Coalitions Looking for a Player? Post Here



  • Preacher
    Preacher Posts: 60 Match Maker

    Wildgrowths (31st all-time) currently has 1 open spot. We are a fun, casual group. All we ask is to participate in coalition events and do the best you can. Feel free to join us if you're looking for good rewards!

    See you in-game! :smile:

  • Trippet
    Trippet Posts: 57 Match Maker

    DisciplesofD has 2 openings. We love new and experienced players alike. :) Teaching and learning help us grow. Last event we placed 51st, so stinking close! Could you be the one to push us into the top 50?

  • Sarah
    Sarah Posts: 224 Tile Toppler

    We currently have 3 open spots in D3NIED. We’ve been hovering just outside the top 50 in events but your ribbons could push us over the edge and into better rewards. Someone is going to get those rewards and it may as well be us.

    We’re a mid-tier team in the FTA family of coalitions. We have a friendly & helpful discord and make it easy to move up or down depending on individuals’ current ambition levels.

    My ego is pretty fragile so if you outscore me too many times, I’ll have you promoted to a better team ;P

  • Lossibob
    Lossibob Posts: 29 Just Dropped In
    edited July 2023

    DemonCavalry have a couple of spots available for active players who are looking for a relaxing, sociable place to play their game and enjoy their downtime from reality.

    We are a friendly group of players, a great mix of experienced and newer players as well as a mix of mature and younger players.

    Whether you're looking for a little advice, or are in a position to offer some, we would love the chance to get to know you. If you prefer sitting quietly in the corner, playing your game quietly, you're welcome too - we have a few players who enjoy the same.

    We have a discord channel available for those who enjoy the extra interaction it allows, but it's not a compulsory requirement - we have plenty of players who prefer not to use it, as well as plenty who do - it's an "optional extra", nothing more.

    Please pop by, see what you make of us and hopefully settle down and make us your new "home".

    Hope to see you soon


  • Spoorantoo
    Spoorantoo Posts: 61 Match Maker

    The Goldencompan are a truly independent coalition striving for success in a game full of multi coalition clans.

    Regular top 30 finishers we are two players short of our goal of a top 20 finish.

    Do you want to be a part of a team that plays for fun but has a truly competitive edge?

    We have two available slots, give us a go.

  • Lossibob
    Lossibob Posts: 29 Just Dropped In

    DemonCavalry is looking for some active players to join our team.

    We have a great mix of experienced and newer players and a mix of ages and nationalities too.

    We're an active coalition and have a discord channel available for those who want to use it, but we are, above all, a coalition for social players - if you WANT to join in the chat and discord, please feel free - if you prefer to sit quietly and enjoy the game your way, please feel free to do that too - we have players in both those camps whose contributions are equally valuable and appreciated.

    Please feel free to pop in and check us out, hopefully you'll decide to stay a while.

    Above all, whether you choose to come join us or find another coalition, I hope you enjoy your game and get what you want out of it


  • Trippet
    Trippet Posts: 57 Match Maker
    edited September 2023

    DisciplesofD has openings. We love new and experienced players alike. :) Teaching and learning help us grow. Could you be the one to push us into the top 50?

    We understand life/play balance. Show up in the events a couple times per month, and all is well. I'm on for every went, as are several members, but we also have people who simply can't be. We're a home for all sorts of availabilities.

  • Spoorantoo
    Spoorantoo Posts: 61 Match Maker

    Goldencompan needs one new recruit. We are an independent play for fun but in a serious way coalition with 19 active players. Regular top 40 finish you could be the player to break us into the top 30. New players welcome as we believe in nurturing talent.

  • Preacher
    Preacher Posts: 60 Match Maker

    Wildgrowths (31st all-time) is currently looking for 2 new members. Only requirement is to participate in coalition events. Join us if you want to be part of a fun, active group.

    See you in game!

  • Smokincookz
    Smokincookz Posts: 252 Mover and Shaker

    ManaHorde (all-time rank 55) wants YOU to enlist! We’re a social coalition, hoping to retain players long-term, but guests are also welcome to drop in (while we have space).

    We sadly lost a few dedicated players this year, at no fault of our own- with four empty slots, and a few inactive players to boot, once full again, we really need some new blood!

    We’ve been hovering below event rank 50 lately, and I’d love to see us ascend to our former place- in the fairly recent past, we were often comfortably above 50.

