QOL Suggestions

CreepCanRoll Posts: 13 Just Dropped In
edited June 2022 in MPQ General Discussion
Here’s a few suggestions I’ve come up with. I’m sure many of these have been touched on previously, but this was just a list I’ve been working on for a bit. They’re not in any order. 

1)Selection to auto regenerate boosts. I know this is being looked at by increasing the allowed number purchased. And that’s a nice function. But a selection to auto buy when depleted would be awesome as well. 

2) Add more Favorite Teams. Or break these apart as PVP and PVE. Additionally an easier way to choose only 2 instead of having to delete the third character for pvp and DPD.

3) Have Favorite teams also include Boosts or TUs. For example: Okoye teams may want to start with red/yellow and TUs.  

4) Select favorite team ups.  This is a 2 part thing. 1) this would allow us to select from favorites when requesting and it would show in chat. “Requesting TU of 4 MBW and 1 Whales” 2) allow us to select 20~ favorites, similar to teams. This would keep us from scrolling to the end to give out our 5 MBWs and figure out which DP is whales only, etc. This should be more than 10, if possible, since MBW will take up 5 alone.

5) Open tokens immediately without having to tab to recruit, then scrolling down. The Open 50 tab has made this one less needed but it would still be nice for instant gratification people. 

6) Alliance name on pvp screen next to name. Being in a big alliance family this would super helpful instead of having to check each time. This one is pretty huge IMO. There’s no reason for this to not be there.

7) Red iso trade in for support shards or something - I know Supports are being looked at. But this was just a note on my list, so here it is. 

8) Move supports to its own section and out of Heroic. - Not a glaring need, but for us hoarders, it would be nice if this was listed separately and calling a Master support token Heroic seems silly too. :)

9) Perhaps in addition to the alliance name on pvp screen, an icon to show if the player is shielded. Maybe this could be limited to your primary alliance? Or just some place to view what their status is.

10) Scrollable list of hits in PvP. I’d like to see who hit me or bounced. It caps out and says And More or something, which isn’t that helpful. So you only see the last few.

11) Better updates points values for teams in PvP. I know this was suggested elsewhere but taking the time to fight when the points say 75 (for example) and then the fight is worth 3, is a huge waste of time. 

Ps there is still the PvP bug where the nodes disappear when you are skipping.

12) In alliance Details screen, it would be nice to see which slices the members are playing in PvP and pve, in addition to played today. This would be helpful for commanders.

13) Keep the results pages up longer for commanders.

14)Allow commanders to promote when accepting members.

**edit added numbers to ideas so they’re easier to comment on or whatever 



  • Godzillafan67
    Godzillafan67 Posts: 580 Critical Contributor
    edited June 2022
    To add to #4, I’d like the lineup to be a per power instead of just a per character listing. Why have a dupe Deadpool just to send Whales when you can select the purple power DP from the list? Want to send Riri’s 2nd or 3rd power but don’t have the requisite dupe? Not a problem any longer. This way, they can also remove specific powers from the list instead of leaving out characters entirely.
  • Dogface
    Dogface Posts: 986 Critical Contributor
    To add to #4, I’d like the lineup to be a per power instead of just a per character listing. Why have a dupe Deadpool just to send Whales when you can select the purple power DP from the list? Want to send Riri’s 2nd or 3rd power but don’t have the requisite dupe? Not a problem any longer. This way, they can also remove specific powers from the list instead of leaving out characters entirely.
    Just out of curiosity. Are you saying that if you have a single purple 3* DP cover rostered, it will always give a Whales teamup?
  • Bowgentle
    Bowgentle Posts: 7,926 Chairperson of the Boards
    Dogface said:
    To add to #4, I’d like the lineup to be a per power instead of just a per character listing. Why have a dupe Deadpool just to send Whales when you can select the purple power DP from the list? Want to send Riri’s 2nd or 3rd power but don’t have the requisite dupe? Not a problem any longer. This way, they can also remove specific powers from the list instead of leaving out characters entirely.
    Just out of curiosity. Are you saying that if you have a single purple 3* DP cover rostered, it will always give a Whales teamup?
    Yes, that's how it works.
    This is why people roster multiples of MBW with just blue covers.
  • Godzillafan67
    Godzillafan67 Posts: 580 Critical Contributor
    Bowgentle said:
    Dogface said:
    To add to #4, I’d like the lineup to be a per power instead of just a per character listing. Why have a dupe Deadpool just to send Whales when you can select the purple power DP from the list? Want to send Riri’s 2nd or 3rd power but don’t have the requisite dupe? Not a problem any longer. This way, they can also remove specific powers from the list instead of leaving out characters entirely.
    Just out of curiosity. Are you saying that if you have a single purple 3* DP cover rostered, it will always give a Whales teamup?
    Yes, that's how it works.
    This is why people roster multiples of MBW with just blue covers.
    To add to that, if you send out your champed Deadpool then you are sending DP’s slicey sword red power.
  • KGB
    KGB Posts: 3,158 Chairperson of the Boards
    Bowgentle said:
    Dogface said:
    To add to #4, I’d like the lineup to be a per power instead of just a per character listing. Why have a dupe Deadpool just to send Whales when you can select the purple power DP from the list? Want to send Riri’s 2nd or 3rd power but don’t have the requisite dupe? Not a problem any longer. This way, they can also remove specific powers from the list instead of leaving out characters entirely.
    Just out of curiosity. Are you saying that if you have a single purple 3* DP cover rostered, it will always give a Whales teamup?
    Yes, that's how it works.
    This is why people roster multiples of MBW with just blue covers.
    To add to that, if you send out your champed Deadpool then you are sending DP’s slicey sword red power.

