Razia v Razia creates an endless death spiral loop

starfall Posts: 1,727 Chairperson of the Boards
If there's a Razia on both sides of the battlefield, then if either PW takes damage a loop is created where both PWs take damage until one of them dies.


  • Gideon
    Gideon Posts: 341 Mover and Shaker
    Yes this happened twice for me.
  • Mburn7
    Mburn7 Posts: 3,427 Chairperson of the Boards
    That's not a bug?  Definitely a weird way to end a game but also definitely working as designed.
  • Tremayne
    Tremayne Posts: 1,622 Chairperson of the Boards
    Have encountered this special case. Do not think that it is a bug, but surely a dangerous situation that requires careful handling.
  • Tombstone
    Tombstone ADMINISTRATORS Posts: 1,208 Chairperson of the Boards
    According to my current information, this is expected behavior in this case. 
  • Theros
    Theros Posts: 490 Mover and Shaker
    This is working as intended, not a bug.
    It's the same like casting naru with summoner: auto suicide