790 Damage and stuns the target for 2 Turns.
Captain Marvel uses her energy-absorbing abilities to take in her enemy's attack and power up her next assault. When Captain Marvel takes greater than 274 damage, she generates 3 .
Level 2: Generates AP when Captain Marvel takes 219 Damage.
Level 3: Generates 4
Level 4: Generates 5
Level 5: Gains 5 and 3 .
Max Level: Gains 5 Red and 3 Black AP on 695+ Damage taken
[anchor=colossus3]Colossus (Classic)[/anchor]
3 Star Rarity (Rare) Discussion link. Wiki link
At Max Level: HP: 10710 Tile damage: 79/70/13/11/12/61/4.5
Colossus protects his team by standing in front of any force that comes their way. Turns a chosen basic Yellow tile into a 3 turn Countdown tile. While active, Colossus moves to the front at end of turn, and resists 25% of the damage dealt to him. [Note: Does not protect against strike tiles]
Level 2: Damage reduction up to 35%
Level 3: Damage reduction up to 45%
Level 4: Lasts 4 turns
Level 5: Damage reduction up to 50%, lasts 5 turns
Using the incredible power of his organic steel fists, Colossus pummels the enemy. Deals 493 damage. If Colossus is already in front, he deals an additional 164 damage.
Level 2: 492 damage if Colossus is in front.
Level 3: 820 damage if Colossus is in front.
Level 4: 137 damage to other enemies if Colossus is in front.
Level 5: 329 damage to other enemies if Colossus is in front.
Colossus pitches a teammate into the sky and toward the fray! Sends a chosen teammate Airborne (inactive, but immune to damage) for 3 turns. Upon landing, they activate one power at no cost, then take 274 damage. The enemy target takes 274 damage.-
Level 2: 137 to teammate, 411 to the enemy upon landing.
Level 3: 55 to teammate, 548 to the enemy upon landing.
Level 4: Airborne duration down to 2 turns.
Level 5: Airborne duration down to 1 turn.
[anchor=cyclops3]Cyclops (Uncanny X-Men)[/anchor]
3 Star Rarity (Rare) Discussion link. Wiki Link.
At Max Level: HP: 9265 Tile Damage: 70/79/12/13/11/61
Cyclops fires his optic blasts through the battlefield, striking his target and destroying anything in his way. He destroys a random row of tiles and deals 425 damage. Does not generate AP.
Level 2: Deals 540 damage.
Level 3: Deals 655 damage.
Level 4: Deals 888 damage.
Level 5: Deals 1352 damage.
Cyclops makes a public display of strength to rally young mutants to his side. He converts 4 random Team Up tiles into basic Red tiles.
Level 2: Converts 5 tiles.
Level 3: Converts 6 tiles.
Level 4: Converts 7 tiles.
Level 5: Converts 8 tiles.
Scott unleashes a blast that could level a mountain. He deals 822 damage to the target enemy. If there are more than 9 Red tiles on the board, Scott rips his visor off, releasing his full power. He deals an additional 482 damage but stuns himself for 2 turns while he recovers.
Level 2: Deals 937 damage. Plus an additional 549 damage if there are enough tiles.
Level 3: Deals 1052 damage. Plus an additional 612 damage if there are enough tiles.
Level 4: Deals 1233 damage. Only stuns for 1 turn if there are enough tiles.
Level 5: Deals 1808 damage. Plus an additional 766 damage if there are enough tiles.
[anchor=daken3]Daken (Classic)[/anchor]
3 Star Rarity (Rare) - Gold Character Discussion link. Wiki link.
At Max Level: HP: 6800 Tile damage: 11/12/61/70/13/79/4.0
(PASSIVE) Daken’s healing factor allows him to recover 3% of his health every turn. If there are fewer than 9 Blue tiles, the terrible drug “Heat” kicks in, and he loses 3% of his health instead.
Level 2: Heals 5% per turn.
Level 3: 8 Blue tiles to avoid “Heat”.
Level 4: Heals 7% per turn.
Level 5: 7 Blue tiles to avoid “Heat”.
Daken releases a scent that sets his enemies on edge, using their anger to his advantage. Whenever anyone makes a Green match, add a Red Strike tile to the board with a strength of 11.
Level 2: 13 Strike tile strength
Level 3: 15 Strike tile strength
Level 4: 20 Strike tile strength
Level 5: Creates 2 Strike tiles strength 14.
Daken springs a trap, but his addiction to "Heat" threatens to push him over the edge. Damages the target for 99, converts two blue tiles to green, and converts up to 2 friendly strike tiles to basic tiles doing 50 damage per strike tile converted.
Level 2: Increases cleared strike tile damage to 58.
Level 3: Converts up to 3 Strike tiles (730 Base Damage + 420 per Strike tile * 3 tiles = 1990 damage).
Level 4: Converts up to 4 Strike tiles (730 Base Damage + 420 per Strike tile * 4 tiles = 2410 damage).
Level 5: Increases cleared Strike tile damage to 70 (730 Base Damage + 511 per strike tile * 4 tiles = 2774 damage).
[anchor=daredevil3]Daredevil (Man Without Fear)[/anchor]
3 Star Rarity (Rare) Discussion link. Wiki link.
At Max Level: HP: 8670 Tile damage: 11/61/70/79/12/13/3.5
Daredevil uses his Radar Sense to avoid his enemy's assault and strike at their weaknesses. Converts up to 3 random enemy Strike, Protect, or Attack tiles to basic tiles and deals 71 damage for each tile converted.
Level 2: Deals 109 damage for each converted tile.
Level 3: Deals 131 damage for each converted tile.
Level 4: Converts up to 4 Strike, Protect, or Attack tiles to basic tiles.
Level 5: Converts up to 5 tiles, dealing 180 damage per tile.
Daredevil's Billy Club ricochets from target to target, striking his enemies with amazing accuracy. Stuns the target for 1 turn and creates a 4-turn Countdown tile that stuns for 1 turn, then creates a new Billy Club Countdown tile. If you match it, Daredevil catches his club and gains 1 Blue AP.
Level 2: Matching the Billy Club tile generates 2 Blue AP.
Level 3: Stuns for 2 turns before placing the Countdown tile.
Level 4: Creates a 3 turn Countdown tile.
Level 5: Countdown tile stuns for 2 turns. Matching the Billy Club tile gains 3 AP.
Daredevil lurks in the shadow, ready to strike. Creates a Red Trap tile that, when matched by the enemy, deals 822 damage. If you match the tile, the enemy takes 279 damage and it changes locations. Enemies cannot see the tile.
Level 2: Deals 948 damage when the enemy matches the tile, 356 damage when you match it.
Level 3: Deals 1123 damage when the enemy matches the tile, 410 damage when you match it.
Level 4: Deals 1370 damage when the enemy matches the tile, 574 damage when you match it.
Level 5: Deals 1726 damage when the enemy matches the tile, 957 damage when you match it.
[anchor=deadpool3]Deadpool (It's Me, Deadpool)[/anchor]
3 Star Rarity (Rare) Discussion link. Wiki link.
At Max Level: HP: 8670 Tile Damage: 13/61/11/79/12/70/4.5
All these suckers are punching each other, when I go right too the source - their health bars! I'll slice the enemy's health bar with my sweet ninja-swords, dealing 25% of their current health in damage (max 400 damage).
Level 2: SLICE, SLICE, SLICE! My katanas now cut off 30% of some schlub's health!
Level 3: SLICE, SLICE, SLICE! My katanas now cut off 35% of some schlub's health!
Level 4: SLICE, SLICE, SLICE! My katanas now cut off 45% of some schlub's health!
Level 5: SLICE, SLICE, SLICE! My katanas now cut off 65% of some schlub's health!
You've gotta help me get rid of all these whales before they go bad! I'll hit the enemy team with a Beluga, dealing 493 damage, but if you spend your Deadpool Points (the Money with the Mouth) I'll hit them with every whale I've got. I'm practically giving these whales away.
Level 2: Nana nana nana nana nana nana nana nana NARWHAL!
Level 3: Upgrade to the deadly panda-bear of the sea, THE ORCA!
Level 4: Send your enemies on a whale watch of pain to Notre Dame with a HUMPBACK!
Level 5: From Marvel Puzzle Quest, I whale at thee! Feel the might of the SPERM WHALE!
Everyone should be paying more attention to me. If a character with less health than me would take 274 or more damage, I'll hop into the spotlight, taking the attack. Don't worry, my awesome Healing Factor then places a Black Countdown tile that'll restore 148 health to me when it goes off.
Level 2: Ooh yeah! Healing Factor over-time! My Countdown tile will heal 178 damage.
Level 3: [Level 166] Take 869 or more, heal 657.
Level 4: [Level 166] Take 869 or more, heal 844.
Level 5: [Level 166] Take 869 or more, heal 1219.
[anchor=doctordoom3]Doctor Doom (Classic)[/anchor]
3 Star Rarity (Rare) Discussion link. Wiki link.
At Max Level: HP: 9690 Tile damage: 11/12/79/61/13/70
Doctor Doom summons a cadre of demonic creatures, converting 3 basic Red tiles into Attack tiles of strength 44.-
Level 2: Attack tiles (demons) are strength 52.
Level 3: Summons 4 demons.
Level 4: Summons 5 demons.
Level 5: Summons 6 demons of strength 60.
Doctor Doom lashes out with his sinister inventions, swaying the battle in his favor. Transforms 6 basic Blue tiles to Black tiles.
Level 2: Transforms 7 tiles.
Level 3: Transforms 8 tiles.
Level 4: Transforms 9 tiles.
Level 5: Transforms all basic Blue tiles.
Doom deals 137 to the enemy, plus 137 for each of Doom's Trap tiles on the board. Disarms all of Doom's Trap tiles. PASSIVE: At the beginning of each turn, Doom places a Trap tile.
Level 2: Doom deals 164 damage plus 164 damage for each of his Traps.
Level 3: Doom deals 192 damage plus 192 damage for each of his Traps.
Level 4: Doom deals 247 damage plus 247 damage for each of his Traps.
Level 5: Doom deals 356 damage plus 356 damage for each of his Traps.
