Coalitions Looking for a Player? Post Here



  • Asylamb
    Asylamb Posts: 179 Tile Toppler
    edited April 2022

    CrystalCrew is a semi-veteran coalition created all the way back in 2018 and still going strong. We are top 70 among coalitions overall (64th atm iirc) and most of the time we finish in top 25 in Coalition Events. We also have a discord server with a lot of helpful information.

    We would love to help more people with finding a community, so I just left the Crew (a vacancy OPEN!!!) to make a new coalition - CrystalSquad. Feel free to join it, you'll be welcome to the same discord, just a different coalition name. It won't seem to make a big difference at first, because of how incomplete the new coalition is at the moment, but we'll grow to be a household name in no time.

    EDIT: the vacancy in the Crew is filled, the Squad is still hiring.

  • Trippet
    Trippet Posts: 58 Match Maker
    edited May 2022
    RumTrollops has doubled in size! Only 14 spots remain. Run, don't walk, because by 2023 will be full, and you won't want to miss out! We have newbies, old timers (only the base Planeswalkers were out when we started and coalitions weren't a thing!), PvP fans, and members are across several time zones. No need to apply, the door is open!

    05/04/2022:  For a small team we still placed in the top 100 - 150 (I can't remember the exact placement because I'm old, haha).  With a couple more warm bodies we could get top 100.  Got heat?

    05/19/2022: placed 143rd last event with only 6 players. Imagine if we had more. 

  • Preacher
    Preacher Posts: 60 Match Maker
    Wildgrowths (ranked 33rd all-time) currently has 2 open spots. We are a fun, casual group. Only requirement is to be active in coalition events and do the best you can. Feel free to join us if interested, see you in-game!
  • Sorin81
    Sorin81 Posts: 559 Critical Contributor
    Finalfantasy is a causal coalition and member of ThePower9 Alliance. We have a few spots open for new friends. We ask that you to be active and participate in coalition events. 
    Come join us in our Discord server! 
  • Preacher
    Preacher Posts: 60 Match Maker
    Wildgrowths (ranked 33rd all-time) currently has 2 open spots. We are a fun, casual group. Only requirement is to be active in coalition events and do the best you can. We also have people doing some casual PvP. Feel free to join us if interested, see you in-game!
  • Trippet
    Trippet Posts: 58 Match Maker
    RumTrollops has room for more.  Do you love the game, but only have time to play casually?  You're a fit!  Do you have all the time in the world to play?  You're a fit!  Just getting started?  So are 2 of our other players.  Been around for ages?  The rest of team has, too!  Coalition dead?  Our door is open so come on in and say hi.

    We span 3 countries (US, Sweden, and Germany so far), have beginners and long timers, people who pay, and people who play for free.  We are pretty quiet, but if someone speaks up, we speak back so talk as little or as much as you'd like.  We go with the flow.  Don't speak English?  I know how to use a translator!  Unless it's a language that uses a non-English keyboard, that is.  Kind of tough with symbol languages, but I do my what I can to make folks feel welcome.

    Despite having less than 10 members, we consistently place in the 140 130 range (we've moved up the past couple weeks!) for Coalition events.  With each new player we climb ~10 or more places.  While the current members play daily, I understand work / life / play balance and ask only that you play the Coalition even every 2 weeks, or at least say something in chat so I know you're active.  We like to win, rewards are nice, but the game is relaxation time, not a job (unless you want it to be, who am I to judge?).  :)
  • Spoorantoo
    Spoorantoo Posts: 61 Match Maker
    Goldencompan have 4 spaces available for keen players.  Regular top 70 finish in events and with the right players can do top 50.  Currently fighting our way up the all time rankings a step at a time.

    Play for fun, no points expectations or attendance each week.  Lively DISCORD group with some guest members from other top coalitions.
  • Preacher
    Preacher Posts: 60 Match Maker
    Wildgrowths (ranked 33rd all-time) currently has 1 open spot. We are a fun, casual group. The only requirement is to be active in coalition events and do the best you can. Feel free to join us if interested, see you in-game!
  • Slobodax
    Slobodax Posts: 4 Just Dropped In
    edited August 2022
    Hey, folks ! TinyKitty has an open spot for you !
    We are ranked 20 all-time, with a "been-playing-since-day-one" flavor. Our teammates come from many countries (US, Canada, Philippino, France, Spain, Portugal, Hong-Kong, etc.) and we have very good team spirit, for a casual yet a bit competitive playstyle.

    Our requirements :
    1. be an active player (participation. To coalition events is expected)
    2. join one of our comm' channels (Messenger or Discord) so we can get in touch if necessary, and share gossips, tips, or jokes :)
    3. aim for 70%  of max points on coalition events

    We welcome neophytes, and provide help on deck-building strategies. Do your best, and we'll have your back !

    You can DM me for any question

    Hope to see you soon on board !


