Event scores - What am I missing?

nagymbear Posts: 2 Just Dropped In
So recently I was playing in the Wakanda event, and I was really happy at first that I had all 4 of the boosted heroes, so I could do all the nodes. And I did, twice. 1 hour before close I cleared all the nodes again (i.e. got the extra 100ish points per node). And still, people in the top 3 had 3k more points. So what am I missing? Is it somewhere clarified how these points are earned? How can I get 3k more points with no points available?


  • Mr_F
    Mr_F Posts: 762 Critical Contributor
    edited February 2021
    Propaly it is this:
    If player can do they initial clears whithin 30 minuts and then finishing clears also whithin 30 minutes, then duriring that 23h wait more points regenarated. If you add all the nodes it can add few k of points, And Ive seen people doint it - search YT and ya find how they do it.
  • Rod5
    Rod5 Posts: 589 Critical Contributor
    Indeed, the longer the gap between the countdown timer starting (during which time points refresh/increase again) and hitting the node for the last time(s), the more points you will end up getting from your last clears.

    You want to get the timers started as quickly as possible, and wait as you as you can/dare to clear at the end.

    I believe there are strategies to increase points around order of clears etc, but ultimately the principle is the same - generate more points by leaving countdowns to refresh node points for as long as possible.

    Good luck!
  • nagymbear
    nagymbear Posts: 2 Just Dropped In
    Thank you! You all have been very helpful and informative!
  • Aweberman
    Aweberman Posts: 444 Mover and Shaker
    I have used the following order (up to cl9):


    IE x 1, 2*E x 4, 3*E x 4, 4*E x 4
    Z1 x 4, Z2 x 4, Z3 x 4
    H1 x 4, H2 x 4, H3 x 4
    5*E x 4


    IE x 3, 5*E x 3
    H1 x 3, H2 x 3, H3 x 3
    Z1 x 3, Z2 x 3, Z3 x 3
    2*E x 3, 3*E x 3, 4*E x 3

    Naturally this is a general list, as there isn't always an "initial essential" node and wave nodes mix things up a bit.  And I don't know how effective it is without Thanos.

    But an alliance mate who routinely placed t1 suggested this as a general approach a couple years ago, and I have generally found that following it allows me to increase position between the open and the close.
  • Chrynos1989
    Chrynos1989 Posts: 371 Mover and Shaker
    nagymbear said:
    So recently I was playing in the Wakanda event, and I was really happy at first that I had all 4 of the boosted heroes, so I could do all the nodes. And I did, twice. 1 hour before close I cleared all the nodes again (i.e. got the extra 100ish points per node). And still, people in the top 3 had 3k more points. So what am I missing? Is it somewhere clarified how these points are earned? How can I get 3k more points with no points available?
    Give me some information
    which scl do you play?
    which teams do you use besides the essentials?
    did you clear the normal nodes 4 times and the Waves 2 times?
  • Aweberman
    Aweberman Posts: 444 Mover and Shaker
    Perhaps a more simple and streamlined explanation would be useful. 

    Step 1: When the new subchapter begins each day, play each mission until it is no longer worth “full points.” Typically this is 4 times. However, wave missions should only be played 2 times and any mission with a yellow circle around it (where they give you the required 4* character) should only be played 1 time. 
    Step 2: The next day, before the subchapter ends (and another one begins), play each mission 3 more times. (After doing so, the mission will be worth 0 points.) Typically this will take about as long to do as the first set of clears did the previous day. 
    For a higher-level of competitive play, the order you complete the missions (also known as “nodes”) matters. But simply breaking your play into two chunks will make a big difference, for the reasons noted above. 
  • Tanglefoot
    Tanglefoot Posts: 147 Tile Toppler
    edited February 2021
    For me, it takes about 60-70 minutes to finish the initial set of missions, then 40-45 to finish before the clock expires. My biggest frustration is when it is a 36 hour event, and after you finish your “full rewards” levels, it tells you “full rewards in 2 days 6 hours” or something which would be 6-24 hours AFTER the event is over. It does this in EVERY event - I can only assume events were once longer and they have not reset the timers...