[anchor=doctoroctopus3]Doctor Octopus (Otto Octavius)[/anchor]
3 Star Rarity (Rare) Discussion link. Wiki link.
At Max Level: HP: 8670 Tile damage: 11/12/79/13/61/70/3.0
Dr. Octavius reaches out with his mechanical arms to use controls and devices, smashing enemy plans easily. Swaps 16 pairs of random tiles, destroying any swapped enemy Attack tiles, and dealing 110 damage for each tile destroyed.
Level 2. Also destroys enemy Strike tiles.
Level 3. Deals 117 damage per tile destroyed.
Level 4. Also destroys enemy Protect tiles.
Level 5. Deals 330 damage per tile destroyed.
Doctor Octopus casually delivers a scathing monologue about his superior intellect while his metal arms continue their assault. Whenever you make a match that includes enemy special tiles, add a Black Attack tile to the board of strength 27.
Level 2: Creates strength 32 Attack tiles.
Level 3: Creates strength 38 Attack tiles.
Level 4: Adds 2 strength 27 Attack tiles.
Level 5: Adds 2 strength 43 Attack tiles.
Doctor Octopus’ metal arms strike, constrict and mangle all his opponents at once. Deals 268 damage to all enemies, then stuns a random enemy for 1 turn, strengthens a random friendly special tile by 16, and steals 1 enemy Green AP.
Level 2. Strengthens a random friendly special tile by 40.
Level 3. Deals 354 damage to all enemies.
Level 4. Stuns a random enemy for 2 turns. Strengthens a random friendly special tile by 57.
Level 5. Deals 477 damage to all enemies. Steals 2 enemy Green AP.
[anchor=falcon3]Falcon (Mighty Avengers)[/anchor]
3 Star Rarity (Rare) Discussion link. Wiki Link
At Max Level: HP: 8075 Tile damage: 79/13/70/61/12/11/3.0
Falcon spreads his wings, motivating his teammates as he swoops into the fight. When the team makes a yellow match, Falcon improves the strength of 2 friendly Protect, Strike, or Attack tiles by 7.
Level 2: Improves friendly tiles by 8.
Level 3: Improves friendly tiles by 10.
Level 4: Improves friendly tiles by 13.
Level 5: Improves 3 friendly tiles by 13.
Falcon's companion Redwing soars overhead, alerting Falcon to danger. If the team has at least 8 blue AP, Redwing converts an enemy Protect or Strike tile into a 4 turn Countdown tile that signals when Redwing will return.
Level 2: Redwing can change Attack Tiles.
Level 3: Redwing strikes when the team has 5 Blue AP.
Level 4: Redwing can change countdown tiles.
Level 5: Redwing returns after only 3 turns.
Falcon summons a massive flock of birds to swarm the battlefield, obscuring his team's position. Creates 9 protect tiles with a strength of 5.
Level 2: Creates 11 Protect tiles.
Level 3: Creates Strength 6 protect tiles
Level 4: Creates 14 Protect tiles.
Level 5: Creates Strength 9 Protect tiles
[anchor=gamora3]Gamora (Guardians of the Galaxy)[/anchor]
3 Star Rarity (Rare) Discussion link. Wiki link.
At Max Level: HP: 9690 Tile damage: 11/70/13/12/79/61/3.0
Gamora grabs two of her enemies and smashes their heads together before throwing them into a third enemy. Gamora stuns up to 2 random enemies for 1 turn. She deals 82 damage to the enemy team.
Level 2: Deals 148 damage to the enemy team.
Level 3: Deals 219 damage to the enemy team.
Level 4: Deals 361 damage to the enemy team.
Level 5: Gamora stuns up to 2 random enemies for 2 turns.
Gamora furiously slices her target with her sword. She does 208 damage to the target enemy.
Level 2: Gamora deals 250 damage to the target enemy.
Level 3: Gamora deals 291 damage to the target enemy.
Level 4: Gamora deals 374 damage to the target enemy.
Level 5: Gamora deals 541 damage to the target enemy.
Gamora's reputation as the "Most Dangerous Woman in the Galaxy" precedes her. She converts a basic into a strength 18 Strike tile for every 4 tiles that bear her symbol.-
Level 2: Gamora makes strength 22 Strike tiles.
Level 3: Gamora makes strength 26 Strike tiles.
Level 4: Gamora makes strength 33 Strike tiles.
Level 5: Gamora makes strength 48 Strike tiles.
[anchor=humantorch3]Human Torch (Classic)[/anchor]
3 Star Rarity (Rare) Discussion link. Wiki link.
At Max Level: HP: 8075 Tile damage: 13/79/12/11/61/70/3.0
Johnny hurls a fistful of flame, torching the opponent. Deals 177 damage and blisters the battlefield, destroying 2 red tiles.
Level 2: 248 damage.
Level 3: 319 damage
Level 4: 389 damage
Level 5: 460 damage
Eager to impress, the Human Torch erupts into flame, scorching the opponent but disrupting his team. Converts up to 8 basic color tiles into attack tiles that do 12 damage each turn, but deplete the team's Blue, Purple, and Yellow AP by 30%.-
Level 2: 17 damage.
Level 3: 22 damage (Max: 157 x 8 = 1256)
Level 4: 26 damage (Max: 191 x 8 = 1528)
Level 5: 31 damage
The Human Torch channels a deadly stream of flaming plasma. Creates a Green Countdown tile that activates every turn, dealing 14 damage for every green AP the team has (max 126 damage a turn). Tiles cost 1 Green AP per turn.
Level 2: 20 for each Green AP. Max 176 damage a turn.
Level 3: 25 for each Green AP. Max 227 damage a turn.
Level 4: 31 for each Green AP. Max 277 damage a turn.
Level 5: 36 for each Green AP. Max 328 damage a turn.
[anchor=ironfist3]Iron Fist (Immortal Weapon)[/anchor]
3 Star Rarity (Rare) Discussion link. Wiki Link.
At Max Level: HP: 7650 Tile Damage: 12/13/11/70/79/61/4.5x
Imbued with the power of Shou-Lao the Undying, Iron Fist quickly dismantles their opponents. Deals 115 damage and creates 2 strength 22 Red Strike tiles. If the team has 12 or more Black AP, creates an additional 2 Strike tiles.
Level 2: Creates strength 28 Strike tiles.
Level 3: Deals 208 damage.
Level 4: Creates 3 Strike tiles, plus an extra 3 Strike tiles if the team has 12 or more Black AP.
Level 5: Deals 292 damage and creates strength 39 Strike tiles.
Level 3 - 660 damage, creates 2 strength 88 Strike tiles with 2 bonus if 12 or more Black AP
Level 4 - 660 damage, creates 3 strength 88 Strike tiles with 3 bonus if 12 or more Black AP
Level 5 - 926 damage, creates 3 strength 123 Strike tiles with 3 bonus if 12 or more Black AP
Iron Fist of K'un-Lun - 5 AP
Daniel Rand focuses his chi to make his fist like a thing unto iron and strikes. If the team has less than 12 Black AP, converts 5 basic tiles to Black. If the team has 12 or more Black AP, deals 498 damage instead.
Level 2: Deals 598 damage if the team has 12 or more Black AP,.
Level 3: Either converts 6 basic tiles to Black or deals 697 damage.
Level 4: Either converts 7 basic tiles to Black or deals 896 damage.
Level 5: Either converts 9 basic tiles to Black or deals 1295 damage.
Level 3 - Converts 6 tiles to Black or deals 2215 damage.
Level 4 - Converts 7 tiles to Black or deals 2848 damage.
Level 5 - Converts 9 tiles to Black or deals 4113 damage.
Exquisite Technique - Passive
The Immortal Iron Fist has the best Kung-fu. So bring it. At the beginning of every turn, if there are no friendly Attack tiles, create a strength 60 Green Attack tile.
Level 2: Creates a strength 71 Green Attack tile.
Level 3: Creates a strength 82 Green Attack tile.
Level 4: Creates a strength 104 Green Attack tile.
Level 5: Creates a strength 153 Green Attack tile.
Level 3 - Strength 260 Green Attack tile.
Level 4 - Strength 330 Green Attack tile.
Level 5 - Strength 486 Green Attack tile.
[anchor=ironman3]Iron Man (Model 40)[/anchor]
3 Star Rarity (Rare) Discussion link. Wiki link.
At Max Level: HP: 9690 Tile damage: 70/79/61/13/12/11/3.5
Tony Stark diverts all power to a focused energy beam fired from Model 40's chest. Deals 473 damage and costs 4 of the team's AP in every other color.
Level 2: 10% damage
Level 3: Drains 3 AP from other colors.
Level 4: 10% damage
Level 5: Drains 2 AP from other colors.
Fires charged homing missiles. They do 355 damage to each enemy and crater the battlefield, destroying 3 basic tiles. Uses reserve power, sapping 3 AP from other AP colors.
Level 2: 10% damage
Level 3: Reduces non-Blue AP drain to 2.
Level 4: 10% damage
Level 5: Stuns current target for 2 turns.
Recharges weapon systems. Creates 3 Countdown tiles that activate after 2 turns, restoring 3 Red AP each. Iron Man is then stunned for 2 turns as systems reinitialize.
Level 2: Each Countdown tile also restores 3 Blue AP. Costs 8 AP.
Level 3: Each Countdown tile also restores 2 Green AP. Costs 10 AP.
Level 4: Each Countdown tile also restores 2 Purple AP. Costs 12 AP.
Level 5: Each Countdown tile also restores 2 Black AP. Costs 14 AP.
[anchor=kamalakhan3]Kamala Khan (Ms. Marvel)[/anchor]
3 Star Rarity (Rare) Discussion link. Wiki Link
At Max Level: HP: 8670 Tile Damage: 79/13/12/70/61/11/3.5x
Kamala's can-do attitude keeps her fighting and inspires everyone around her. Whenever an ally fires an ability, Ms. Marvel gives the team a burst of 110 health.
Level 2: Gives the team a burst of 132 health.
Level 3: Gives the team a burst of 154 health.
Level 4: Gives the team a burst of 198 health.
Level 5: Gives the team a burst of 286 health.
Level 3 - Gives the team a burst of 487 health.
Level 4 - Gives the team a burst of 626 health.
Level 5 - Gives the team a burst of 905 health.
