Dear Oktagon, Why did we just play TGT? [Investigating]

bk1234 Posts: 2,924 Chairperson of the Boards
edited January 2020 in MtGPQ General Discussion
Can someone from @Oktagon_Support please give us an official answer on why we played TGT without Lucky Clover being fixed? 

We have an event with a node designed around the adventure mechanic: 

And then we have an uncommon card, that is a logical include to an Adventure deck: 

Except since the day it came out, it’s been doing this:

So we have this event. It ran once. Got mixed reviews erring strongly on the negative side, partially because it was hella grindy. Ugh. But also because it was hella buggy... 

And what did you do? You ran it again. You didn’t reply to our feedback at all. 

The least you could have done is fixed this one bugged card. 


  • Mburn7
    Mburn7 Posts: 3,427 Chairperson of the Boards
    It took them well over a year to add the "Legendary" tag to Agrus (which they did do, though).

    Fixing single cards that are bugged seems to be dead last on their priority list.

    This event will be legacy before Clover works properly.
  • ambrosio191
    ambrosio191 Posts: 309 Mover and Shaker
    In this particular instance I don't think it's one card (Lucky Clover) that's bugged, but a larger problem with copying adventure cards.  Ive had the same thing happen In the Izzet League Rising Tensions. You get a copy of your non-copy spells when you cast them.  Through casting a couple Beanstalk Giants (spell side) along with other gem converting spells I got the same constant reinforcing problem shown above.  There is a bug thread for this, if people want to report it again.

  • madwren
    madwren Posts: 2,253 Chairperson of the Boards
    Yep, you get the same error if you try to use Thousand-Year Storm with Adventures. 

    I mentioned this in the bug forum very soon after release, and it's a shame that they haven't figured it out--or really, that it existed in the first place. I mean, NO ONE AT OKTAGON tried to cast Lucky Clover with an adventure? The entire point of the card? 
  • Larz70
    Larz70 Posts: 134 Tile Toppler
    edited January 2020
    The back side of split cards when copied have always been problematic and when I searched in the bugs section, the reports go as far back as 2018 when it first came out.  I think adventure cards inherited the same issue because the spell side is the back side of the flip card.

    I've tested quite extensively using TYS and the back side of flip cards (Connive/Concoct, Thrash/Threat, Expansion/Explosion) and this is what happens when you cast the back side and it gets copied:

    1. The game copies the back side and gives it the mana of the front side.  Concoct (8 mana) is copied but only gets 7 mana (Connive has 7 mana).  If the front side has more mana, then it's ok (actually it's still not ok but I'm getting ahead of myself).
    2. Once the copied back side has enough mana and cast, it actually is casting the front side (!!!).  When I cast Threat, TYS copied it and filled it with mana (front side has 8 which is greater than back side of 7 mana so it will instantly cast) but instead of creating another Gruul token, it asked for a target for Thrash.  But wait, if it cast instantly, how do I know that it was Threat side being cast and not the game copying Threat and flipping it to the Thrash side and then casting that one?  Read on to the next one.
    3. After the copy of the back side is cast, it returns to your hand with no mana.  You can click on the card and flip it to the front side but when you return it to your hand, it's the back side again.  For example, I cast Threat, TYS copied it and cast Thrash, then a copy of Threat shows up in my hand again with no mana.  I click on it and flip it to the Thrash side.  When I click outside, it goes back to Threat again.  I fill it with mana and cast it, Thrash is cast again and then Threat is back again in my hand with no mana (does this sound like an infinite loop?).  Discovery/Dispersal is weird.  Dispersal is copied with 4 mana and when you click to look at Discovery, the game appears to be frozen, you can't click out of it unless you switch back to Dispersal.  You can click on exile but it doesn't get exiled (if on Discovery side).  Drag and drop exile works.
    So let's pretend Adventure card is similar to split card except that no mana is needed to cast the creature side.  This is what will happen:

    1. If the adventure card front side has less mana than the back side (spell side) TYS will make copies of the spell but it will not cast because there's not enough mana to cast it.
    2. Once there is enough mana to cast, the copied spell will actually cast the creature side, make a copy of itself back into your hand with no mana (you'll see this card with no mana in your hand if you look closely).  However, since my assumption beforehand is that no mana is needed to cast the creature side of a copied spell side of an adventure card, it will cast another creature and then return to your hand again, and again and again ..... 
    If someone is kind enough to make a video, it will be easier to see what exactly I'm talking about.  Thanks!

    -Edited (fixed grammatical errors as per madwren :)
  • Magic:PQ Support Team
    Magic:PQ Support Team ADMINISTRATORS Posts: 3,381 Chairperson of the Boards
    Hello guys,

    Thank you for your feedback!
    This issue was already confirmed and it's waiting for the fix.
  • Nyarlathotep
    Nyarlathotep Posts: 92 Match Maker
    Hello guys,

    Thank you for your feedback!
    This issue was already confirmed and it's waiting for the fix.
    So are we, ever since the first time a split card got copied by anything. 
    But i for one am happy that it is happening. So Kudos to you! 

  • madwren
    madwren Posts: 2,253 Chairperson of the Boards
    edited January 2020
    Larz70 said:

    -Edited (fixed grammatical errors as per madwren :)

    Man, now everyone's going to think I'm a tyrant to my coalitionmates.
  • Nyarlathotep
    Nyarlathotep Posts: 92 Match Maker
    madwren said:
    Larz70 said:

    -Edited (fixed grammatical errors as per madwren :)

    Man, now everyone's going to think I'm a tyrant to my coalitionmates.
    Please stop hitting us... 
    We give our best! Nyar promises! 
  • NickBKK
    NickBKK Posts: 94 Match Maker
    How does everyone feel about playing TGT this weekend?

    This event is coming back and many people I know are suddenly talking about taking a break from this game.

    With or without bugs, playing 5 nodes x 9 charges for the amount of given rewards is just tedious work.
  • Machine
    Machine Posts: 832 Critical Contributor
    I don't like it at all. I'm actually hoping that @bken1234 and @Oktagon_Support can get to an agreement to change the event, just like they did with The Elderspark. The Great Tournament is, together with The Elderspark, probably the top two events that people hate the most. A LOT of work for minimal rewards. I'd rather do something else with my time during the weekend. Thanks for bringing this up!

  • Pantagruel
    Pantagruel Posts: 79 Match Maker
    madwren said:
    Larz70 said:

    -Edited (fixed grammatical errors as per madwren :)

    Man, now everyone's going to think I'm a tyrant to my coalitionmates.
    We'd never say that about you ;)