    If I can get through 4 missions on full rewards, am I better off doing mission 5 and getting like 35% rewards, then finishing mission 6 just before the clock expires after 6 grows rewards, or should I do 6 AND 5 before the clock? Is there value in letting 2 sit vs. 1, since #6 is not growing behind #5, is it?

    and don’t forget that once you do missions 6, most nodes will let you go again for a still respectable point rewards, so they really have 7 turns, not 6...
  • Kolence
    Kolence Posts: 969 Critical Contributor
    This all depends a bit on roster and SCL difficulty relative to it... but!
    The way Hound said to play starting clears is actually sub optimal.

    Starting the hard, bigger points, node sooner lets it lose fewer points from waiting for the timer to start. But that comes at the cost of delaying all the other nodes (not essentials, just the trivial and hard leg, which are ordered and can't be started before clearing the previous one at least once) a little bit from starting their timers and overall more points are lost there than what was gained from the hard node.
  • abenness
    abenness Posts: 228 Tile Toppler
    For me, it takes about 60-70 minutes to finish the initial set of missions, then 40-45 to finish before the clock expires. My biggest frustration is when it is a 36 hour event, and after you finish your “full rewards” levels, it tells you “full rewards in 2 days 6 hours” or something which would be 6-24 hours AFTER the event is over. It does this in EVERY event - I can only assume events were once longer and they have not reset the timers...

    If I can get through 4 missions on full rewards, am I better off doing mission 5 and getting like 35% rewards, then finishing mission 6 just before the clock expires after 6 grows rewards, or should I do 6 AND 5 before the clock? Is there value in letting 2 sit vs. 1, since #6 is not growing behind #5, is it?

    and don’t forget that once you do missions 6, most nodes will let you go again for a still respectable point rewards, so they really have 7 turns, not 6...
    It sounds like you playing below SCL10, so you should do 4 clears at the start (while they are all at full points), and then grind 3 times at the end, before the clock finishes.  SCL10 is 3 clears and 2 grind, all the lower levels are 4 clears and 3 grind.

    In your case, the points for the 5-6-7th win are all increasing over time after those first 4 wins.  So if you are able to delay your grind by even a couple of minutes to let the node score tick up by one point, then your final score will increase by 3 (as you're grinding it 3 times).
  • HoundofShadow
    HoundofShadow Posts: 8,004 Chairperson of the Boards
    edited February 2021
    I agree with what Kolence said about my clears being suboptimal.

    The rationale for clearing 5* node last and grinding 5* node first or second because this node has the highest potential to screw up your clears and it also takes the longest time to clear. This applies only to 4* players and probably (single) champed non-meta 5* players without meta 5*. If 5* node screw you up, you could miss 3 to 6 clears of your other non 5* essential nodes doing the optimal route.

    For those with meta 5* like iHulkoye or Thorpocalyse, this shouldn't be a problem and they can clear 5* node first quickly. Also, top 1 placement from SCL 7 and above are dominated by players with some of the meta 5* that I mentioned above. So, even if you could do the optimal clear, you won't be able to touch top 1 placement. The only time when I can hit top 1 placement is when there are wave nodes (with Mindless ones). That's where even top 5* players could underestimate the timing needed to clear them and miss out 1 to 2 grinds. What I can guarantee you is, if you have Polaris and R4G decently covered, you will be able to get top 10 in SCL 6 & 7 easily when you have all the essential characters rostered. More often than not, you will get top 5 placements, provided that you are focused on clearing and grinding. 
  • Dirtytactics22
    Dirtytactics22 Posts: 23 Just Dropped In
    I play cl8 on a regular basis, i somtimes do 9 or 10 depending on how much free time i have. I come t5 most events without any trouble. I use the 4x at start 3x at end method (2x for wave nodes) i always do essential nodes first starting with 5* and working my way down. I then do each non essential node once and work backwards from most points to least, this takes me about 20-25 minutes. I then wait until there is less than 30 minutes left and do the reverse order for the final 3 clears. I use hulkoye for the essentials and i use rocket, juggernaut and Polaris for the none essentials (i swap Polaris for gamora if more that one of the early nodes has an enemy with 2k+ health).