Inhuman Stretchiness - 8 AP
Ms. Marvel stretches to solve the situation at hand... by punching it. With her hand. Converts a chosen basic tile and 2 random basic tiles of the same color to Green.
Level 2: Converts 3 additional random tiles to Green.
Level 3: Converts 4 additional random tiles to Green.
Level 4: Converts 5 additional random tiles to Green.
Level 5: Converts 7 additional random tiles to Green.
Ms. Marvel's embiggened fists of rage strike down her enemies! For justice! Deals 411 damage to the enemy team.
Level 2: Deals 493 damage to the enemy team.
Level 3: Deals 575 damage to the enemy team.
Level 4: Deals 740 damage to the enemy team.
Level 5: Deals 1069 damage to the enemy team.
Level 3 - Deals 1826 damage to the enemy team.
Level 4 - Deals 2347 damage to the enemy team.
Level 5 - Deals 3390 damage to the enemy team.
[anchor=loki3]Loki (Dark Reign)[/anchor]
3 Star Rarity (Rare) Discussion link. Wiki link.
At Max Level: HP: 5950 Tile damage: 12/11/13/79/61/70
Loki's trickery turns the enemy's tools against them. Transforms 1 enemy Strike tile into a friendly Protect tile and 1 enemy Protect tile into a friendly Strike tile.-
Level 2: Loki steals 2 Strike and Protect tiles.
Level 3: Loki steals 3 Strike and Protect tiles.
Level 4: Loki steals 5 Strike and Protect tiles.
Level 5: Loki steals all Strike and Protect tiles.
You can’t count on anything when Loki’s around. Changes the location of 14 colored tiles.
Level 2: Changes the location of 18 colored tiles.
Level 3: Changes the location of 22 colored tiles.
Level 4: Changes the location of 26 colored tiles.
Level 5: Changes the location of 32 colored tiles.
Loki is consumed by a cold rage as he moves to undermine his enemies. If the enemy team makes a match-4 of any color, Loki converts 2 basic tiles of that color into 4-turn Countdown tiles which steal 2 AP of a random color.
Level 2: Countdown tiles last 3 turns.
Level 3: Loki creates 3 Countdown tiles.
Level 4: Countdown tiles last 2 turns.
Level 5: Loki creates 4 Countdown tiles.
[anchor=lukecage3]Luke Cage (Hero For Hire)[/anchor]
3 Star Rarity (Rare) Discussion link. Wiki link.
At Max Level: HP: 9690 Tile damage: 79/70/13/11/12/61/3.0
Inspired by his team, Luke winds up and delivers a massive blow to the enemy. Luke deals 548 damage, plus 159 damage for each ally still in the fight.
Level 2: Luke deals 658 damage
Level 3: Deals 223 damage for each ally still in the fight.
Level 4: Luke deals 986 damage.
Level 5: Luke deals 1425 damage plus 413 for each ally still in the fight.
With his bulletproof, steel-hard skin, Luke Cage is a walking tank. At the beginning of every turn, if there are no friendly Protect tiles on the board, Luke creates a strength 33 Protect tile.
Level 2: Creates a Strength 38
Level 3: Creates a Strength 45 Protect tile.
Level 4: Creates a Strength 58 Protect tile.
Level 5: Creates a Strength 85 Protect tile.
Max Level: 3 - 141 Protect tile, 4 - 182 Protect tile, 5 - 268 Protect tile
Luke sets up for a classic one-two punch to knock his opponents cold. Luke deals 164 damage and places a 4-turn Countdown tile. While active, Jab, Jab, Cross deals 597 damage instead.-
Level 2: Luke deals 190 damage or 710 damage if his Countdown tile exists.
Level 3: Luke deals 246 damage or 818 damage if his Countdown tile exists.
Level 4: If his Countdown tile exists, Luke also stuns the target for 1 turn.
Level 5: Luke deals 328 damage or 1367 damage if his Countdown tile exists.
[anchor=magneto3]Magneto (Classic)[/anchor]
3 Star Rarity (Rare) Discussion link. Wiki link.
At Max Level: HP: 8670 Tile damage: 61/70/79/11/12/13/3.2
The air crackles as Magneto creates a force field of magnetic energy to protect his allies. Converts 6 random basic color tiles into strength 11 Protect tiles.
Level 2: Can convert enemy Protect, Strike and Attack tiles.
Level 3: Converts 8 tiles.
Level 4: Converts 9 tiles.
Level 5: Creates strength 17 Protect tiles and can now also convert enemy Countdown tiles.
Magneto hurls a massive metal object towards the heart of the enemy team, landing with tremendous force and causing them to scatter. Destroys all Team-Up tiles, dealing 27 damage per tile. Does not generate AP.
Level 2: Deals 43 damage per tile.
Level 3: Deals 49 damage per tile.
Level 4: Deals 59 damage per tile.
Level 5: Deals 81 damage per tile.
Magneto turns metallic objects into deadly projectiles, causing devastation and chaos. Swaps up to 5 random Blue tiles with Red tiles. Does 93 damage for each swap.
Level 2: Does 126 damage for each swap.
Level 3: Swaps up to 6 tiles.
Level 4: Does 169 damage for each swap.
Level 5: Swaps up to 7 random tiles and does 224 damage for each swap.
[anchor=mystique3]Mystique (Raven Darkholme)[/anchor]
3 Star Rarity (Rare) Discussion link. Wiki link.
At Max Level: HP: 8075 Tile damage: 12/13/70/79/11/61/3.0
Mystique changes her appearance to make her look like the target enemy, creating an 8 turn Countdown tile. While shapeshifted whenever the enemy team makes a match Mystique steals 1 AP of that color.
Level 2: Also stuns the target for 1 turn
Level 3: Also steals 1 AP whenever the enemy team makes a Blue match
Level 4: Also steals 1 AP whenever the enemy team makes a Purple or Black match
Level 5: Also steals 1 AP whenever the enemy team makes a Team-Up match. Stuns for 1 additional turn
Mystique infiltrates an organization giving herself ample opportunity to unravel plans. Transforms 5 random basic tiles that are into or .
Level 2: Now transforms 5 tiles.
Level 3: Transforms 6 tiles.
Level 4: Transforms 7 tiles.
Level 5: Transforms 9 tiles.
Mystique reveals her secret plan, taking everyone by surprise. Deals 438 damage, and reduces both teams' AP by 2. If Mystique is shapeshifted, she destroys her shapeshift tile and deals an additional 329 damage.
Level 2: Does not reduce friendly
Level 3: Deals 548 damage, plus an additional 658 damage if shapeshifted
Level 4: Does not reduce friendly AP
Level 5: Deals 986 damage, plus an additional 1316 damage if shapeshifted.
Max Level: 3130 Damage. Additional 4172 damage for Shapeshift tile.
[anchor=psylocke3]Psylocke (Classic)[/anchor]
3 Star Rarity (Rare) Discussion link. Wiki link.
At Max Level: HP: 8670 Tile damage: 11/79/70/13/12/61/3.8
Psylocke gains momentum, fluidly chaining attacks together. Deals 59 damage and creates a strength 12 Red Strike tile whenever fewer than 3 exist. Costs 1 less for each Red Strike Tile (min cost 5)
Level 2: Increases Strike tile strength to 19
Level 3: 94 damage
Level 4: Increases strike tile strength to 31
Level 5: 153 damage
Psylocke steadies and channels her telepathic power, reaching into the minds of the enemy to disrupt their attack. Converts a basic Blue tile to a 3 turn Countdown tile that steals up to 9AP from the enemies largest color pool.
Level 2: Steals up to 12 AP
Level 3: Steals up to 15 AP
Level 4: Steals up to 19 AP
Level 5: Countdown reduced from 3 turns to 2 turns.
Psylocke carves the enemy up with her psionic katana. Deals 59 damage and leaves the enemy bleeding, converting a basic Black tile to an Attack tile that deals 14 damage to the current target each turn.-
Level 2: Deals 94 damage
Level 3: Increases attack tile damage to 22
Level 4: 153 damage
Level 5: Increases attack tile damage to 36
[anchor=quicksilver3]Quicksilver (Pietro Maximoff)[/anchor]
3 Star Rarity (Rare) Discussion link. Wiki Link
At Max Level: HP: 8670 Tile Damage: 11/12/70/13/61/79/4x
Quicksilver just can't help using his speed to make the enemy look stupid. Swaps the position of 2 selected basic tiles. Costs 1 AP less for every Locked tile on the board (minimum 7 AP).
Level 2: Also deals 55 damage.
Level 3: Deals 110 damage.
Level 4: Deals 248 damage.
Level 5: Deals 523 damage.
Level 3 - Deals 348 damage.
Level 4 - Deals 783 damage.
Level 5 - Deals 1653 damage.
Supersonic - Passive
Quicksilver dashes through the battlefield messing with the enemy's plans and causing a bit of chaos. Whenever anyone makes a Blue match, Quicksilver locks 1 random Team-Up tile. But if there are already at least 4 Locked tiles, they detonate, dealing 190 damage to the enemy team instead.
Level 2: Deals 251 damage.
Level 3: Deals 312 damage.
Level 4: Deals 433 damage.
Level 5: Deals 678 damage.
Level 3 - Deals 991 damage.
Level 4 - Deals 1377 damage.
Level 5 - Deals 2156 damage.
Fists of Fury - 10 AP
Quicksilver grabs his enemy and pummels them with a furious blur of punches. Creates 1 random Critical tile. Costs 1 AP less for every Locked tile on the board (minimum 6 AP).
Level 2: Deals 71 damage.
Level 3: Deals 137 damage.
Level 4: Deals 289 damage.
Level 5: Deals 579 damage.
Level 3 - Deals 435 damage.
Level 4 - Deals 921 damage.
Level 5 - Deals 1843 damage.
[anchor=ragnarok3]Ragnarok (Dark Avengers Thor)[/anchor]
3 Star Rarity (Rare) Discussion link. Wiki link.
At Max Level: HP: 10710 Tile damage: 13/70/61/11/79/12/3.00 -
[anchor=ares2]Ares (Dark Avengers)[/anchor]
2 Star Rarity (Uncommon) Discussion link
At Max Level: HP: 5880 Tile damage: 43/49/09/11/55/10/3.0
Ares charges into battle, seething with fury. He channels his rage into one might blow, depleting the team's green AP and doing 14 damage for each. His warmongering incites the enemy, granting them 1 green AP for every 2 consumed.