    Guaranteed? I thought if there was 1 or more powers that qualified as TU's it selected 1 at random.

  • shardwick
    shardwick Posts: 2,121 Chairperson of the Boards
    A big one for me would be to favorite characters for teamups so I don't have to endlessly scroll through all of my roster just to get to Deadpool and MBW when someone requests them. They could just be at the very beginning of teamups. I also want the ability to refresh the points on a pvp node so that I can see how up to date it is. I've cycled through opponents, seen a really easy one for 25+ pts, I figure it's really only worth 10 pts and skip it, it shows up again for 25+ pts so I'm like "Hmm. Ok I'll do this one" and then, shocker, it ends up being worth less than 10 pts.
  • Godzillafan67
    Godzillafan67 Posts: 580 Critical Contributor
    KGB said:
    Bowgentle said:
    Dogface said:
    To add to #4, I’d like the lineup to be a per power instead of just a per character listing. Why have a dupe Deadpool just to send Whales when you can select the purple power DP from the list? Want to send Riri’s 2nd or 3rd power but don’t have the requisite dupe? Not a problem any longer. This way, they can also remove specific powers from the list instead of leaving out characters entirely.
    Just out of curiosity. Are you saying that if you have a single purple 3* DP cover rostered, it will always give a Whales teamup?
    Yes, that's how it works.
    This is why people roster multiples of MBW with just blue covers.
    To add to that, if you send out your champed Deadpool then you are sending DP’s slicey sword red power.

    Guaranteed? I thought if there was 1 or more powers that qualified as TU's it selected 1 at random.

    Yes? I have no proof and am only regurgitating what I was told many moons ago. I'd love to see a definitive answer, though I'd also accept a repeated experiment with many observations. (Multiple observations if you're constantly receiving the first power. Observations can stop as soon as you receive two different powers since that immediately invalidates my statement.) 
  • HoundofShadow
    HoundofShadow Posts: 8,004 Chairperson of the Boards
    Powers that can be sent are randomly chosen. Only some characters can give a guaranteed type of power like Polaris (blue) or Rogue's Red. I've asked for Whales TU before and I've gotten both red and purple power teamups.
    And majority of the QOLs listed are actually meant to help those alliances who coordinate in Line. There are players who  requested dev to remove the names of players. This is another part of MPQ where players disagree with each other.
  • Godzillafan67
    Godzillafan67 Posts: 580 Critical Contributor
    Thanks @HoundofShadow! I’ll update my knowledge base.
  • HoundofShadow
    HoundofShadow Posts: 8,004 Chairperson of the Boards
    edited June 2022
    If you want to send a specific power that can be sent, just roster that particular power. For example, if you want to guarantee sending a whale, open another slot to roster Deadpool's purple power.  Many top players roster 5 1* Black Widow blue power (with 5 covers). It guarantees the receiver 1* Black Widow blue power that stuns target for 5 turns and non-target for 1 turn. 

    As for damage and level of teamup, I've never noticed them before. So, I won't be able to answer that.
  • Godzillafan67
    Godzillafan67 Posts: 580 Critical Contributor
    If you want to send a specific power that can be sent, just roster that particular power. For example, if you want to guarantee sending a whale, open another slot to roster Deadpool's purple power.  Many top players roster 5 1* Black Widow blue power (with 5 covers). It guarantees the receiver 1* Black Widow blue power that stuns target for 5 turns and non-target for 1 turn. 

    As for damage and level of teamup, I've never noticed them before. So, I won't be able to answer that.
    Yes, that’s how it works now. (Though not a top player, I long ago implemented your suggestions for both characters.) My suggestion is to make the sending transparent and remove the need to dedicate a roster slot solely to a team up power.
  • HoundofShadow
    HoundofShadow Posts: 8,004 Chairperson of the Boards
    You must have extra HP to spare on them.  :D

    Given that the dev is high on implementing feedbacks from years back, your request will probably depends where it lands on the priority list.
  • Ares76
    Ares76 Posts: 227 Tile Toppler
    These are  very good sugestions from my alliance mate :)
    I personally would prioritize #1 - #3 because they are essential for quick shield hops in PvP. Each and every second you save could avoid possible hits. 
    While these and the other suggestion may be more dedicated to top players and commanders the #11 stands out for me. It isn't just a simple QOL change. Not being able to update the points you'll get for a fight is just a major flaw in the whole PvP game that annoys everyone from beginners to top players. The devs started making PvP more attractive to casual players by reducing the number of wins for full progression. But if you'd know what points you can expext from a match (and skip those suddenly low point-victories) this - and a few shields -  could help you reach full progression with less than 50 wins. 
  • HoundofShadow
    HoundofShadow Posts: 8,004 Chairperson of the Boards
    Assuming they updated the score live, it doesn't guarantee you will get the same score after you finished the match. During your fight, somene could have beaten thr same guy faster than did you. Or are you referring to updating scores from your queues?
  • Zalasta
    Zalasta Posts: 282 Mover and Shaker
    If your talking QoL improvements, there's a couple that I'd like to see.

