Exciting News! 2021 Update

DrJ_ECG Posts: 50 Match Maker
edited January 2021 in GI Joe General Discussion

Exciting news G.I. JOE fans! 


We apologize for being so quiet over the past little while, but we have been taking this time to really assess the gameplay. We have been working on several huge features for the game, and we have some big updates in store for 2021!


We are die hard fans of G.I. JOE here and we want this game to be an amazing experience for both gamers and fans. To achieve that, we needed to take a step back and ask ourselves what was really working, and how we can improve the areas that were not. We ended up focusing primarily on the Base Building and Combat and making some significant changes there to provide more strategy and value for players and their collection.


We ask that you have a little patience with us during this phase, as we build up this foundation better than ever. We will improve our communication with the community along the way and provide more insight on changes being made. 


Here is a preview of some of the first things you can look forward to in Q2, 2021. 


●      An “Edit Base” mode, allowing much more control in designing your base layout

●      Unit, Building, and Spell balancing improvements across the board

●      Updated base kit and rank abilities for select units

●      Reworked armor system

●      Reworked air combat dynamics

●      Updated, and more detailed unit and ability info

●      Expanded sea area, and improved sea combat

●      Revised AP generation system

●      Revised Combat Roster mechanics


We look forward to sharing as much info with you as we can, and we will be providing more details in the coming weeks. Until then, enjoy the new year, stay safe, and Yo Joe!


Best regards,



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  • Vofer
    Vofer Posts: 103 Tile Toppler
    It's only words by now, I wish you contain the bugs fixed, because until now you wait too much to fix it
  • DamienECG
    DamienECG Posts: 20 Just Dropped In
    Hi everyone :) Below is some detailed information on the upcoming gameplay changes: Multiple Base Loadouts 

    Multiple Base “Loadouts”
    Similar to how players can create premade unit rosters, players will have 3 “Base Loadouts” that they can use, for keeping different configurations of buildings in. Players select which layout is their “active” loadout for base defenses.

  • DrJ_ECG
    DrJ_ECG Posts: 50 Match Maker
    @Vofer thanks for the feedback. You have been heard. Please post in the appropriate section, for example the bugs section.

    Also, before your next post, please read the following https://forums.d3go.com/discussion/80735/forum-rules-please-read-before-posting#latest

    Feel free to reach out to our customer service team at contact@emeraldcitygames.ca. 
  • Vofer
    Vofer Posts: 103 Tile Toppler
    Correct, wrong, you get too much to fix, so is the same, you made a bad work correct it
  • DamienECG
    DamienECG Posts: 20 Just Dropped In
    Hi everyone! Please find below some additional information on the upcoming 2.0 update:

    Combat Changes

    Players’ AP bars no longer fill up due to destroyed buildings, but over time The AP bar no longer fills from base destruction, but at a fixed rate over time. This is to mitigate the “steamroll” effect that occurs when the player is able to gain an initial advantage in AP, and continually swarm an enemy’s base, as well as to prevent an immediate loss when the first few moves in the battle are not successful. As such, players no longer lose by AP, but only by reaching the end of the time limit.

    More information will be sent shortly :smile:

  • DamienECG
    DamienECG Posts: 20 Just Dropped In
    Hi everyone, please find below more information on the upcoming 2.0 update:

    Player Base Changes

    Building Inventory System, and “Edit Base” Mode:

    Players no longer acquire a preset series of buildings, all intended to be built in their base. Instead, players are given access to a greater number of each building type, and are able to customize their base based on their preferences. Buildings purchased from the store are placed in a UI building inventory. Also, rather than moving buildings around directly in your base, there will now be an “Edit Base” button in the main hud. This will remove other hud elements, bring up the building inventory at the bottom of the screen, and allow you to position, upgrade, add and remove buildings.

  • DamienECG
    DamienECG Posts: 20 Just Dropped In
    edited February 2021
    Hey everyone, please find some additional information on the upcoming 2.0 update below:

    2.0 Update - Combat Changes:

    Global Unit, Building, and Spell stat adjustments

    All Units, buildings, and spells in the game will have their base stats and growth values reassessed, with a holistic approach being made to better balance values, with the intention being for more variety, and strategic choices in combat. There should no longer be a “one size fits all” unit roster, as each unit and defense will have more well-defined strengths and weaknesses.

  • DamienECG
    DamienECG Posts: 20 Just Dropped In
    edited February 2021
    Hey everyone, more information on the upcoming 2.0 update below:

    2.0 Update - Combat Changes:

    Command and Unit Roster are no longer separated in combat

    Rather than have separate roster slots for units and commands, there is instead 1 roster area, where each slot can hold either a command or a unit. This will allow the player to better choose the direction they want to take with a battle, potentially favoring either a heavier or lighter command loadout.


  • DamienECG
    DamienECG Posts: 20 Just Dropped In
    Hey everyone, more information on the 2.0 update can be found below:

    2.0 Update - Combat Changes:

     Air Combat Rebalance

    The current “hard counter” of air/anti-air is removed, and instead air units are incorporated more generally into combat in a similar way to other units. This will be achieved by reducing the range and effectiveness of the Missile Turret, but also increase the number of units and defenses with anti-air capabilities, such as the Machine Gun Turret, and Anti-tank Gun.

  • DamienECG
    DamienECG Posts: 20 Just Dropped In
    Hi JCWest, currently the intention is to release all of these updates through 2.0. Thanks!
  • DamienECG
    DamienECG Posts: 20 Just Dropped In
    Hi everyone,

    Please find some additional information on the 2.0 update below:

    2.0 Update - Combat Changes:

    Commands no longer use charges, but cost AP to deploy

    In order to facilitate more meaningful and strategic combat, command charges have been removed, and commands have been assigned an AP value like other units, and will be balanced accordingly.

  • DamienECG
    DamienECG Posts: 20 Just Dropped In
    Good afternoon all, 

    Please find additional information on the upcoming 2.0 update below:

    2.0 Update - Combat Changes: Water Combat Improvements

    The playable and buildable water area in a base has been increased 50%, to allow more room to facilitate meaningful combat in this area. Factories can now be built on the water, and additional water-only buildings will be released going forward, to incentivize water attacks and defense.

  • Moose72
    Moose72 Posts: 5 Just Dropped In
    Any date for these changes? I quit playing a long time ago because the game is horrid and boring. I check in from time to time to see if you have improved anything, but nada. I love everything GI Joe and really want to play again, but the current format (and imbalance between Joes and Cobras) is terrible. Not even going to mention the lack of new characters, that is a whole separate discussion.
  • DrJ_ECG
    DrJ_ECG Posts: 50 Match Maker

    GIJOE fans! 

    Everyone has been working hard on getting the update completed. Things are coming along nicely, but there’s a lot of rebalancing that needs to happen and the team wants to get it right. 

    We now have a release date, and while we can't say the exact date yet, we can tell you that it will be in July, just in time for the new Snake Eyes movie!

    We appreciate your support during this time. Please email us any questions you have and we will try to get them answered next post. Email contact@emeraldcitygames.ca.


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