  • Trippet
    Trippet Posts: 58 Match Maker
    edited June 2022
    RumTrollops is half full!  The door is still open, no need to knock, come on in.  Bring a friend.  Or just yourself.  Brand new?  We'll take you.  Long-time player?  We'll take you, too.  Competitive?  Yep, you as well.  We're looking for folks who like the game, and want to participate in the events.
    In MTGPQ we're a laid back bunch that enjoys climbing the coalition event ranks. No pressure - just have a good time.  Life / work / play balance is understood and there's no set "you must do this or get kicked" kind of rule.  Make your presence known every 2 weeks and life is good.  Each week we tend to get a new face and make it up a few more rungs.  Sometimes we're chatty, sometimes you can hear a pin drop.  At least two of us are fans of frogs - for a little obscure trivia.  :D
  • Preacher
    Preacher Posts: 60 Match Maker
    Wildgrowths (33rd all-time) currently has 2 open spots. You only need to be active in coalition events and do the best you can. Feel free to join our group, see you in-game!
  • Sorin81
    Sorin81 Posts: 559 Critical Contributor
    Finalfantasy is a causal coalition and member of ThePower9 Alliance. We have a few spots open for new friends. We ask that you to be active and participate in coalition events. 
    Come join us in our Discord server! 

  • Trippet
    Trippet Posts: 58 Match Maker
    edited June 2022
    RumTrollops is now DisciplesofD, and is looking for more friendly (or at least quiet if you can't be friendly) faces to join us.
    Want to chat and bounce ideas off teammates?  We have a great amount of knowledge amongst our players.
    Want to just play and get coalition rewards?  That's okay, too.  Just follow the Silver Rule (treat others how you want to be treated) and all should be well.
    Don't have time to play daily?  Me, either!  Though I do try, I have a busy work life, 3 dogs, a cat, and a frog so I get it!  Show up every 2 weeks to say "hi, see you in a week," or whatever it is, and we're happy.  It's preferable for each member to join at least 2 events per month, but if life grabs you and won't let go, then you have to deal with that instead.
  • Preacher
    Preacher Posts: 60 Match Maker
    Wildgrowths (33rd all-time) currently has 3 open spots! You only need to be active in coalition events and do the best you can. Feel free to join our group, see you in-game!
  • Spoorantoo
    Spoorantoo Posts: 61 Match Maker

    Hi, we are the Goldencompan, currently 175th overall in the world of MTGPQ and we have 5 vacant slots available to fill.

    If you enjoy playing most if not every week but don’t want the pressure of the big hitters in terms of participation and points then we are the place for you.

    All we ask is that you play most weekends and let us know if you’re taking a break.  I always ask before kicking.

    We are quite active with a DISCORD server where we share decks and other MTGPQ stuff.

    Drop in and give us a go.

  • Trippet
    Trippet Posts: 58 Match Maker
    edited July 2022
    DisciplesofD are looking for 6 - 7 more players to round out our team.
    You can expect a laid back environment with beginners to long timers (I've been playing since only the base walkers were available).
    Attendance policy is 2 weeks, but it's not a Hard 2 weeks.  For example, if you're going on vacation we'll be jealous, but the 2 weeks can be extended.  Mostly, I like folks to pop in every couple of weeks to let me know if a) they're okay and b) they're still playing.  But, if someone Did get removed for attendance, guess what?  They can rejoin!
    Our focus lies more with the coalition events than pvp, but we have several players who will go toe-to-toe with challengers.
    Here is D, our (my) White's Tree Frog mascot:

  • Lossibob
    Lossibob Posts: 29 Just Dropped In
    Hi there. We at DemonCavalry have 2 spaces that are currently available for active players.

    We are a group of social, rather than "super-competitive" players, all aware that there are many things going on in real life that are more important than the game, but we play when we can and support eachother as we do.

    If we sound like a group you'd like to be part of, then please, search for DemonCavalry in the coalition search box and come pay us a visit, see if you like what you find.

    Hope to see you soon


  • Slobodax
    Slobodax Posts: 4 Just Dropped In
    Slobodax said:
    Hey, folks ! TinyKitty has an open spot for you !
    We are ranked 20 all-time, with a "been-playing-since-day-one" flavor. Our teammates come from many countries (US, Canada, Philippino, France, Spain, Portugal, Hong-Kong, etc.) and we have very good team spirit, for a casual yet a bit competitive playstyle.

    Our requirements :
    1. be an active player (participation. To coalition events is expected)
    2. join one of our comm' channels (Messenger or Discord) so we can get in touch if necessary, and share gossips, tips, or jokes :)
    3. aim for 70%  of max points on coalition events

    We welcome neophytes, and provide help on deck-building strategies. Do your best, and we'll have your back !

    You can DM me for any question

    Hope to see you soon on board !


    Hey guys,

    We have an open spot again, the expectations haven't changed, and we really look forward to having you on board !

    DM me for any question
  • Preacher
    Preacher Posts: 60 Match Maker
    Wildgrowths (now 32nd all-time) currently has 1 open spot. You only need to be active in coalition events and do the best you can. Feel free to join our coalition, see you in-game!
  • Spoorantoo
    Spoorantoo Posts: 61 Match Maker
    Goldencompan (y) regular top 50 coalition looking for a couple of players.

    We play for fun, there are no quotas or attendance rules but we do ask if you decide to go on vacation to let us know.

    Lively DISCORD server with guest players from top 20 group.

    Drop on by and give us a go.


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