5*Jump or Stay on the porch

Melovingu1 Posts: 63 Match Maker
I don't know how to start this or where/2 post? But here it goes. I'm a 4* Transition player N/A T50 alliance. I hav 1378 days & SR 149~3/4 ways to 150. I hav a 221 roster missing only 5Marvel. 4* Toons are all fully covered but the last 2 new toons all 4*Toons are sitting @ Lev. 210 with 13/4* Unchamp low tier Toons. With a 5 toon squad of < 1*BW & Whales. That's my resume.
I've DM.1 of my team Capt. About making that leap of faith 2/5* land, but the conversation was not in my favor. He said it would be best 4/me to stay @ my lev. An just Champ 5Thanos w/2 saved covers. Now I'm a 5.8 PVE ~ 5.7 PVE player & Place T10 most of the time N/PVE b4 the champ 5Thanos. He said it would help me keep up with the big boys better with a Champ 5Thanos N/PVE. An yes he wazz right! But the bigger problem is that he said (STAY) @ my mmr level. To me personally it wazz crushing. The TIME > The WORK & READING > The SACRIFICE > The MONEY > The DETERMINATION > lz wat we 4* players dream 4, to make it to the top. Again I hav a great alliance that teaches you & help you through the set backs. It iz so-so hard to get your roster ready to jump & keep up with new releases & many other things azz a 4* player. Hell ya! I wazz ready to go 1.5M iso's N/da bank bringing 5Thanos 5Okoye 5Thor & 5Loki soft cap.*** Just doing that iz no joke***
I don't know how to feel. Truthfully it took a lot of fight out of me. Do l make a 2nd plea to move up N/A Month or so. Or wait on him to let me know it's OK to move up. It's hard being the only player on the squad that iz not a 5*player. It's something serious to keep up with my team, but I know they don't mine & don't look @ it that way, but I do. (Where iz the rainbow) or are we being feed the wrong dream. To make it is 2 lose.
Can someone break this down so a 5th Grader can understand?



  • Daredevil217
    Daredevil217 Posts: 3,920 Chairperson of the Boards
    edited April 2019
    Okay first of all, that was very hard to get through with all of the abbreviations and misspellings so I’m going to do my best to answer what I think you’re asking but may not be sure.  

    I believe you are saying you champed a single 5* (Thanos) and want to fully leap into the 5* tier but you have been given advice from your alliance to stay put so you don’t enter harder MMR. Is that it?

    The obvious answer is to do what makes you happy. More champs will never hurt you in PVE. 

    As as far as PvP, you will probably enter harder MMR, but as it stands now I’m guessing you have to use Thanos for everything in all game modes and due to health pack consumption that can’t be too fun. 

    I would BH Okoye/Shuri to get the last cover you need of her. And once you get her, then make the leap. You’d have Thanos, Okoye, Dr. Octopus, Gambit, Loki ready to go. Plus a few that you are very close to finishing with the right special store. Aside from Okoye, none of them are setting the world on fire, but again, only Thanos all day everyday isn’t great either. 

    Do you have a hoard? Are you building to cover three at once or pulling as you go?
  • Vhailorx
    Vhailorx Posts: 6,085 Chairperson of the Boards
    Bad news: I don't think your roster was quite ready for 5* land.  Thanos will speed up your grind in pve, but he will eat healthpacks.  And he is a bad character for PvP.

    Good news:. Your thorkoye team is reasonably useful, with okoye at 435 and Thor having 5 green covers.  They might be your best sustainable pve grind team, and they they can likely do ok in PvP with your mmr (you will see a lot of gritty teams though, and a get a lot of attacks late in events).
  • Dormammu
    Dormammu Posts: 3,531 Chairperson of the Boards
    Buy Okoye's black cover in the HfH store, set Thor and Kitty as your sole 5-star Bonus Heroes. With those three and a champed Thanos, you'd do well with 5-star MMR and have key PvE time savers.
  • Daredevil217
    Daredevil217 Posts: 3,920 Chairperson of the Boards
    Vhailorx said:
    Bad news: I don't think your roster was quite ready for 5* land.  Thanos will speed up your grind in pve, but he will eat healthpacks.  And he is a bad character for PvP.
    I agree. But since the OP already champed him, might as well champ the others (as you said, he’s not a good PVP character). 

    Dormammu said:
    Buy Okoye's black cover in the HfH store
    I was going to say that, but looks like it’s gone.