Level 2: 19 Damage for each Green AP
Level 3: Minimum Green AP cost reduced to 6.
Level 4: 24 damage for each Green AP.
Level 5: Minimum Green AP cost reduced to 5.
Brutal combat drives Ares into a reckless frenzy. Swinging his axe in huge violent arcs, he cleaves the enemy team for 50 damage, or 100 if he is below 20% of his max health.
Level 2: ??? 68 Damage or 135 if Ares is below 20% of his max health.
Level 3: ??? (MAX) 662 damage, or 1323 damage if Ares is below 25% of max health.
Level 4: ??? (MAX) 833 damage, or 1666 damage if Ares is below 25% of max health.
Level 5: 170 damage if Ares is below 30% of max health.
Ares sacrifices his body to strike a crippling blow. deals 150 damage to the enemy and 100 to himself. It takes time for Ares to recover, converting a random basic color tile to a 3 turn countdown tile that does 50 damage and heals him for 63.
Level 2: deals 225 base damage.
Level 3: Increases Countdown tile healing to 82.
Level 4: Increases Countdown tile damage to 75.
Level 5: Reduces Countdown to 2.
[anchor=blackwidow2]Black Widow (Original)[/anchor]
2 Star Rarity (Uncommon) Discussion link
At Max Level: HP: 3430 Tile damage: 10/11/49/55/09/43/4.0
Natasha goes undercover to find her opponent's secrets. She steals 2 Yellow, Blue, Red, and Green AP, undermining the enemy's plans and setting hers into motion.
Level 2: Steals 3 AP. Costs 2 AP more.
Level 3: Also steals Black AP. Costs 1 AP more.
Level 4: Steals 4 AP. Costs 2 AP more.
Level 5: Also steals Purple AP. Costs 1 AP more.
Stolen Stark tech increases enemy countdowns by 2. If there are none, heals all allies of 100 damage.
Level 2: Add 3 to timers.
Level 3: Costs 2 AP less.
Level 4: Adds 4 to timers.
Level 5: 50% heal with enemy countdown timers present.
(Dev note: This means at Level 5 AGD and base level character, she would heal for 50 with Countdown tiles, plus 50 more if none are present)
Black Widow steals enemy secrets. When she attacks by making a Purple match and the enemy has Purple AP, she steals 1 from them.-
Level 2: Also steals 1 Blue AP when making a Blue match.
Level 3: Also steals 1 Black AP when making a Black match.
Level 4: Also deals 6 damage when making a Purple, Blue, or Black match.
Level 5: Increases damage to 12 when making a Purple, Blue, or Black match.
[anchor=bullseye2]Bullseye (Dark Avengers Hawkeye)[/anchor]
2 Star Rarity (Uncommon) Discussion link
At Max Level: HP: 4361 Tile damage: 10/09/11/55/43/49/4.5
(PASSIVE) Bullseye’s skeleton is infused with the strongest metal on earth. If there are fewer than 3 friendly Purple Protect tiles, create one whenever anyone matches Purple tiles.
Level 2: Creates up to 4 Protect tiles.
Level 3: Creates up to 5 Protect tiles.
Level 4: Creates up to 7 Protect tiles.
Level 5: No cap on Protect tiles.
Bullseye has really taken to this bow and arrow shtick. Turns a selected (non-Countdown) tile into a Critical tile and deals 1000 damage if there are now 4 or more Critical tiles.-
Level 2: Costs 1 AP less.
Level 3: Damage if 3 or more Critical tiles.
Level 4: Costs 1 AP less.
Level 5: Creates 2 Critical tiles. Damage if 4 or more Critical tiles.
Bullseye lets loose a torrent of projectiles, weakening his opponent for the final blow. Destroys 3 chosen basic tiles and deals 33 damage. Destroyed tiles don't deal damage or generate AP.
Level 2: Deals 50 damage.
Level 3: Destroys 4 chosen tiles.
Level 4: Deals 83 damage.
Level 5: Destroys 5 chosen tiles and deals 137 damage.
[anchor=captainamerica2]Captain America (Modern)[/anchor]
2 Star Rarity (Uncommon) Discussion link
At Max Level: HP: 5586 Tile damage: 55/49/43/09/10/11/3.0
Captain America courageously rushes to protect the team’s flank. Transforms 3 chosen basic tiles into Yellow Protect tiles, each with a strength of 13.
Level 2 – Increases Protect Strength to 7.
Level 3 – Increases Protect Strength to 8.
Level 4 – Increases Protect Strength to 10.
Level 5 – Transform 4 tiles.
The Captain hurls his trusty shield into battle. Hits the target for 50 damage and transforms a chosen basic tile into a 3 turn Countdown tile that returns 8 Red AP.
Level 2 – Returns 9 Red AP.
Level 3 – Can target Strike, Protect, Attack, and Web tiles.
Level 4 – Returns 10 Red AP.
Level 5 – Can target any tile.
Captain America gallantly launches his shield at the enemy. Stuns the target for 2 turns and transforms a chosen basic tile into a 3 turn Countdown tile that returns 8 Blue AP.
Level 2 – Returns 9 Blue AP.
Level 3 – Can target Strike, Protect, Attack, and Web tiles.
Level 4 – Returns 10 Blue AP.
Level 5 – Can target any tile.
[anchor=captainmarvel2]Captain Marvel (Ms. Marvel)[/anchor]
2 Star Rarity (Uncommon) Discussion link. Wiki link.
At Max Level: HP: 5586 At Max Level: Tile damage: 49/55/10/9/11/43/4.5
Ms. Marvel unleashes the amazing cosmic power of her photonic blasts, shattering her enemy's defenses. Deals 90 damage and destroys up to 2 enemy Protect tiles. Does not generate AP.
Level 2: Deals 107 Damage
Level 3: Deals 122 Damage
Level 4: Destroys up to 3 enemy Protect tiles
Level 5: Deals 180 Damage
Ms. Marvel pushes her flight to its limit, hitting enemies at Mach-1 and causing a sonic boom that hits moments later. Deals 107 damage to the enemy team and places a 3 turn Countdown tile that deals an additional 81 damage when activated. The exertion costs Ms. Marvel an additional 4 AP from one random color.
Level 2: Countdown tile deals 100 when activated.
Level 3: Ms. Marvel deals 117 damage to the enemy team.
Level 4: Countdown tile deals 131 when activated.
Level 5: Ms. Marvel deals 143 damage to the enemy team and loses 3 AP.
Ms. Marvel uses her military and Avengers expertise to lead her teammates into battle. Converts up to 5 random tiles into Team-Up tiles.
Level 2: Converts 6 tiles
Level 3: Converts 7 tiles
Level 4: Converts 8 tiles
Level 5: Converts 9 tiles
[anchor=daken2]Daken (Dark Avengers Wolverine)[/anchor]
2 Star Rarity (Uncommon) Discussion link
At Max Level: HP: 3920 Tile damage: 09/10/43/49/11/55/4.0
(PASSIVE) Daken’s healing factor allows him to recover 3% of his health every turn. If there are fewer than 9 Blue tiles, the terrible drug “Heat” kicks in, and he loses 3% of his health instead.
Level 2: Heals 4% per turn.
Level 3: Heals 5% per turn.
Level 4: 7 Blue tiles to avoid “Heat”.
Level 5: 6 Blue tiles to avoid “Heat”.
(PASSIVE) Daken releases a scent that sets his enemies on edge, using their anger to his advantage. Whenever anyone makes a Green match, add a Red Strike tile to the board of strength 5.
Level 2: 6 Strike tile strength.
Level 3: 7 Strike tile strength.
Level 4: 8 Strike tile strength.
Level 5: 9 Strike tile strength.
Daken springs a trap, but his addiction to "Heat" threatens to push him over the edge. Damages the target for 100, converts two 2 Blue tiles to Green, and converts up to 2 friendly Strike tiles to basic tiles, doing 50 damage per Strike tile converted.
Level 2: Increases cleared Strike tile damage to 54.
Level 3: Increases cleared Strike tile damage to 58.
Level 4: Converts up to 3 Strike tiles.
Level 5: Up to 4 friendly Strike tiles converted for 73 damage.
[anchor=hawkeye2]Hawkeye (Modern)[/anchor]
2 Star Rarity (Uncommon) Discussion link
At Max Level: HP: 4361 Tile damage: 11/43/49/55/09/10/4.5
Hawkeye fires an arrow that delivers a high-voltage electric shock when it hits. Changes a chosen basic Blue tile into a 3-turn Countdown tile. When it activates, stuns the target for 2 turns and reduces enemy AP in a random color by 4.
Level 2: Reduces enemy AP in a random color by 6.
Level 3: Reduces enemy AP in two random colors by 4 each.
Level 4: Creates a 2-turn Countdown tile.
Level 5: When it activates, stuns the target for 3 turns.[/u]
Clint lines up the perfect shot. When it hits, it creates a massive explosion. Changes a chosen basic Red tile into a 4-turn Countdown tile. When it activates, deals 200 damage to all enemies.
Level 2: 221 damage.
Level 3: Reduces countdown to 3 turns.
Level 4: 238 damage
Level 5: Reduces countdown to 2 turns.
(PASSIVE) Hawkeye nocks multiple arrows and lets them fly. Is on now, bro. Whenever you match 5 or more tiles, converts up to 3 Purple tiles to 3-turn Countdown tiles that deal 154 damage when activated.
Level 2: Each arrow deals 169 damage.
Level 3: Each arrow deals 183 damage.
Level 4: Places 4 Countdown tiles.
Level 5: Places 2-turn Countdown tiles.
[anchor=humantorch2]Human Torch (Johnny Storm)[/anchor]
2 Star Rarity (Rare) Discussion link. Wiki link.
At Max Level: HP: 4361 Tile damage: 11/55/10/09/43/49/3.0
Johnny hurls a fistful of flame, torching the opponent. Deals 177 damage and blisters the battlefield, destroying 2 red tiles.
