I'm not a "nerf" person but chasm...

Chasm sometimes locking up the game.  İn this case  oppenent's ihulk  couldnt tank the chasm even he reach his max match damage. So oppenent's chasm kept making abbys tiles and this tiles turned into web tiles . So both of us's chasms became  invulnarable.  İ kept playing this game for 15 minute but  nothing changed.  İ think this is a software  bug. I'm not a "nerf" person but chasm need a  rework. 


  • HuracanDolor
    HuracanDolor Posts: 47 Just Dropped In

    The way to win this situation is to just attack Hulk, his match damage will continue to increase until chasm makes no more abyss tiles, the trick is, you’re gonna have to actively keep hulk dying too so your chasm won’t fill the board back up. It sucks but this is the only way. He’s on the “buff list” though so hopefully they “fix” him into a less headache