CL 10 Is the Progression Only PvE we asked for + Gauntlet

Colognoisseur Posts: 806 Critical Contributor
edited February 2020 in MPQ General Discussion

One of the more consistent requests on the forums has been for progression only PvE. Another one has been for a return of the Gauntlet.

I will say with the new reward table plus the challenge node in CL 10 PvE our requests have been granted.

From the first moments I saw the reward table for CL 10 I realized a major shift had been made from better rewards for placing to better rewards for completing progression. If you look at the placement reward table there is only a tiny difference for places 21-100. Which leads me to believe t20 placement was designed for the biggest rosters, the 550’s. I think this is a great choice by the devs. Those highly developed rosters now have more to win with a bigger challenge.

For the rest of us we have 24 h to green check everything. That is the mindset change which can be helpful to seeing CL 10 as progression only. If placement is out of reach what is left is PvE at your own pace to achieve full progression. Voila! Progression only PvE.

This will have an impact if you are in a alliance competing for t10 but the guaranteed half cover 5* is better than the lottery of the LT IMO and if you can do the more manageable nodes later in the sub you still might have a score which can be helpful to your alliance

The tandem of 5e and Challenge node (we have a ruder name for it in our alliance) are the Gauntlet every sub. The forum thread on the challenge node and teams that work against it remind me of the same ones which sprang up around each run of the Gauntlet trying to help find teams to beat the tough nodes at the end.

In summary if you treat each sub in CL10 PvE as a mini-Gauntlet on which you need to get to six clears of everything you will get the best set of rewards MPQ has ever given out and it’s all for progression only.


  • bluewolf
    bluewolf Posts: 5,729 Chairperson of the Boards

    I agree that SCL10 is one of the best changes they have made in terms of advancing an existing feature (SCL selection was a more radical change and, I still contend, the best change they made to the game to date in terms of QOL and a feeling of roster advancement).

    It is great to see them doing something that we have asked for - for years - instead of more Supports or Costumes or some other new chase item. The timing is interesting (were they waiting for some X number of characters in game?) and of course dilution remains a big issue when it comes to token pulls (and presumably will never be addressed now that we have all these character-specific rewards and a fairly high number of high-end covers available from each event).

    A small quibble/clarification: You do not need to clear nodes 6X to hit event progression, as I assume @Colognoisseur knows, even under the new scoring and higher progression target. Maybe everyone who qualifies for SCL10 knows that...... lol.

    I think they re-injected some life and interest in the game for endgame people when it was teetering close to the edge for a lot of vets. That was a good call. I am curious how lower-tier rosters feel about the recent changes, but maybe that's best addressed in a different thread.

  • tiomono
    tiomono Posts: 1,654 Chairperson of the Boards

    I definitely wanted a gauntlet style play at your own pace event. Taking regular story mode and making it that mode at the highest scl is not how I wanted done.

    I will still press for a change to the prologue tab. Have a feature that each time you fully green check the missions you can then use resources to clear all checks raise the difficulty and go again for new rewards. Let that go till it hits a point where it's silly how strong the opponents are 700+ on levels. It can scale into your true test your limits endgame content. Vary up the opponents in the missions as well. Even if it brings in some of the story events as chapters in the story.

  • Wonko33
    Wonko33 Posts: 985 Critical Contributor

    Hi everybody, my name is Wonko33 and I am a cl10 progression only player....

    i really like it though. It’s a challenge to do some nodes and I’m enjoying the rewards, the 5* shards make me feel like I am progressing with my 5* character completions.

    i don’t have many champed 5* but I have a few good ones that can help me finish those nodes

    NMANOZ1 Posts: 118 Tile Toppler

    If they do bring back the Gauntlet, they need to put them in CL and not roster based like before.

    Rewards need to be much better than a 2, 3 and 4 star cover for higher CL, something like:

    CL 10: 4, 5, 5

    CL 9: 4, 4, 5

    CL 8: 4, 4, 4

    CL 7: 3, 4, 4

    CL 6: 3, 3, 4

    CL 5: 3, 3, 3

    CL 4: 2, 3, 3

    CL 3: 2, 2, 3

    CL 2: 2, 2, 2

    CL 1: 1, 2, 2

  • Daredevil217
    Daredevil217 Posts: 3,939 Chairperson of the Boards

    Another thing of note in PVE- while the first event was way more populated I think in part due to it being an “easier” event, I believe it was more so because people wanted to see what 10 is all about. As the dust is settling and people are gravitating to their preferred clearance levels, catching a good flip for high placement is much less a “thing” in 10. Looking at the current event, I don’t think slices 2-4 have even filled once since the event started, and it ends tomorrow. So pretty much all players in those slices are battling it out from the beginning rather than splitting them into different pools. For me personally, this just adds to the progression-focus, as my opening clears usually have me in the 40s when I’m done clearing against the best of the best.