Level 2: Deals 196 damage
Level 3: Deals 214 damage
Level 4: Deals 249 damage
Level 5: Deals 320 damage
Eager to impress, the Human Torch erupts into flame, scorching the opponent but disrupting his team. Converts up to 8 basic color tiles into attack tiles that do 12 damage each turn, but deplete the team's Blue, Purple, and Yellow AP by 30%.-
Level 2: Deals 14 damage
Level 3: Deals 17 damage. Max 85
Level 4: Deals 19 damage. Max 98.
Level 5: Deals 22 damage. Max 110.
The Human Torch channels a deadly stream of flaming plasma. Creates a Green Countdown tile that activates every turn, dealing 14 damage for every green AP the team has (max 126 damage a turn). Tiles cost 1 Green AP per turn.
Level 2: Deals 15 damage for each Green AP.
Level 3: Deals 17 damage for each Green AP. Max89 per AP.
Level 4: Deals 20 damage for each Green AP. Max 104 per AP.
Level 5: Deals 25 damage for each Green AP. Max 133 per AP.
[anchor=magneto2]Magneto (Marvel NOW!)[/anchor]
2 Star Rarity (Uncommon) Discussion link
At Max Level: HP: 4998 Tile damage: 11/43/55/49/09/10/3.2
Magneto forms a mass of shrapnel to hurl at his enemies. Converts a random Blue tile into a 1 turn Countdown tile that destroys the 9 surrounding tiles.
Level 2: Increases tiles destroyed to 13, +1 AP Cost.
Level 3: Increases tiles destroyed to 21, +1 to countdown timer, +2 AP Cost.
Level 4: Increases tiles destroyed to 29, +1 to countdown timer.
Level 5: Increase area of effect to entire board, +1 to Countdown timer, +4 AP Cost.
Magneto uses the sheer force of magnetism to reconfigure the battlefield. Changes 3 selected basic color tiles to Blue.
Level 2: ??
Level 3: ??
Level 4: ??
Level 5: 3 selected basic color tiles to Blue, 5 random tiles turn Red.
Magneto creates an unstable magnetic field. Turns a random basic Red tile into a 3 turn Countdown tile that deals 183 damage to the current target.
Level 2: Reduces countdown to 2, +1 AP cost.
Level 3: Destroy a 3x3 block around the Countdown tile. +2 AP cost.
Level 4: Reduces countdown to 1.
Level 5: Destroy a 5x5 block, +3 AP cost.
[anchor=moonstone2]Moonstone (Dark Avengers Ms. Marvel)[/anchor]
2 Star Rarity (Uncommon) Discussion link
At Max Level: HP: 5586 Tile damage: 09/49/11/55/10/43/3.0
Moonstone manipulates gravity, warping a random Purple or Black Special tile to the location of a chosen basic tile. If there are no valid Special tiles, the warp collases doing 75 damage.
Level 2: Can warp Red Special tiles. Collapse damage increased to 86.
Level 3: Can warp Yellow Special tiles. Collapse damage increased to 98.
Level 4: Can warp Blue Special tiles. Collapse damage increased to 109.
Level 5: Can warp any Special tile. Collapse damage increased to 120.
Moonstone concentrates photons into destructive blasts of radiation, harnessing ambient energy to intensify the effect. Does 25 base damage and 13 damage for each Red tile on the board.
Level 2: 14 damage per Red tile.
Level 3: 16 damage per Red tile.
Level 4: 18 damage per Red tile.
Level 5: 23 damage per Red tile.
Moonstone persuades her opponent to turn over their assets. She steals an enemy Attack tile.
Level Upgrades-
Level 2: 1 Attack or Protect tile.
Level 3: 2 Attack or Protect tiles.
Level 4: 2 Attack, Protect, or Strike tiles.
Level 5: 3 Attack, Protect, or Strike tiles.
[anchor=spiderman2]Spider-Man (Bag-Man)[/anchor]
2 Star Rarity (Uncommon) Discussion link
At Max Level: HP: 4998 Tile damage: 43/11/49/55/10/09/3.0
Spider-Man pulls the old switcheroo, swapping 2 basic colored tiles and turning them to Web tiles.
Level 2: Also swaps Strike and Protect tiles.
Level 3: Also swaps Web and Attack tiles.
Level 4: Swaps all tiles that have a color.
Level 5:Swaps 2 pairs of tiles. Costs 18 AP.
Slings a web that wraps 1 tile(s) in a sticky cocoon. These locked tiles stick in place and their special effects are neutralized. The locked effect is removed and tile effects resume if it is matched or otherwise destroyed.
Level 2: Locks 2 tiles. Costs 11.
Level 3: Locks 3 tiles. Costs 13.
Level 4: Locks 4 tiles. Costs 15.
Level 5: Locks 5 tiles. Costs 17.
The wise-cracking web-head befuddles his foe, increasing the timer on a selected Countdown tile by 1 plus 1 for every Web tile (up to 10). Turns all Web tiles to basic tiles.
Level 2: Increases timer by 2 plus 1 for each Web tile.
Level 3: Increases timer by 3 plus 1 for each Web tile.
Level 4: Increases timer by 4 plus 1 for each Web tile.
Level 5: Affects 2 Countdown tiles.
[anchor=storm2]Storm (Classic)[/anchor]
2 Star Rarity (Uncommon) Discussion link
At Max Level: HP: 2940 Tile damage: 43/11/49/09/55/10/3.5
Ororo shatters the air with a volley of lightning, destroying 2 tiles plus one for every two Green AP her team has, dealing damage and generating AP.
Level 2: Shatters 1 more tile.
Level 3: Shatters 1 more tile.
Level 4: Shatters 2 more tiles.
Level 5: Shatters 1 tile for every Green AP.
Storm creates a whirling tempest, damaging the enemy team for 125 and stunning the target for 2 turns.
Level 2: 156 damage.
Level 3: Stuns target for 3 turns.
Level 4: 188 damage.
Level 5: Stuns target for 4 turns.
(PASSIVE) Storm surrounds her team with a whirling tempest that unleashes fury when provoked. If a team member is damaged for 20% of their max health, it deals 19 damage to all enemies. If every team member is below 50% health, damage increases to 125.
Level 2: 23 base damage. 150 damage if team below 50% health.
Level 3: 27 base damage. 175 damage if team below 50% health.
Level 4: 30 base damage. 200 damage if team below 50% health.
Level 5: 34 base damage. 225 damage if team below 50% health.
[anchor=thor2]Thor (Marvel NOW!)[/anchor]
2 Star Rarity (Uncommon) Discussion link
At Max Level: HP: 5880 Tile damage: 49/55/10/09/43/11/3.5
Thor brings his hammer down on the enemy, dealing 44 damage. The magical energies of his hammer begin to charge his next strike, adding 3 Yellow tiles to the board.
Level 2: Deals 62 damage.
Level 3: Deals 79 damage.
Level 4: Deals 97 damage.
Level 5: Deals 114 damage.
A lightning bolt pierces the sky and rips into the target, dealing 81 damage. A storm is brewing; 4 Green tiles are added to the board.
Level 2: 5 Green tiles.
Level 3: 6 Green tiles.
Level 4: 7 Green tiles.
Level 5: 9 Green tiles.
Thor summons a violent storm to smite the enemy. The rage of the heavens rains down on the battlefield, dealing 125 damage to the target and 63 damage to other enemies.
Level 2: Deals 150 damage to target, 76 damage to other enemies.
Level 3: Deals 175 damage to target, 88 damage to other enemies.
Level 4: Deals 200 damage to target, 101 damage to other enemies.
Level 5: Deals 225 damage to target, 113 damage to other enemies.
[anchor=wolverine2]Wolverine (Astonishing X-Men)[/anchor]
2 Star Rarity (Uncommon) Discussion link
At Max Level: HP: 4998 Tile damage: 43/49/09/11/55/10/4.0
Wolverine's rage builds. He deals 33 damage and places 1 strength 3 Red Strike tile plus 1 for every 3 Red AP his team has.
Level 2: 46 damage.
Level 3: Strike Strength 4.
Level 4: 56 damage.
Level 5: Strike Strength 5.
Wolverine rips the enemy to shreds, dealing 180 damage.
Level 2: 216 damage.
Level 3: 252 damage.
Level 4: 288 damage.
Level 5: 324 damage.
(PASSIVE) Wolverine's healing factor mends major injury and sustains his assault. If Wolverine is below 50% health and his team makes a Yellow match, his healing factor activates, restoring 35 health.
Level 2: Recovers 42 health.
Level 3: Recovers 49 health.
Level 4: Recovers 56 health.
Level 5: Recovers 63 health.
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[anchor=blackwidow1]Black Widow (Modern)[/anchor]
1 Star Rarity (Common) Discussion link
At Max Level: HP: 1540 Tile damage: 19/7/22/25/6/7
Natasha goes undercover to find her opponent’s secrets. She steals 2 Yellow, Blue, Red, and Green AP, undermining the enemy's plans and setting hers into motion.
Level 2: Steals 3 AP. Costs 2 AP more.
Level 3: Also steals Black AP. Costs 1 AP more.
Level 4: Steals 4 AP. Costs 2 AP more.
Level 5: Also steals Purple AP. Costs 1 AP more.
A dart from Black Widow's bracelets strikes the target and releases an electrical charge, stunning them for 2 turns.
Level 2: Stuns for 3 turns.
Level 3: Stuns for 4 turns.
Level 4: Stuns for 5 turns.
Level 5: Also stuns other enemies for 1 turn.
[anchor=hawkeye1]Hawkeye (Classic)[/anchor]
1 Star Rarity (Common) Discussion link
At Max Level: HP: 1320 Tile damage: 19/22/7/25/6/7
Hawkeye prepares to place the perfect shot, turning a selected Purple tile into a Critical tile.
Level 2: Also transforms basic Red tiles.
Level 3: Also transforms basic Yellow tiles.
Level 4: Also transforms basic Blue and Green tiles.
Level 5: Also transforms basic Black and Protect tiles.
No bow, no problem. Clint lunges forward, arrow in hand, clearing a selected row and dealing damage (but not generating AP).
Level 2: Costs 1 AP less.
Level 3: Costs 1 AP less.