    Our minimum requirement is that you participate in coalition events, with some flexibility for emergencies, irl stuff, etc.

    (Our leader, RiverLethe, and myself will be extra happy if you play through all matches, but there is no strict points quota. About 4-6 of us usually go for perfection.)

    We love to share and discuss deck ideas, resource management, cards, events, planeswalkers, combos and counters.

    We’re a mix of F2P & VIP’s, with varying player experience levels, from new-ish to veteran.

    Come join the Horde!

  • Spoorantoo
    Spoorantoo Posts: 61 Match Maker

    Goldencompan needs one new recruit. We are an independent play for fun but in a serious way coalition with 19 active players. Regular top 30 finish you could be the player to break us into the top 20. New players welcome as we believe in nurturing talent.

  • Trippet
    Trippet Posts: 57 Match Maker

    DisciplesofD, a low pressure coalition that ensures an active membership, is looking for new friends. Whatever your level, come on in. We're a group that likes to play, but has to work to keep food on the table. Life/play balance is important.

  • NerdThuggery
    NerdThuggery Posts: 7 Just Dropped In

    "The Gods of Theros" is a 10 team mega-coalition with a 7-team competitive ladder, a private Discord server with tons of resources, even a dedicated podcast. Our lowest team on the ladder is top 100 each week, and our top 5 teams are Top 25. Inclusivity is important to us, and we believe in player development and player support with a positive vibe. We also understand and support game/life balance. Search for GodsOfThero7 or GodsOfThero6, and jump right in. Have a mug o' grog with like-minded players!

  • Mystra
    Mystra Posts: 19 Just Dropped In

    PhoenixRisen is looking for a few new members. Our coalition is ranked 95th and we expect members to participate in the weekend coalition events. We are a pretty chill group and have both experienced players and newer players. If you want to be in a top 100 coalition, and are willing to play the weekend coalition events, then join us.

  • Spoorantoo
    Spoorantoo Posts: 61 Match Maker

    Are you the missing link?

    Goldencompan are looking to fill a vacant spot. We are a serious fun to play coalition that is truly independent. We are not affiliated to any other group.

    Regular top 30 finishers we aim to break into the top 25.

    New to the game or just fancy a change? Why not give us a try.

  • Trippet
    Trippet Posts: 57 Match Maker

    DisciplesofD is looking for more players. I've been a bit absent due to my husband having a stroke at the end of October. Now that he's doing better and getting close to normal, I'm back to recruiting. The team is set to Public, so come on in! They've done a great job of keeping the coalition moving up the ladder during my half in / half out status.

    No picture of 'D' this time as I'm not home to snap a pic, so this is my IOU. Next post will have two pics. 🐸🐸

  • Mainloop25
    Mainloop25 Posts: 1,966 Chairperson of the Boards

    D3ject3d is looking for new permanent players! We are a top 25 coalition that has finished as high as 7th place in some events when we are at full strength... Will you be our strength?? Send me a message and I'll give you a Discord invite link.

  • Trippet
    Trippet Posts: 57 Match Maker

    DisciplesofD is looking for players. My husband is doing magnificently 4 months post stroke, and I'm back into the game. I've been able to clear out the roster, and made space just for you!

    The Detective wants you to know that he approves of new, old, struggling, experienced, busy, bored, and players of other adjectives. All he asks is that an event attempt be made every couple of weeks. Even if it's only one round. He's a benevolent kind of frog. He also wants you to know he accepts fat crickets and silkworms as homage, the little glutton.

  • iklinck
    iklinck Posts: 21 Just Dropped In

    I set up a little Coalition for my son & me: KMagic

    My son is kind of off & on, but I play regularly. I do reasonably well individually in the events (usually top 50), which gets me a bit of Coalition rewards - but I wouldn't mind joining forces with some others to try to improve those!

    Feel free to join! No requirements for now!

  • Trippet
    Trippet Posts: 57 Match Maker

    The Detective is ready for the Karlov murder mysteries! He thinks it was created to honor him (we won't tell him it's a coincidence). We have 3 spots open and the ability to open a 4th if there's a more active player who wants it.

    DisciplesofD is now ranked 304th overall and looking to gain a foothold in the top 300. We're casual and request that 2 coalition events be played each month, even if it's only a handful of points contributed. No player is too new or too experienced for this team. Day 1 or 2,789 (the age of our coalition) or more, we'd be happy to have you. No need to apply, just click "join."