Make saved covers convertible to shards

murrayb67 Posts: 18 Just Dropped In
Since shards can be converted to the cover of my choice, it would be great if I could convert saved covers I have sitting on 5/5/2 characters to equivalent shards so I can finally progress them without having to pray for luck or accumulating 5 of the wrong color.


  • ObiWanPEZ
    ObiWanPEZ Posts: 28 Just Dropped In
    edited June 2020
    My guess is that it would have to come at a loss. Current equivalency is 5:1, so I suspect we would have something similar: each cover is only worth 60-100 shards on 3*.
  • murrayb67
    murrayb67 Posts: 18 Just Dropped In
    Which I also have an issue with. Right now:

    300 shards = 1 cover
    5 covers = 1 cover

    This makes no sense.