Level 4: Costs 1 AP less.
Level 5: Costs 1 AP less.
[anchor=ironman1]Iron Man (Model 35)[/anchor]
1 Star Rarity (Common) Discussion link
At Max Level: HP: 2700 Tile damage: 27/31/24/8/7/7
A high-impact kinetic blast from Iron Man's hand deals 63 Damage damage to the target.
Level 2: 66 damage.
Level 3: 69 damage.
Level 4: 76 damage.
Level 5: 88 damage.
Iron Man charges to the fore and positions his armor to shield his allies, creating 2 Protect tiles. From there he unleashes his weaponry, dealing 25 damage.
Level 2: 28 damage.
Level 3: 30 damage.
Level 4: Creates 3 Protect tiles.
Level 5: Creates 4 Protect tiles.
The World's Greatest Engineer freezes the target, stunning them for 1 turn and dealing 125 damage.
Level 2: 131 damage.
Level 3: 138 damage.
Level 4: Stuns for 2 turns.
Level 5: Stuns for 3 turns.
[anchor=juggernaut1]Juggernaut (Classic)[/anchor]
1 Star Rarity (Common) Discussion link
At Max Level: HP: 3520 Tile damage: 7/22/6/7/25/9
Juggernaut's momentum sends him barreling through the battlefield, destroying 16 random tiles. Does not generate AP.
Level 2: Costs 1 AP less.
Level 3: Costs 1 AP less.
Level 4: Costs 1 AP less.
Level 5: Costs 1 AP less.
Juggernaut slams head-first into the enemy, dealing 125 damage to the target and 63 damage to himself.
Level 2: Costs 1 AP less.
Level 3: Costs 1 AP less.
Level 4: Costs 1 AP less.
Level 5: Costs 1 AP less.
[anchor=spiderman1]Spider-Man (Original)[/anchor]
1 Star Rarity (Common) Discussion link. Wiki Link
At Max Level: HP: 2754 Tile Damage: 8/31/27/24/7/7/3.5x
Web Swing - 9 AP
The Amazing Spider-Man swings into battle, dealing a blow with the proportional strength of a spider. Deals 41 damage, then adds a Web tile to the board.
Level 2: Deals an additional 13 damage if there's a Web tile on the board.
Level 3: Deals 44 damage before any bonus damage.
Level 4: Deals an additional 20 damage if there's a Web tile on the board.
Level 5: Deals an additional 31 damage if there's a Web tile on the board.
Level 3: 480 / 135 damage (615 total)
Level 4: 480 / 203 damage (683 total)
Level 5: 480 / 324 damage (804 total)
All Tied Up - 8 AP
Spider-Man slings webs, stuning the target for 1 turn and adding a Web tile to the board.
Level 2: Stuns an extra turn if 3 or more Web tiles exist.
Level 3: Costs 1 fewer Blue AP to fire.
Level 4: Stuns an extra turn if 2 or more Web tiles exist.
Level 5: Costs 1 fewer Blue AP to fire.
Level 3: Costs 7 AP, stuns 1 turn or 2 if 3 or more Web tiles exist.
Level 4: Costs 7 AP, stuns 1 turn or 2 if 2 or more Web tiles exist.
Level 5: Costs 6 AP, stuns 1 turn or 2 if 2 or more Web tiles exist.
Spectacular Strategy - 8 AP
Spider-Man uses his wits and webs to overcome incredible odds and win the day. Converts 2 random basic tiles to Critical tiles, then adds a Web tile to the board.
Level 2: If there are 5 or more Web tiles, converts an additional 2 Basic tiles to Critical tiles.
Level 3: Creates 4 Critical tiles if there are 4 or more Web tiles on the board.
Level 4: Creates 4 Critical tiles if there are 3 or more Web tiles on the board.
Level 5: Creates 2 Web tiles.
Level 3: 4 Critical tiles if 4+ Web tiles exist. Creates 1 Web tile.
Level 4: 4 Critical tiles if 3+ Web tiles exist. Creates 1 Web tile.
Level 5: 4 Critical tiles if 3+ Web tiles exist. Creates 2 Web tiles.
[anchor=storm1]Storm (Modern)[/anchor]
1 Star Rarity (Common) Discussion link
At Max Level: HP: 1620 Tile damage: 7/27/7/8/31/24
Storm calls a blinding bolt of electricity from the heavens, shattering 8 tiles, doing damage and earning AP for each.
Level 2: Shatters 9 tiles.
Level 3: Shatters 10 tiles.
Level 4: Shatters 12 tiles.
Level 5: Shatters 14 tiles.
Clouds darken the battlefield and lightning streaks across the sky as Storm's awesome power inspires her teammates and assaults her foes. Destroys up to 5 Team-Up tiles, generating Team-Up AP and dealing 4 damage per tile.
Level 2: Deals 4 damage for each tile shattered
Level 3: Deals 5 damage for each tile shattered
Level 4: Deals 5 damage for each tile shattered
Level 5: Destroys 6 Team-Up tiles
Ororo glares and dark clouds coalesce. Hailstones pelt the enemy, converting 16 basic tiles to Attack tiles.-
Level 2: Converts 18 tiles.
Level 3: Converts 20 tiles.
Level 4: Converts 24 tiles.
Level 5: Converts 32 tiles.
[anchor=venom1]Venom (Dark Avengers Spider-Man)[/anchor]
1 Star Rarity (Common) Discussion link
At Max Level: HP: 2640 Tile damage: 6/7/7/19/25/22
If there are at least 6 Web tiles on the board, Venom grabs his target and eats them whole, destroying all Web tiles. Otherwise, he bites for 31 damage.-
Level 2: 47 damage.
Level 3: 62 damage.
Level 4: 78 damage.
Level 5: 93 damage.
Venom sends out his tendrils like a rope, wrapping up an enemy to stun them for 1 turn. The tendrils leave their mark on the battlefield as Venom stalks his prey; add 1 Green Web tile to the board.
Level 2: Costs 1 AP less.
Level 3: Costs 1 AP less.
Level 4: Costs 1 AP less.
Level 5: Stuns whole team. +3 AP.
[anchor=yelena1]Yelena Belova (Dark Avengers Widow)[/anchor]
1 Star Rarity (Common) Discussion link
At Max Level: HP: 1540 Tile damage: 6/7/19/25/7/22
Yelena goes undercover to damage her opponents. She steals Yellow, Blue, Red, and Green AP, undermining the enemy's plans and doing 31 damage.
Level 2: Steals 3 AP. Costs 2 AP more.
Level 3: Also steals Black AP. Costs 1 AP more.
Level 4: Steals 4 AP. Costs 2 AP more.
Level 5: Also steals Purple AP. Costs 1 AP more.
The enemy may have thought they were in control, but Yelena's plans for revenge have been put into motion. Turns one enemy-owned special tile into a Critical tile and hits the target for 31 damage.-
Level 2: 34 damage.
Level 3: 37 damage.
Level 4: 40 damage.
Level 5: Turns 2 tiles to Critical tiles.
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Power Graveyard
[anchor=daredevil3]Daredevil (Classic)[/anchor]
3 Star Rarity (Rare) Discussion link. Wiki link.
At Max Level: HP: 6800 Tile damage: 11/61/70/79/12/13/3.5
Daredevil's heightened senses let him strike first, terrifying the enemy. Creates an Random Basic Trap tile that, when matched by an enemy, steals 2 AP from all colors. If you match the tile, it steals 1 Purple AP and changes locations. Enemies cannot see the tile.
Level 2: Steals 3 AP on enemy match.
Level 3: Steals 4 AP on enemy match.
Level 4: Steals 5 AP on enemy match.
Level 5: Steals 6 AP on enemy match.
Billy Club in hand, Daredevil prowls the battlefield, waiting to even the odds. Create a Blue trap tile that, when matched by an enemy, stuns for 2 turns. if you match the tile, it generates 1 Blue AP and changes locations. Enemies cannot see the tile.
Level 2: Stuns for 3 turns.
Level 3: Stuns for 4 turns.
Level 4: Stuns for 5 turns.
Level 5: Stuns for 6 turns.
Daredevil lurks in the shadow, ready to strike. Creates a Red Trap tile that, when matched by the enemy, deals 473 damage. If you match the tile, the enemy takes 24 damage and it changes locations. Enemies cannot see the tile.
Level 2: 662 damage on enemy match.
Level 3: 851 damage on enemy match.
Level 4: 1041 damage on enemy match.
Level 5: 1230 damage on enemy match.
Parker Robbins fires his twin Lorcin .380’s, destroying two selected 3×3 blocks of tiles, earning AP and dealing damage. Ends the turn.
Level 2: Costs 1 AP less.
Level 3: Costs 1 AP less.
Level 4: Costs 1 AP less.
Level 5: Doesn't end the turn.
[anchor=sentry3]Sentry (Dark Avengers)[/anchor]
3 Star Rarity (Rare) - (Gold Character) Discussion link. Wiki link.
At Max Level: HP: 10200 Tile damage: 61/79/13/11/70/12/3.0
The Sentry projects an epic energy blast. Damages the enemy team for 189 before shattering up to 4 random Red tiles. Each tile damages the enemy team for 35 and allies for 35 but does not generate AP. This ability ends the turn.
Level Upgrades
Level 2: Damage to allies reduced to 28 per red tile destroyed.
Level 3: Destroys up to 7 Red tiles.
Level 4: Damages the enemy team for 243. Max: 1527 + 3081 enemies/1246 allies
Level 5: Destroys up to 9 tiles, with damage to allies reduced to 18 per tile. Max: 1527 + 3525 enemies/1053 allies
Sentry flies into the heart of the battlefield, sending waves of kinetic energy rippling outward. Creates Countdown tiles that do 24 damage to enemies and 12 to allies. Countdown tiles are created on a board-centered X pattern.
Level Upgrades
Level 2: Reduces ally damage to 10
Level 3: Impact extends further towards the corners
Level 4: Reduces ally damage to 9.
Level 5: Impact extends further. Max: 864 allies / 2368 enemies + 16*(ally strike - enemy protect).
The Sentry sacrifices himself for the good of the team. He takes 237 damage, but converts a random basic Yellow tile into a Strike tile with a strength of 59.
