CotT: War Machine vs. Big Daddy Thanos

PuceMoose Posts: 1,445 Chairperson of the Boards
Thanos was on his A-game for my fights, as he took down my 212 4/4/5  War Machine twice before I finally got him. One of the deaths was from his green power, which was extra insulting, as it was in the middle of the board and I still couldn't match it within the time limit. 

He also seemed to have purple out nearly the whole time, which shut down my red and green powers. I finally waited out his purple, and managed to time it so that red and green went off on the same turn, which, followed up by a blue, finally took him down for the count.


  • TPF Alexis
    TPF Alexis Posts: 3,826 Chairperson of the Boards
    I managed it first try, but I have WM champed. Similarly, tho, Thanos had his purple out pretty much the whole time (always down in the corner, too), so I focused entirely on blue, and a couple of those sorted things out no problem.
  • DAZ0273
    DAZ0273 Posts: 10,594 Chairperson of the Boards
    I approached this on the basis that any man flying around with Gatling guns attached to his rocket powered armour should be having a whale of a time and indeed, War Machine fired everything he could at Thanos in lots of countdown explodey ways and strange scanning lasers. Thanos is pretty slow but he can get his green out sometime which can hurt but War Machine just took that as a sign to fire more rockets. When the smoke cleared, there was a crater where Thanos used to be and War Machine had fired more ammo than an entire Rambo movie. War Machine smiled under his helmet and made a mental note to reward himself with a hot dog with EXTRA mustard. God bless 'Merica!