  • grumbLEGO
    grumbLEGO Posts: 124 Tile Toppler

    I’ve never been one for much of placement, never really got good at getting high placement before and honestly top 100 in the cl 10 pve or pvp garners good enough rewards for me that focusing on progression works fine, even top 200 in pve isn’t too bad. Getting 3 4* covers of a character every event and half of a 5* is pretty good by me.

  • wymtime
    wymtime Posts: 3,758 Chairperson of the Boards

    Here is coming the big test if people just feel CL10 is progression only. Havok will be given out in infinite Pursuit and we will see how CL10 players go after top placement.

  • PinkoMcFlyToo
    PinkoMcFlyToo Posts: 49 Just Dropped In

    But they are only giving 175 shards for first place finish, coupled with 250 in next event still isn't a cover.

    Add in 175 for first in PvP you can get a cover so yeah there probably will be a rush and a lot of disappointed players afterwards

  • bluewolf
    bluewolf Posts: 5,729 Chairperson of the Boards

    It's a little more shards here than the normal PVEs, but only enough for a full cover for the people who can win everything (aka already have the whale rosters).

    Good for them, enjoy.

  • Daredevil217
    Daredevil217 Posts: 3,939 Chairperson of the Boards

    My biggest concern with 10 is with something a bit more insidious; and I’ve held back mostly because I want to see how things play out before jumping to any conclusions. But I highly suspect that these increased rewards are going to come with an accelerated 5* release pattern. If that’s the case, then playing down isn’t an option if you want to keep up with new releases. And even then it might no longer be possible for some players to keep up in the same ways they used to without spending (devs’ goal) even if they play up. If working harder, spending more time, and playing at a harder difficulty ultimately sees me treading water and progressing at the exact same rate I was before the change, that’d be an extremely hard pill to swallow. If, however, I’m working harder and actually no longer able to keep up with new releases like I was before, that of all things would be the thing to push me away as a player. I know some only care about the meta, but I literally play to get new characters regardless of their strength or meta potential. I scratched, clawed and paid dues for 6 years to get my roster to a place where I could keep up. And without that... if the accelerated release makes the game P2W, that’d be it for me as I’d grow extremely bored playing the same characters. And refuse to work longer hours at my second job and pay them money. Game would be dead to me.

    Right now, I’m in the “all good” camp with you, but am also sort of bookmarking this post because I feel I know this company so well that I’ve learned to look past the shiny object they hold in front of me and try to find “the catch”. We all think the trade-off is greater difficulty for greater rewards. I would be more than happy to be wrong and right now it’s just a theory. But, something that I think is at least worth keeping in the back of one’s mind. The next few releases will be interesting.

    Bumping due to new information surrounding character releases...

    Deserves its own thread?
  • wymtime
    wymtime Posts: 3,758 Chairperson of the Boards

    My biggest concern with 10 is with something a bit more insidious; and I’ve held back mostly because I want to see how things play out before jumping to any conclusions. But I highly suspect that these increased rewards are going to come with an accelerated 5* release pattern. If that’s the case, then playing down isn’t an option if you want to keep up with new releases. And even then it might no longer be possible for some players to keep up in the same ways they used to without spending (devs’ goal) even if they play up. If working harder, spending more time, and playing at a harder difficulty ultimately sees me treading water and progressing at the exact same rate I was before the change, that’d be an extremely hard pill to swallow. If, however, I’m working harder and actually no longer able to keep up with new releases like I was before, that of all things would be the thing to push me away as a player. I know some only care about the meta, but I literally play to get new characters regardless of their strength or meta potential. I scratched, clawed and paid dues for 6 years to get my roster to a place where I could keep up. And without that... if the accelerated release makes the game P2W, that’d be it for me as I’d grow extremely bored playing the same characters. And refuse to work longer hours at my second job and pay them money. Game would be dead to me.