    1. Ability for commanders to set minimum shield rank to join alliance. This would help me avoid having to kick all of the 30 character newb accounts that join our opening(s).

    2. I also would like to have commanders be able to set an alliance description. This would help people searching for alliances to know what the alliance requirements are before joining.

    3. In character info, add a line indicating any characters that are feeders for that character. This would be similar to the "affiliations" line in the character description.

    4. OP mentioned additional favorite team slots, and I agree. But I'll throw a bone to the devs and say that additional slots should cost HP like roster slots do, and they should get progressively more expensive. They're in this to make money after all, and we all like to support this game.

    5. Better filtering on team selection. There were some improvements made in this area, but more could be done. If you select an essential character (say Hawkeye), the selection should only show you all of the Hawkeyes, with the rest of the characters crossed out. Default to the highest cover or highest level Hawkeye.
  • Ares76
    Ares76 Posts: 227 Tile Toppler
    Assuming they updated the score live, it doesn't guarantee you will get the same score after you finished the match. During your fight, somene could have beaten thr same guy faster than did you. Or are you referring to updating scores from your queues?
    You should be able to update the scores in your queues - by clicking on the leaderboard for example. Then it's up to you how fast you enter that fight and beat the other player. I'm really not sure how the game works right now: if your points are calculated the moment you enter the match or when the victory banner shows. But that shouldn't matter so much unless you need 10 minutes to beat someone. 
  • HoundofShadow
    HoundofShadow Posts: 8,004 Chairperson of the Boards
    edited June 2022
    It calculated based on time you secured a victory or defeat. I remember two instances clearly but not the exact points.

    1) i got a 48 points target via skipping and after I finished the match, it gave me high 50 to low 60 points. After that, it showed me losing over 100 points.

    2) I skipped and got a new target for 50 points. I fought against him and won the match in about 80 seconds. However, I got only 30+ point at the end of the match.

  • Timemachinego
    Timemachinego Posts: 470 Mover and Shaker
    edited June 2022
    It calculated based on time you secured a victory or defeat. I remember two instances clearly but not the exact points.

    1) i got a 48 points target via skipping and after I finished the match, it gave me high 50 to low 60 points. After that, it showed me losing over 100 points.

    2) I skipped and got a new target for 50 points. I fought against him and won the match in about 80 seconds. However, I got only 30+ point at the end of the match.

    There's also the case where you got a high value retal but they didn't shield/decided to float or whatever. You hit what looks like 60, get 8 etc. Having these update along with other processes would at least allieve some of the reliance on outside forms of communication that we use. If you did that AND removed names from PVP, you'd entirely remove the reliance though I guess the game would become less fun for huge hitters in alliances that like to beat eachother down... join any personal alliance pvp chat and there will be kill on sight lists and such for people that at one point pissed off some big name guildie or whatever, of course it's up to you to join in on that, but it's a hidden part of the game either way.

    I don't mind "no touch" alliance bonds personally, it takes me an extra second to check names I don't recognize, but for all the people that want real hard hitting PVP this is the first thing I think that you should kill. I think the PVP system is so hideously broken as it stands that all I currently care for is any leg up I can get, it's just not fun but still makes up a large portion of available rewards each week so you "fall behind" if you don't participate.
  • dianetics
    dianetics Posts: 1,573 Chairperson of the Boards
    The only real QOL I can think of is when you check rewards for an event PvE or PvP I would like it to scroll directly to the next reward to be obtained. Similar to how when you look at champion rewards for a character.
    JRYUART Posts: 95 Match Maker
    edited June 2022
    I would like to suggest for PVP that points values for qs be determined by the relative difficulty of the opposing team and not based on an arcane formula that takes into account your current accumlated score.  If you face a dual 550 team, you get more points.  If you face a grill team, you get almost nothing .  This way, you are actually appropriately rewarded for the challenge relative to the team you defeat.  There would be less incentive for bigs to hit smalls, and incentive for smalls to actively build up their rosters to hit bigs.  

    Hitting an opponent of equivalent roster strength would be set at a fixed amount of points, regardless of roster strength.  For example:  550 x 550 = 50 pts.  270 x 270 = 50 pts.  270 x 550 and winning ?  75 pts.  550 x 270 and winning ? 25 pts.  You get the gist.