Common Forum Abbreviations



  • Added filter words for kitch-en(s) and also the "Lazy <character>" moniker to the General terms section.
  • bots/goons - Non-superhero PVE characters that do not match tiles (e.g. Hammer Soldier, Maggia Thug)
  • What is a fitted kitchen?
  • What is a fitted Intergalactic Space Vessel?
    There have been spammers on the board pushing fitted kitch-en sinks. IceIX decided to make the word kitch-en into Intergalactic Space Vessel, while the plural version is Intergalactic Space Fleet.
  • HailMary
    HailMary Posts: 2,179
    I'm going for Mr. Rogers as a forum nickname for 3* Captain America.

    "Bad guys steer clear of his neighborhood."
  • HailMary wrote:
    I'm going for Mr. Rogers as a forum nickname for 3* Captain America.

    "Bad guys steer clear of his neighborhood."

    Nah... nicknames for the Captain Americas should be Cub Scout and Boy Scout.
  • Milambus wrote:

    Nah... nicknames for the Captain Americas should be Cub Scout and Boy Scout.

    Everyone's going to go for LazyCap. Judging by his shield, I'm voting for Lazerdisc.
  • What are F2P and P2W?
  • What are F2P and P2W?

    F2P = Free To Play
    P2W = Pay To Win
  • Punisher - Frank
    Wolverine - Logan (context dependant)
    Wolverine** - AXW or AX Wolvie
    DD also stands for Devil Dinosaur
    Black Widow (Grey Suit) - GSBW or BWGS
  • I got confused seeing people talking about "LT" which after looking for context clues is just an even lazier way to say Lazy Thor

    P.S. this thread should be stickied
  • Added Human Torch to the list with these names for now (until we see what catches on)

    Human Torch (Classic)
    Johnny Storm
  • Cousin Simpson
    Cousin Simpson Posts: 1,086 Chairperson of the Boards
    Mondo wrote:
    Added HE'SONFIRE! to the list with these names for now (until we see what catches on)

    I see what you did there. ⌐_⌐

  • I see what you did there. ⌐_⌐
    I try. icon_e_smile.gif
  • I know these are exactly abbreviations but I didn't know where to put this...
    So, in case anyone is too confused to figure these awesome April fools names out...
    Or for anyone who wants to remember them for future use icon_e_smile.gif

    Four star characters:

    X-force Clawguybub = X F o r c e W o l v e r i n e
    Baglady= I n v I s I b l e W o m a n

    Three Star Characters:

    LilCuteGreenDude = H u l k
    Ninjaactiongirl= P s y l o c k e
    HE'SONFIRE! = H u m a n T o r c h
    Stormbeau = B l a c k P a n t h e r
    Shieldbro Steve Rogers = C a p t a i n A m e r i c a S t e v e R o g e r s
    Clawguybub = P a t c h
    Littlebunnypunpun = P u n i s h e r
    Totallytrustworthy = L o k i
    Lokisbro = T h o r M o d e r n
    Fishnets = B l a c k W i d o w Grey Suit
    DOOOOOoOoOoOooOoooOM = D o c t o r D o o m
    Magnets?Howdotheywork? = M a g n e t o Classic
    Totallynotconsortingwithdemons = T h e H o o d
    BagofEpicness= S p i d e r m a n
    Thundergodmcnerfynerf = R a g n a r o k
    GeniusBillionairePlayboyPhilanthropist= I r o n M a n Model 40
    Seenoevil = D a r e d e v i l

    Two Star Characters:

    Axedude = A r e s
    Fishnets = B l a c k W i d o w Original
    Purplearrow = H a w k e y e Modern
    Magnets?Howdotheywork?= M a g n e t o Marvel NOW!
    Clawkid = D a k e n
    Kreewannabe = M o o n s t o n e
    Hallestorm = S t o r m C l a s s i c
    Shield Bro = C a p t a i n A m e r i c a Modern
    Clawguybub = W o l v e r i n e Astonishing
    Lokisbro = T h o r Marvel NOW!
    Bagman = B a g M a n <~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ lol
    Crazyguy = B u l l s e y e

    One Star Characters:

    Unstoppableforceliketotallyreally = J u g g e r n a u t
    Bagspy = Y e l e n a B e l o v a
    Zergwouldlovethisguy= V e n o m
    Purplearrow = H a w k e y e Classic
    Fishnets = B l a c k W i d o w Modern
    GeniusBillionairePlayboyPhilanthropist = I r o n M a n Model 35
    Hallestorm = S t o r m Classic
  • Notices some of the other helpful information posts getting stickied

    *shameless bump*
  • Thanks for the sticky!

    And thanks to Cryptobrancus for pushing for it!
  • andrewqsmith
    andrewqsmith Posts: 36 Just Dropped In
    Thanks for putting the time in to make this list. I am sure it will clear up a lot of confusion for newer people.
  • HailMary wrote:
    I'm going for Mr. Rogers as a forum nickname for 3* Captain America.

    "Bad guys steer clear of his neighborhood."

    I've been calling him Mr. Rogers since we knew he was the next Lazy character. You trying to steal my Thunder!? icon_e_wink.gif
  • Added a spot in 3* for Falcon...but I doubt many names will pop up for him. "Falcon" is easy enough...unless we start calling him Birdman.


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