True Healing



  • Do not revert the healing change.. Please consider this idea:

  • _RiO_
    _RiO_ Posts: 1,047 Chairperson of the Boards
    Aebramz wrote:
    Do not revert the healing change.. Please consider this idea:


    Your idea is insufficient to resolve the problem that healing was used to prolong play time into longer consolidated blocks for PC players.
    PC players don't have the luxury of mobile players to bust out a phone every odd 2 hours of the day for a quick 5 minute smackdown.
  • Completely dissapointed with true healing.
    Congrats, you ruines the game.
    I wont play as much as I did and, with time, I wont play at all.

    You are losing us...
    By the way, this account was created just because of that!

    Worst update EVER!
  • Not happy with this change either. As everybody is. I don't think I have to elaborate, it would only get repetitive. Why??? It's not like Widow and Spidey could guarantee you endless play times. Eventually they'll bite the dust too, or can't heal everything.

    However, I do appreciate that the absurdly long "natural" healing time was cut short. Especially when one of your high-level characters was downed and you had spet all your health packs, you would wait forever. At least that problem is gone, they heal way faster now. At least one good thing to come out of this.
  • Just thought it was funny. Was reading some reviews, and here's a paragraph from one of the reviews from this game,

    Marvel Puzzle Quest’s best feature leads to arguably its worst. After each battle, depending on how much damage your characters take, you’ll need to rest them for a period of time. Doesn’t sound like a big deal right? My level 40 Thor takes over three hours to heal after losing a match! But wait, Marvel Puzzle Quest has a solution, buy a single use heal item that costs real world money to play more! This is really my main complaint, my time with this game is being dictated by the publisher like a fussy mother pulling the plug on the TV at 9PM so you don’t stay up. Currently the game is retelling its own version of the Dark Reign story line with 5 chapters in the prologue. The story isn’t much to speak of, giving a watered down version of Dark Reign, told through angry faced character portraits. Various daily and weekly events also stretch the story out asking you to pit a team against other players, or computer controlled AI for more rewards.

    There are a couple of reviews like this, and the really funny part about these reviews are that they were given BEFORE true healing was introduced. Way to play on a weakness.
  • I know I am not saying anything new here but I couldn't keep quiet any longer. I wanted to give it a few days to see if True Healing was going to be as absoslutely terrible as I thought it would be -- it's not, but it is still a horrible update that feels like a shameful money grab on the part of the ONLY game developer who gets any of my money. I have read a lot of people defending the update and must assume that they have already built their 141 level rosters with the help of OBW and Spidey because it is the ONLY way unless you have an endless amount of money to spend on buying hero packs. Before I built up my OBW and Thor to 85 I couldn't place high enough to earn more than a pittance of Iso. Even with original healing I still had to grind it out and purchase sheilds if I really wanted/needed to place highly in an event. I have a roster of 31 characters who are mostly useless because I will never earn another card for the 3 and 4* that I have.

    Many argue that the old healing made the game boring and wasn't how the game was intended to be played. Why don't you let players decide how they want to play the game? And aren't most match three games built around the idea that you just do the same thing over and over again? Isn't that the definition of boring? This may be the best match three out there but you can't change the fact that it is a grind by its very nature. Maybe that is why some of us play it. There is something to be said for mindless escapism. But if thatnisn't your thing, this game was flexible enough to offer you the option of challenging yourself, building a deep roster (if you were lucky OR willing to spend a ton of money), and playing how you wanted to. Did (do) I hate facing off against team after team composed of level 85 OBW, level 85 Thor/Ares/Wolvie and the character du jour? Yes. Was I one of those players who used that same combo because I had to if I wanted to win. So yes, I am the player you hate. Deal with it.

    The real problem, imho, is that it is just too hard to get ahead without spending money or your entire waking life on this game. I have done both. Nothing like pouring hours and sleepless nights into tryjng to place in a PvP only to be knocked out in that last minute after losing ONE battle and falling 10 or more spaces down the ranks because you lost 30 points in that one fight that the computer fought for you. I don't want this game to be easy. Challenging, yes. Impossible, no. Assuming the developers were trying to address a problem and not just trying to make more money there were other things they could have done. Build brackets based on players levels so a newbie isn't slogging it out with level 141 3*s (forgive me if this is the way it is already done. If it is then I have always been a better player than I thought). Improve draw rates for rare cards players have already earned -- so if I have one CMagneto makemit more likely that I will draw another. Increase the number of health packs from 5 to 8 and reduce the time it takes for them the regenerate. Offer better incentives for players who challenge themselves and take on high level teams. Allow alliance members to trade the duplicate cards they earn with each other so they can helpmeach other build better teams...and, of course, reverse true healing. Or at least change it so you can retain a percentage of the health you EARNED in battle. Give the players some credit and treat them like the adults they are. Allow us the choose how we want to play.

    Will True Healing stop me from playing. No. Will it diminishing my enjoyment of the game. Maybe. Has it changed the way I play? Yes. I lose a lot more and rely on PvE events more. Am I enjoying exploring my deep and diverse roster? Sure. It has been nice to break away from the need to always build around OBW and explore other characters blue powers but that is a small comfort when I know my days of building my roster are pretty much over since I lack both the money and the hours in the day to get ahead now.

    True Healing addresses a symptom, not the disease.
  • Nonce Equitaur 2
    Nonce Equitaur 2 Posts: 2,269 Chairperson of the Boards
    -- is an anagram of --

    hurt lineage
    huge latrine
  • Pwuz_
    Pwuz_ Posts: 1,214 Chairperson of the Boards
    Polaris77 wrote:
    Many argue that the old healing made the game boring and wasn't how the game was intended to be played.

    That's kind of how ALL F2P games are designed. You can either grind for free or pay real money to skip some of that. The True Healing update has merged those two ideas. You can either pay to grind or you can play twice every 2 hours. This change hurts newer & intermediate players most because they can't have a deep enough roster to keep playing while their preferred team heals by waiting.

    On top of that with a new character being released every other week, even if a newer player happens to get a 3* cover, what are the odds they have another cover for that character? This goes back to a previous rant of mine about how they need to do something to give players a chance to focus their draws down to about 1/3 of the available characters. HOW CAN YOU EXPECT NEW PLAYERS TO START PLAYING WHEN YOU HAVE THINGS STACKED SO FAR AGAINST THEM?
  • I think this is a good feature. So far it's fair to everyone. It requires a player to fully use he's roster of characters from 2* all the way to 3 or 4* . Its allows players who have limited resources to plan their playing time and not grind.

    The old healing was a exploit and Kudos to D3 for leveling out the playing field.
  • Hi. I just want to let maybe the developers know, that because of this **** feature I am leaving this game. I loved your work, I used to play dayily however that you made OBW healing temporary. That was a lazy thing to do icon_e_sad.gif
    I am disappopinted I spent some money on this game, but until you cancel this **** up healing thing i will not play. I hope you are satisfied and I believe some others will join me. I left my alliancve which was always a top 100 alliance. All thanks to this genius who invented this amazing and wonderfully fair idea icon_e_smile.gif

    THANK YOU icon_lol.gificon_lol.gificon_lol.gificon_lol.gificon_lol.gificon_lol.gificon_lol.gif