    Right now, I’m in the “all good” camp with you, but am also sort of bookmarking this post because I feel I know this company so well that I’ve learned to look past the shiny object they hold in front of me and try to find “the catch”. We all think the trade-off is greater difficulty for greater rewards. I would be more than happy to be wrong and right now it’s just a theory. But, something that I think is at least worth keeping in the back of one’s mind. The next few releases will be interesting.

    Bumping due to new information surrounding character releases...

    Deserves its own thread?
    If they keep dropping one 5* per month like it looks like I am not sure you can keep up as a FTP player playing CL10 PVE and playing CL10 PVP to full progression will let players keep up.  I think you would have to also place well in CL10 be a top 10 PVE alliance, top 10 PVP player to keep up.

    now if they went to a new character release schedule of one new character every 3 weeks instead of every 2 weeks it would be manageable
  • Polares
    Polares Posts: 2,643 Chairperson of the Boards
    Yes and no. It is closer, but having to beat every node 4 times is a drag, and a BIG time sink. I like Gauntlet because you just need to beat the node once (you can do it more than once, but you have days to do it), it is more a puzzle than a marathon if you now what I mean (having to beat the same puzzle more than once it is just boring).

    I said it before, but if we didn't need to beat nodes 4 times, scl10 would be way way better / fun.

    PS: I still don't know who this PvE scl10 is for, it looks like it is more for players like Colog (with 500+ chars), than for someone like me (with 450-460 chars)
  • ThaRoadWarrior
    ThaRoadWarrior Posts: 9,387 Chairperson of the Boards
    I've been really grinding in SCL10, and my quality of life has dropped hugely from 9. but at the same time, I don't think i could stay current playing only in 9 given the reward slim-down it got to make 10 seem better. 

    For me, it kind of is and isn't the progression only event I want - it's still on a 24-48 hour timer, i can't for instance just not play today if I want to try and stay on top of the release schedule the way I could just not play Final Fantasy today and not worry about missing out on some new Materia or whatever. If I don't play today, those rewards go away. I would much prefer something that behaved like the Prologue mode, where you progress through the events at your own pace. I get it that this isn't that kind of game, but that would be the kind of game I prefer.
  • Borstock
    Borstock Posts: 2,699 Chairperson of the Boards
    I don't enjoy SCL10. It takes WAY too much time and I kind of hate the CN. Losing to match damage or because the AI tile mover was able to fire off a single power to insta-down anyone on my team, or even the whole team if it's AOE, is not fun.

    That said, if others are enjoying it, specifically those with stronger rosters, then I'm glad for them. They get to play their way and I get to play my way. Feels like a win-win to me.
  • Warbringa
    Warbringa Posts: 1,299 Chairperson of the Boards
    Yes it is.  I did SCL 10 in PvE for Hearts of Darkness.  Did 6 clears of all non-wave nodes and 4 clears of wave nodes in sub 1 and 2 (all ninjas, thugs, Hood basically).  I think I did 3 clears of the loaner node. Piece of cake.  The challenge nodes weren't terribly difficult even with Hood, thankfully his health pool is so much lower than others.  By the time I reached dreaded sub 3, I only had to clear the easy nodes 4 times and the easy wave node 2x and the 3* wave node 2x and I had reached full progression.  I didn't even have to deal with any of the "hard" nodes in that 3rd sub.  In addition, I could have probably skipped the 5th and 6th clears of the challenge nodes in sub 1 & 2 as I could have easily made those points up in the two goon nodes in sub 3 of maggia and ninja.  Now if you want to play for placement this event is rough.  Progression only though this one has been the easiest SCL 10 PvE yet.
  • SnowcaTT
    SnowcaTT Posts: 3,486 Chairperson of the Boards

    For the rest of us we have 24 h to green check everything. That is the mindset change which can be helpful to seeing CL 10 as progression only. If placement is out of reach what is left is PvE at your own pace to achieve full progression. Voila! Progression only PvE.

    I'm one of those that has been asking forever for progression-PVE and I'm doing exactly this: green checks whenever I get the time. I agree for those (few?) of us who wanted more on progression over placement, it's a nice time.

    Well, except it takes twice as long as before. And now we get shards and not covers. And apparently we don't get boss events for new 5* tokens anymore. But to get something good maybe you have to lose a thing or three.