CotT: Ghost vs. 5* Black Widow

PuceMoose Posts: 1,445 Chairperson of the Boards
This ended up taking three tries for my level 144 5/5/3 Ghost. The first match saw Widow getting a horrendous cascade that left her with over 40 AP after her first move. I stared sadly at my own 3 AP and knew bad things were headed my way. They were indeed, as Widow took me down less than six turns later, leaving her barely scratched.

Round 2 was a great pitched battle, and I lost when she was down to 65 HP. There may have been a few bad words involved.

Round 3 went the complete opposite, and I started out getting enough purple to go invisible within a couple of turns (I hadn't managed to get enough purple to go invisible in the previous two attempts). After that it was not long before an invisibility-fueled kick sent Widow straight to the canvas for a nice nap. 


  • DAZ0273
    DAZ0273 Posts: 10,593 Chairperson of the Boards
    Champed Ghost chewed through Widow with barely a breath taken - Widow is just too slow for 1 v 1 under most circumstances. Ghost's high powered match damage pretty much did the job and I didn't need to fire red to finish the job. Ghost then went back to haunting people for Halloween.