Level Upgrades
Level 2: Creates a strike tile with a strength of 65
Level 3: Sentry takes 201 damage.
Level 4: Creates Strike tile with a strength of 74. Max: Takes 1261 for 467 strike tile.
Level 5: Sentry takes 178 damage, for a 91 strike tile. Max: Takes 1304 for 674 strike tile.
Wolverine (X-Force)
4 Star Rarity (Legendary) Discussion link. Wiki link
At Max Level: HP:10960 Tile damage: 64/73/11/10/82/09/4.0
Wolverine shreds, creating a 3x3 X-shaped pattern of Strike tiles centered on the selected tile's location. Only transforms basic color tiles.
Level Upgrades
Level 2: 5x5 slash.
Level 3: Also affects Strike and Protect tiles.
Level 4: 7x7 slash.
Level 5: Affects all tile types.
Wolverine slashes the enemy, dealing 420 to the current target and shredding the selected tile's row.
Level Upgrades
Level 2: +25% damage
Level 3: Slashes rows above and below the selected tile instead of one row.
Level 4: +25% damage
Level 5: Slashes three rows centered on the selected tile.
Wolverine starts the process of regeneration. Creates a 5 turn Countdown tile that heals 420 damage, and another 42 for every yellow AP.
Level Upgrades
Level 2: Reduces countdown to 3 turns.
Level 3: +20% base heal.
Level 4: +40% base heal.
Level 5: +300% base heal. Increases countdown to 7.
Magneto (Classic)
3 Star Rarity (Rare) Discussion link. Wiki link.
At Max Level: HP: 6800 Tile damage: 61/70/79/11/12/13/3.2
Magneto summons an electromagnetic shield, turning 2 chosen tiles into Blue Protect tiles, each with a strength of 9.
Level Upgrades
Level 2: Costs 1 AP less.
Level 3: Costs 1 AP less.
Level 4: Costs 1 AP less.
Level 5: Costs 1 AP less.
Magneto propels magnetized projectiles at his enemies destroying 5 random tiles and dealing an extra 21 damage.
Level Upgrades
Level 2: Costs 1 AP less.
Level 3: Costs 1 AP less.
Level 4: Costs 1 AP less. (Max 156)
Level 5: Costs 1 AP less.
Exploiting metals buried in the earth, Magneto lifts and moves huge sections of the battlefield, dropping them violently. Swaps up to 5 random Blue tiles with Red tiles. Does 38 damage for each swap.
Level Upgrades
Level 2: Swaps up to 6 tiles.
Level 3: Swaps up to 7 tiles. Max damage 457 per swap.
Level 4: Swaps up to 9 tiles. Max damage 640 per swap.
Level 5: Swaps up to 13 tiles. Max damage 745 per swap.
Daken (Classic)
3 Star Rarity (Rare) - Gold Character Discussion link. Wiki link.
At Max Level: HP: 6800 Tile damage: 11/12/13/61/79/70/4.0
(PASSIVE) Daken releases a scent that sets his enemies on edge, using their anger to his advantage. Whenever anyone makes a Green match, add a Red Strike tile to the board with a strength of 7.
Level Upgrades
Level 2: +20% Strike tile strength
Level 3: +20% Strike tile strength
Level 4: +40% Strike tile strength
Level 5: Creates 2 Strike tiles at 90% base strength..
(PASSIVE) Daken’s healing factor allows him to recover 3% of his health every turn. If there are fewer than 9 Blue tiles, the terrible drug “Heat” kicks in, and he loses 3% of his health instead.
Level Upgrades-
Level 2: Heals 5% per turn.
Level 3: 8 Blue tiles to avoid “Heat”.
Level 4: Heals 7% per turn.
Level 5: 7 Blue tiles to avoid “Heat”.
Daken springs a trap, but his addiction to "Heat" threatens to push him over the edge. Damages the target for 99, converts two blue tiles to green, and converts up to 2 friendly strike tiles to basic tiles doing 50 damage per strike tile converted.
Level Upgrades
Level 2: Increases cleared strike tile damage to 58.
Level 3: Converts up to 3 Strike tiles (730 Base Damage + 420 per Strike tile * 3 tiles = 1990 damage).
Level 4: Converts up to 4 Strike tiles (730 Base Damage + 420 per Strike tile * 4 tiles = 2410 damage).
Level 5: Increases cleared Strike tile damage to 70 (730 Base Damage + 511 per strike tile * 4 tiles = 2774 damage).
Daken (Dark Avengers Wolverine)
2 Star Rarity (Uncommon) Discussion link
At Max Level: HP: 3280 Tile damage: 08/09/09/32/41/37/4.0
(PASSIVE) Daken releases a scent that sets his enemies on edge, using their anger to his advantage. Whenever anyone makes a Green match, add a Red Strike tile to the board.
Level Upgrades
Level 2: +10% Strike tile strength
Level 3: +10% Strike tile strength
Level 4: +20% Strike tile strength
Level 5: Creates 2 Strike tiles at 90% base strength.
(PASSIVE) Daken’s healing factor allows him to recover 3% of his health every turn. If there are fewer than 8 Yellow tiles, the terrible drug “Heat” kicks in, and he loses 3% of his health instead.
Level Upgrades-
Level 2: Heals 4% per turn.
Level 3: 7 Yellow tiles to avoid “Heat”.
Level 4: Heals 5% per turn.
Level 5: 6 Yellow tiles to avoid “Heat”.
Hawkeye (Modern)
2 Star Rarity (Uncommon) Discussion link
At Max Level: HP: 2940 Tile damage: 11/43/49/55/09/10/4.5
Hawkeye shoots a charged arrow, placing a Blue Countdown tile on the board. It activates after 4 turns, dealing 200 to the current target and stunning them for 2 turns.
Level Upgrades
Level 2: Stuns enemy for 3 turns.
Level 3: Reduces countdown to 3 turns.
Level 4: Stuns enemy for 4 turns.
Level 5: Reduces countdown to 2 turns.
Hawkeye shoots an explosive arrow, placing a Red Countdown tile. After 4 turns, it deals 120 damage to all enemies.
Level Upgrades
Level 2: +25% damage.
Level 3: Reduces countdown to 3 turns.
Level 4: +25% damage.
Level 5: Reduces countdown to 2 turns.
(PASSIVE) If there are more than 8 Purple tiles on the board, Hawkeye leaps out of the way of attacks, moving to the back of the team.
Level Upgrades
Level 2: Requires 7 Purple tiles.
Level 3: Requires 6 Purple tiles.
Level 4: Requires 5 Purple tiles.
Level 5: Requires 4 Purple tiles.
0 -
Want a hero to have their icons on a lot of tiles? I discuss this in the MPQ Tanking Graph thread. Updated for R60.
0 -
Wanted to see what this format would look like.
Color breakdown for powers. [Brackets] have strong tiles in this set of colors. Characters with the same numbers cover all colors.
999/999/999/___/___/___ || ___/___/___/999/999/999 -- Captain America (x2), Iron Man (x2), [Magneto (Classic)] || [Loki], [Bullseye], [Daken] (x2)
888/888/___/888/___/___ || ___/___/888/___/888/888 -- Nobody || Doctor Octopus
777/777/___/___/777/___ || ___/___/777/777/___/777 -- Thor (x2), Sentry, Ares, Wolverine (x3) || Black Widow (Original), Daken (Classic), [Doctor Doom]
666/666/___/___/___/666 || ___/___/666/666/666/___ -- Colossus, Captain Marvel || Nobody
555/___/555/555/___/___ || ___/555/___/___/555/555 -- Nick Fury, Spider-Man (x2), Falcon || Punisher, Human Torch (x2), Hulk
444/___/444/___/444/___ || ___/444/___/444/___/444 -- Invisible Woman, Beast, Storm (Classic) || Deadpool, Moonstone
333/___/333/___/___/333 || ___/333/___/333/333/___ -- Black Panther, The Hood || Black Widow (Grey Suit)
222/___/___/222/222/___ || ___/222/222/___/___/222 -- Nobody || Psylocke
111/___/___/111/___/111 || ___/111/111/___/111/___ -- Nobody || She-Hulk
000/___/___/___/000/000 || ___/000/000/000/___/___ -- Storm (Mohawk), Storm (Modern) || Magneto (x2), Daredevil, Hawkeye (Modern)0 -
Here are some of the overpriced powers in the game. If D3 would like to promote roster diversity, then lowering some of these costs would go a long way. I know there is a rework being done on Wolverine X. With the True Healing change, some powers that give temp healing are now overpriced.
20 AP -- Ballistic Salvo -- IM40
19 AP -- Ultra-Freon Beam -- IM35
19 AP -- Sentinel of Liberty -- Captain America
18 AP -- Grant Invisibility -- Invisible Woman
18 AP -- Murderous Aim -- Bullseye
17 AP -- Control Shift -- Moonstone
15 AP -- X-Force -- Wolverine X
15 AP -- Enraged Slash -- Wolverine X
15 AP -- Trickery -- Loki
13 AP -- Switcheroo -- Bagman
12 AP -- Reprieve -- She Hulk
12 AP -- Web Bandages -- Spider Man
10 AP -- Recovery -- Wolverine X
_9 AP -- Web-Slinger -- Bagman
_7 AP -- Snarky Remark -- Bagman
A few expensive powers are not overpriced.
Twin Pistols - Yellow 18 AP -- The Hood never seems to fail in getting this off, and it generates 18AP
Sniper Rifle - Green 19 AP -- At one time was the foremost nuke of the game. Lots of green generators.
Call The Storm - Green 14 AP -- An efficient nuke.
Best There Is - Red 14 AP -- A bit finicky with tile requirements, but excellent with a well-planned team.0 -
Comparison of powers that nuke the opposing team.
397 damage per AP -- World Rupture -- 174x16 = 2784 for 7 green. Hurts allies. Magnifies strike tiles. Counter. Board shakeup.
309 damage per AP -- Rage of the Panther -- 3708 for 12 black.
292 damage per AP -- Supernova -- 1391 + 7x261 = 3218 for 11 red. Hurts allies. Board shakeup.
205 damage per AP -- Sniper Rifle -- 3912 for 19 green. Board shakeup.
