Buy the Apocalypse cover ?

tonypq Posts: 554 Critical Contributor
Given my situation do you guys think I should buy the Apocalypse currently being offered at 500 CPs ?

Several weeks ago I opened a stash of around 300 pulls, really wanted to cover/champ Apocalypse. I use Beta Ray Bill and 5Prof as my go to 5s, and Apocalypse compliments them very well offering rainbow coverage and actives in red/yellow/black.

Sadly I only got Apocalypse to 5/2/2, the cover for sale is red which I need. I've never been a big fan of buying 5* covers for CPs though because they cost so much. Currently I have 635 CPS and 16 LL tokens, so that's 41 pulls, could have a few more if I champ some 4s. It's also going to be quite some time I guess to see any chances to buy Apocalypse shards. 

I had really bad luck with my 300 pull stash, only got Apocalypse to 5/2/2 no saved covers, Yelena 2/2/5 3 saved, Hulk 5/2/5 also with 3 saved. The 41 pulls I have now I might not even get a Apocalypse cover with the luck I've had, and knowing me if I do get one it might be black which I have 5 in already. 

Or I could continue to hoard CPs/LL tokens and pull them all right before Apocalypse leaves LLs. Maybe I'd be around 80-90 pulls then, who knows but still no certainty I'd get Apocalypse covers. 


  • Omegased
    Omegased Posts: 593 Critical Contributor
    if you have 500CP, why don't you pull to get an apoc cover? that's 20 pulls, and probably worth trying for.

    also, you've probably got another 6 weeks before apoc rotates out - you should be able to get him.

  • Ares76
    Ares76 Posts: 227 Tile Toppler
    Don't buy it. I guess he will be fearured two more times before leaving latest legends - next time hopefully without rewarding Killmonger shards. That means in PvE SCL 10 you could get 2x 75 shards for top 100 and 2x 250 shards for progression. That sums up to 650 shards plus the shards you probably already got. When you open your next hoard you bonus hero him ... and he will be ready to champ. I would break my hoard on the day before he leaves latest if you like him very much. There's still the chance to get some extra covers and a black cover won't hurt anymore because you finish him with colorless shards. 
  • ThaRoadWarrior
    ThaRoadWarrior Posts: 9,352 Chairperson of the Boards
    I'd take my chances pulling LLs personally, but I pull as I go until i get the oldest character champable generally. RNGeezus has decided in my case that I need a better Apocalypse than Yelena though, so mine are at 4/4/4 and 3/4/1 respectively
  • JaGo
    JaGo Posts: 101 Tile Toppler
    He’s such a good character, IMO, that he is surely to pop up in a vault soon, and if you’re lucky with two other decent 5’s you may want covers for. I’d personally hold out.

  • KGB
    KGB Posts: 3,158 Chairperson of the Boards
    Speaking of Apoc covers, mine was also a Red which I have at 5 so I wasn't interested.
    But now as I log in and see a new offer (Power Pack for 3600 HP) the color has changed to his Yellow (which I do need more of).
    Is this a new feature that we haven't been told about that the 5* cover color changes during the PvE event?
  • Sithforever
    Sithforever Posts: 144 Tile Toppler
    edited July 2020
    I would never spend that much CP on a lone 5. Pulls in latest unless RNGing really hates you will get you more 5s. Other people have said it plus Apocalypse will get a store pull eventually. 
    11 LLs built up and started the pull by misclick then was like OK just do the full 11.
    Ended up with 5 5s
    1 Onslaught
    1 Yelena
    3 Apocalypse
    RNGing lately wasn't my friend but it definitely balances out and is nice when you get these sweet pulls. That being said I spent 1025 CP on Unbreakable Will store and got 5 5s (average) (7 if you count Bishop) 4 Okoye and 1 Widow and obviously 0 Killmonger. I broke the hoard for Okoye mostly and new characters was secondary goal. Better than a one shot 5 at 500CP in my opinion. 
  • ThaRoadWarrior
    ThaRoadWarrior Posts: 9,352 Chairperson of the Boards
    KGB said:
    Speaking of Apoc covers, mine was also a Red which I have at 5 so I wasn't interested.
    But now as I log in and see a new offer (Power Pack for 3600 HP) the color has changed to his Yellow (which I do need more of).
    Is this a new feature that we haven't been told about that the 5* cover color changes during the PvE event?
    Mine's yellow as well, so if it changed it did so for all of us I think.
  • Vhailorx
    Vhailorx Posts: 6,085 Chairperson of the Boards
    In the olden days, 500 cp would only be worth it for cover #13 of a pre-nerf Gambit if you has a 5/5/2 build. ssince by definition a 500cp cover is also available in latest tokens, spending that much basically only made sense of you needed 1 specific cover.

    But now we have shards, so truly awful builds are much rarer.  I would certainly not buy apoc red in this event.  He should cycle around at least once more for a yellow cover if you change your mind, but ultimately I don't think it makes any sense to spend on direct buys when you can likely get almost all the covers you need buy just grinding CP and opening LTs before he cycles out.  Setting him as your sharget and playing cl10 for his shards should fill up any gaps that RNG may leave for you.
  • HoundofShadow
    HoundofShadow Posts: 8,004 Chairperson of the Boards
    It depends on how much Apocalypse could improve your PvE/PvP experience and when you want to start enjoy using him. How many shards do you have for him right now? He's the essential in the upcoming PvEs, so add up 250 shards and whatever shards you get from placement rewards. I think he will appear again before he leaves, so that's another ~300 shards from placement and progression. 

    You'll probably get 3 out of 4 usable Apocalypse covers out of 90 pulls. Add in shards and you should be able to champ him before he leaves.

    The worst case scenario is to wait for his feeder or shard store. If not, simply shards him.

  • helix72
    helix72 Posts: 995 Critical Contributor
    edited July 2020
    41 pulls with 5 already in've got a 75.1% chance to get at least one Red or Yellow. Not the worst odds

    (edited--math was off on first post)
  • ThaRoadWarrior
    ThaRoadWarrior Posts: 9,352 Chairperson of the Boards
    Well, now i have my Apocalypse covered +1, and I'm debating letting Yelena go at 3/4/1 (750 shards) and holding out for Apocalypse to leave. I don't like that weak build, but every cover is precious these days with this release schedule...I don't have too much longer with Yelena, maybe I'll pull till she leaves and then sit tight...