182 damage per AP -- Power of Attorney -- 1644 for 9 red. Board shakeup.
161 damage per AP -- Call the Storm -- 2259 for 14 green. And 2259 to target.
156 damage per AP -- Ballistic Salvo -- 3130 for 20 blue. Drains AP.
111 damage per AP -- Molotov Cocktail -- 783 for 7 black. Makes attack tiles.
Need to add Ares0 -
I have gather the new values for every character (except bullseye and bagman, I don't know why I can't find anyone with them maxed ) Edit: Thx Locked
I will format the data and paste it here as soon as I can ;D [I will try to upload the Excel later, data doesn't display formated ]
Edit: here they are!!! ... again
Y /R /B /P /G /Bl HP NAME Stars
82/11/73/09/64/09 08220 Invisible Woman (Classic) 4
82/10/73/64/11/09 09590 Nick Fury (Director of S.H.I.E.L.D.) 4
64/73/11/10/82/09 10960 Wolverine (X-Force) 4
79/13/70/12/11/61 08500 Black Panther (T'Challa) 3
12/13/70/79/11/61 05950 Black Widow (Grey Suit) 3
79/70/61/11/12/13 08500 Captain America (Steve Rogers) 3
11/12/13/61/79/70 06800 Daken (Classic) 3
11/61/70/79/12/13 06800 Daredevil (Man Without Fear) 3
10/11/69/54/12/61 07176 Doctor Doom (Classic) 3
79/13/70/61/12/11 05950 Falcon (Mighty Avengers) 3
13/79/12/11/61/70 05950 Human Torch (Classic) 3
70/79/61/13/12/11 08500 Iron Man (Model 40) 3
11/10/12/69/54/61 05023 Loki (Dark Reign) 3
61/70/79/11/12/13 06800 Magneto (Classic) 3
11/79/70/13/12/61 06800 Psylocke (Classic) 3
11/61/11/12/61/12 08611 Ragnarok (Dark Avengers Thor) 3
61/79/13/11/70/12 10200 Sentry (Dark Avengers) 3
13/70/79/12/61/11 10200 She-Hulk (Modern) 3
79/13/61/70/12/11 06800 Spider-Man (Classic) 3
12/70/11/13/79/61 05100 Storm (Mohawk) 3
79/13/70/12/11/61 05100 The Hood (Classic) 3
12/70/13/11/79/61 11475 The Hulk (Indestructible) 3
11/61/12/13/70/79 06800 The Punisher (Dark Reign) 3
79/79/12/11/61/13 10200 Thor (Modern) 3
61/70/13/12/79/11 06800 Wolverine (Patch) 3
43/49/09/11/55/10 05880 Ares (Dark Avengers) 2
10/11/49/55/09/43 03430 Black Widow (Original) 2
09/09/10/46/36/41 02460 Bullseye (Dark Avengers Hawkeye) 2
55/49/43/09/10/11 04900 Captain America (Modern) 2
09/09/10/36/46/41 03280 Daken (Dark Avengers Wolverine) 2
11/43/49/55/09/10 02940 Hawkeye (Modern) 2
11/55/10/09/43/49 03430 Human Torch (Johnny Storm) 2
11/43/55/49/09/10 03920 Magneto (Marvel NOW!) 2
09/49/11/55/10/43 04900 Moonstone (Dark Avengers Ms. Marvel) 2
43/11/49/55/10/09 03920 Spider-Man (Bag-Man) 2
43/11/49/09/55/10 02940 Storm (Classic) 2
49/55/10/09/43/11 05880 Thor (Marvel NOW!) 2
43/49/09/11/55/10 03920 Wolverine (Astonishing X-Men) 2
19/07/22/25/06/07 01540 Black Widow (Modern) 1
19/22/07/25/06/07 01320 Hawkeye (Classic) 1
27/31/24/08/07/07 02700 Iron Man (Model 35) 1
07/22/06/07/25/09 03520 Juggernaut (Classic) 1
07/27/07/08/31/24 01620 Storm (Modern) 1
06/07/07/19/25/22 02640 Venom (Dark Avengers Spider-Man) 1
06/07/19/25/07/22 01540 Yelena Belova (Dark Avengers Widow) 10 -
I have seen maxed Bag-Man somewhere... Let me look.
Edit: for maxed Bullseye: Sparta.s Elite, player the_1kingpin
Maxed 5-3-5 Bag-Man: same alliance, Damiano
Of course, Bugpop has a maxed Bullseye, too. But not even he has a maxed Bag-Man
Edit: add lazy Daken to the company of cMags and GSBW, he has a colour disparity as well, and a colour shift to boot. (Strongest colours are green-purple-black and powers are purple-black-blue).0 -
locked wrote:I have seen maxed Bag-Man somewhere... Let me look.
Edit: for maxed Bullseye: Sparta.s Elite, player the_1kingpin
Maxed 5-3-5 Bag-Man: same alliance, Damiano
Of course, Bugpop has a maxed Bullseye, too. But not even he has a maxed Bag-Man
Edit: add lazy Daken to the company of cMags and GSBW, he has a colour disparity as well, and a colour shift to boot. (Strongest colours are green-purple-black and powers are purple-black-blue).0 -
Piling up more tidbits:
Phantron has a 3/5/5/ maxed BP, so his protect tiles max out at 5x140.
Will search for more and update this post.
Edit: Steve Rogers' yellow protect tiles max out at 4x339.
Edit: Nick Fury: 9590 82/10/73/64/11/9 3.5x 4 (NoMistake of Retribution)
Human Torch (Johnny Storm): 3430 11/55/10/9/43/49 3.0x 3 (Colognoisseur of Retribution)
Edit: maxed 5/3/5 Thor deals 2132 damage on red (kevind of the scAvengers)
Edit: I notice that many characters have old/wrong health and tile strength values? Classic Daken has 6800, not 7250 health, the values are not his either; BP and GSBW have higher health and tile values due to Level Shift, etc. I guess Nonce just hasn't got around to doing that yet and focused abilities first.0 -
I thought that Health values were correct. I will try to check them by myself next time ;D0
I'm referring to Nonce's posts; haven't had the time to go through any other files.0
Seems like BWGS now aligns her colours abilities and damage points.0
Black Panther - 5 in Defense Grid is a 140 tile on level 1660
You are the ****. Thanks for all the work you do here on this forum and thanks even more for doing it while not being a moderator anymore. I always look forward to seeing the information you gather as it has helped me plan what covers I want to max on each character. Much appreciated.
Nelly0 -
I think the Sentry discussion link in the 3rd post is pointing to the one that went down the memory hole.0
If they let people get packs based on color, with 2* 3* 4* possible in a pack, here's what you could get in a color pack.
22 Yellow
Invisible Woman (Classic), Nick Fury (Director of SHIELD), Wolverine (X-Force)
Beast (Modern), Black Panther (Man Without Fear), Captain America (Steve Rogers), Captain Marvel (Modern), Falcon (Mighty Avengers), Iron Man (Model 40), Magneto (Classic), Sentry (Dark Avengers), Spider-Man (Classic), Storm (Mohawk), The Hood (Classic), Thor (Modern), Wolverine (Patch)
Ares (Dark Avengers), Captain America (Modern), Spider-Man (Bag-Man), Storm (Classic), Thor (Marvel NOW!), Wolverine (Astonishing X-Men)
18 Black
Wolverine (X-Force)
Black Panther (Man Without Fear), Captain Marvel (Modern), Daken (Classic), Deadpool (It's Me, Deadpool), Doctor Doom (Classic), Human Torch (Classic), Loki (Dark Reign), Psylocke (Classic), Storm (Mohawk), The Hood (Classic), The Hulk (Indestructible), The Punisher (Dark Reign),
Black Widow (Original), Bullseye (Dark Avengers), Daken (Dark Avengers), Human Torch (Johnny Storm), Moonstone (Dark Avengers)
24 Red
Black Widow (Grey Suit), Captain America (Steve Rogers), Captain Marvel (Modern), Daredevil (Classic), Deadpool (It's Me, Deadpool), Human Torch (Classic), Iron Man (Model 40), Magneto (Classic), Psylocke (Classic), Ragnarok (Dark Avengers), Sentry (Dark Avengers), She-Hulk (Modern), The Hulk (Indestructible), The Punisher (Dark Reign), Thor (Modern), Wolverine (Patch)
Ares (Dark Avengers), Captain America (Modern), Hawkeye (Modern), Human Torch (Johnny Storm), Magneto (Marvel NOW!), Moonstone (Dark Avengers), Thor (Marvel NOW!), Wolverine (Astonishing X-Men)
15 Purple
Nick Fury (Director of SHIELD),
Black Widow (Grey Suit), Daken (Classic), Daredevil (Classic), Deadpool (It's Me, Deadpool), Falcon (Mighty Avengers), Loki (Dark Reign), Spider-Man (Classic)
Black Widow (Original), Bullseye (Dark Avengers), Daken (Dark Avengers), Hawkeye (Modern), Magneto (Marvel NOW!), Moonstone (Dark Avengers), Spider-Man (Bag-Man)
22 Blue
Invisible Woman (Classic), Nick Fury (Director of SHIELD)
Beast (Modern), Black Panther (Man Without Fear), Captain America (Steve Rogers), Daken (Classic), Daredevil (Classic), Doctor Doom (Classic), Falcon (Mighty Avengers), Iron Man (Model 40), Magneto (Classic), Psylocke (Classic), She-Hulk (Modern), Spider-Man (Classic), The Hood (Classic)
Black Widow (Original), Captain America (Modern), Daken (Dark Avengers), Hawkeye (Modern), Magneto (Marvel NOW!), Spider-Man (Bag-Man), Storm (Classic)
18 Green
Invisible Woman (Classic), Wolverine (X-Force)
Beast (Modern), Black Widow (Grey Suit), Human Torch (Classic), Ragnarok (Dark Avengers), Sentry (Dark Avengers), She-Hulk (Modern), Storm (Mohawk), The Hulk (Indestructible), The Punisher (Dark Reign), Thor (Modern), Wolverine (Patch)
Ares (Dark Avengers), Human Torch (Johnny Storm), Storm (Classic), Thor (Marvel NOW!), Wolverine (Astonishing X-Men)0
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